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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3454227 No.3454227 [Reply] [Original]

I have my keyboard in japanese... but how the fuck I do the small tsu and ... every small hiragana? thanks.

>> No.3454230


>> No.3454239

find out out how to do づ and っ on your own

>> No.3454255

っ... but how can I make it in a fucking word?

>> No.3454264

If you can't figure this out then you don't deserve to use it.
Also, /jp/ - Japanese IME Support

>> No.3454268

ltsu by itself

or double the letter; motto gives もっと

>> No.3454269

What? It does it automatically everytime time you do words with ss or tt

>> No.3454278

Build your own dictionary and manually assign a key so you can be a true weeaboo

>> No.3454279

OP here, I was retarded and you're all right. But... how the fuck can I make a dzu?

>> No.3454280

hit x then t then u
x before a character than can be shrunk will shrink it
e.g. ユ and ュ(xyu F7) よ and ょ エ and ェ (xe F7) つ and っ (xtu)
Another useful button is the F7 key. It automatically converts everything into Katakana.

Also alt+tilde (~) goes between english input and hiragana input. it's faster than Alt+shift to switch IME layouts.

>> No.3454283

why, that's like almost never used

>> No.3454288

づ is with du

>> No.3454290


>> No.3454300


This is pretty awesome, this will help me greatly. Also... why is tsu ... tu instead of tsu? Is there other exceptions?

>> No.3454306

It can be tsu or tu. Same with shi/si.

Reason: shorter, obviously.

>> No.3454323

すごい ね
上手 日本語 お前
なかなか いい

>> No.3454433
File: 11 KB, 260x36, asddadasdasdasdasddqwwwwwwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmm, why the fuck is there a 3? Tried to do the kanji with all the hiragana, it won't come up. Is that an exception?

If anyone is still here...

>> No.3454437

Brotip: there's no spacing in japanese text

>> No.3454438

Why do you keep using spaces.

>> No.3454447

comes out fine for me.

>> No.3454451

Goddamn spaces.

>> No.3454450

How do you put dakuten on things that usually don't have them, like vowels?

>> No.3454453

さんかげつ becomes 三ヶ月 doesn't it?
It's the first choice for me. Either way, just jam the spacebar until you highlight 三ヶ月 then the IME "learns" and sets 三ヶ月 as the first choice for さんかげつ。

>> No.3454456

You can type 'dakuten' and space bar it.

>> No.3454465
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its fucking written さんかがつ... did he do an error? because I tried every choice, do the kanji in 2 parts with that it wont work.

>> No.3454473 [DELETED] 

こんにちは みんなさん
この 文 を 書き方 は あなた を  怒らせます か

>> No.3454485

Because it's さんかげつ not がつ.

>> No.3454487 [DELETED] 

こんにちは みんなさん
この 文 の 書き方 は あなた を  怒らせます か

>> No.3454495
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So there's an error in hellodamage kanjidicks thing... I'm going to email him. Thanks alot.

On another note, sakura trip... Did you read the CCS Manga?

>> No.3454504

Of course I did, why do you ask?

>> No.3454524

Because I hate it. I wonder if tokyopop edited the thing... but the story hardly make no sense because there is none. Also, the storyline is way different than the anime, I am so lost. (Only has read 40 pages)

>> No.3454528

I think I hate you.

>> No.3454535

>there is no story
>story is way different than anime
>Only read 40 pages
Are you trying to troll me or something?

>> No.3454549

Read the first pages. Start off differantly. I just wanted to talk about it, no point in being so aggresive. I will, of course, read all of it. I can't really hate it anyway...

>> No.3454560


>> No.3454563

There are plenty of differences, as with most manga to anime adaptations. The story is still essentially the same. Not sure what you were expecting.

>> No.3454565
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Posting CLAMP QUALITY in a CCS hijack

>> No.3454577

You got me dammit.....
