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3485638 No.3485638 [Reply] [Original]

Every end is bad end.

>> No.3485646

What? I dont think so

>> No.3485649

Why isn't he seeing his clothes as blobs of meat?

>> No.3485655

There's only three endings, and all end with everyone dying/going insane or saya living (which means people inevitably dying/going insane)

>> No.3485659 [DELETED] 

Shit game is shit. I can't masturbate to a game like this.

>> No.3485658

The one where Saya, Fuminori and Tanbo die is the best because justice prevails and the world is saved. Also because Tanbo was BADASS.

>> No.3485663

This is a very good question that they never felt the need to address....

Also, if Saya's human form is psychosis induced, why is everyone seeing her as the exact same loli? Is Japan that predictable?

>> No.3485665
File: 141 KB, 514x660, sayas_embrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were all good ends, because two beings from across boundaries of time, space, sanity and reason, got to share the experience of true love in it's purest form, however brief it was.

>> No.3485667

Just because its "Best End" doesn't mean its not still "Bad End".

>> No.3485672

Best end? Bloom end would like to have a word with you.

>> No.3485676

wow, go home normalfag

>> No.3485678

I'm not content with everyone becoming blobs against their will, thank you.

>> No.3485682

I loved the one scene where they're both innocently eating Omi's intestine, and suddenly the intestine starts getting shorter so they get closer and closer and finally kiss.

All the while a greasy Italian man is in the background singing "That's Amore".

>> No.3485694
File: 19 KB, 597x336, elfenwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'bout as deep as Elfen Lied. No really, just go ask /a/ how deep it is.

>> No.3485699

It doesn't try to be deep though

>> No.3485710

I always love this argument. Well then, Mr. Superior Taste, what IS "deep"?

>> No.3485716

Deep is when something leaves you reflecting on profound metaphysical matters such as the meaning of life or the worth of humanity compared to other living being.

>> No.3485719

My ass

>> No.3485720
File: 300 KB, 731x1129, 1250788249342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloom end is best end because everyone becomes better! Advanced learning ability and tentacles for everyone.

>> No.3485734
File: 260 KB, 567x600, FUMINORIIIIIIIIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no good end, but there's BRO end, and that's good enough for me.

>> No.3485746
File: 107 KB, 847x695, 1195932476926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... I-I made you a lunch today anon-kun. Would you like to sit and eat with me? <3

>> No.3485759


>> No.3485760
File: 426 KB, 780x997, bbblargh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its my first time.

Please be gentle.

>> No.3485769
File: 42 KB, 541x800, kopeta20090913005452062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, you guys played my game.

Did you think it was cool?

>> No.3485773

mmmm baby, of course I will....ah, sorry, this bento looks delicious, but you look even more delicious. They way your third ass pokes out from under your right claw-arm, ah, I'm so hard already. Fuck, I just can't keep my hands off you today. I want you right now little girl. Yyyyyyyeaaa, wriggle that tentacle, I can't wait to feel your burning-hot flesh-beak wrap around this dick...

>> No.3485775
File: 153 KB, 800x800, 1239522405774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eldritch love!

>> No.3485810

the end where shes killed was pretty satisfying

>> No.3485812

Decent game, worth a single play through, nothing more.. They couldn't seem to decide what kind of character they wanted Saya to be, malevolent, caring, naive, ungodly intelligent/wise, etc. Up until the end the only thing you actually knew about Saya was that she loved Fuminori, or else she wouldn't have been having sex with him (as referenced to in the doctor's notes).

It's ability to conclude ever ending with hopelessness makes is a semi decent eldritch story.

But overall it was mediocre.

>> No.3485818
File: 137 KB, 800x600, Sayanouta-085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3485825

is that Nyar on the left?

>> No.3485836
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>> No.3485835

And Azzy in the middle. :3

>> No.3485858

I agree with the assessment, but mainly because I felt it was lacking thematically. Interesting story, but when it was over, that was it.

>> No.3485861


Shitty character is shitty.
Nitro+ should have put the axe through her face instead so we could at least get some visual satisfaction from that bitch's demise.

She was better in the True End.

>> No.3485868
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Well, I liked her.

>> No.3485870

Oohh yeah...
I'm already fapping.

>> No.3485877


I thought Saya was solid and the character design is at least top-tier.
My only gripe was with Nitro's failure to let us chose whether or not to keep Yoh. And that disgusting grin that Tanbo puts on.

>> No.3486009

>They couldn't seem to decide what kind of character they wanted Saya to be
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.3486039

I kinda enjoyed the idea of a tentacle monster frozen by liquid nitrogen getting blown to bits by a sawn-off shotgun...

>> No.3486043

Too terminator ripoff for my tastes.

>> No.3486048

There is no good end or bad end ... they are just ends.

>> No.3486053
File: 145 KB, 800x525, 6362247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You monster.

>> No.3486069

... But then, Fuminori's face and the way he said "Saya" made me feel kinda bad.

>> No.3486075

no... I'm pretty sure they're all bad ends. Either bad things happen, or bad things are implied to happen.

For instance, the end where the least bad happens, if Saya cured his mental illness, its plausible she might have found another person to indulge her in her romantic fantasy so she could reproduce.

She probably would have also gone back to the park and ate pre-schoolers.

>> No.3486080

No, they're just ends.

>> No.3486084

I fail to see how that is bad. the man is a monster, and she deserved better.

>> No.3486095

Can anyone explain why his neighbor was having the same hallucinations as he was?

I mean, the idea was that he was supposed to interpret everything through his senses as being foul or unappealing, right? Why was his hallucination rotting meat? and why was his hallucination of Saya the same?

>> No.3486100

>I fail to see how that is bad.
>Murdering people and cannibalizing their corpses is normal.


>> No.3486101

didn't you read it, nigger? Saya used him to test if she could reproduce what happened to fuminori on someone else.

also, all endings were awesome endings.

>> No.3486105

You gotta eat, and it isn't cannibalism if it isn't the same species.

>> No.3486117


>> No.3486129

You sick fuck. You all come here to brag about how you don't give a shit about anyone's opinion about what you like and pretend to be NEET for the hell of it. And when the guy abandons what he doesn't give a shit about for, at least what looks like, a loli that would love only him you faggots HURR and call it a bad end.

>> No.3486131

He thought he was eating some tomato things though

>> No.3486155

I think what people are failing to get is the scope of the endings. Two of the ends were good ends for Saya and Fumi, but were bad ends FOR THE WORLD. The other was a bad end for everyone, especially Kouji, but was a good end for THE WORLD.

All ends were Awesome End though.

>> No.3486161

Only until he murdered his neighbor, and he immediately didn't care about eating people afterward.

>> No.3486172

Kouji end best end.
Saya is the worst main character I have ever seen in japanese media. Dirty monsterous slut, I wish you eternal roneryness.

>> No.3486179
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>> No.3486182

A warm hole is a warm hole. Even if you knew she was giant blob, you'd still have sex with her, because she at least looks loli.

>> No.3486196


>> No.3486731

END OF THE WORLD end was best end.

More games should have endings like that, it was the most satisfying I've seen in months.

I don't know what that says about me though.

>> No.3486745

Baldr Sky has some really great endings. Usually the bad/normal ones are better than the good ones.

>> No.3486913

translation fkin where?
