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File: 158 KB, 1600x1067, 1254214976123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3463146 No.3463146 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3463156
File: 362 KB, 754x559, 1253336124061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papa's home!

Yaaaay, papaaaa!

>> No.3463168

Moe enough for you?

Fuckin' weeaboos....

>> No.3463187

You are now realizing that the average home houses about a dozen spiders.

>> No.3463191

>a dozen

>> No.3463203

Well mine must be above average because I kill about a dozen a day.

>> No.3463219


>> No.3463223


>> No.3463225

Humans eat roughly a dozen spiders/insects in their sleep each year. Freaky!

>> No.3463233

Only a dozen? I wish.
The funny thing is, people really believe this.

>> No.3463238

This includes afrika and Asia.
The average American / European eat about 0.5 insects in their sleep each year.

>> No.3463247

Afrika = Africa.

>> No.3463248
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Hey, don't look at me like that. Bitch clamped her thighs around my head and told me that if I didn't get to munching, I'd soon find a pair of fangs sinking into my neck.

>> No.3463265


>Bitch clamped her thighs around my head and told me that if I didn't get to munching, I'd soon find myself with EVERYWHERE CANCER

>> No.3463270
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Yet another reason to hate spiders.

Urgh, they've got so many legs and they move way too fast. Disturbing, really.

>> No.3463271

I like spiders. Fuzzier, the cute.

The only ones you have to watch out for around where I live are brown recluse spiders. Though death is uncommon, the bite can cause cellular necrosis and potentially worse problems (wikipedia has a very "nice" image on its Necrosis page).

>> No.3463272
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Spiders are cute!

>> No.3463280

I like spiders. They may creep me out when I find them where they shouldn't be, but they eat those damned mosquitoes I hate so much.

Sadly, they're a bit stupid so their webs are ineffective most of the time.

>> No.3463283
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Jeffrey Rowlands, a web-comic artist, publicized his suffering after a brown recluse got his leg.

The images almost made me physically sick. It did very little to endear spiders to me, too. I do not wish to have my flesh rotting on my bones.

>> No.3463295
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So, you're fast asleep. Something tickles your nose, so you turn over on your back and open your eyes.

In the dim half-light, there's a large, fat spider hanging by a thread just above your nose.

Wat do?

>> No.3463303

I sometimes imagine some spider that can run like 60km/h and jump and make screaming noises and I think it's the scariest non-existent thing ever.

>> No.3463305

Start to freak out.

>> No.3463306

I had a cockroach fall out of my ceiling onto my face once.

I'd prefer a spider to that.

>> No.3463309


Brrr. Only thing scarier than that are...wait for it...


>> No.3463311

Shut the fuck up and post more Yamane.

>> No.3463312
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I sure hope we don't get a scorpion Touhou.

>> No.3463313

killing it with my palm, simple

>> No.3463322

So I was chilling on my computer at 3AM with no lights on as per usual.

When a huge (1.5 inch across) spider falls (FALLS, not rappels on a string) onto my chest with a thud.
It doesn't move. I lock eyes with it, it's hellish eight eyes glinting in the light of the monitor. Its form was that of a black, chitinous thing; very light-catching.

So I grabbed a nearby sock, gently picked it up, and dropped it off outside.

Spiders keep the world from swimming in flies and gnats. Don't kill 'em.

>> No.3463323

Shoot at her, while dodging her danmaku.
Shouldn't be too hard, since she's a level 1 boss...

...What difficulty am I on?

>> No.3463329

spider girl is one the the higher tiers in monster girl fetishism.

>> No.3463330

We can kill 6 million Jews in death camps during war, yet we cant do anything about mosquitoes. Why is that?

>> No.3463335
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>> No.3463338

I put them outside too.

I'm such a pussy.

>> No.3463340
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Because you touch yourself at night.

Ha ha ha.

>> No.3463341
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Depends on what you chose to start off with, really.


I usually leave them alone if they're in a corner and out of my way. I have tonnes of spiders in my room - cobwebs everywhere, usually if I open a window about four spiders come scampering up to the ceiling.

It bothers me deeply when one gets up into my personal space, however. Like on my bed, or on my desk.

>> No.3463345

They're too small, fast, and numerous.

>> No.3463350

my entire room ceiling is one big spider web.

keeps the grasshoppers and skeeters from coming in.

>> No.3463351
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>> No.3463352


When a single colony that's far smaller than a normal bed room can support several thousand mosquitoes, at the least, coupled with insane numbers of colonies exist and are spread throughout the world, good luck killing all of them.

>> No.3463354
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>> No.3463357
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>> No.3463358


>> No.3463360

>It bothers me deeply when one gets up into my personal space, however. Like on my bed, or on my desk.

If you didn't like it, you would have thrown them out already.
Where do you live anyways? Having spiders coming in from open windows sounds horrible.

>> No.3463361

>Sadly, they're a bit stupid so their webs are ineffective most of the time.

You only see the bugs that manage to avoid the web, not those that were caught by it.

