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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3458036 No.3458036 [Reply] [Original]

Could /jp/ love an ugly 3D girl IF she was loyal, loving and everything a 2D girl is, except physically unattractive and 3D?

>> No.3458054
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loyal, eh?

>> No.3458052

yes and unattractive is relative

>> No.3458063

niggas be gettin on my fucking nerves... rhymes they kickin makes me wanna get their motherfuckin ass to the curb

>> No.3458068

I'd love the girl in OPs pic.

>> No.3458073

Dumb hypothesis, because such a woman simply does not exist.

>> No.3458090



>> No.3458113

As long as she not an obese whale, sure.

>> No.3458117

>physically unattractive and 3D
That's redundant.

But the answer is yes.

>> No.3458120

You gay?

>> No.3458144

I didn't realize loving a girl was considering gay these days.

>> No.3458148

Link to a video of girl in OP?

>> No.3458156

no fuck off

>> No.3458188

welcome to 4chan

>> No.3458185

If she honestly liked me and we spent some time together, I would.

Oh and unattractive is subjective.

>> No.3458199

Ohhh, you gay! You gay!

>> No.3458209

>Could /jp/ love an ugly 3D girl IF she was loyal, loving and everything a 2D girl is, except physically unattractive and 3D?

God damn you made me think hard about that. A huge part of the 2D's appeal is their physical perfection. But I guess it IS possible. It comes down to the relative level of ugliness (let's face it, /jp/ will find even a supermodel at least a little bit ugly due to being spoiled rotten by the perfect 2d). It is possible, but it is an uphill battle and she will have a lot to prove of her good intentions. /jp/ will believe all 3d women to be but bitches and hoes, and her only chance in the world is to prove that she is not.

And most people without disfiguring scars can help their looks through eating healthily, exercise, wearing flattering clothes etc. One of my friends took a very unattractive and frankly stupid woman as his wife (not "waifu", real wife) and I can't figure out why but I was shocked to find out that after the wedding, she somehow started looking less ugly. Some manner of makeup magic and such, I know there wasn't surgery involved. But it can be done.

>> No.3458221

Nice post, mate. Quick ride with lots of thrills.

>> No.3458226

I fucked you're mom and she told me your gay.

>> No.3458231

lotsa queers itt

>> No.3458245


NO not if she was UNattractive!!!!!1111

Were she attractive then yes

>> No.3458258

Whoa. Two catchphrases in one post? This guy is turning out to be a monster.

>> No.3458266

No. I could 'love' a physically attractive 3D girl who was a whore though.
I am shallow.

>> No.3458276

Love is a combination of physical and mental, so no.
I couldn't love some bimbo, either.

>> No.3458287


AND I mean atttractiv liek the ones on those two picks

>> No.3458294

3D girls are only good for sex. Least of all I want them to bother me with love and other bullshit.

>> No.3458322


Bottom line: A 3D woman cannot possibly compete with a 2D one when it comes to physical attractiveness. Her only hope is to take the fight to the niceness turf and be overwhelmingly pleasant to be around, the sort of person who really makes life easier and less painful for his husbando. You may actually have an easier time with this approach than you think, because the opinion of /jp/ is against you on default and they may be surprised to find that you aren't a screeching harpy or a vapid self-centered airhead (provided that you make it clear enough for this strange idea to register in the first place).

Unlearn everything you were told in Feminine Studies. Whatever you do, don't expect to be adored just because you have a vagina (way too many women are guilty of this without realizing it), that may have worked in the 19th century but we have porn now and the sort of people that frequent /jp/ have already made it clear that they will choose cartoon characters over the average western woman.

Also, sex. Sex is the one thing 2D women are generally rather bad at (paper cuts on a dick really sting).

>> No.3458338


>> No.3458353

Actively working on your attractiveness is important too, not so that you'd catch up with the 2D (you can't, they're predestined to win even if you're Miss Universe), but so that you won't have as crippling a disadvantage in that department.

>> No.3458354

/jp/ - Dating advice for women

>> No.3458363

Just wanted to let you know I added this post to my copypaste.txt.

Think I'll place it just above Pinku Bento Box.

>> No.3458380

It's funny, because I actually find the girl in OPs picture cute.

>> No.3458404


It's in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.3458411


Pig Disgusting 3D

>> No.3458437

Butthurt female.

>> No.3458446


the girl in the picture from opening is not ugly at all. Only needs some work. Some make-up and a little bit of beauty-care can fix her.

>> No.3458449

Cram it, queer.

>> No.3458454

I thinkshe's gorgeous already

>> No.3458466
File: 22 KB, 290x372, FuckYourTheory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3458481

Tripcode, unfunny image.

