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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 515x534, Machinery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3472941 No.3472941 [Reply] [Original]

I believe the old thread is auto-sage, so new ECO thread.

>> No.3472945

Old thread >>3469153

>> No.3472971

wiki: http://emilchronicle.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
download: http://eco.runup.com.sg/en/05-download/05-01-01.php
sign up with anything, both malaysia and singapore is same server.

to make the font bigger change in eco.ini: LogFontSize=1 fontname=Tahoma

/jp/'s guild(ring) is gensokyo but is currently full.

>> No.3472983

How do you do the stats for a Merchant?

>> No.3473005
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Now now...

>> No.3473108

Ohhh, you guys are the reason why emilchronicle.com has been hosed by 40 bazillion people. Oh well keep it coming. It should be fixed now.

Our client download mirror is temporarily disabled though.

>> No.3473144

Anyone online?

>> No.3473147 [DELETED] 

Why do you need friends to talk to normalfag?

>> No.3473149
File: 3 KB, 126x85, 1241942711103s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still lagging.

>> No.3473152
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Don't tell me you talk to yourself, normalfag.

>> No.3473154 [DELETED] 

lol u mad?

>> No.3473160

Me, but I'm soloing as Ranger though.

>> No.3473177

I am, grinding with my fellow stakes.

>> No.3473191
File: 242 KB, 580x580, kuchinashionfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still grinding at Lake Utena.

Partying with myself ;_;

>> No.3473250

Oh yay, quests reset. Quest grindan time.

>> No.3473259

Tell me why I should play this instead of the goddamn frustrating but enticing copy of Devil Summoner 2 I got a few days ago.

>> No.3473269

Because you get to play with /jp/ and pretend you really have friends.

>> No.3473277


I saw your party walk past me

>> No.3473285


But the /jp/ guild is full, so I get to fuck about by myself and join some shitty guild instead while I could be using that time more wisely.

>> No.3473291 [DELETED] 

I played this game earlier and I had japbird or something in my name and the only person that talked to me was some idiot that kept following me and saying "lol u mad?".

Never playing it again.

>> No.3473297

Haha, yeah, I saw you.

>> No.3473303

You're lucky he didn't possess you or something.

>> No.3473308

We're in need of any spellcasters and the like in Iron South Street.

>> No.3473309

Possession has a long cast time (like 20-30s or something, long enough for you to walk far away so it fails) and you can always dispel it on both ends.

>> No.3473321

6/6 Swordsman, Hourai at Lake Utena now, anyone wants to party?

>> No.3473336

C'monnnnnnnnnnnnnn people

>> No.3473337

Whenever I try to make an ID it says 'failed to register'. AIDS?

>> No.3473341


>> No.3473346

Yeah, but that has nothing to do with it!

>> No.3473347

Valid certificate NO.
(ID card or Passport)

wtf? why is it asking me for this shit? lawl

>> No.3473355 [DELETED] 


>> No.3473357

The generic grindan crap would be a lot more bearable if the guild/ring system wasn't so fucked. Soloing gets boring real quick.

>> No.3473362

i'll have this game soon if anyone wants to become best friends and play lots! unless it sucks in which case i'll say 'brb' and never come back, leaving your heart forever empty and untrusting. but hey, it's worth it. @14mins on download


>> No.3473377

Why not?

>> No.3473385

I'd love to but unfortunately I cannot stand this game

>> No.3473439

I thought quests were reset? It wont let me take any.

>> No.3473444

Hm, from what I'm guessing, reset time is when you made your character. I made mine exactly at server opening so it reset at 3pm GMT+8 for me.

>> No.3473446

Any recommendations for grindin' at level 14?

>> No.3473451

Use marionette, grind at Snov Fork.

>> No.3473454



By the way, I somehow can't whisper you, Hourai? It says "Cannot find hourai"

>> No.3473457



>> No.3473461

have it now but kinda lost lol. my name is meow and i'm a naked angel loli.

