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3492052 No.3492052 [Reply] [Original]

What do people usually buy with their points?

>> No.3492064


>> No.3492094

Takeda/Uesugi/AdditionalCharacters or Takeda/Houjou/AdditionalCharacters.
All items and all misc bonuses, of course.

>> No.3492103

Hojou is just bad...Komatsu is useless without rance's love, and Nanjou ran is a sub-par diviner.

Unless the bonus allows you to get hojou soun really early, BEFORE you take over the hojou house...then it would be worth it. But AFAIK to get hojou soun you MUST defeat the hojou house first.

Hojou soun has decent stats, nanjo ran doesnt.

>> No.3492106

Do you get +5 points for clearing the kill toukichirou route?

>> No.3492114

I take the Houjou bonus just to spare myself all the Houjou cutscenes that delay other events, and of course the occasional unlucky encounter where Ran, from between two Ashigaru, decides to wipe out your entire army with Suzaku.
And mostly because the only other option is Uesugi, which is ridiculously easy to conquer, especially with autowins from having Rance.

>> No.3492116

Nope. True, Ran, Isoroku and Kenshin routes grant 5 points, for a total of +20.

>> No.3492117

You can just spend 5 points more for masamune. You get 5 good characters for 20 points > you get 2 lame ones for 15 points.

>> No.3492145

I do occasionally, but then there's severe NP issues. I have to hurry to conquer stuff or I won't be able to get Gekkou.

>> No.3492164

I have 54 points...trying to think of what to buy...actually i dont even know what route i want to try this time round...

>> No.3492175

54 is enough for an easy 1-Star Ran point run, which should give you at least another 60 points for future runs. If you like a bit of a challenge (and even then not that hard), 2-Star works too, but it only gives you something like 30 more points.
The most important bonuses to buy are always the 3rd action fan and the battle permits.

>> No.3492178

But you cant use the battle permits for a while right? As you need to conquer a minimum number of countries for 1k troop size.

>> No.3492180

Yamamoto is the more similar route. I suggest that.
Then Ran, then Kenshin.
Also, get Additional characters,+1 action fan, and spend 24 points in items.

>> No.3492182

Whats the difference between the difficulties anyway? Besides the higher points.

>> No.3492190

get 100+ troops satisfaction and your on your way.

>> No.3492196

100+ points on a 1 star run?

>> No.3492215

What are requirements for Rizna character clear? I talked with her several times and got up to her H scene but no events with her appear after that.

>> No.3492218

You need to find the random drop, sex medicine in dungeons.

>> No.3492265

How come no one recommends the Mouri bonus? Teru is a powerhouse. Motonari is a very solid warrior and comes decked out with Warrior Attack 2 and Commander Charge. Kiku has Assassination 2. And Chinu is the best girl in the game.

Sure, Gekkou is pretty cool, and Shinobu's DFC is a miracle of the universe. And Shizuka is a fun character, but I'm not impressed with mages in battle, since they're too slow to act more than once.

What it really comes down to, though, is that Chinu is perfect, and if are choosing some old ninja guy over her, you are an abomination.

>> No.3492275

Dokuganryuu every time for me. Omachi is just too good to leave until that late in the game.

>> No.3492291

Teru is awesome against weak melee opponents, but otherwise she might as well be a generic.
Kiku is a good ninja, but the game's already full of those.
Chinu *explodes* in half the routes and she's a Miko, one of the worst types of units in the game. Her Poison ability is useless in the vast majority of battles.
Motonari is good, at least if you take great care not to clear him. Once you do he becomes horribly weak.
Mouri bonus is garbage compared to the Takeda one. You can take both and bear the NP issues for the first few turns, but then you might as well get the Dokuganryuu bonus instead, it's far better.
In short... take the Mouri bonus if you're a hardcore Mouri girls fan, but statistically speaking it's a very bad idea.

>> No.3492296

The maids are actually NOT that strong.
Kikku is the easiest to use and dominate with from even early on, since Teru lacks stats and Chinu relies on heavy numbers (current ones) and is slow. And motonari ain't that good.
Oney-Eye characters on the other hand, who also have auto-heal, rape early and later game easily. That's without Omachi.
As for Additional, you have the bonus of not triggering wars/events, gaining two unique skills (assassination +and Sticky), and Gekkou is simply the best ninja unit.
Finally, it's much easier to recruit the maids normally than One-Eye commanders.
Just conquer Mouri fast on any route, you only miss Motonari.

>> No.3492297

I thought mouri in his cursed form was stronger?

And takeda is quite hard to get...you need to get 4 strong groups capable of defending against the bullshit 2.5k tebaski unit that can one shot your defending backrow AND goes first before any of your troops....

>> No.3492302

He has no troops, relies on Hit Points.
Also, defending the Blitz ain't that hard, just risking permanent death for the fallen units if you suck and many die.
The problem is recruiting them.

>> No.3492313

Dunno. Teru is pretty much my best frontline footsoldier unit. She can singlehandedly shred and kill off the Shimazu frontliners.

>> No.3492316

Choosing statistics over the erotic-yet-innocent charm of Chinu. Has this game taught you nothing? Shame on you, Anon. Shame on you.

>> No.3492321

Other than these two, I agree. Think with thy cock.

>> No.3492330

Unless she has 2/3 of their numbers, no way.

>> No.3492332

Old men over cute and hot women? The fuck?

>> No.3492336

If you can get them either way, why not?

>> No.3492340

Part of the fun is chasing and winning the females. It's boring if they're just yours from the start.

