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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3463925 No.3463925 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

>> No.3463934

spread out the in the bodies of organ doner recipients.

>> No.3463933

Having sex with my waifu.

>> No.3463941

Dead, probably.

>> No.3463937


>> No.3463943

hopefully no longer part of the human race and therefor no longer bound nor have any reason to abide by their governing rules. specially the self inflicted ones.

>> No.3463945

Replying to threads on /jp/

>> No.3463951

I swear to god. If I have to see that fucking eye again, I'm going to scream until I die.

>> No.3463952

Making a fortune off of creating and the selling of 3d Loli/Shota movies.

Gold mine.

>> No.3463955

At home, being a horrible failure

>> No.3463960


Take the short route and just kill yourself now.

>> No.3463961

Ruling the world, waiting for a team of heroes to beat me.

>> No.3463962

Coming home from a long hard day of work.
My wife is cooking dinner and my daughter and son are fighting over the remote control.They don't stop until my wife scolds them for not saying hi to me, after hugging my children and kissing my wife I turn on the computer and play Something of Lasers Lunatic until dinner is ready.

>> No.3463966

Flying airliners for money!

>> No.3463967

Stuck at a cubicle job making 6 figures a year.

>> No.3463970

I don't have eyes.

>> No.3463976

I don't.
Only idiots plan ahead.

>> No.3463981

Maybe working at some place importing Danish goods to Japan.

Or maybe as some sort of connection between Danish designers and Japanese companies.

I'll probably fail getting a job at a Japanese 7-eleven and end up working all year here for a 2-month vacation in Japan every winter.

Hell, I don't know what I can do with my Japanese Studies once I'm done. Maybe I'll stop after my bachelor's. Maybe not.

>> No.3463988

Enjoy your son having sex with your wife and daughter while you're at work, and the inevitable elopement leaving you a broken shell of a man.

>> No.3463989

working fulltime at a job I hate, come home see what the guys are up too, or crank one out and go to bed early.

>> No.3463990

Sure is normalfaggotry in here

>> No.3463994

>Enjoy your son having sex with your wife and daughter while you're at work
that would make me so proud

>> No.3464006

The world as we know it will end 2012.
The post Alien world begins afterwords, Japan and progressive America will be ready for it.

>> No.3464011

and we get hot alien sex?

>> No.3464048 [SPOILER] 
File: 152 KB, 1020x645, 124773__liara_tsoni_mass_effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, not sure if they want to create another hybrid.

>> No.3464057

rather bad example considering they don't exactly have "hybrids" since they pretty much assimilate the genetics into their own race and the child always takes after them and never the "father".
and diversity is always a good thing damnit! so why not!?

>> No.3464120

If luck is on my side, I'll have an idol waifu (I will accept nothing less). If that doesn't work out though, my life won't be drastically different than it is now.

>> No.3464183

We'll never get sex of any kind. Perhaps other people will, but certainly not us.

You think you can get a wife?

What makes you think a failure like us could get a job like that?

>> No.3464226

>NEET is legiun XDDD

>> No.3464270

Not really, but you've got to admit; people who are any succesful in life ("normalfags") don't come here unless it's a board invasion. Those who browse /jp/ are people who will most likely "fail" in society, by society's standards.

Very few of us have ever had a girlfriend, even though society expects you to even have lost your virginity by the time you turn 18; never having had a girlfriend at our age is unthinkable in this society.
Most of us are very bad at social interaction as well, which will inevitably lead to complications in our career. At the very least, we won't be getting those six-figure salary jobs that require skillful social interaction.
Point is, we "fail" according to society. Society does not provide wives or good jobs to those who "fail".

>> No.3464284

I dont think I can get a wife
I know I can get one

>> No.3464291



>> No.3464315

>Point is, we "fail" according to society. Society does not provide wives or good jobs to those who "fail".
First off you sound like a ronery faggot
Second, the point is the majority creates said "society" it is not nearly perfect nor is meant to encompass the entirety of humanity.
If you study your darwin you realize that the fit survive but also the innovators who discover new ways to live. If a society is progressing towards a new era of internet dominated landscape, some here will win rather easily and create the next set of rules for the majority. The only key has always been desire to survive and ability to adapt.

>> No.3464363

This is true.