>> No.3473466

Sherry S. z Pennsylwanii znalazla ten wspanialy zestaw monet w starym strumieniu na glebokosci okolo 8 cali: jednocentówka z 1828, trzy-centówka z 1867 roku oraz V nickel zwana równiez Liberty Head nickel z characterystycznym V na odwrocie z roku 1883.<a href=http://www.garrett.ch/pol/products_det.php3?id=43&product_id=118><img>http://c1.ac
-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/76/l_2f397ec694584f56ab86dc2d0e064a1c.jpg</img> latarki wykrywacze metali detektor eksploracja </a>

>> No.3473502

"Your character name is taken"
*uses フロン instead*
"Oh shit, it accepts moonspeak"

>> No.3473507

10/10 Swordsman, Hourai at East Cape now, anyone wants to party?

>> No.3473524

herp http://hotglue.co.cc/online/

>> No.3473537

how will people message you?

>> No.3473587

by typing フロン。

>> No.3473613

<a href=http://twidaren.000page.com/astroer/784.html>result</a>

<a href=http://pobieramy.org/view,twi6800.html>link</a>

>> No.3473741

Does anyone knows if what exactly does Advanced Metal Refining does? Should I pump it?

>> No.3473754

Good guide on the Jap wiki, it's understandable enough with an online translator.

>> No.3473775



>> No.3473934

Hi Arisa, question about Swordsman. Is it wise to have a STR + AGI build and having accuracy increasing skills? Or is it best to strike a balance between these 3 stats?

>> No.3473964


check this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShzljkZOOlk

>> No.3473967

So people in here will still play this?
That's nice, I thought I was the only one.

>> No.3473969

If Sword Delay Cancel is still x2 aspd, you only need 40 or so agi to hit max aspd. Personally I wouldn't put agi until higher levels since earlier you can spam merciless blow for easy leveling, and just pour everything into str and some dex to hit. You still need dex even with the accuracy buffs/passives.

>> No.3473970

So, is there still place in the /jp/ guild?

>> No.3473975

What class should I start with?

>> No.3473976
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>> No.3473984

F-fine, I'll try it! Too bad I can't seem to find a decent mirror.

>> No.3473990

I keep getting nprotect error.
I can't play.

>> No.3473991

Never mind, the onrpg mirror goes at a good speed for me.

>> No.3474004

4chan tip - You can delete posts.

>> No.3474011

You're telling a tripfag to delete his post? Did you forget that I, like all other tripfags by default, took on a trip because I crave for attention!?

>> No.3474020

Miku, you managed to register? I somehow cant whisper you.

>> No.3474034

Is cooldown really important for spellcaster?

Currently most of my stats have been put into MAG.
I have the reach the point where instead of putting my point into magic, I can put more points into INT to increase my min magic damage instead of wasting all my point to increase 1MAG.

Not really sure if DEX is useful for cooldown? Any tips?

For skills I am gonna max Increase MP Regeneration and Increase Maximum MP and probably keep all 4element magic at lvl1. What should I do with extra skill points? Increase the the element magic or will that be obsolete when I swap to 2nd job?

>> No.3474050

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Stop DDoSing AT. There WILL be consequences a la weeks of downtime for you. Remember last time? Did you enjoy not being able to access your retarded shithole? No? Then stay the hell away from us and go fuck with somebody else. (AT = www + dot + anon + talk + dot + com.)

tG Tt e P g T2z SY8Soysh9 5 9 bic zkAFS RuC 69QNfPsj3afd6id 5E aQ2SVwtsO5y8 3uuWszx WvP Qzd ADDpppQ3sQ8HsYWl83Pmnoqx l

>> No.3474058

Why are character names always so hard to think of, god damn.

>> No.3474060

You need to get enough Mag to start oneshotting things before putting Dex, maybe get a tank class to possess so you can safely shoot things. Later on at 50+ you can't oneshot things anymore so have dex by then for rapid casting. As for skills certain areas have generally one elemental weakness (like fire for north), so pick an element and max it, and grind like crazy on what you're strong against.

>> No.3474090

free to play? even after OB?

>> No.3474097



>> No.3474121

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Furthermore, don?t take many calories when you?re into Meridia medication.

>> No.3474130

These messages will continue day and night until the DDoS attacks of AT stop completely.
Stop DDoSing AT.
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Stop DDoSing AT. There WILL be consequences a la weeks of downtime for you. Remember last time? Did you enjoy not being able to access your retarded shithole? No? Then stay the hell away from us and go fuck with somebody else. (AT = www + dot + anon + talk + dot + com.)