>> No.3492341

Old men are the future, anon. Submit, while you still have time.

>> No.3492342

The Shimazu come at the endgame. If your troops aren't that many by then, the hell have you done during the entire playthrough?

Fuck women?

>> No.3492347

You must cherish every moment you can with Chinu. She is a strong, brave girl who manages to maintain an innocent, child-like image despite being a horny girl who loves to get fucked. She is perfect and wonderful, and it is worth spending the points just to get a little bit more time to enjoy being with her.

>> No.3492349

Plus, excluding their Death Battles in True History, Shimazu brothers always scale way above you, more so on later difficulties.
Have fun trying to kill 7000 Yoshihisa troops or defending against 6000 Agireda troops in 5 star.

>> No.3492357

The problem is some enemy captains come with highly illegal troop sizes...e.g yamagatawa at 2.5k troops. Thats just not possible for you unless you conquer like, the whole of japan. Its not possible to obtain. The player cap is much lower for a reason. And thats because having godlike stacks with thousands of troops running around is imbalanced.

Thats not even the worse part...the AI doesnt need money at all. Look at Takeda. 10 national power. TEN. And yet they can afford to replinish...oh...thousands of troops lost each turn without running out of money. They shouldnt even have the NP needed for 40+ commanders for crying out oud.

>> No.3492361

It's not like you actually need to kill them. Plus, more troops isn't all that scary after 2000.

>> No.3492363

Why care if she is about to die?
Either go everlasting or not.

>> No.3492367

It's sad what happened to her. Fucking Xavier apostles.

>> No.3492368

It is, if you own troops are also more than 2000, which means your modifiers get worse.
Thus you stay 2000 for better stats since yiu can never get extreme numbers, and have to win battles via battle rating that the opponent has an advantage due to numbers.
Only chinu is truly good for these situations from Mouri.

>> No.3492379

There are a lot of battles where you have to kill ALL troops to win via battle rating. Castle battles mainly.

Yamatagawa one shots any backrow unit you can field anyway, so if you dont kill him you are asking for trouble.

>> No.3492383

Yeah, that's something I hate about these kinds of games. The rules which apply to you doesn't apply to the AI. It's unfair that I can't economically overpower the enemies the least bit.

>> No.3492384

What sastificaiton bonuses do you guys normally get at start?

I usually start off with an amazing old man.

After that...katsuie is one of the priorities, but im not sure when i should get reinforcements(and whom).

>> No.3492387

All reinforcements. Second units from both are the best. First are the worst. Thirds are just good.

>> No.3492388

Always get all the reinforcements and fix Katsuie.
Then, fix Rance to make him the Best Bushi(requires prep, so optional) or lower troop replenishment cost.
Then, later on the game with a decent number of commanders, you can fix Maeda, or just raise affection

>> No.3492391

Leila is VERY good.
Magic has nice potential but requires some effort.

>> No.3492395

I never get any old man, they're nice for noncombat stuff but useless otherwise.
I call reinforcements whenever possible (vast majority of people go with Leazas first, but Uruza is also high priority), usually heal Katsuie, get elite troops when Rance has 6 or more in all stats, grab -1 replenishment cost if I'm playing on hard difficulty... usually it's pretty obvious which ones are better.

>> No.3492397

Leila sucks unless you keep her troop sizes low.

>> No.3492398

I find i always need some non-combat guys for negotiation, searches, etc.

>> No.3492412

Just LOWER than the opponents.
And with the Scaling, that's how it will almost always be. And even if not, she has good stats and modifiers and very cheap to replenish.
It's better to use mediocre battle units with good stats (Tacticians for Negotiation, Ninjas for searching) then useless battle units that just do that.
And you should really NOT specially need construction at all.

>> No.3492427

Leila is nice, but she loses power way to fast if she is hit. Magic and Shizuka can deal insane amounts of damage with White Destruction, which I found very useful.
They are only useful during the early game, when you don't have decent commanders. But it's better to grab reinforcements in this case. By the middle game old men are waste of place.

>> No.3492432

If Leila takes a LOT of damage, you do something wrong.
She has good defense modifier and stat.
And when you hit with her Charge, she gets minimal counter-attack damage no matter what.

>> No.3492438

I never seem to end up with mediocre units that have decent non-combat stats. Or i do have good units that have decent non-combat stats but i cant spare them for non-combat uses because im too busy fighting with them.

>> No.3492452

Shimazu should have House Bonus.

Anyway, usually I get Mouri, One Eye and Takeda. The characters from other two house bonuses are either easy to get, or kinda useless. Gekkou and Shizuha are nice, as is that one Alice-Soft bonus monk.
After that it's the command fans and some items.

>> No.3492507

Its amazing how slow monks are in this game. The 9 attack bonus one is nice, but when i used him i realise dhe only attacked once a battle...

>> No.3492533

In one star difficulty im seeing that stat increases past 7 cost +2 NP instead of +1. Is this the difference between 1 star and normal difficulty?

>> No.3492566

Enemies have bigger troop sizes. Some houses will attack 2-3 times a turn. I'm probably forgetting something else.

Also, on 3 star difficulty Nanjou Ran abuses Suzaku in many fights and instakills all your units on the battlefield (that is when you're fighting Houjou obviously).

>> No.3493057

Trying to fight tanegashima and oh my god yuzumi is so annoying, she can instant kill my footmen with a 100% success rate(why is she never that useful when i use her...)

>> No.3493719


How do you get the "Kentarou-kun Slash" Sat bonus to appear on the list?