>> No.3464412

Um, except Darwin's theory is about natural selection. Natural selection requires the majority to be unsuccesful in reproducing (mostly by just not surviving until that point), leaving only the offspring of those who were succesful in reproducing.
It is not applicable to humanity and especially not to us because
a) It isn't applicable to humanity in general. The vast majority of the people survive to reproduction nowadays.
b) Even if it wasn't for a, we don't reproduce while others don't, or become a majority in any other way.
c) Even if it wasn't for a or b, a change in society that would allow people like us to become a majority would take long, far longer than our lifetimes. Even if we ignore a and b, our children, grandchildren, perhaps their children, perhaps even later generations would be the first to benefit from it.

Darwin is not applicable here. Do you really expect a huge revolution in society that would make the current failures the successful people of the new society?

>> No.3464423

>The only key has always been desire to survive and ability to adapt.
Last I checked, society's failures only have less desire to survive (less attachment to family, friends, job, etc), and we're failures exactly because we don't adapt.

>> No.3464432
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>> No.3464457

>Do you really expect a huge revolution in society that would make the current failures the successful people of the new society?
You must be young too, what do you call the internet boom of late 90's and early 2000's. What do you call companies like Microsoft and Google filled with computer nerds and engineers?
Societies evolve alongside the species, thats why I brought it up.
>The vast majority have survived
Why bring this up to discuss your minority position?
The point is, if a certain set of skills is required in this modern era, skills that are openly available and well developed by the minority, society then has already shifted and evolved.

>> No.3464476

Depressing steady job, saving up money for decent vacations, 4chan.

>> No.3464517


Having a career in law enforcement, hopefully. Aside from that, I imagine my life will be exactly the same as it is now, but with less poverty.

>> No.3464518

I'll be up for tenure that year.

>> No.3464547

Ah, you're going to be the kind of person that will arrest the owner of that shitty bot, shut down that shitty FTP and take down that shitty list, right?

>> No.3464580

>and we're failures exactly because we don't adapt.
A new generation of hikkis in America, this is a new development if you haven't realized. College graduates moving back home, living there. If you are surviving each day without working, guess what.. you have "adapted" a way to survive albeit parasitic nonetheless a method of survival. But for someone who doesn't believe in the intrinsic value of money and class status its a rather intelligent move.

>> No.3464601

Until your method of survival (probably your parents, else one of the government grants that seem to be retracted and then suggested again at random intervals) disappears, and you're left with no money, no skills, and no work experience. Enjoy your shitty jobs.

>> No.3464604

>a) It isn't applicable to humanity in general. The vast majority of the people survive to reproduction nowadays.

Differential reproductive rates... yeah? Idiot.

>> No.3464728

>You think you can get a wife?
I'll admit, going after a wealthy and beautiful young woman who lives ~5800 miles away and speaks a different language isn't going to be the easiest of tasks. But I'm sure as hell gonna try!

>> No.3465285
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>> No.3465287


Why the fuck did you bump this goddamned thread?

>> No.3465298

To receive more answers, of course. So, Arcueid, where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

>> No.3465303

10 years older.

>> No.3465304
File: 203 KB, 1024x1511, 5cccccdd05f68a5f0cf714946e858fd1129b4171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chained up, as always.

I reported your thread, by the way.

>> No.3465308

Added !!F17ym/1MLN to automatic thread hide.
You can only make the same thread so many times before it becomes tiresome.

>> No.3465316

Tripfags aren't allowed to use filters. Reported.

>> No.3465321

The question was 'where' do you see yourself 10 years from now, not 'how'. Would you still browse /jp/? Will you have gotten a job? Will you integrate into society or become even more of an outcast?

Yeah, I get that a lot. I guess that means this thread will 404 again when the janitor gets online, huh?

>> No.3465323

It's not the same thread. I ask a different question every time.

>> No.3465326

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.3465329

I must get a woman at all costs. Maybe one of those Russian brides or maybe I could pay some desperate woman to borrow her womb.

I don't care about love or any of that bullshit, I just want to pass on my genes and make sure my lineage lives on.

>> No.3465466

Dead, probably.

>> No.3465494

Suicide crew.

>> No.3465495

Assuming I haven't integrated in society, by the time ten years are up I'll be so delusional that I'll be in Gensokyo.

Sucks to be you guyz~

>> No.3465528
File: 575 KB, 1500x1326, 523659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to keep Miku's voice alive and holding to my promises.

>> No.3465544

Working as a doctor in the armed forces probably

>> No.3465554


Hmm... American? Russian?

>> No.3465555

Most likely dead.