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>> No.3474137

Can I join the /jp/ ring?
I'm just starting though.

>> No.3474154

So, there's only acropolis to join or am I missing something?

>> No.3474169

Four other cities but you need access to them first, either by getting a pass or joining the faction the cities are aligned with (or possessing someone who has access).

>> No.3474186

I meant server.

>> No.3474194

Ah, yeah, only one server.

>> No.3474207

Are you guys playing in MY or SG?

>> No.3474214


Both have the same server

>> No.3474218

They're on the same server.

>> No.3474222

Oh, ok thanks.

>> No.3474224

try rebooting

>> No.3474241

Anyone got the japan wiki link?

The english wiki is sadly lacking in information.

>> No.3474330
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>> No.3474347
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Nadeko yum

>> No.3474362




>> No.3474383
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>> No.3474387
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>> No.3474391
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>> No.3474393
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>> No.3474396
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>> No.3474397
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First off you don't need to sign up at runup.com.
Second when your signing up at the eco site name has to be in all lower case, same with password but with at least one number in it.

I'm going to be on soon, a Mini Minor Miner called NexusVanLeHamon.

I'm going to be running around grinding boxes and iron ore rocks for money...at first.

>> No.3474400

All the good names have been taken already.

>> No.3474409
File: 249 KB, 600x800, 1252743840541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3474421

Ohai; I saw your Mini Minor Miner with my Mini Minor Miner. Vita here, but I won't be on for another several hours.

>> No.3474423

I love being a miner. It's pretty easy to run around collecting ore to make tidy sums of money. Especially now that I have Advanced Metal Refining, so I don't have to pay the weaponsmith to turn my ores into their sellable forms. Sure, my combat abilities are laughable, but screw fighting, I'm rich.

>> No.3474426

Does your race really matter a lot?

>> No.3474443

Any particularly good spots for ore?

>> No.3474458

And what are you guys going to do with the $$$?

Spirit Clothes(F) [Lv 40 Top] - 32,000 gold
Silver Mail(U) [Lv 44 Fighter Type (Top)] - 42,000 gold
Light Sexy Dress(F) [Lv 39 Top] - 40,000 gold
Sexy Dress(F) [Lv 42 Top] - 46,000 gold
Light Combat Uniform(F) [Lv 39 Top] - 30,000 gold
Combat Uniform(F) [Lv 42 Top] - 36,000 gold
Material Hat(F) [Lv 40 Headgear] - 3,500 gold
Spike Boots [Lv 41 Shoes] - 28,000 gold
Red Spike Boots [Lv 41 Shoes] - 28,000 gold

Elegant Cap [Lv 20 Headgear] - 7,500 gold
Simple Headband [Lv 35 Shamen Type] - 4,400 gold
Simple Top [Lv 20 Fighter/Backpacker Type (Top)] - 10,000 gold
Simple Pants [Lv 20 Fighter/Backpacker Type (Bottom)] - 3,400 gold
Cheap Coat [Lv 25 Top] - 4,000 gold

All the expensive stuff need you to be like 20+ before you can equip them. Isn't better to grind for lvl first and then only grind for gold?

>> No.3474465

Not really, but it still depends on what job you're taking.

>> No.3474483


>Especially now that I have Advanced Metal Refining, so I don't have to pay the weaponsmith to turn my ores into their sellable forms

Ah ha! Finally I know whats Advanced Metal Refining for. Thanks!

>> No.3474489 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3474500 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3474511

/jp/ guild got any space?

>> No.3474516

Which one?
Gensokyo has none.

>> No.3474541

I can't decide on which job to pick. ;_;

>> No.3474542

oh hey Vita, Nexus here, cya round

>> No.3474544

Killer Bee Hill seems pretty decent. Lots of different rocks to mine, and the enemies are trivial at level 14. The exp there seems ho-hum at this point, though.

Gotta save up for my giant robot. I'm planning to go Engineer, and the damn thing costs a million gold. I'm trying to avoid wasting money. I did have to replace my Miner's Furnace, though, since my original broke after doing a synthesis. Pissed me off. Also, side note: the english wiki claims that Advanced Metal Refining only goes to level 1. That is wrong. Looks like it goes to five (mine's currently at 3). Best part of AMF is that you can refine ore right on the spot instead of having to carry those massive metallic stones back to the city. Even with our massive weight and capacity limits, those things devour our bag space. So this saves us a lot of time that would otherwise be wasted walking back and forth.

