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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 39 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3486239 No.3486239 [Reply] [Original]

Would you let Rider lick your asshole?

>> No.3486242


>> No.3486252

Only if it turned her on. Otherwise I'd think it was way to gross. I still wouldn't kiss her afterward. I want to have sex with her hair.

>> No.3486254

I thought Rider was giving shirou the usual BJ until Anon gave the true context.

>> No.3486255

yes and this

>> No.3486278

i third this

>> No.3486300
File: 49 KB, 800x600, 1252436614881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but i would lick her

>> No.3486317

This is horribly disgusting.

>> No.3486331

No. I bet she wants to suck my lifeforce, like kappa do.

>> No.3486338

lol u fag?

>> No.3486350

Anything that has to do with my ass is a definite no.

>> No.3486355

Yes but I'd fart at the same time

>> No.3486370

Only if I get to lick hers.

>> No.3486375


Disgusting Greek ass is oily and hairy.

>> No.3486383


gorgons do not have ass hairs

You just got schooled

>> No.3486389
File: 2 KB, 128x94, Ultros.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would a real brick shitting experience.

>> No.3486404
File: 148 KB, 800x600, chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is chocolate too.

>> No.3486408


Whoa, Shirou takes tracing to new and delicious levels.

>> No.3486451

unlimited ice cream works

>> No.3486462

Feels good man.

>> No.3486480
File: 82 KB, 427x599, sample_192df090352b847820025c5df0d86512fcfe56d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God DAMN it, /jp/.

You encounter a real, live Gorgon and your only concern is that her tongue might find itself on your privy parts? That's ALL?

You all disappoint me greatly, especially since you all claim to be so intellectually gifted. Why would such wise men waste their time on trifles and stupidity such as this?

Pic related. It is my reaction to this - nay, /jp/ in general.

>> No.3486481


>> No.3486483

Isn't it past your bedtime?

Also, Gorgon rimjobs are the tops.

>> No.3486490


>Isn't it past your bedtime?

I obviously have just awoken, fool.

>Also, Gorgon rimjobs are the tops.

I will not deny this, but there are far more intellectually stimulating things regarding the Gorgons that could be done.

Would you not want to hear her regale you with tales from the era before Christ?

Oh, of course not. Only a -stupid-, -idiotic- tripfag would care about such -silly- things. Don't mind me. Carry on.

>> No.3486493

Is she really licking shirou's ass?

>> No.3486495

This didn't happen in fate/stay, I'm guessing this is an ataraxia cg?

>> No.3486498

You're grumpy in the morning.

>listening to a woman talk

>> No.3486499

You guessed right.

Don't worry Arc, I usually enjoy your knowledge about the ancient Greeks.

>> No.3486505

Wiki intellect.

>> No.3486512


While you may use Wikipedia as your sole staff of knowledge, do not presume to imagine that everyone else does.

>> No.3486514

Wow Arc, such showy dialect. Can't wait until your usual devolution to reaction images and green text in a couple of hours.

>> No.3486520

He's still groggy.

>> No.3486527


I am at work, and thus have full command of my senses, fool.


You can make the hours fly by faster if you play a rousing game of 'Hide And Go Fuck Yourself'. Time does fly when you're having fun. Consider that.

>> No.3486534

>Hide And Go Fuck Yourself

There we go.

>> No.3486542

Arc is getting more and more aggressive and bitchy these days.

>> No.3486550
File: 311 KB, 600x800, 0bc3351cdd43a3786f9337330489a46a899fa455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An easy game to play. You should try it.

>> No.3486572

It kind of sounds like "lock yourself in the bathroom and masturbate".
Something I'd love to play when I'm at work.
That is, if I actually had a job.

>> No.3486576

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486582


I will stop crying when you stop being an idiot. Fair deal?

>> No.3486585

Stop crying.

>> No.3486590


Stop being an idiot.

>> No.3486593

>At work
>have images to post
Crafty fellow.

>> No.3486596

Is this another Arc board whoring thread? What a whore.

>> No.3486597

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486600


Stop being an idiot, Anonymous.

>> No.3486601


>> No.3486603

Stop crying.

>> No.3486607


Stop being an idiot.

>> No.3486611

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486615


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486616

Stop crying.

>> No.3486618


Stop being an idiot.

>> No.3486620

Oh god, this thread will definitely reach the bump limit.

>> No.3486621
File: 245 KB, 1024x768, Konachan.com - 47552 fate_stay_night neko-arc tagme type-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. both of them. and i would reciprocate.