>> No.3494204

You can only do it afte Kentarou turns into a demon and you have brought Miki back after she leaves.
Having chosen a few others is a good idea.

>> No.3494264

That's odd, I did that and it's still not on my list...

>> No.3494287
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This is what it looks like, by the way. I think I've taken all the mandatory ones, so it should be available.

>> No.3494300

If not going for points:

Extra War Fan
Battle Permits
Mori House (drop Chinu)
One Eye House (drop Masamune)
Takeda House
Extra Characters
Pop. Wand
+100 sword
+50 teeth
+20% weapons
all level 2 textbooks
3x +3 NP

maybe some other stuff

>> No.3494312

Is there a better way to get Takeda generals other than wasting 200+ turns in Kill the Monkey?

>> No.3494328


Wasting 200+ turns in Ran route.

>> No.3494334

No, but you only have to do it once. After that, you deploy them together in battle to unlock the house bonus.
You stand a much better chance of recruiting them if you defeat Takeda early. Every time you defeat a house, all their units become available for hire by other houses, so if you defeat Takeda late or defeat them early but then proceed to destroy every house, the recruitment pool will be *huge* and it'll take a long time before they get recruited.
The wiki confirms that it should be available after Kentarou has become a Majin and Miki is not missing. So I have no idea why it's not on the list.

>> No.3494370

Could a level 99 Rance solo Xavier?

>> No.3494374


Assume no gay 49% dmg attack spam.

>> No.3494397

I don't think he'd have enough Actions. The monkey reduces action points with every hit, too.
Not to mention the ability that does near 50% damage...
Pretty sure he couldn't.

>> No.3494437

Assuming no monkey ,bodyguard and percentage attack:
Kentarou is barely able at lv 99 and 5 action points and he does more damage than Rance at the same level.
Rance should do 3/4th of his total HP.
Kentarou can 'easily' do it if you saved his Youmeishou.

>> No.3494514

Have you ever cleared Kentarou?
I can't seem to be able to do it. His Slash ability won't show up on my list either.
There's a relatively strong possibility those issues might be related.

>> No.3494562

Oh, you did give me a hint, though. I haven't used his Youmeishu when I was "supposed" to. Maybe the game uses the Youmeishu boolean variable to "check" if you've gone through the proper events? You can never know with these crazy programmers.
I'll try wasting it to see if anything gets unlocked. It's harder than it sounds though, since he can't get hurt and the item isn't usable if your HP is maxed. I'll have to make him gain a level and then do a dungeon on the same turn.

>> No.3494573

How the fuck do you defeat takeda early when they have minimum 2.5k tebaski units for baba shouen/yamagatawa? You need more than 1k troops to fight that, and that means you need to conquer quite a few provinces first.

>> No.3494607

Damn... still no luck. That wasn't it. No idea how to clear that little bastard, or get his Kentarou-kun Slash.
Except for some rare exceptions, enemy troops scale, and the more you wait the more troops they have (and they gain troops faster than you do). I don't think I ever paid attention to their troop count, but unless the Takeda generals happen to be one of the few exceptions, they should have a relatively low troop count if you fight them early.

>> No.3494609
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2 Star Monkey Route, with Uesugi, Takuga, Ashikaga, Hara, Tokugawa, Imagawa, Tanegashima and Tenshi conquered.
Aka, 6 nations that can recruit people after I deal with Takeda.
Stalled till Turn 65 to gather items and raise affection for necessary skills/stats raising, as to not rely on numbers and scale Takeda badly.
Not THAT hard.

>> No.3494614

Actually, in order to clear him (which is possibly the trigger for his slash), you must raise him to 7 before he becomes a demon (then plus 1), and then keep talking to him RIGHT after his duel.
IIRC, you cannot clear him if Miki leaves(even if you bring her back).
Tricky timeframe.

>> No.3494644

But Miki leaves in the same event as the duel, doesn't she?
That's... beyond tricky.

>> No.3494656

Before she turns SILL to Ice.
I meant.

>> No.3494675

Okay, I'll try that!
Luckily character clears are saved whenever you save game and not only when you clear the game.

>> No.3494701

You win another internet, anon. Talked to him once right after the duel, cleared him instantly.
I'm gonna go fix the wiki.

>> No.3494706
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When playing casually, as in not for points, I like to take all the item bonuses, misc bonuses and a couple of of special characters.

I don't like taking house bonuses since they rob me of SAT. Im always shooting for early extra fans.

>> No.3494711 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on the far superior http://www.anertalk.com/ (aner = anon) last night.
Same, OP.

>> No.3494770

House bonuses prevent some Sat bonuses?
Aside from potentially Daidouji Komatsu, I had never noticed. Which ones prevent Sat gains?

>> No.3494776


Mori for Kikkawa solo scenes and 4-way.

The rest depend on the route.

>> No.3494784

which is a good route to get points on? im still playing in true route but i wanna get more points in the next one

>> No.3494786
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Im mainly talking about the SAT you get from conquering their respective house, and the space some commanders that don't give SAT use up.

>> No.3494798


In that case, only Houjou and Uesegi house bonuses cause that for at least 6 SAT.

>> No.3494803

you can also get SAT for conquering the Mori house

>> No.3494805

Ah yes... I thought they'd pretend that you have defeated Motonari (same as they pretend Souun ran away if you take Houjou bonus), but if they don't, that's a lost opportunity for Sat bonuses. Luckily I never buy that bonus.
You don't get scenes with the two Uesugi girls or the three Diviner girls when you conquer those places after buying the respective bonuses, either?
Man, I'm not an observant person.

