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347068 No.347068 [Reply] [Original]

Finished You's route. Inspite of what I've been led to believe, her route is boring, devoid of any drama, and loaded with unanswered myseries. The most lame part was the prologue in which they ask You's mom about all these unsolved issues, and are apparantly answered off-screen. So, what...is everything going to be explained in a sit-down session with You's clone mom? Is that's what going to happen at the end o Coco's route -- because if so I might as well stop playing here.

Takeshi was a loser, but at least he attained a certain level of gar-ranger badassery at the end of his two routes in defense of his sweetheart. Kid, however, was just lame from start to finish, and his route totally lacked the emotionl impact of Takeshi's. I'm playing Sara's next, and if it's going to be different version of You's, I'm not expecting much.

>> No.347078

Sara is the best route.

I like her song.

>> No.347097

Kid gets a badass scene in Sara's route.

>> No.347130

The only reason I don't sage these threads is because I want to see how many bricks you'll shit in Coco's route.

>> No.347135

The way Coco's route explains everything is way better than having You's "mom" explain things.

I'd recommend You's route to be the starter as it gives a taste for everything, and Sora's route as the last before Coco's because it summarizes some things.

Sara's route focuses on Kid's identity. Well sorta.

Also, prologues are go before, epilogues go after.

>> No.347149

Don't you fucking touch Sara, you bitch!

>> No.347191

Never recalled hearing that track outside of that scene, though.

>> No.347182


And the awesome music kicks in.

>> No.347196

The only reason why I even bothered with an erogo with no ero, and one so budget that it can even be commerically translated, is that anon promised me MANY BRICKS.

I'm naturally suspicious of anon's taste in eroge, being limited as he is to mediocre crap in general. But Ever17 came up so much that even I started to feel left out.

>> No.347233

The only reason why we bother with you is because Ever17 is just that good at the end.

>> No.347260


Just fucking play it, you... you...

>> No.347268
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The answers to those questions in the epilogue are gradually revealed, mostly during Coco's route.

Sara's route has a lot of important plot details, but don't expect a Takeshi-style ending there either.

>> No.347269

>mediocre crap
>erogo with no ero

>> No.347300

I thought Kid was pretty awesome at Sara's end. Then again, he had Blick Winkel and half-cure hax.

>> No.347362

OP: seriously, just play it and stop whining. You are guaranteed to shit bricks towards the end. Little bricks in Sara's route and big fucking bricks in the last route.

>> No.347437

Why the hell do you need any ero, anyway?

You don't go to the library thinking "which of these books has the porn in it", do you?

>> No.347452

You're on 4chan, it's more likely than you think.

>> No.347597

Okay, we need to clear something up. Sex is better than no sex. Why? Because the game is essentially about being attracted to one or more of the female characters, and consumating the attraction is more satisfying from both a story-telling perspective and a fap-aid perspective.

However, just having sex in a game doesn't make it a GOOD game. What makes a game good are the characterizations of the female cast, the plot, production value and screenwriting.

Now, I know some anons perfer to stare at lolis being cute, and that's enough for them. To me, however, I want drama. I want the girls' hearts to go black with jelously and rage. I like the peacful begning, following a degeneration into darkness, pain and hopelessness, followed by an emotionally satisfactory happy end. I love it when the "bad" soundtrack starts up, signifying a disaster, a dark revelation, or the musings of weak mind going crazy. I play eroge for those moments. And I'll admit Ever17 has had some of those, so I'm not going to say it's been a waste of time.

>> No.347634



>> No.347731

So, you like lolis.

Hongfire --> that way.

>> No.347734


lol whut

>> No.347760

>I want drama. I want the girls' hearts to go black with jelously and rage. I like the peacful begning, following a degeneration into darkness, pain and hopelessness, followed by an emotionally satisfactory happy end. I love it when the "bad" soundtrack starts up, signifying a disaster, a dark revelation, or the musings of weak mind going crazy.

...That's called "plot".

>> No.347801

Are you that School Days faggot from Hongfire? Like it was said before, don't try to impose your view on other, people play these eroge for different reasons and none of them are "right" or "wrong".

