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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 55 KB, 450x338, visual-novels-are-not-platypi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3494406 No.3494406 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/,/jp/, creativity!

>> No.3494410


>> No.3494420

I think it's kinda cool how they use original characters instead of vocaloids

>> No.3494421

In before /a/ /b/ level posts going FFFFFFFFFFFFFF RAAAGGGEEEE XD XD

>> No.3494425


>> No.3494430


>> No.3494431

I laughed pretty hard. Especially by the fact such a thing got created and put on youtube.

>> No.3494436

Well. Looks like someone finally made a flash for it after all that time.

>> No.3494442

is this from gaia or something?

>> No.3494443

read the description

>> No.3494448

It has mustachio cirno, it's good.

>> No.3494449

>Sorry if I misrepresent anything here, I don't really go on /jp/ or watch much anime, tori and sid know much more than me XD

Am I being trolled?

>> No.3494450
File: 88 KB, 512x512, Taikohappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3494451

I lol'd at how stupid and bad it is.

>> No.3494452

i feel like an elitist oldfag for having heard this song already

>> No.3494454

What the fuck is this!

>> No.3494455

JAYBEE JAYBEE! I liked it.

>> No.3494459


Your supposed to hate it.

>> No.3494461

>Anyway this is gift for sid and tori, using our personas.

Closed the page.

>> No.3494465

I liked it until I saw the description and comments.

>> No.3494466
File: 29 KB, 359x360, soon to be used as a reaction face by faggots spoilers its me i am the faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was OK, would watch again.

>> No.3494471

Back to my dating game.

>> No.3494472

Everyone have heard this song, it was spammed during a week on /a/.

>> No.3494476

>Fooking lol...
I got JP'd again...
I love you, ba/b/... <3

One of the fucking comments.

>> No.3494477

Not bad, animation could have been better but it's far more than anything we will ever do.

/jp/'s theme always makes me feel bad, reminds me we never do anything, ever.

>> No.3494478

>reading youtube descriptions and comments
You get what you deserve.

>> No.3494479

Heard the song a while ago but never read a translation.


>> No.3494481

>i feel like an elitist oldfag for having heard this song already

Alas, you still don't know how to use capital letters.

>> No.3494485

The animation has nothing to do with /jp/, sage.

>> No.3494489

>oh it was probly hard to make this? Oh! ^^ are u a naruto fan too?!?!

Another example of the shitfuck comments.

>> No.3494491

>i feel like an elitist oldfag for having heard this song already

I'm surprised by all the people who didn't hear it before and think it's newly made, myself. I thought /jp/ userbase was just the same 20-30 losers posting here, when did so many new people arrive?

>> No.3494492

The old one is better.
Fuck this Gaia animation shitpile.

>> No.3494495

You're not from around here, are you?

>> No.3494496

>/jp/, /jp/ is boring
>but for some reason I've come here again today

So accurate...

>> No.3494498


Or maybe we aren't on here 24/7 like you

>> No.3494499


>when did so many new people arrive?

Somehow I have the feeling that all of the newcomers are Gaia.

>> No.3494501


>> No.3494505


>> No.3494510

what are you so bitter about? It was an ironical post, whatever you saw in there it was not intended to be offensive.

>> No.3494513

I like the girl in the blue dress. The others are pretty badly designed.

>> No.3494515

Most of these faggots are people who came when /b/ went down.

>> No.3494522

Whole thing should have been done like this.

>> No.3494531
File: 25 KB, 402x337, 07-541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist should have stuck with this style, they did it far better, looked and was animated better.

>> No.3494538

I want to fuck the blue-dress girl with ribbons in her hair. So badly

>> No.3494556

You mad? If you're not here 24/7 you better leave this board right now. NEETs only, here.

>> No.3494560


And guess where a lot of people in /b/ came from. I'll bet they came from Gaia.