>> No.3494851

The mori maids is the best bonus of any Rance game, ever.

>> No.3494857

I'd rather go through the pleasure of CONQUERING them then having them handed to me.

>> No.3494868

Lies, maids are best when they're yours from the beginning.

>> No.3494886


Fucking Takeda bonus.

>> No.3494889

Bullshit, foursome must be earned.

>> No.3494915

I only use the old grumpy men for 1 single thing: to get an fast an efficient point rush.
After that I never pick them again. Maids and Omachi is superior.

>> No.3494933
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anyone else feel any pity when Nihonmaru got demoted from retainer of JAPAN to thrown projectile.

>> No.3494984

So how do I get Shizuka? I have Gekkou (so know I chose the option), I have Maria and have almost cleared her, but she won't mention her at all.

>> No.3494988

she falls out of the sky

>> No.3494992


Other than a foot soldier that you can recruit easily later, Mori house isn't that great, as ninjas are almost as common as warriors and Chinu dies in nearly every route.

Takeda gives you 3 units with great combat and non-combat stats that can abuse battle ratings and a very powerful ninja, with all 4 of them having a passive that compliments their combat stats.

The only house that I'd say would be better than Takeda is One-Eye just for the self-heal and Omachi.

>> No.3494997

I have 199 Ogre Bones. I have no feelings anymore.
This is technically correct. More precisely she falls out of the sky sometime after you've recruited Maria. Maria is required for the event to happen and it may be delayed quite a bit if there's lots of storyline bits happening.

>> No.3495002

Thanks, anon. Too damn much storyline going on in Kenshin route for me atm, so I'm gonna assume that's the problem. Also running low on recruitment slots, so I may end up giving her the miss this time.

>> No.3495166

Is there another way to recruit Inukai other than to duel him with Rance? I've heard that Gekko can do something to Inukai but not sure if that recruits him or not.

>> No.3495280

If you use the Gekko option, you simply take over Iga instantly. Inukai doesn't join.
The duel isn't so bad. You just need to have gained some levels (49 I believe is the minimum if you don't have a Passive that's about dungeon fights) and 4 actions.

>> No.3495334


Drats. I want to recruit Inukai so I can complete the 6 Great Treasures but not so late in the game that he dies before I get Rance leveled enough. Guess I'll just do a Ran route then.

>> No.3495362
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Anyone ever conquering Iga w/o suzume to get the 5 SAT and to let them revolt later so you can recruit Inukai, does that work?

>> No.3495364


dungeon fight doesn't work.

>> No.3495375

Speaking of Gekko, when is the last event/turn that you can recruit him by? I want to say that it's by turn 9 but I could be mistaken.

>> No.3495418

when the first gourd breaks, I think

>> No.3495516

I conquered Iga without using Suzume a total of 3 times now. It never reemerged. I don't know why... maybe you need to not be at war, or something like that.
It's one of the last 4 things I still need to do to complete the Progress Report.
Not sure what you mean by "dungeon fight doesn't work". Maybe I confused you since I didn't express myself clearly... I meant any Passive that works in a dungeon-style battle, such as the "luck" abilities like Attack Luck.
I've often seen people saying 7-9 turns, but I once recruited him on turn 12. I'm pretty sure you need to recruit him before the first gourd breaks (since Nobunaga is required for the event), but I don't know what other event it is that makes him available in the first place. Make sure you have enough NP, it's really tight at the beginning of the game.

>> No.3495533


Crap, can't conquer enough territories before it breaks.

Unrelated, what is considered the part where Ranmaru admits her feelings for Shibata? After the battle with Ranmaru and Shibata when you've done her intro speech, or when she's undressing?

>> No.3495534

Inukai brings his dogs, which you need to oneshot, then kill him.
Lv 49 is the least you can do it with 4 actions.
Attack luck may let you do it in a couple levels less, but for Rance, it's a moot point.

>> No.3495540

After the battle you deploy them together.
Also, if you conquer Hara ASAP, you should really have no issues.

>> No.3495548

Going for Iehisa's clear?
The wiki is fairly unspecific about that, but I believe her feelings for Katsuie are clear long before the undressing scene. It might even be as soon as the first time you send them into battle together, when Rance says he smells love.
If you want to be safe you can always save game, use 7 points' worth of Affection items, talk to him, use another 7 points' worth and talk to him again to see if you get the clear event.

>> No.3495555


My problem is that I'm sitting at 38/35 Cost/NP and can't conquer the last territory of Takeda to boost it high enough to recruit Gekko. Debating now whether or not to pursue Shibata's character clear or the Shimazu brother's character clears. If I don't, I can fire Ranmaru and Shibata to make room for Gekko. If I go for one of them, I'd probably pick the brothers and need to go back a few turns to prep for firing Shibata. Or I could just restart and change some of the bonuses I picked so I'd have 38/38 Cost/NP by this point and could do a few constructions to recruit Gekko.

>> No.3495592

38 is a lot! Unless that's really all from basic character costs, you could probably fire some guys in units that are just over their NP increases (like, if there's a unit with 538 dudes, just fire 40 of them to gain 1 NP).
It's hard to go as far as dismissing a commander (aside from Nagahide, I always dismiss him), so I think firing some troops instead might be worth it.
You could even use your Construction skill to raise NP, assuming it'd give you enough and take less time than conquering Takeda.