>> No.3486623

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486624


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486626

person who wants e-fame is on egotrip trying to gather e-fame

>> No.3486631

Stop crying.

>> No.3486632

We should get Arc fired

>> No.3486636
File: 125 KB, 700x700, 1252715545286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Both of you make like Berserker and like a truck

>> No.3486640

LOL i should clarify. both of the riders* not both of my assholes. i only have one, (un?)fortunately.

>> No.3486641


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486647

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486653


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486655

Stop crying.

>> No.3486657


Death is too lenient for you two, we need something way more brutal like some kind of prison colony in the future where you have to just fight for the rest of your lives.

>> No.3486660


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486661

This thread is /jp/ quality.

>> No.3486663

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486664


You DO know that I'm not even really replying to that Anon? I have a script set up to handle that for me, and I'm busily enjoying /k/ in the meantime.

I will turn it off if it upsets you that much.

>> No.3486665


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486669

Stop crying.

>> No.3486671

Arc wants Fate/Zero Rider rim jobs

>> No.3486673


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486674


Oh, in that case I lol'd

>> No.3486676

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486684


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486687

Stop crying.

>> No.3486688

Where do you work, Arc?

>> No.3486690


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486691

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486694

Man, I woke up, saw a long Rider thread, thought fuck yeah, rider thread.

I am disappoint.

>> No.3486698
File: 224 KB, 1200x849, e198a6c71a793ec4f538ffefee04b5a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up you guys, we're trying to discuss butthole licking. let's try to be civil here.
>Fate/Zero Rider rim jobs
i want that too. can someone provide?

>> No.3486700

One's a robot stuck in an infinite loop, and the other's an idiot.

>> No.3486701

Trolling and spaming, welcome to the new /b/. At this point i just hope moot axes this board and makes /vn/

>> No.3486702


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486705

Stop crying.

>> No.3486708

Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486711

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486713


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486715

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486719


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486720

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486724


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486725

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486728


>> No.3486730


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486733

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486735

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486736


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486737

Remember that thing I mentioned about possibly not replying to every po.. sigh never mind.

>> No.3486738

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486740


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486741

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486744


see >>3486664

>> No.3486749


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486750

Stop crying Arc.

>> No.3486753
File: 87 KB, 800x600, 1253330923592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3486756

I love you Arc.

>> No.3486758


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486760

I figure you also have an automated script that answers things other than "Stop crying Arc" ?

>> No.3486761

Don't whine.

>> No.3486762

Yes, but I'd rather lick hers.

>> No.3486771


Incidentally, yes.

I also have handy little tools to spam entire threads. You know that shit spammer? He's small time.

I can flood every single thread in /jp/ for as long as I want, provided my computer doesn't crash or my internet connection doesn't drop.

>> No.3486774

Prove it.

>> No.3486777

Wow, that's tough.

>> No.3486783

You're pretty hardcore.

>> No.3486784
File: 8 KB, 256x256, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3486792


I'll wait until someone riles me up enough to bring out the big guns. I already proved that Anonymous is retarded enough to manually answer a bot. That is quite enough for one morning.

I'm not going to completely ruin /jp/ on a whim, or because someone wants me to prove myself to them.

Apologies to the OP. While your thread was low-class, I did not mean to spam it so thoroughly.

>> No.3486798


Stop being an idiot, Anon.

>> No.3486801



Ignore this post. Forgot to turn my stuff off.

>> No.3486802

cool story bro

>> No.3486805

Don't worry Arc. You brought your own form of sucking ass to this thread.

>> No.3486806
File: 33 KB, 851x471, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3486810

Arcueid is a whore. Touhou has a better, more cohesive story than all of Type-Moon's works.

>> No.3486814

"You fuck with me, I bring the pain, little boy. I don't give a shit if the thread lasts for decades. You don't fuck with me. Let me just make that clear."

-Arc, 2009

>> No.3486818
File: 217 KB, 1024x563, arcmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3486825


>Can't wait until your usual devolution to reaction images and green text in a couple of hours.



Who would have thought that Anon's prophetic words would have applied to himself?

>> No.3486827


>> No.3486832

Arc is such an internet tough guy

>> No.3486840

somebody should make a contest with the greatest quotes posted on /jp/ this year

>> No.3486842

You're a very unproductive employee, Arc.

>> No.3486851


The fellow in front of me is playing Quake Live. At least I'm doing something worthwhile as the macro spams /jp/.