>> No.347822


It may very well be that watching lolis talk to one another and having "hijinks" gets you off. That's cool. Not saying that's right or wrong; it's within your rights to have no taste whatsoever.

>> No.347828


not even trying

>> No.347834

Why does anyone have to get off at all, huh...

Never mind. I'm only a bystander, so it's best that I leave this conversation before anyone becomes angry at me.

>> No.347839

Will this faggot hurry up and finish this game already, fuck sakes. You are the fucking slowest reader i'v ever seen.

>> No.347851
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>watching lolis talk to one another and having "hijinks"

I agree 100% that that is terrible but what does that have to do with ever17

are you saying you're too good to play chicks with coco?

>> No.347876

>Now, I know some anons perfer to stare at lolis being cute, and that's enough for them. To me, however, I want drama. I want the girls' hearts to go black with jelously and rage. I like the peacful begning, following a degeneration into darkness, pain and hopelessness, followed by an emotionally satisfactory happy end. I love it when the "bad" soundtrack starts up, signifying a disaster, a dark revelation, or the musings of weak mind going crazy. I play eroge for those moments. And I'll admit Ever17 has had some of those, so I'm not going to say it's been a waste of time.

What the fuck kind of VNs are you playing? These don't exist and you know it. The fact is, you don't get good writers doing these things, you get fucking Nasu with his mollusks.

Ever17 is good, but nothing is for everyone. The fact that you continue to play it even though you don't particularly like it only proves that you're just trolling. Coco's 'route' wraps up everything in a way that I thought was totally unexpected and awesome, but the only way you're going to enjoy it is if you care about the rest of the stories.

>> No.347881

>Now, I know some anons perfer to stare at lolis being cute, and that's enough for them. To me, however, I want drama. I want the girls' hearts to go black with jelously and rage. I like the peacful begning, following a degeneration into darkness, pain and hopelessness, followed by an emotionally satisfactory happy end. I love it when the "bad" soundtrack starts up, signifying a disaster, a dark revelation, or the musings of weak mind going crazy. I play eroge for those moments. And I'll admit Ever17 has had some of those, so I'm not going to say it's been a waste of time.

What the fuck kind of VNs are you playing? These don't exist and you know it. The fact is, you don't get good writers doing these things, you get fucking Nasu with his mollusks.

Ever17 is good, but nothing is for everyone. The fact that you continue to play it even though you don't particularly like it only proves that you're just trolling. Coco's 'route' wraps up everything in a way that I thought was totally unexpected and awesome, but the only way you're going to enjoy it is if you care about the rest of the stories.

>> No.347882

Don't mind him, he's a reject from Hongfire who think School Days is a masterpiece, LOL.

>> No.347892


You're playing Ever17 to get off? hahahahahaha

>> No.347895

>I love it when the "bad" soundtrack starts up, signifying a disaster, a dark revelation, or the musings of weak mind going crazy.

Because all of that somehow requires sex, right? And even if it did you shouldn't be commenting on others tastes while professing your love for such DARKGRIMDARK mature situations.

>> No.347920


I think someone doesn't realise that this is a Science fiction novel and not eroge eh?


>> No.347924


School Days?

You can never complain about any protagonist ever again, OP. I've hereby revoked your rights.

>> No.347946

Yeah he's a retard who think he is an expert because he plays some eroge with AGTH, he's pretty funny in a ridiculous kind of way.

>> No.347956

School Days is one of the best eroge in the genre. That is if you like drama, sex, large route divergences, and bad ends. If you perfer lolis frolicking for 10 hours, than no, School Days is shit.

>> No.347972
File: 588 KB, 1280x960, 1206839584207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they put the tuna on the floor?

... and why is it frozen?

>> No.347979

Here, isn't he funny?
Also School Days is a badly written trainwreck but I guess it's something you couldn't know since you played it with AGTH.

>> No.347990

Only if the genre you're describing is yarige, and even then it's a stretch.

>> No.347994

Tuna is frozen when it comes out of a freezer

>> No.348010
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>> No.348012


It wasn't taken out of the freezer was it?
Wasn't it lying on the ground from when the glass broke an water came in? thats how it was explain i'm sure.