>> No.3474575

what jobs can get mounts eventually?

>> No.3474597


A question; do you sell the iron ores to npcs or?

>> No.3474609

Some I sell, some I use to experiment with synthesis recipes.

>> No.3474634

Have you used the Weaponsmith to make a weapon yet?

This Spiked Club isn't going to do a very good job for much longer.

>> No.3474647


Im still on Club at 18/17 haha

>> No.3474669
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Problem miner?

>> No.3474683

This begs the question, Sword Combo or Merciless Strike? Or is it better to max out both? Also thanks for the answer to my previous question.

>> No.3474687

I prefer Merciless Strike, myself.

>> No.3474812

How do i raise, ore knowledge?
I don't see anyway to do this.

>> No.3474851

It;s only one level, I think.

>> No.3474862

Are the 3rd tier jobs better than 2nd tier? I don't understand why there's the option to switch between them.

>> No.3474892

Depends, really. You can also take five skills from the other job, so some people might switch to grab some good skills from the other job.

>> No.3474924

Warlock or merchant, I can't decide.

>> No.3474940


>> No.3474968

Telling me to be something completely different doesn't help.

>> No.3475006

Backpack classes aren't easy for beginners, Warlocks are pretty decent.

>> No.3475095

Might make a miner as an alt at this rate, making money is hard.

>> No.3475100

Wooden Boxes not doing you justice, or is the drop rate crap at your grindan spot?

>> No.3475102


1. where do I make mayonnaise?
2. Are all the 'free skill points' quests for first job only? Will I lose anything in the future if I do them now?
3. should I buy weapons and armor off NPCs?
4. does it cost 1000g every time I vend items if I get a golem vendor?

>> No.3475108

24k for Lv21 sword, boxes aren't cutting it anymore.

>> No.3475116

1. Item Refiner, outside the main city or in small towns.
2. Apparently, according to Arisa.
3. Up to you, since things gets expensive fast.
4. Sorry, don't know.

>> No.3475217

What are the free skill point quests?

>> No.3475218

21 skill pts for first class only, 10 for first or second.

>> No.3475262

So that means there are 11 quests I should do as first class?

What I'm afraid of is accidentally using up the skill points I shouldn't for later. Any confirmed quests for first class only?

>> No.3475278

It is.

>> No.3475279

I love the music that plays when you are in Snow Fork.

>> No.3475292

You can skill reset and those points will still be there so dont worry.

>> No.3475294

Wait, does that mean if I change job (like to Vates), I miss out on some skill points?

>> No.3475298

Looking around, everyone seems to agree that the 21 quests with a skillpt each are for first class only, with 10 that can be done by either first or second.

>> No.3475352

So anyone hit lvl30+ yet?
When I logged off 12hours ago, there is already a lvl24 vates.

>> No.3475462

Yes, there's a 30/30 shaman in Gensokyo. Most of us are 20-25ish.

>> No.3475506

Haha, fast. I'm only level 21 atm since I spend a lot of time farming.

>> No.3475538

woah you guys play a lot, i'm only near lvl7/7, i've just played two hours

>> No.3475568

My client doesn't patch. It just sits there, saying "Retrieving information" or some shit. Left it like that for over 6 hours; no difference.


>> No.3475598

Utorrent was cockblocking my client for some reason. You might want to try firewalls or any other programs.

>> No.3475607

Will there be a reset later or will we keep what we get in OB?

>> No.3475649

Is there an update that I could download manually somewhere? This client is taking the piss.

>> No.3475659

i didn't saw any problem when i downloaded it, it took me 30 min to get it

>> No.3476031

Should I change to first job right away?
Or is there anything I should do as a novice?

>> No.3476043

Considering most jobs begin giving bonus stat increases starting at a certain level, it is a good idea to not wait too too long before job changing. In my opinion.

Of course, it is really up to you, there may be benefits for some classes to stay as a novice for the time being, etc.

>> No.3476070

Don't I lose skill points if I become first job without gaining job level as a novice?
Or is the job level the same once you change?

>> No.3476079

Is it worth it going job 50 on a fencer before becoming a knight?

>> No.3476100

This is something I'd like to know as well.