>> No.3486862

"You fuckfaces will continue to troll me like the faggots you are, but don't for one second think that I'm going to lie the fuck down and take it. If you think that, you've got another think coming your way, brother."

-Same thread, 2009.

>> No.3486865
File: 134 KB, 397x115, hahaohwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly this would be in the running.

>> No.3486867

Mind telling me who you work for ?
I think I could teach him a few things about making sure your employees don't use their computers for fucking around.

>> No.3486869

"I've been a /jp/ poster for TWO years"-my beautiful self

>> No.3486871

"Thank you very much, guys... Actually, I think I get the general idea now... It's probably a play on Momotaros' (the red imagin from Den-O, his rider form is the one pictured) catchprases "I've arrived" (pretty much "I came" - Ore Sanjou) and "I start and finish at a climax"... I was hoping the artist found some link between Konata and Den-O, but oh well..."-Anonyneko (response to a bunch of "The Pleasure of being cummed inside" posts in his translation request

>> No.3486872


No, your best quote was when you posted your own tripcode and then hastily deleted it.

Too bad the Ghost board is there.

>> No.3486873

PROTIP: it wasnt my tripcode you can try it

>> No.3486875

Pointless. It would be filled up with nothing but Arc's quotes.

>> No.3486877


A testament to my oratory successes? You're far too kind, Anon.

>> No.3486878

"very naaiiccee" - Anonymous2007

>> No.3486882
File: 178 KB, 803x841, 4f1eee4fe33a8316f26ad616472bbf6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't we go back to talking about buttholes? please? tripfag drama is a sure contribution to a board's death

>> No.3486883

"/jp/ is full of butthurt weeaboos who can't stand that /a/ is their parent board, and therefore hates it like they're so much better than it.

Let's go to /tg/. They're not POSERs there."- Anonymous

>> No.3486886

">da fack

This is now a new meme for /jp/'s throne! "- anon2007

>> No.3486890

"I am athens"-katsu-kun

>> No.3486898

'Only /b/tards use the word Butthurt'


>> No.3486903

"Yes, for 18-22 year olds = 2 men.

22 - 24 = 3 men

25 + = 4 men.

That is what is acceptable."

-athens, 2009.

>> No.3486904


Talk about buttholes all you want here >>3486902

Abandon this thread. It is dead.

>> No.3486915

'Only /v/ kiddies use Reaction images.'


'/jp/ arguably has the most intelligent userbase on 4chan, and is home to intellectually stimulating, civil, pleasant discussion...'


'No one on /jp/ rages. Here, we take it easy.'


>> No.3486938


sorry I just can't compete against this one

>> No.3486943

How is your post count looking Arc?

>> No.3486955


I really can't say. I use macros and imagedumping software so regularly that it would be cheating.

>> No.3486958

>Suigin!YUsuiginy. 6283
somebody kill me

>> No.3486966

Only if you let me fuck you first.

>> No.3486989

Can I fuck you afterward?

>> No.3487079
File: 37 KB, 400x400, mister-softee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am the mascot of my franchise.

Sprinkles are my body, and milk is my blood.

I have created over a thousand sundaes.

Unknown to stopping.

Nor known to drive slowly.

Have withstood headaches to play my jingle many times.

Yet, your hands will never hold receive tissue.

So, as I pray ? “Unlimited Ice Cream Works”.

>> No.3487086

If you want your butt licked, you are suffering from homosexualism.

>> No.3487093

>If you want your butt licked, you are suffering from homosexualism.

This is what children actually believe.

>> No.3487096

"I just want to let everyone know that if people discount GRIMSOKYO I'm not going to cry in my cheerios about it and write 500-word posts on /jp/ detailing how butthurt I am that someone disagreed with me."

-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6

"Oh, but don't mention that to the secondaryfans. Growing up on a steady diet of IOSYS and Walfas means that they rebel furiously against anything that isn't Moe-moe 19 year old Virgins or DFC that is absolutely innocent and pure, with no one dying and everyone living in a happy fantasy land BECOZ THATS WUT ZUN WANTED DERP HURP.

All the while, they conveniently forget the scary Gensokyo from PC-98."

-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6

"Touhou had plenty of evil back in the days, but ZUN had to be a grand faggot and sell out to all the IOSYS-listening, moeblob-loving fuckfaces who watch Lucky Star."

-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6


-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6

"I really am past the point of caring right now. Truly."