>> No.348026

hmmm, I don't recall, I thought the tuna was described as one that was brought there for food, however I am not sure.

>> No.348041

I love Sara's expression in this CG

>> No.348042


They said afterwards that "We might be able to eat this tuna"......then they realised no one knew how to cut up fish.

The only food venue was the sammich stand, I doubt they would keep a whole tuna there....

>> No.348066

A frozen Tuna that they comment would be editable, I am thinking it was already prepared to some degree and not one from the outside.

>> No.348078

A whole tuna in a large amusement park? Yeah that would make no sense.

>> No.348080


[Sara] "Heave...heave..."
Pull, pull...
[Kid] "S-Sara? That's..."
[Takeshi] "What in the name of..."
Sara...was dragging a massive tuna.
[You] "What...happened to that?"
[Sara] "It was in the corridor over there."
[Sara] "I guess it probably washed out from the kitchen fridge during the flood."
[Kid] "........."
[You] "........."
[Takeshi] "........."
[Sara] "It's a little cold, but it's okay, right?"
So, the four of us packed ourselves into EI and cradling a frozen tuna headed down to Dritte stock.

>> No.348089

>[Sara] "I guess it probably washed out from the kitchen fridge during the flood."

alright, thanks

>> No.348092

Takeshi was an enormous faggot in the end. I mean fuck, suicide for an angst bitch and a computer program?

Then again, since they both fucked Ever 17 had a tiny bit of potential for eroge. Not that it needed it.


Also, shouldn't it be... you know... in one of the exhibits or something?


Crazy bitch is crazy.

>> No.348103

I liked how not showing the protagonist's face actually worked as a sort of plot device, rather than being a it's-a-visual-novel-told-from-first-person-perspective-so-we-can't-show-his-face-LOL thing.

>> No.348108
File: 72 KB, 800x600, 1206840892934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crazy bitch is crazy.

>> No.348109


Thanks for proving me wrong haha.

>> No.348114


If you didn't think Takeshi was awesome incarnate by the end of Coco's route, there's no helping you.

>> No.348115


One of the few actual lol-worthy moments in the story.

I wish her character sprites hadn't sucked so badly. In the CG she was pretty fuck-hot.

>> No.348119


>> No.348127


Lol, How do I swimed 100feet under ocean!?

>> No.348133



The fact that the plot called for him committing suicide was bullshit, but Takeshi, himself, was pretty fucking awesome.


>> No.348134

what prologue / epilogue in yous route are you talking about?

>> No.348145
File: 495 KB, 1024x768, 1206841259079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol does this count?
Om nom nom delicious lettus!

>> No.348147


He also lost consciousness part-way, not to mention the fact that by the time Blick Winkel called out to him most of his body would be filled with water.

>> No.348169


And the stupidity reinforced at the start of the game that you COULD NOT swim under the ocean... then you go and go do it twice! ANYWAY, in sara's route aswell.... /facepalm

>> No.348174


Damn. Forgot about that.


I'd play chicks with her.

.... If you know what I mean.

... Fuck, I hate how there was so much innuendo and cocktease in the fucking story. The fact that I can't find any Coco porn pisses me off even further.


>> No.348199



>> No.348204



>> No.348209 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 416x362, 1206841729980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, there's this

>> No.348218
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fuck that, I need You porns

>> No.348230
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>> No.348237
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I bet the developers were laughing at us when they included this cg!!

>> No.348261

they are not too important.

>> No.348252

missing a few lines there

>> No.348279


I was thinking the same thing, Anon. The same thing.

>> No.348307
File: 375 KB, 1024x768, 1206842500886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no anonymous! I fell down in a sexy position, please don't raep me!

>> No.348325

Just saying hello

>> No.348358


So, there are RES scanners in the chicken sandwich stand, as well...?

>> No.348373

There are no blind spots if I recall correctly.

>> No.348382


I guess when Sora said there wasn't any blind spots she really ment it ha!

>> No.348406


It was pretty cute how Sora had to show at least a part of herself to try and simulate "real" hiding. I go ronery for those legs any day.

>> No.348660
File: 70 KB, 801x598, 1206845578994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brb guyz, Swimmin' to the bottom of the ocean!