>> No.3494563


If your a NEET you absolutely have to be here 24/7? I'm starting to understand why you failed at life

>> No.3494571

Agreed. Whenever one of the characters tried to mouth the words, I cringed.

>> No.3494574

LOL. I saw the original one when it was first posted. When I came across this I knew it would turn heads lol.

>> No.3494584
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1252863947954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all: SPELLING.
Second: Get out.

>> No.3494588


>> No.3494599

Suigin, Lend us your power!
/jp/ have been more shitty than usual this week.

>> No.3494605

If somebody else doesn't upload this to nico, I will. Yes, I am a sadist.

>> No.3494608


>> No.3494618

Go ahead anon

>> No.3494619


u mad?

>> No.3494629

all we need to do is to be more elitist
sadly we have gotten old and bored

>> No.3494630
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 2346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3494636

Welcome to my filter.

>> No.3494639
File: 3 KB, 224x209, 1254276744228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3494645

i thought we were bros
i guess I will filter you too, since you aren't going to respond to me anymore

>> No.3494648

All we need now are fapping pics to all the girls in the vid.

>> No.3494655

wow, what an attention whore - look at all the responses and giving 'permission' to work off her animation

>> No.3494659

Just kidding clearly. I love that quote too much.

>> No.3494664

This is why I hate western fandom.

>> No.3494666

>It was a gift to my friends
>I don't really go on /jp/

I don't understand.

>> No.3494681

Suddenly this song became absolute shit.

>> No.3494687

>18 year old girl

Typical browser of /jp/

>> No.3494693

Her friends go on /jp/
I think shes giving people permission to copy the exact animation she spent her time making, not use her characters.

>> No.3494730

How disgusting.

>> No.3495124
File: 147 KB, 500x500, typical jp poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3496682


>> No.3496713



>> No.3496737

This is why we can't have nice things.
At least the animation wasn't bad... I guess.

>> No.3496743

I reported the video for offensive content.

>> No.3496779



>> No.3496814

That unicode faggotry is really annoying.

>> No.3497823

Pretty ironic how the only original content video for that song was created by a female gaiafriend that doesn't even browse /jp/.

Also, THIS is why you don't put your stuff on youtube. What were you guys thinking when you put it there? Who exactly were you bragging to? We already had the mp3 of the song.

>> No.3497835

>Sorry if I misrepresent anything here, I don't really go on /jp/ or watch much anime, tori and sid know much more than me XD

I lol'd

>> No.3497854 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on the far superior http://www.anertalk.com/ (aner = anon) last night.
How come this always is asked here?

>> No.3497856

>That is because I am a 18 year old weeaboo, and should be avoided at all costs.
>I'm also an annoying bitchy atheist who hates everything ever, EVER.


>> No.3497889

And there's what happens when something is so bad it comes around and becomes good.

>> No.3497897

k. k.

ur cool anyways!

>> No.3497948
File: 196 KB, 750x750, 1254099435596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harunalove101: "what website? :o"

lionessjenna: "4chan"

So this is how shitposters make their way to 4chan.

The person to blame for this is the idiot that uploaded this song to youtube in the first place. Again why would you put a 'public' video about our beloved board on youtube? Why don't you put it on myspace and facebook while you're at it.

Back in the old d/a/ys this might have pissed me off, but now that I've matured I no longer care about newcomers taking over. Truth be told about emoticon using faggots, they don't have what it takes to become a /jp/er. At best they would browse for a few minutes then go back to their normalfag life outside of the Internet. Only the dead can become a /jp/ regular, and by 'dead' I mean no social life.

Also, this is NOT an image reaction; it's just a moe picture of Konata from Lucky Shit

>> No.3497957

The girl in question said she made it for her friends who clearly at least browse /jp/. Do you think no one of this XD youtube type browses / posts here?

>> No.3497958

/jp/ suffers next to nothing from newfagging.
Those who come here just get confused by the anons talking about japanese VNs and Touhos, and eventually migrate to /a/ or /v/.

>> No.3497961

This song destroyed /jp/.