>> No.3463365
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Wriggle is ALWAYS the seme

>> No.3463369


>> No.3463375
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Long Island. Lots of spiders around here, they love to come inside during the winter as well.

>> No.3463389

Be grateful for your room and/or house. Because studying outside doesn't exist. Mosquitoes are every where and they're always waiting to suck your blood. If they simply took our blood it would be fine, but they have to inject us with this itchy sap that prevents the wound from healing.

Aren't bats much better for killing mosquitoes? We should breed more/stronger bats. If only I could vote for a politician that wants to exterminate all pest.

>> No.3463397

And then starts to screw up our ecosystem. Yeah. Real smart.

>> No.3463400

there is one sci fi horrer film a year about breeding better bats

>> No.3463401


I didn't say mosquitoes.

If spiders didn't exist, the population of flies and gnats would increase about twentyfold.

>> No.3463404

Goddamn, glad I live in a Scandinavian country then...
Spiders (And all other insects) disappear this time of the year, and don't come back until Spring / early summer.

>> No.3463438
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Who gives a damn about our ecosystem. Why couldn't all pest be like butterflies. Red (biting) ants, roaches, wasp, and loud cicadas need to be eliminated for the good of humanity.

Even if our generation fails to kill said pest, our brethren of the future will do it with ease.

>> No.3463448
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>> No.3463454
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>> No.3463462

But butterflies are just as bad as any other bug.

>> No.3463478


The biggest problem with exterminating all pests is that you've just killed off a major food source for many creatures.

>> No.3463496


Not really. Butterflies just pollinate and suck nectar.

Ladybugs are good, too. They just eat aphids who nibble on our HYUUMAN AGRICULTUUR.

>> No.3463507
File: 152 KB, 500x375, butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so?

1). They don't bite us like the red ants.
2). They don't fly on our food and spread viruses like the fruit flies.
3).They don't suck our blood like the mosquitoes.
4).And they don't sting us like the wasp.

If I had it my way the only two species of bugs on the planet would be fireflies and butterflies.

>> No.3463519

At least they're cute.
If all insects were cute, I wouldn't hate them so much.

>> No.3463526

But they're disgusting.

>> No.3463532

What about ladybugs?

>> No.3463538

Dem wings, man.

>> No.3463544

You don't think cockroaches are cute? The way they run around is adorable.

>> No.3463552
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They are fine too.

>> No.3463555

Why do people think butterflies are cute but not moths? They're the same thing, moths are just less colourful.

>> No.3463557
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Well, some of them are. However, this kind dies too easily.

>> No.3463559


>> No.3463566

Moths are always invading my house, unlike butterflies.
I don't like killing them.

>> No.3463578


Moths nibble on shit.

>> No.3463587 [SPOILER] 
File: 155 KB, 1280x1024, secretweapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah spiders
i do not care for them

i've trained a special army to take care of them for me
they're much more tolerable, and don't leave webs

>> No.3463590

In most westernized Nations butterflies are pseudonymous with the word beauty.

>> No.3463601
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What about something neither wholly a moth nor a butterfly?

Atlas moths, luna moths, sphingids are all very beautiful. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing a luna moth girl. Those near-transparent green wings would translate well into an elegant dress.

>> No.3463611

Their wings are pretty, but they're still bugs, their bodies look no less disgusting than any other bug.

>> No.3463613

Holy shit, someone get me a shoe

>> No.3463626


>> No.3463648
File: 114 KB, 720x519, vampire moth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And on the other side of the spectrum, meet genus Calyptra, vampiric moths that once had mouthparts adept at drilling into fruit and sucking sweet fluid, and indeed most still keep those. But for some, now those sharp mouthparts are used to penetrate human skin and drain blood, though the animal is otherwise quite harmless.

>> No.3463657

Moar bugs please!

>> No.3463675

That thing looks like Mothra from Godzilla.

>> No.3463693
File: 90 KB, 750x673, madagascar hissing roach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like them, madagascar hissing roaches are widely available pets and quite easy to care for, too.

>> No.3463695

Watch this video if you already haven't.


>> No.3463720

A cockroach can live for 3-4 weeks without its head.

>> No.3463727

Roaches can go without eating for a month but will only live a week without water.

>> No.3463730

If a cockroach breaks a leg it can grow another one.

>> No.3463737
File: 194 KB, 920x659, assassin bug3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an assassin bug, which may be the second animal Darwin himself hates the most, and perhaps the cause of his death. First place goes to barnacles, or so I hear.

I briefly kept one of those as a pet. Give them live bugs to suck dry and they're fairly content. Assassin bugs are known to place the empty shells of their former prey on their back for camouflage, a trait shared by certain other insects.

>> No.3463747


>> No.3463751


>> No.3463758
File: 570 KB, 1200x975, 1240241109266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are all of the decomposer youkai at in Gensokyo?

>> No.3463760

Thanks, captain slowpoke.

>> No.3463809
File: 1.20 MB, 1483x1600, Dolichomitus_imperator_Oviposition_R_Bartz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my personal favorites. Ichneumon wasp females have ovipositors tipped with a layer of metal, which aids in the insect drilling into wood to lay its eggs (on live larvae of other insects, which she finds by tapping her antennae on the tree. )

Likewise it bears metal on its mandibles to better chew through the wood after it metamorphoses into an adult within the trunk.