>> No.348673


After they stressed how impossible it would be REPEATEDLY, right?

>> No.348693


Yes but this time... I have a ROCK!

>> No.348749


Not impossible for the superhuman.

>> No.348757

Sauce on OP gaise plz!

>> No.348768
File: 213 KB, 640x960, 1206846656661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sexy beast. Tsugumi's cool, too, I guess.

Seriously, look at that fucking dress shirt god damn.

>> No.348784


>> No.348881


Naruto - The Visual Novel

>> No.349380


"This is payback for busting a hole in the side of the motherfucking EI elevator, BITCH."

>> No.349398

brb Archimedes Principle

>> No.350082
File: 62 KB, 640x480, 1206857834702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Takeshi has an awesome dress shirt/pants gimmick going on in his fanart for some reason.

>> No.350086
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>> No.350704
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No idea why she doesn't get much loving

>> No.350711

i dont care about her route! Sora is moe and I loves her ;_;

>> No.350719



>> No.350764


>> No.350769

Prof. Takeshi lectures Sora on how to act like a 24 y/o should irl

That's one of the tries

>> No.350780

He's too awesome for his shitty striped shirt thing.

>> No.350785

This is the part that made me love Sora. I didn't really like her overall, but goddamn this was so awesome.

>> No.350787

What about the BWAKing?

Is she trying to be a chicken or something?

>> No.350793

It's a Japanese pun.

>> No.350796

shes trying her best, best as a robot can ;;

>> No.350797
File: 58 KB, 799x598, 1206866597697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-M-Moe ? That does not compute !

>> No.350824

Tsugumi ...I don't get why she gets all the hate on /jp/. Ever17 is just written to make her out as the bitch, when really she's no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better person than most of them.

What are the main complaints? She raped Takeshi and killed Chami with her own hands?

Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking raped Takeshi. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She fucked Takeshi.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE GAME DIDN'T WANT TO FUCK TAKESHI? You can't even name one fucking character who didn’t want to plug his loose ass! He is the kind of bitch who will act like he doesn't want it when he really does. He'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Tsugumi knew this, she's a fucking man’s lady. She knows what filthy man-whores like Takeshi want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with her. She supposedly killed Chami with her own hands.

Objection! She was worried about her one and only precious pet. Is keeping your loved ones from a prolonged death so wrong? When Sora does the same thing to Takeshi it's like 'oh she's so womanly', but when Tsugumi does it it's wrong? She just wanted to protect Chami. She probably was going to use LeMU’s technology to tighten Takeshi’s ass back up or cure his syphilis or something.

The story was written to make that faggot Sora look good. Objectively, Tsugumi is a far better character than Sora. At least she has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Sora, and if she weren't stuck with that weak ass steel pipe in her leg and no plothax she probably could have escaped by herself.

>> No.350866
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this doesn't make much sense

>> No.350885
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>> No.350902
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You tell her

>> No.350913


Its a modified FSN pasta.

>> No.350920



>> No.351038



>> No.351061
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>> No.351069
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This is love.

>> No.351091


>> No.352163

Sora is the biggest slut in the whole game. She uses the "under you" line on both Takeshi and Kid -- she fucking knows what that means. She knows every sexual double-entendre she throws out, she knows what sex is, she's not dumb. She probably has a library of videos of guys jacking off to her.

>> No.352643


Actually, they said that swimming up from where they swam in the end of Sara would be extremely difficult but not completely impossible. Cure hax can explain it away, to an extent. The whole swimming-to-the-bottom-of-the-ocean-and-surviving thing is also expected to be believed as Cure/Blick Winkel hax.

>> No.352739

OP here.

I finished Sara's route. Kind of meh, kind of wtf?

Now doing Coco's. Holy shit anon...wtf doesn't sum it up right now.

>> No.352746


tease, not slut

>> No.352748

>Now doing Coco's. Holy shit anon...wtf doesn't sum it up right now.


>> No.353051

>>347068 Takeshi was a loser

>>347135 and Sora's route as the last before Coco's because it summarizes some things.

No, Tsugumi should be last. I'd say it should be played like this:

You -> Sara <-> Sora -> Tsugumi