>> No.3476163

Spam on Update.
trust me.

>> No.3476207

Kouhime reporting in, any new /jp/ rings up?

>> No.3476277


>> No.3476575

Job lvl stays the same from novice to job if that's what you are asking.

>> No.3476580

so no difference in changing to first job now or in job level 5?

>> No.3476695

None that I noticed.

>> No.3476726

I'm going for Vates, what build you guys recommend?

>> No.3476796



Maybe some VIT.

>> No.3476802


>> No.3477189


Vates need more VIT than DEX.

>> No.3477564

Haven't found any recipes to make hammers yet. But there is an NPC vendor down south, right before the border guard, that sells a level 15-ish hammer for around 6k, and I think a level 20-ish hammer for around 10k. Numbers are approximate, but it was definitely better than that stupid 9k crowbar at the Downtown weapon shop.

>> No.3477723

Any /jp/ ring with space yet?

>> No.3477752

how much is a dark hat worth
i think i just ran into some deep money

>> No.3477866

its a lvl 35 hat for wizards, cablist, and necros...all race, unisex.

>> No.3478039

Is there any penalty for dying?

>> No.3478054

a little exp lost from main lvl and job lvl

>> No.3478079

What's a good build for a warlock? And is it normal that I have to autoattack because mp regens way too slowly to use black widow regularly?

>> No.3478110

so um...

can someone sell this game to me, i don't see the draw to it.

>> No.3478111

So what's all the fuss about? Or is this just your standard grinding game with cute characters?

>> No.3478120

Ragnarok Online with lolis.

>> No.3478121

It's an asian grinding mmo and it's new and free so people are going to screw around with it for a month and then move on. It's exactly like lunia, maginobi, s4 and countless previous flavour of the month games.

>> No.3478137

alot of us still play mabi we're just not vocal about it cause SAGE SAGE SAGE GRINDFEST LOL NEXON.

>> No.3478149

It's only natural that a few will stick on but generally speaking these games are mediocre beyond the initial thrill of something new and it's doubtful that these threads will continue to occur in a months time.

>> No.3478177

Well /v/'s flavor of the month is DFO. Only natural that /jp/ gets the loli game and /v/ gets the bouncing tits game.

>> No.3478265
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Actually, a surprising number of people in /v/ love the Mage. Of course, I, too, adore her.

>> No.3478294

Any Rings with space yet?

so ronery ;_;

>> No.3478321

Want to pretend to be in a faction together?

>> No.3478324


I think hotglue might have space. No idea on gensokyo though.

>> No.3478333

Anyone gotten any good items from boxes yet? I gave up trying to open it for 100g per box and npc'ed all my boxes.

>> No.3478334

Vita here. Since you've managed to level past me by so much, have you found any other areas that would be good for mining?

I'm still only level 14 on account of actually having to attend my classes. ;_;

>> No.3478339

I've gotten a Noble Ribbon from a box, which sells to an NPC for 700g. No idea what its real worth is, though.

>> No.3478344


Who do i talk to about invite?

>> No.3478348

Gensokyo is out of slots at least for 1 week. With luck 5 days.

>> No.3478377


Sorry Vita, I have no idea at all. (My current weapon is a level 1 club)


Talk to hjones or Tablecat

>> No.3478392

Make one with me, i personally find hotglue and gensokyo to be gay names. We need a cooler ring name

>> No.3478401 [DELETED] 


>> No.3478400


What are you thinking of?

>> No.3478403

Anyone has any idea where to get a "Piece of Mind"?

>> No.3478414

Where do you get iron ore?

>> No.3478421

Dunno, something nanoha related, touhou related, or just something thats not weaboo but cool

>> No.3478429

You can get lumps of iron by refining the metallic stones that drop from Iron Ore Rocks (and sometimes regular rocks).

>> No.3478440

Anyone here can help me convert Mandra Carrots into Turnips?

>> No.3478448


Do note too that only Metallic Stone can be refined into iron, not Metallic Stone1 or any Stone2/3/4.

>> No.3478457

Forget that then, too much effort.

>> No.3478461

And that is where the bullshit beings

>> No.3478481


>> No.3478505

JBCS, since Japanese Bird is the embodiment of /jp/.