>> No.3495595


Guess I'll go the simpler route and fire One-Eye, which lets me character clear the girls and make a little more room for Ran and the Shimazu brothers.

>> No.3495600


Tried, takes the same amount of time and gourd still breaks.

>> No.3495610

Every single one of your units has under 500 troops?
If that's the case, then... I guess you have to dismiss someone.

>> No.3495644


Omachi was the only one (pop. wand) and I'm not about to fire 150 troops from her to get 1 NP back.

>> No.3495665

Ouch... I can understand that, 150 troops is pretty significant this early in the game, especially on Omachi.

>> No.3495912

Any tips on getting Ran to show herself in battle?

>> No.3495920
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be patient

>> No.3495984


Well, I just finished conquering Takeda and I don't want the 5th gourd to break yet.

>> No.3496000

Make sure you have the game patched with v1.04.
Shizuka, Gekko, and Shinobu were added in later patch, they weren't in the game originally.

>> No.3496694

Please tell me I get to raep that.

>> No.3496742

Nope! Rance's hyper weapon just isn't strong enough yet.

Just as planned

>> No.3496777

But I wanted to raep her... What should I do? ;_;

>> No.3496778

Take it easy.

>> No.3496994

How can you get the event for Agireda where she requests to make her unit the largest in your army? I'm in my first game now and all Shimazu brothers already died and I got her H scene and as the wiki says raised her affinity to 7 trust but no further events for her appear.

>> No.3497040
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>> No.3497061

Some units like takeda generals start at a minimum size.

I tried to take on takuga early on with 500-900 sized units...all of their uniques, showed up with more than 2.5k unit sizes. Ryouma always showed up with at least 3.8k ninjas for examples.

I bet if you lower all unit sizes to below 500 takeda generals will still start with 2.5k tebaski cavalry units.

>> No.3497084

How did you get 165 sastifcation from conquering only 6 countries?

>> No.3497101
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How the heck do you get "Abe's/Asahina's death", "Houjou Conquered (Souun)" and the "Bikini Watch" events to appear?

>> No.3497134

Abe Heizou is a akashi commander and the event where he dies appears to be random(note that after he dies he can still appear on the battlefield). It seems to be a random event that occurs when you are at war with akashi.

Bikini watch requries kentarou IIRC.

I dont know who is asahina...

>> No.3497139

>"Abe's/Asahina's death"
They are both Akashi Commanders, so just destroy thier units

>> No.3497144

Oh asahina may be another akashi commander. Ive seen two akashi commander death events, they are beginning of the turn events.

>> No.3497146

Ive had it occur without meeting them in battle at all.

>> No.3497164

I've destroyed them dozens of times. But no event appears after that.

>> No.3497211

So I stalled out the 25 turns needed to unlock the popularity staff, saved, and exitted, but I don't see it in my available 2nd game item bonuses. Did I do something wrong?

>> No.3497219

Did you save the game, auto-save or complete a playthrough with it?

>> No.3497233

Auto save as well as regular save (Twice even. Once before and after clearing the dungeon, as the hanny gave me the staff as a beginning of the turn event, which surprised me, as it was contrary to Wiki specifications.)

I didn't want to go through and try to beat the whole playthrough after giving other countries a headstart.

>> No.3497242

I got it with no problems...the names are cut off but you should see "popular" at least in one of the item bonuses.

>> No.3497276

Still not there.

I wonder if the difficulty selected (5 star) mattered. I guess I'll try another stall.

>> No.3497282

Difficulty has nothing to do with it.
Are you SURE it's not available at start-up?

>> No.3497305
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Item Bonus windows screenshots at

>> No.3497306

Yes, so you now need to wait for one more turn so that it autosaves.

>> No.3497307

God everything is so much more difficult at one star.

The final iga battle with 6 ninjas that cant be assassinated(at least, suzume keeps failing..., no matter how many times i reload) is raping me.

My backrow units all die incredibly fast, and its amazing how much defense the Iga ninjas have...Shunsaka and Egao Ninja tanks damage like its nothing.

>> No.3497313

It's more of the fact that you do not have units with Strong stats( 7+).
Only Inukai is bloody dangerous in Iga, since he has good unit scaling, great stats, and an annoying all out attack.

>> No.3497321

Oh, waiting another turn... Thanks. I feel pretty dumb now.

>> No.3497329

Asassinate rolls are determined at the beginning of an action fan. No matter how many times you reload a battle, if it's on the same fan, it'll always have to same outcome.

>> No.3497337

Unlike Yamamoto's whirlwind.

>> No.3497379


Why are you trying to conquer Iga on a second run through? Just do the duel with him to get him and eventually one of the six great treasures.

>> No.3497557

I asked this last night but I'll ask again:

When is the earliest you can capture Nanjou Ran? Is it right after she discovers she can summon Suzuka or after Souun warns her to stop summoning Suzuka?

>> No.3497565

When Shoun tells her about Suzaku and stops summoning him.
It's almost a guarantee you will capture her if you defeat her after that event.

>> No.3497576

After he tells her she's summoning him it from inside her own body.
Chances of capturing her are extremely high. It's actually hard *not* to capture her. And I've never ever seen her be captured before that scene.

>> No.3497580

Funny tidbit:
If you capture her in the same battle that conquers Houjo, you see a slightly different scene.
However, that makes you unable to recruit her, ever.

>> No.3497587


Thanks. Guess I'll just wait another turn then. Kind of annoying as I can regularly defeat her unit and allies with Gekko + Takeda + Rance without losing anyone.

