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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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34741928 No.34741928 [Reply] [Original]

What does jay think of the recent fumo craze and the memes thereof? Does the influx of fumo-only secondaries irritate you or do you welcome them with open arms?

>> No.34742019
File: 1.04 MB, 2048x2048, cirno with fumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind the craze or the memes. What I mind is people shitposting in /fumo/. It used to be such a soft thread but now it is in recline.

>> No.34742022

recent? fumos have been around for over 10 years now.

>> No.34742031

>What does jay think of the recent fumo craze and the memes thereof?
I really don't care. It doesn't bother me, but it does piss me off s little bit because it's just another wrench I have to pay attention to now.
>Does the influx of fumo-only secondaries irritate you or do you welcome them with open arms?
I don't care so long as they aren't shitters whose knowledge comes from memes and nothing else. People joke about most people not even knowing the games exist, but it's true in some form. Some guys have never seen a mainline game before.
He means the sudden spike in normalfags posting them.

>> No.34742045
File: 204 KB, 600x600, 1308740344_aya-girlsarenowpreparing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well hey i'll take 2hu shitposts over vtuber posts any day.

>> No.34742122

I don't browse the fumo thread, so I didn't even notice it.

>> No.34742141

I don't know. I've only heard about that on here.

>> No.34742173

>I don't browse the fumo thread,
He's not talking about the fumo thread, but the difference is noticeable.

>> No.34742223 [DELETED] 

>He's not talking about the fumo thread
He said thread though? Am I out of touch with /jp/?

>> No.34742229

>He's not talking about the fumo thread
What's he talking about, then?

>> No.34742259

Fumo shitposts outside of /jp/. They're getting popular among normalfags.

>> No.34742269

Well, it was to be expected. I'm surprised it didn't start happening sooner with how long Touhou's been (relatively) mainstream.

>> No.34742461

>outside of /jp/
Sounds like anon has been visiting places full of normalfags.

>> No.34743176

>he knows what's popular among normalfags

>> No.34743191


>> No.34743454

Well stay off of fagbook and twatter and fucktok and whatever other fucking faggotry you homovan faggots play on.

>> No.34743818

Fumos are expensive and normalfags are normalfags.
Like all of their fads it will last for a month or two and then be forgotten because they are braindead cattle.

Bonus: after the whole "craze" is over, those fumos are going to be sold for cheap on western sites.

>> No.34743987

It's really annoying when you think you find someone with a similar interest to you only for them to not get it and just post memes about them anyway while still making fun of you.
Take back what's yours, /jp/!

>> No.34744190

I have no idea what that's like.
>Take back what's yours, /jp/!
I'm not even sure what you expect me to "take back", specially considering the problem (whatever it is) seems to be limited to you.

>> No.34744417

It'll fade into obscurity sooner or later. Also asking what /jp/ thinks about secondaries of any kind, really? Personally speaking I don't give a crap. Why should I care about it is a better question.

While true that the general quality of /fumo/ has plummeted in the few months, the majority of posters still more or less know the core values of the general. If anything, it's been getting better as of recently, just look at the current thread. I'd even argue that /fumo/ is much more stable than most of the semi-permanent shit on /jp/ due to the simple and relaxed atmosphere there.

>> No.34744452

>Bonus: after the whole "craze" is over, those fumos are going to be sold for cheap on western sites.
I doubt it, fumos were expensive as fuck in 2009 and they are still expensive now.

>> No.34744495

>fumos were expensive as fuck in 2009 and they are still expensive now.
what were the prices like back then

>> No.34744591
File: 616 KB, 680x510, 1618444891512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like dumb fumo memes.

>> No.34744657

I got my Reimu Fumo for 2625 yen + shipping in 2013.

>> No.34744663

newfags are the only people who get super pissed about secondaries. they don't remember what it was like during the peak of relevancy.

>> No.34745764

Who quote

>> No.34745812

There's literally nothing wrong with e/b/in Touhou menes. Or what, do you prefer vt*ber memes?

>> No.34746579

Been seeing a lot of people having them as their rateyourmusic profile pics

Unsure how to feel about this...

>> No.34746646

freaking out and breaking things because of that Bad Apple video. They think Alice is Marisa!

>> No.34746668

wtf are you even talking about, you goof?

>> No.34749375

A time before fumos

>> No.34755507

still dont understand

>> No.34757399

being in the fandom for probably 8+ years by now and no it's still just as annoying if not more so because now you can't escape whatever the current meme is online, everyone will post it until it's become nauseating
come on just track your music manually, that sites a hell hole

>> No.34759868

outside of jp dayo???