>> No.3463821

Does it sting humans?

>> No.3463852

No, a stinger is a specialized ovipositor, you can't have both at once. Even if it did possess drilling power, that wasp would likely not attempt to sting a human like a bee or other wasps do, and it will definitely not attempt to bury its eggs into soft human flesh for the larvae to grow there instead of finding a juicy beetle larva. Maybe.

Incidentally, almost every wasp is a parasite at some stage of its life. One of them alters the brain of a spider to have it build its web the way the growing wasp larva wants (the usual web is to catch prey, this altered one is to protect the wasp against rain and such) though. But of course none use humans as hosts. Maybe.

>> No.3463869

No prob.

>> No.3463888

Wasp are jerks.

>> No.3463949
File: 95 KB, 500x457, Lytta-vesicatoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A relative of the blister beetle, the spanish fly (actually a beetle) is a wonderful all-purpose animal that can be used to make an aphrodisiac, an undetectable poison or a stinkbomb, depending on the dose and added chemicals. Rather easy to find, the beetle's defensive chemical operates by breaking the nutbladder, resulting in painful urination, blood in urine and a broken penis engine. Used in small doses, however, it can allow for a permanently erect penis and indeed was historically used for this purpose.

>> No.3463958

Pitched tent forever? Do not want.

>> No.3463968
File: 21 KB, 400x309, bird dropping moth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit, right?

>> No.3463975

It allows you to fap 40 times a day.

>> No.3463995

I can't believe there haven't been any Japanese hornets in this thread yet. Or do we just save those for "Hay guyz I want to move to Japan" threads?

>> No.3464000

An Aphrodisiac huh? Sounds useful to me.

>> No.3464017
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For really horrific things I just bring out the endoparasites, but they're no insects.

>> No.3464034
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>> No.3464054


That can't be real. Get out of that eyeball, worm. you don't belong there

>> No.3464076
File: 112 KB, 500x500, 365419325_9c66f082f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that the first two things I noticed was that the legs were connected to the abdomen instead of the cephalothorax and that the bee seemed to have 2 wings instead of 4?

Here's a spider I truly like. Like that moe spider, this one is an active bee hunter - it doesn't weave webs. Its thick armor defends it from bee stings, so the critter is free to pounce on bees, grab on and liquify them.

>> No.3464079


>> No.3464111
File: 91 KB, 500x359, 3725687306_01f1a739f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's decided!
Getting a Cockroach for pet.

>> No.3464134

How the hell does it have metal on its ovipositor and mandibles?

>> No.3464173

Like how bones are laced with calcium (alongside a lot of other minerals) that solidify them. It is still unknown how exactly the wasp drills into wood, but it has been found that there's metal (manganase or zinc) on the mandibles and the very tip of the ovipositor is metal-coated.


>> No.3464220

Happy Talking Friendly Spiders that say "Hi!"?

>> No.3464242
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>> No.3464253
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>> No.3464254

No, the solifugid. Massive rending chelicerae, speeds approaching 16kmph, sizes reaching 15 centimeters (probably pedipalps included though), ability to jump and legends about them being able to scream. It pretty much is what he defined.

>> No.3464260
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>> No.3464263

this looked shooped.....

only a goliath bird eating spider would eat that!

>> No.3464265
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>> No.3464271
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>> No.3464274
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Fuck you I can do that too.

>> No.3464279
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>> No.3464283
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>> No.3464293
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>> No.3464302
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>> No.3464310
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>> No.3464311


Those fucking puppy eyes

>> No.3464313
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>> No.3464325
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>> No.3464328
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>> No.3464337


It's so goddamn cute.

>> No.3464346
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Would you?

>> No.3464350


Dammit Kurodani, put some clothes on.

>> No.3464353
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>> No.3464356
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Nice goblet head there.

>> No.3464367
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And birds > humans.

>> No.3464373
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Arachne are fairly low on my ranking of monstergirls, but I still would.

Feeling her many, many limbs wrap around me ;_;

>> No.3464447

Fuckin raptors!

>> No.3464469
File: 33 KB, 400x536, the-vampire-sea-spider-from-antarctica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen many spider and scorpion girls, but never a sun spider, horseshoe crab or sea spider girl. Pity, given those all are great animals. Sun spiders have long sensitive pedipalps, those could be erogenous zones on a sun spider girl, and, being phallic in nature, could be used as so between two solifugid girls. Horseshoe crabs have twelve pairs of appendages, giving a horseshoecrab-tan amazing manual dexterity and ability to stimulate many spots at once. Sea spiders like wise have 8 to 12 legs each with 9-10 joints, and a long, thick proboscis employed to drain fluid.

All could be turned into mighty fine monstergirls.

>> No.3464479

Wait... this one is one poisonous motherfucker, isn't it?

>> No.3464494

Drow girls don't have a human vagina. That's no fun.

>> No.3464500

moar monstergirls

>> No.3466403
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