>> No.3497590


What happens? I've seen the one where she and Souun die together.

>> No.3497595

Small Fight scene between Shoun and Rance, Shoun dies in regret.
You cannot recruit Ran even, in the prison.

>> No.3497596

Yet another different scene, eh? There's a lot of 'em.
I still have one of the Houjou conquering scenes on my list, I think it's the one where Rance and Souun have a sword duel. Tricky timing there, because if Ran is still there you get the scene where Gigai kills both of them, and if Ran is captured he'll leave after the very next battle.
In the original they also planned to have Daidouji Komatsu murder Ran after a while.
That helps a lot with replayability... so many things can happen!

>> No.3497621

Some much hardships for a nation that is hardly worth of the trouble, only one of takeda's generals or kenshin are more valuable than Komatsu and Ran/souun/old bitch together. And it takes much less to conquer them

>> No.3497644

...Try again and make sense this time.

>> No.3497656

Ok, got Ran. Now do I just release her from prison or is there a special event I need to wait for before doing so?

>> No.3497659

Conquer Hojo fast(cannot recruit her before that).
Then, talk to her a couple of times to open up the Dungeon SHou's at.

>> No.3497664


Um, 3 of Takeda's generals have skills that are essential to win at 5 star rating, with the last one being one of the most powerful ninjas that you can get for most of the game (Gekko and Orime are probably the only other contenders for the title of best). How is Takeda a terrible house bonus?

>> No.3497670

Kikkawa Kiku is better than orime actually.

>> No.3497678

>planned to have Daidouji Komatsu murder Ran

>> No.3497682

Check the alice mansion scenes, they are cool.

>> No.3497691


Because of Assassinate 2 that she starts off with? If so, not so hard to get Orime that as well since you don't have to worry about her stats as much as Kiku. I guess you could argue that Kiku is better than Orime for dungeon fights since she can fight in the back row but Orime's self-heal more than makes up for her front row restriction and fewer moves.

>> No.3497695

More actions, better dungeon utility, and Assassinate2>Autoheal 1 and front row.
Ninjas are not that durable for autoheal to make a difference, of for it to cover her losses when she attacks since she does not connect(while it's useful for Noir, for example)

>> No.3497698

That, and Orime has a higher level cap.

>> No.3497701

Not really strong in dungeons to capitalize on it.

>> No.3497723
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I think we all know who the best ninja is

>> No.3497729

>2 Action

>> No.3497745

Ninjas are shit for anything other than assassinate and weakening guard. Their damage for cost ratio is horrible.

Also im doing a one star point run(or trying to) so i thought that taking over Iga the normal way would be faster than fighting all the way to africa and getting shimazu to re-capture a province.

>> No.3497747

Gekkou's high stats and Assassinate+ ability have always worked best for me.
Plus, Shinobu!

>> No.3497770
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I think we all know who the best konoichi is

>> No.3497771

Cant seem to get rance's +1 action point command to show up....

>> No.3497790

I think you need to get Rance Attack or that elite troops bonus first.

>> No.3497792

You need the elite soldiers first

>> No.3497805
File: 122 KB, 800x600, sengoku25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think its possible to beat Inukai at level 49....

>> No.3497809

Maybe you need to Rance Attack him

>> No.3497815

Its more of a problem of rance dying before he can attack inukai at all.

>> No.3497817

In theory, strong attack auto kills Imukai at 49 while each dog takes one hit to die.
Aka, 4 actions.

>> No.3497821

Koshikage with Fuurinkazan and Poison dagger does wonders along with high stats, plus a fast bastard.

>> No.3497844
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I thought ryouma was a futa? Why is there no bulge?

>> No.3497850
File: 122 KB, 800x600, report.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, so, I need some help.
I know how to get the Houjou scene I'm missing.
I know how to unlock/finish Road to Hades.
I *don't* know how to make Iga reemerge (not using Suzume to conquer is not enough, there's another requirement).
I *don't* know why the gate closing event isn't always accessible (not conquering the territory above them is not enough, there's another requirement).

>> No.3497851

What do you think the belt is for?

>> No.3497857

Inukai re-taking over Iga appears to be random.

To keep the skirt in place?

>> No.3497861

You should be able to close the gate the moment you conquer the first Takuga territory and before(to be on the safe side, do so before attacking their other territory).
As for Iga, conquer them early on.
After you declare war a few times with others, they should reclaim the territory.

>> No.3497865

To hold the constantly erect dick vertical.

>> No.3497874

Cant be constantly erect, and if it was erect there would be a very visible bulge.

>> No.3497880


Someone who isn't a kunoichi?

>> No.3497886

Just a shitty ninja

>> No.3497888

Yeah, the gate thing didn't appear after I took their first territory, even before I took more subterritories. But I guess I can try again and get it "by accident" eventually.
I never fight Iga early on, so it's worth trying that too! I'll own them quickly and hope they reemerge.
Maybe Kenshin route... or monkey.

>> No.3497892

It's not thick, and she has no balls.

>> No.3497901

Like naruto, amirite?

>> No.3497903

For how long can I search for Inukai's hideout? I was collecting some satisfaction to increase Rance's actions but when I finally managed the get the 4th one, the event disappeared from their territory

>> No.3497904

Isn't it stupid to close the gate? Xavier is just going to conquer them and then you can't get that country back...

>> No.3497914

A lot of events in the game become unavailable after a little while, and it's usually hard to tell what caused them to disappear. Often it's highly arbitrary.
My guess is, you gained troops/characters and your NP became insufficient to accommodate Inukai. Events that result in the recruitment of a character usually aren't available if you don't have enough NP to support them.