I'd suggest giving this stinker a wide berth.

>> No.3458495

No. Doing that spoils her charm.

Check out Evanna Lynch in this interview:

She was charming and lovable, but Hollywood and "conventional beauty" squeezes all that out of people. I say, keep them as they are.

>> No.3458507
File: 25 KB, 265x400, ugly-fat-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugliness is relative. The chick in the OP is just a bit plain, she has hope.

<--- This one has not.

However the main reason why /jp/ shies away from real women is not the looks, it's that they have largely become intolerable to be around, and instead of trying to figure out what is wrong with their behavior they stomp their feet and tell us we're "intimidated by strong women" (or some other stock phrase) as if throwing a self-righteous tantrum will suddenly make us attracted to them.

The radical idea that they are _horrible fucking people_ and need to fix their own behavior rarely crosses their mind, but that's how it works. To be loved, you have to be lovable.

>> No.3458516

She's got the looks to make it.

>> No.3458513


You sound like a butthurt faggot, how 'bout I give YOU a wide berth?

>> No.3458519

Weak - much like your kung-fu.

Fly away, little butterfly. Just - flutter on out of here.

>> No.3458521


I'm not going to go anywhere just because you're butthurt, faggot.

>> No.3458525

Given your horrid demeanor and less than desirable hygiene - I'd appreciate that, mate.

>> No.3458529

Too many normalfags in this thread going off their own personal experiences and subsequently giving shitty advice.

Take this to /r9k/.

>> No.3458532

>Weak - much like your kung-fu.
>Fly away, little butterfly. Just - flutter on out of here.
Why do you sound so much like a queer, boy?

>> No.3458538


Whatever, shitface.

>> No.3458539

>main reason why /jp/ shies away from real women is not the looks, it's that they have largely become intolerable to be around
This is much less of a problem in rural areas, in my experience. If I had been willing to invest the time in a relationship, there were several tolerable girls in my (incredibly small) hometown. Particularly rural areas tend to be more old fashioned in terms of female behavior, though they're also more religious and racist. Kind of a tradeoff, I suppose.

>> No.3458544

You think your wu-tang style can defeat me?

>> No.3458556

Actually, I probably care less about this than you do.

So... ~Whatever~

>> No.3458585


>Actually, I probably care less about this than you do.

Ah, yes, the feeble retort of the butthurt loser.


>> No.3458601

Ah, yes, a feeble retort.

>> No.3458605

Ah, yes,

>> No.3458613

>this thread

>> No.3458614


Ah, yes...a butthurt loser who can't think of anything further to say.

Cry some more, why don't you?

>> No.3458616

The girl in OP's pic is 3D PIG DELICIOUS like maple bacon. Still unacceptable though due to likely possessing functional vocal cords and existing in one dimension too many.

>> No.3458619

Ah, yes,

>> No.3458625

Fuck no, I like my women with 4 dimensions thank you.

>> No.3458627

like your mother it seems?

it wasn't supposed to be funny, get it faggot?

>> No.3458637

No sir I don't get it.

Haha, just a meme reference for you there... No biggie - much like your, ahaha, penis.

>> No.3458659

Holy shit, what the hell happened to this thread? How did it end up with two losers playing insult ping pong?

>> No.3458678
File: 132 KB, 640x480, 1250842694769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you'll never be able to see one in real life

>> No.3458687

some people are just too stupid to see that they are getting trolled, dam americans.

>> No.3458702

This, except in reverse.

>> No.3458706
File: 30 KB, 420x325, aya_flash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor attempt

>> No.3458707

Is... Is this image supposed to be funny? Just checking, mate.

>> No.3458708

if your asking more precisely the girl on your image, then fuck yes, I would love her forever.

>> No.3458934

This. I fail to see anything wrong with her, aside from the obvious "she's not 2D."

>> No.3459058

Why is she so sad?

>> No.3459082

What is the story behind the OP girl?
Was she raped?

>> No.3459340

supposed to be some teacher or something

>> No.3459486

Something bad happened to her student Ryouhei-kun?

>> No.3461334

why is she so sad ;_;

i bet 2ch could tell us

>> No.3461340

Depends on what you mean by physically unattractive.

>> No.3461434

I couldn never love an unattractive girl. But what you find unattractive, I could find very attractive.

>> No.3461445

doesn't exist. etc.

>> No.3461466

But she's not physically unattractive

>> No.3461510

If that girl on the right is 3D, then I wondsadmosadniaf803jf9-qw

>> No.3461519

You've gotta be fucking kidding me.