>> No.3478562

How does this game compare to Dragonica? That's the MMO I'm addicted to right now.

>> No.3478566

dA gEnUfLeCtUrZzZz

>> No.3478569

Drops from Cyclops or Angel Feather in the north areas. We're going to go there sometime today (well, today for me, lol timezones).

>> No.3478576

I lost, i raged.

>> No.3478585

never played Dragonica but I can tell you that ECO is a lot shittier

>> No.3478632

100% Grindan.

Although, if you choose to be a spellcaster (like I did), and find a good party, one can simply possess a tank and spam spells, all while posting on /jp/.

>> No.3478663
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wat is a dark hat worth

its a lvl 35 hat for wizards, cablist, and necros...all race, unisex.

>> No.3478727

If you see SaveTheQueen say hi to him.

>> No.3478863
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Error reportin' in. Just spending some quality time with my pet boar

>> No.3478959

Someone was bound to ask this question. Where did you get that?

>> No.3478993

I do the same thing.

>> No.3479009
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>> No.3479030

Whats wrong? To much truth?

>> No.3479052

They drop off of Reckless Geckos.

>> No.3479080

OK. Who wants to join Niggaz With Attitude

>> No.3479107

Any spellcasters, other than Vates, around?

>> No.3479114


>> No.3479115

What are the least used jobs in the game? I want to be something different from everyone else.

>> No.3479125

Probably miner because getting iron is gay.

>> No.3479126

A permanent novice.

>> No.3479130


>> No.3479132

I got mine out of a box...a box1 i think...so um anyone want to buy it...

>> No.3479149
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>> No.3479186

Warlock, I think.

>> No.3479217 [DELETED] 


Hey arisa, any recommendations where to grind at 21/20?

>> No.3479230

Anyone knows where to level at 21/20?

>> No.3479240


I'll join a ring called Genuflect.

>> No.3479242

Does anybody know a good ranger build.

>> No.3479248

Go kill roper/ropler or something like that at desert

>> No.3479250

"Advanced Ore Knowledge" my ass. Those fucking iron ore rocks drop NOTHING.

>> No.3479254

Solo cinnamons is where it's at, bro.

>> No.3479256

are there alot of merchants/archers? I was thinking about being one of them.

>> No.3479265
File: 3 KB, 93x133, boar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-wait, where are you going?

Come back, all I want is to say hi ;_;

>> No.3479266

its the truth i never even killed a geco thingy, i found it in a box1 or it might have been a box2, i have opend over 200 boxes already almost close to 250

>> No.3479268


Hard for a miner - too hard


Yeah on it now.

>> No.3479270

Hahaha, moemoe megane-ko boar-chan is just misunderstood? Tell that to the mountain of corpses in her wake.

>> No.3479284

What's that and where?

>> No.3479292


Level: 39 Experience: 308
Health: 420
Stamina: 100
Mana: 100 Job Experience: 295
Species: Animal
Type: Earth (50%) Behavior:
Attack Power: 85 ~ 195
Attack Type: Smash
Magic Attack: 125 ~ 140 Defense: 50 (29%)
Magic Defense: 26 (12%)
Skills: Movement Speed: 250
Attack Speed: 300
Casting Speed: 200

>> No.3479294


In Acro north bridge right now, probably idling all night. Buy some of these frilly MOE~ ribbons.
Come on, you knew I was going to respond to one of these eventually.

>> No.3479302

Iron South-area monster. Looks like a stuffed toy on a ball.
Not aggressive, and not very fast, but incredible experience (something in the 300s, iirc). A spellcaster around level 20 should be able to take one down in two-three lowest level spells.
They're more plentiful closer to Iron South than by the volcano, but by the volcano there are almost no aggro mobs, so it's a safer grind spot.

>> No.3479326


>> No.3479331

So, should I start stockpiling my lumps of iron/lead and my clay, or should I just hawk it at a vendor for some quick cash?

>> No.3479446 [DELETED] 
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Such a kawaii island ^_______^

>> No.3479449

QUALITY thread?

>> No.3479461
File: 965 KB, 1280x1024, ss20091002_015228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is my only friends in this game. Is there a /jp/ ring with space?

>> No.3479462

I almost played this /jp/. Almost. Then I realized how much grindan and shitty it was. Images like>>3479446
help my decision even more.