>> No.3497922

Heh. It's a small enough loss (one territory, a handful of ordinary commanders).
Point is, look at my progress report. I can't complete it unless I close that gate.

>> No.3498174
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>> No.3498301

Oh, Kanami. Why are you so bad?

>> No.3498452

but.... but.... she used to be the last boss!!!

>> No.3498485

I'm afraid I just won't be able to picture that until I've seen it.
"Kanami" and "Last Boss" are thoughts that do not work together!

>> No.3498544

She didn't even have a name back then, btw.
She was random female ninja A, final opponent in Rance I

Our little Kanami has come a long way ;_;

>> No.3498550

What was the story of the very first Rance game anyway?

>> No.3498555

If you dismiss One-Eye before you reach the youkai territories, are you unable to character clear Omachi, Noir, Nogiku and Orime?

>> No.3498558
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She's worked her way up from nameless boss over the course of 7 games... while Suzume, "the greatest ninja", doesn't have much of a backround story even in her own game?
Guess not even the greatest can be the best at everything.

>> No.3498559

Guild job to find Princess Hikari.
Prince's Lia's hobby is to torture young girls, so Kanami kidnaps them, and Maris the head maid oversees. Rance rapes all of them. Kanami was the last fight, hence 'boss'. At lv10. Enter Lia becoming obssessed with Rance

>> No.3498562


There is no story. It's just a random collection of non-sequiters that alice-soft finds hilarious strewn together with terribly drawn sex scenes and awkward euphemisms. You know, the same exact thing for every Rance game.

>> No.3498570

>Rance rapes all of them.

Why am I not surprised?

>> No.3498571

>>3498558 while Suzume, "the greatest ninja"

No, she's the greatest kunoichi, though she is a pretty damn good ninja (level. 2 I believe, which still beats out Kanami).

>> No.3498580


Are you really surprised at undeveloped characters? Rance, the main character himself, hasn't progressed since the first game. Most of the fluff that gets posted is exactly that, side-stories produced outside the games to make the series seem like there was actual thought put into the development.

>> No.3498589
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>> No.3498597

I think you kinda missed the point.

>> No.3498618
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>Rance, the main character himself, hasn't progressed since the first game.

Neither did Odysseus. Undeveloped character doesn't equal an uninteresting character.
But then again, the Odyssey reads kind of like a fantasy themed H-game.

>> No.3498624


>> No.3498641

Odysseus learns modesty.

Also, if it were me, I would've stayed on Circe's island.

>> No.3498656

I probably would have too. Wife staying true for x amount of years while her husband is possibly dead? Not very likely I assume.

>> No.3498657

He has leartb it already when Odyssey starts, so there is no development within the story.

>> No.3498662

You mean Calypso.
Circe transforms men to pigs.

>> No.3498667


>> No.3498685

The troll obviously has never played any Rance games.
Rance's personality has changed quite a bit over the years.
He's no where near as bad as he used to.

For the better or worse, he's been mellowing out ever since 5D.
Some people call it getting mature, some calling it losing edge.

He was borderline nuts in 4.1/4.2
He built a sand castle in the playinground, and killed a group of little children who destroyed the sand castle, out of annoyance.

Most likely one of the biggest things to make him mellow out was the guilt over Ferris' situation, and realization of his son, etc.
Rance 6 -> Sengoku was the biggest change so far.
(not counting Kichikuoh Rance, where he became a bit more mature as a ruler)

>> No.3498715

So can I get a bit more detail about his reaction to Ferris' situation and finding out he has a son?

>> No.3498733

>He built a sand castle in the playinground, and killed a group of little children who destroyed the sand castle, out of annoyance.

Okay, this game is seriously not for moralfags

>> No.3498735


The fanboy obviously plays Rance way too much. Rance's personality hasn't "changed quite a bit", they only toned down the lolrandumb violence to make Rance more of a good guy. He's still the same old clown used for failed humor and sex cgs.

>> No.3498741

Even if you are a moralfag in your life, you need to know what to expect from your entertainment.
I am one, but I enjoyed shit like Postal.
You vent out and carry on with your life as you should.

>> No.3498748

Does it matter what exactly they do?
the result is a change on the character outlook.
You over analyze shit and forget the point.

>> No.3498779

Considering there really isn't much in Rance to analyze, I think you're both doing it wrong.

>> No.3498800

please stop acting like you're not >>3498735 and gtfo

>> No.3498809

By moralfag I mean peoples who feel the urge to comment on everything what they think is bad for whatever or whoever in the... society or how they call it. You are definitely not one, knowing what the morals are and attention whoring about your "higher goods" is two different thing.

Now, back to Rance before I unintentionally derail the thread on the path of trolling

>> No.3498813

>>You over analyze shit and forget the point.

By not seeing Rance as one of the best games with a well-developed story, world, and characters of all time like most Rancefags do? That I don't read through all the extra books and memorize every event that happens in Rance to try and connect the series together? Yeah, I overanalyze Rance way too much. I wish I could quit you, Rance.

>> No.3498826
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>>implying that Rance is full of things to analyze.

>> No.3498827

Why the hell do you pester all rance threads, without a fail, every day?
You say this same old shit, every fucking day.

There's only one rance thread at any given time in /jp/. and 30 touhou threads.
Can't you leave us the fuck alone, and go pester other much more popular threads?