-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6

>> No.3487099

You want your anus stimulated.

>> No.3487104


As long as its by a woman I don't see the problem here.

>> No.3487119

Right, you homo

>> No.3487125

fucking tripfags someone should put them in a oven

>> No.3487142


I am perpetually amused at the fact that Anon accuses tripfags of getting butthurt, crying, and all sorts of other fun things, but Anon takes these things far more seriously than any Trip.

>> No.3487148

I used to dislike Arc, but now I've come to find the way he tries to prove he TOTALLY DOESN'T CARE AND YOU'RE ALL BUTTHURT to be kind of adorable to watch.

>> No.3487150

Way to ruin my thread gaiz....

>> No.3487153


>I used to dislike Arc, but now I've come to find the way he tries to prove he TOTALLY DOESN'T CARE AND YOU'RE ALL BUTTHURT

You're mixing me up with Anon.

I do not pretend not to care. I do care, because you're all my very special puppets. It takes time and effort to produce the profoundly angst-laden reactions I garner from Anon. That doesn't happen by NOT CARING.

>> No.3487157

I'd lick Caster's ears

>> No.3487161

Me too

>> No.3487171


So uhm.. Your reaction would be to start goofing around?

Also, once I die, I think I would want to live in Nasuverse. Just because Rider is just so goddamn awesome.

>> No.3487176

I probably wouldn't.

Mainly because I like living for the moment, and she can cast enough spells to kill me ten times over in the space of a second.

>> No.3487204
File: 1.67 MB, 2168x3018, 1236727472445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you let Caster lick Rin

>> No.3487210


>Way to ruin my thread gaiz....

Blame the anon who was so tremendously stupid he proceeded to argue with a script for the better part of a half-hour.

Really showing his superior Anonymous intelligence there. I'll bet he will go in another thread and brag about how he 'pwned dat stupid tripfag lol'.

>> No.3487218


>> No.3487236


I would not have resorted to using an automated script if I knew he was quite so stupid, I assure you.

>> No.3487256

Arcueid proves, even more, that he is wasting valuable air. Anonymous proves, yet again, that it can't help feeding his vapid ego.

>> No.3487264

It can't be helped, he's the laughing stock of this board.

>> No.3487267


Anonymous cannot resist feeding my fame.

Who can blame him? It's tough not to admire me. I admire me.

>> No.3487276


>It can't be helped, she's the Internet Rock Star of this board.

I fixed that for you, dear.

>> No.3487279

Whoa whoa whoa


When have we ever been wise or intelligent?
Just because we know how to access the internet doesn't make us intelligent.

>> No.3487282


>When have we ever been wise or intelligent?

You seem to have missed the many times Anon professes that /jp/ is the most intelligent board on 4chan.

That's okay. I usually ignore quite a bit of Anon's idiocy too. It's understandable.

>> No.3487288


>> No.3487290


Oh, are you using the reaction images for me instead? How kind of you.

>> No.3487294

You actually pay attention to things other people say?!


>> No.3487296


Believe me, I never said it was a good idea.

Nor do I make a habit of it. It's my damnable tendency to -pay attention- to things.

>> No.3487299

Smoke weed everyday.

>> No.3487333


Yes sir.

By the way, have you noticed how that one, singularly butthurt anon usually proceeds to appeal to the popularity after spectacularly humiliating himself in public, trying to say that 'EVERYONE HATES ARC LOL' or that he finds me 'adorable' and 'funny'?

His statements are usually neutralized by the simple fact that most people can't be bothered to care about me enough to hate me, and that he usually denounces me as being unfunny and SO BORING OLOL....at the start of the thread.

All of this is a clear indicator that this anon, like so many others, are full of shit. Your suggestion of not listening to other people? I've considered it more than once, especially after the pathetic little pissing contests that this Anon usually engages in, what with the schoolyard, juvenile insults that are usually the straws he finds himself grasping at in an attempt to save face.

It usually doesn't work, and then other tripfags like White Ren come in and laugh at him for being retarded, or his Anonymous comrades rightfully castigate him for his stupidity.

And yet, he does it again and again, and I just keep dishing it out. He must be masochistic.

>> No.3487337

Baleeting this thead...

>> No.3487349


Please don't do that.

I want more people to come in and laugh at this retard who proved himself the King of Fools on /jp/ - that he would argue with an automatic script.

>> No.3487355

> Old. I already read this on http://www.anertalk.com/ (aner = anon) last night.
That's a tough one.
