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3465129 No.3465129 [Reply] [Original]

lol Japan


>> No.3465135

What the fuck does Australia have to be proud about?

>> No.3465144

As a Russian, I want to say that anything that thinks we aren't complete shit-hole outside of two cities is a delusional retard

>> No.3465150

Beer. Kangaroos. Wallabies. A unique culture.

>> No.3465151

Britain wouldn't even be on the chart if it didn't include scotland.

>> No.3465157


Fucking criminal colony.

>> No.3465159

and dirt poor internet, and censorship, and corruption

>> No.3465160

This. Except I'm a proud American now.

>> No.3465170

Anyone. Derp.

>> No.3465181

I like how Italy ranked below shitholes like Mexico, Chile and India. Good job, Silvio.

>> No.3465195

Australians have a lot to be proud of... just now we are the only OECD country to have avoided recession, we have the lowest govt debt (proportional to GDP). Australia is a very egalitarian society, with the highest immigration rate in the world (as a % of population). And the weather is pretty good. Yes, we get a bit loud about sport, but then, it's only sport, isn't it?

>> No.3465198

> Old. I already read this on http://www.anantalk.com/ (anan = anon) last night.
I wonder this as well.

>> No.3465200

>Good job, Silvio.
I Lol-obrigida

Not too surprised about Japan's last place. 20 years of stagnation really does stuff to faith in your country.

>> No.3465204

Is South Africa not a horrible shithole where they rape babies constantly anymore? Japan has less pride than THAT?

>> No.3465205

Nationalism is a bad thing. Is OP trying to make a case for Japan being the best country or something?

>> No.3465216

>implying nationalism is a good thing

Worked out well for the Germans and Italians back in WWII

>> No.3465234


Yeah, half of the population killed is awesome.

>> No.3465240

Nationalism is a good thing in moderation. Just a sort of quiet pride while sipping your local brew out in the garden/park, thinking you live in a damn good country with probably the best lager in the world.

>> No.3465245
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>attempting to use vain, unproductive 'statistics' to try to rank nations

>> No.3465265

Patriotism is the defence of the idea of your nation and is not a bad thing in moderation as long as your nation is a good one.
Nationalism is just bigotry. It's not surprise that the pig-ignorant Australians are at the top of the list. The most civilized countries are going to be further down the lsit.

>> No.3465305


I love Sweden. Seriously.
I love the cold north and the city life alike, I just don't want to live there. I love the slightly cheesy national anthem, I just don't feel like singing it all the time. I love the public healthcare, free schooling, social support and horribly outdated military service. I love the prime minister, even though I voted for the other guy. I love our slightly dated jet fighters, though nothing beats old Viggen. I love the tabloids and the redrawn Phantom comics, I just don't buy them all. I love the homeless lady walking around talking to herself, the librarian who's been sitting in the same chair for 45 years, and that guy from Lebanon or whatever that runs the pizza hut. I even love the flag we copied from Denmark. Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, I LOVE Sweden.

But I can't say that out loud in Sweden. That would be racist.

>> No.3465344
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>suggesting there is a major difference between patriotism and nationalism
>suggesting there is good or bad in international geo-politics and
>being a stupid redneck who thinks it's okay for him to be a nationalist but bad for Russians to not think of their country as a shithole

>> No.3465998


>> No.3466021

But Russia is a shithole.

Not even saying that for any other reason than to convey the truth of the matter.

There's also no such thing as equivalence in geopolitics. Some of them really are fucking crazy, and, yes, there are bad guys.