>> No.3479480
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It really doesn't look that bad. The bridge was very close in the other screenshot.

>> No.3479481

We should make one. look up ^

>> No.3479497

Hotglue has one slot open for now, but we're not going to look for you; you have to come find us.

You're probably better off listening to >>3479481 and making another ring, because apparently just two isn't enough to contain the absurd amounts of MOE~ this shitty grindfest has.
In a few days people are going to start quitting without notice and spots will free up, but OB's even worse than CB in the sense that you fags are just piling up. In truth, very few have the endurance to actually grind this consistently.
Good luck you pansies.

>> No.3479501

I guess I'll start playing. Hopefully it's better than Mabinogi.

>> No.3479508

It's hilariously fun if four people with pets possess the same person. Five carrots/turnips trailing after someone.

>> No.3479510

fuck you guys I just started DFO

>> No.3479513

Is the /jp/ guild still open or whatever? I'll waste a few hours on this.

>> No.3479524


>> No.3479529

Catties are even better. They stack in the same spot sometimes.

>> No.3479530
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>> No.3479534

Go to bed.

>> No.3479537


>> No.3479541

Haha, still waiting for today's quest count before I get a Catty.

>> No.3479557

So, has anyone else ever gotten REALLY horrible lag with this game? Like, not 3000 ping horrible, but "holy shit I hit 'log out' and I still haven't logged out 5 minutes later!" horrible.

This is getting absurd.

>> No.3479563

It's not. Mabi was at least somewhat interesting with it's battle system, odd skills, and fuckton of character customization. This is just generic crap.

>> No.3479566
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In game name is Destiny, say hi /jp/

>> No.3479569

You're not alone, anon. Lag is where all the boar rage in this thread comes from.
Generally, for most of us they suddenly aggro and kill us during a random lagspike, which is something that happens a lot.
Fortunately for me it's something that can be complained about, and that's my favorite thing to do. Complaining.

>This is just generic crap.

Not true. This is a RO+WoW clone; in MMO terms 'generic crap' is just a WoW clone.
Give it some credit.

>> No.3479571

I'd love to, if I could do anything in this game right now other than lag the fuck out of it.

>> No.3479574

Nothing like that on my end.

>> No.3479575

I have to say I was greatly disappointed making my character. Also 3 hair colours? Seriously?

>> No.3479576

i have no lag at all

>> No.3479577

autosage is not the correct term

>> No.3479579


Changeable ingame via hair dyes etc

>> No.3479583

there isn't a term for when a thread reaches it's post limit and stops bumping. it's just a word people came up for to describe it

>> No.3479584

I have ice blue dye, you can get a free random colored one in uptown.

>> No.3479585

I just thought it ridiculous reading the race description and seeing
>they are full of vital energy and have impressive brown hair
Like brown hair is something actually impressing. Can you change body types too later or no I assume.

>> No.3479610


>> No.3479613

Speak to the beautician there.
If you're female go to the right side, vice versa.

>> No.3479617

Thank you. Also, do all the quests give prestige?

>> No.3479623

What prestige?

>> No.3479625

Prestige for Rings and Catty quest.

>> No.3479627
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Worked out alright for me, since Vita has reddish hair anyways.

>> No.3479628


>> No.3479632

Yo. I feel so weak. ;_;

>> No.3479637

Why not train at cinnamons?

>> No.3479643
File: 21 KB, 219x93, 1234255737742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Found my first Mineral Deposit
>Nothing dropped

>> No.3479649

Pretty sure they'd kick my 14/14 minor Miner ass.

>> No.3479659

Have someone to leech you

>> No.3479664

I've yet to run into someone who would do that. Lyin is the only person on my friends list, and I'm not in either of the /jp/ guilds.

>> No.3479672

So, tell me when a ring has any free spots, it's getting boring to grind alone.

>> No.3479698

Post your IGN and location, and then wait.

>> No.3479727


21/20; Cinnamons: 2, Me: 0

I gave up

>> No.3479788


Try Ropers?

>> No.3479821
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Fan service shots

>> No.3479832
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>> No.3479892


Yeah i went back to ropers

>> No.3480049

Make new thread? looks like this is on autosage.

>> No.3480082

New thread >>3480080

>> No.3480599

Update's greyed out.

Fuck this shit.