>> No.3497962

I kinda love this song?

>> No.3497965

Couldn't she have the decency to set the video to private or something? And can somebody explain to me why more than half the comments on that video are of the "XD" variety?

>> No.3497966

This thread is as terrible as that song.

>> No.3497972


You make a valid point

>> No.3497977

She doesn't browse /jp/, why would she care what kind of crowd gets attracted to it?

>> No.3497978

You are everything that is bad with 4chan. Now pretend to be Japanese more. Also, I've left a piss bottle stewing in my room for about 10 days. Should I open it?

>> No.3497990
File: 143 KB, 640x480, 1227743351859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3497995


>> No.3497999

Chug it down.

Post pictures.

>> No.3498004

Learn to take the master-bedroom from your mom. How you ask? Tell your mom she's a useless human being and that she only deserves the smallest room in the house.

>> No.3498006

I thought it was pretty well done. The one with still images was funnier and more accurate though.

>> No.3498008

I'll post pictures of the pee, but not of me.

>> No.3498022

Must have been suigin.

>> No.3498027 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 600x464, 1232377688881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3498030

>now that I've matured I no longer care
You lie to yourself in your own post.

>> No.3498033 [DELETED] 

>>3498027 /a/ image reaction
You're one to talk.

>> No.3498034


>> No.3498051

It's you. You are lionessjenna.

>> No.3498074

I guess I should have said "I no longer fear /jp/'s demise."

I could never stop caring about the quality of /jp/'s userbase. /jp/ might be bad, but it's one of the best places on the Internet to discuss Touhou and VNs. (It's only natural to want to protect it). Mark my words, /jp/ will never die. We used to compare /jp/ to old /a/, as if old /a/ was the standard for all boards. But after looking through my old /a/ folder I'm starting to notice how much better /jp/ is. Even back on old /a/ when we were at the 3 millionth post there was people screaming "GET" or "posting in a moot thread!!!1" Old /a/ had better tripfriends and less spam. /jp/ and /tg/ are the new standards.

At this point I would say enough with the meta, but this thread is one giant meta thread.

>> No.3498090

finally a person who realizes the old times weren't better it just seemed that way because we were younger

>> No.3498103

At best I would say the two boards are equal. /jp/ might have a more mature userbase than old /a/, but old /a/ had more topics: anime, manga, VNs, Touhou, and eroge.

Old /a/ was basically /jp/ with anime. That alone in my opinion makes it equal to /jp/.

>> No.3498116
File: 10 KB, 267x267, teto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi this is that bitch who made a video using the /jp/ song, just wanted to say sorry for being a newfag, I didn't intend /jp/ users to see it. My friends and I just found this song very funny, and I wanted to try making a music video to try and improve my animation skills.

I'm sure Sid will love to hear how some of you guys thought her persona was bangable.

oh yeah and before I forget


>> No.3498121

>oh yeah and before I forget


>> No.3498124
File: 17 KB, 316x321, 1254040737416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh yeah and before I forget

>> No.3498132
File: 21 KB, 300x400, 195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My friends

>> No.3498138

Knock it off with the /b/ style reaction images.

>> No.3498145
File: 74 KB, 500x688, 5f32110eb5ab4a66cd7ad76c5846b9b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevemind, back to my dating game

>> No.3498151
File: 240 KB, 464x308, 1253453273229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knock it off with the /b/ style reaction images.

>> No.3498156 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on the far superior http://www.anertalk.com/ (aner = anon) last night.
I do not like this one bit.

>> No.3498155

Where is my Oba-san route?

>> No.3498157
File: 45 KB, 660x400, ballmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought reaction images came from nijiura boards.

>> No.3498161
File: 27 KB, 400x300, thats me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3498164

WHY U DO DIS??????

>> No.3498178

I thought it was from /v/. Old futaba boards wouldn't even let you post image replies.

>> No.3498223

There are no words to express what I am feeling right now.