>> No.3498835

I have not seen a single poster saying anything to that effect.
One of the better eroge games , at most.
And the obvious details discussed here are from playing the games. Rest, just interesting background.

Hyperboling to justify your popping up to exclaim 'it's shit just because' does not help much.

>> No.3498843

Of course it is.
Whether they are important intellectual matters or just which creature should have been raped, is a different story

>> No.3498848

Question pertaining to Ran route: Do you get a different scene if you somehow manage to defeat Xavier in his timed battle?

>> No.3498854

Here's something to try out.

>> No.3498859

Why dont you just ignore him, they lose power if you dont pay any attention.

>> No.3498869
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Somewhere out there, someone is bound to have written a doctorate thesis concerning the be-or-not-to-be of Rance getting it on with Omachi.
And in doing so brought eternal dishonour to their university.

>> No.3498876

Definitely not in Canon storyline that will be used.
So, further in the setting, Bontenmaru is alive and Rance did not get some tails.

>> No.3498894

He just feels a bit guilty for what he did to her in 5D, and decided to try and convince girls to have consensual sex with him instead of always going for the shortcut (read: rape)

That mindset came into effect between VI and Sengoku

He's fundamentally still the same goof, just mellowing out a bit and giving a tiny nano-sized spec of thought before doing something brash.

>> No.3498902

And Kill a motherfucking Guardian Beast to keep the girls and earn a priestess' love, of course.

>> No.3498911

>they only toned down the lolrandumb violence to make Rance more of a good guy

that sounds like "changed quite a bit" to me, sir.

>> No.3498918
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Considering how kitsune tend to be shapeshifters and all, anything Rance's single-file mind could think of doing with her could just as easily come right back at him. With disastrous and permanent consequences.

>> No.3498934

>>Somewhere out there, someone...

Let's not beat around the bush, we all know who wrote that thesis. Our university still hasn't recovered its reputation. We're thinking of just bailing out and letting it turn into a party school.

>> No.3498940


You got to be kidding?

>> No.3498947

>>There's only one rance thread at any given time in /jp/.

Rance was spammed more than KS and infected other threads during the 0.50 patch. Even hardcore Rance fans were disgusted with how the newfags were hyping the game far beyond what it was.

>> No.3498954

She's apparently a rock.
At least you can sorta fuck her in the game. I mean, there's no CG for it, not even a note in the Ero Diary, but you *can*.
That's the beauty of multiple storylines and possible events. Even if it's not canon, you can make it happen.

>> No.3498960

Shame that KS was spammed the rest of the time

>> No.3498962

so you're butthurt all this time, and waste your time trolling rance threads all day now?
cool sto... no wait, it's not cool.

>> No.3498964

...No, not really.
The only actual hate outside of a couple whiners 'NO STRATEGY THREADS BAWWWW' because a threads were not condensed(not spammed), was way back with that silly tripfag.

The game was always hyped with good gameplay mostly. People did not comment on story or characters till much later on and just went 'RAPE',
You browsed a weird /jp/, somehow.

>> No.3498966


I don't think having the main character fuck a rock exemplifies multiple storylines.

>> No.3498969

I don't know, it's a pretty fucking epic game.
They almost never make good video games these days, and it's horribly hard to find a game you can be passionate about. And yet I've spent around 300 hours playing it and I'm not tired of it, in fact I'm psyched about playing Kichikuou and learning more about the Rance world in general.
It's amazing stuff.

>> No.3498974

It exemplifies variety of possible actions in a non-sandbox environment.

>> No.3498989
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Rance isn't Anon. He has some standards as to what he'd hit, as improbable as it sounds.
Besides, Rance ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer, and you need quite a bit of imagination of think up a way to fuck a rock.

>> No.3498996


>> No.3499009

fucking KS devs

>> No.3499013


Then you've missed the constant threads started by people asking the same questions that's already been answered dozens of times in past threads, such as "How I kill monkey" or "Why does Kentarou not have enough moves to win?" Then there's any thread BB starts which brings discussions on the intricately woven world that is Rance.

>> No.3499033

Again, these were questions by new people who forgot to condense or know about the wiki. It did not even last long. People still post them time to time, in threads like these instead of making their own, they have learned to check.
Not senseless spam 'Hey, Will annoy /jp/ by asking how to uncurse Mouri'. Learn the difference.
And BB almost always posts in relevant threads, for people who are interested.

You just whinging for the sake of it.

>> No.3499040

>He has some standards as to what he'd hit

"It's gotta look good, have a vagina and no penis, is not incestuous to me, and I won't die from fucking it"

>> No.3499072

He's still totally unmoved by lolis! Unless he's drugged/drunk, or in that mini loli route.
It's gotta look like an attractive adult female, which is a fairly standard requirement for any guy.

>> No.3499074

He doesn't seem to go for the lolis either. "Come see me in three years."

>> No.3499110

Anonymous would rock that rock senseless.

>> No.3499571

Apparently rance world is poorly developed and shit, compared to say, standard fantasy setting #51160 like D&D.

>> No.3499624

It's got countries, a skill level system, races, gods and all that. I think it isn't taken seriously because the monsters are all "joke" creatures. Haniwa, Pigbanbara, Yankees...
The major selling point is the vast amount of characters. Have you seen the Ranceverse chart? It's freaking huge.

>> No.3499632


I believe we be auto-sagin'.

>> No.3499641 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 800x600, ALCG0056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we get HCGs for all the yokai chicks but not omachi, why must they toy with us anonymous?!?!

well hopefully they'll rectify this in a future Rance game.
