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3450044 No.3450044 [Reply] [Original]

Which of these sluts is most worthy of motherhood?

>> No.3450053

Ilya is not a slut

>> No.3450061

She's fucking a washing machine. She's an extreme slut.

>> No.3450079

Rider is the only women strong enough to carry my powerful and manly seed.

>> No.3450080

>She's fucking a washing machine
and not you, anonymous
not you

>> No.3450092

Can Gorgons have human children?

>> No.3450103

I'd impregnate all of them.

Fuck yeah polygamy.

>> No.3450116

The only one who can actually get pregnant is Rin.

>> No.3450132

I don't like Ilya anyway.

>> No.3450154
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But she's the hottest type moon character.

>> No.3450159

Some people are not satisfied with physical perfection.

>> No.3450161

Sorry, I don't like girls with semen hair.

>> No.3450171

If you have brownish semen I'd suggest visiting the doctor.

>> No.3450174 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on http://www.anantalk.com/ (anan = anon) last night.
I know who you are. I saw you in school. :)

>> No.3450177

Her hair is "white".

>> No.3450179

Actually it's silver.

And she has the best measurements: B61/W47/H62

>> No.3450183
File: 118 KB, 509x722, illy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you and me both have a thing for eternal loli's.

then again, who doesn't love them?

>> No.3450184


>> No.3450198
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Seiba is just jealous because she's stuck with a teenage instead of a loli body.

>> No.3450208
File: 312 KB, 503x531, カレン修道服無帽01i(近).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Caren has silver hair.

>> No.3450209

Why are you so annoying, nipaa?

>> No.3450219

I wasn't the one that brought up Ilya.

>> No.3450227

But you are the one most vocal about it

>> No.3450234

Since when is it bad to be vocal about a loli?

>> No.3450235

And golden eyes. She is the most beautiful.

>> No.3450237
File: 205 KB, 353x483, イリヤ06e頬(近).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you could say she has silver-blond hair.

Nobody is keeping you from posting about something else.

>> No.3450248

It's always bad to be overly vocal about something.

>> No.3450249
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Karen has big breasts though.

>> No.3450255

But when she was a kid, she didn't.

>> No.3450258

Eternal lolis are best lolis.

>> No.3450264

Compared to some of the other girls, they're actually quite small.

>> No.3450290

Does anyone know where to find this HCG set:


>> No.3450308

Sakura, no seriously.. When it boils down, she just wants to be a normal girl

Rin's a career mage = automatic shitty parent. Especially if the child has magic potential.

Saber's a warrior with poor domestic skills at best and an outright warmongering child murderer at worst

Rider is hard to gauge, but something tells me she invites greek tragedy

>> No.3450318
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Same for the Tohsakas.

>> No.3450330

Well, Shirou is the best husbando ever, but as a parent...
If of course the kid is not a sword in the first place.

>> No.3450344

Now I can't get the image of Shirou trying to Reinforce his sick kid to heal his flu out of my mind.

>> No.3450349
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>> No.3450352

Well, to be fair, Saber would teach her kid good morals.
Rin would teach her kid how to succeed and how to never give up until you're the best.
Sakura would probably be a typical housewife type and teach her daughter to be the same, and her son she'd probably ignore and leave to Shirou.

Rider...I don't know.

>> No.3450359

Rider would petrify her kid by accident.

>> No.3450371

If illya was my mom things would be different around here...

>> No.3450377
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If Rider had a daughter, she'd be terrified of it.

(Thanks to her kind, loving older sisters.)

>> No.3450380

Saber would be a good mother if she decided to put down her sword. But that's never going to happen as she is a King first and everything else second.

Rin as said, is serious about being a Mage. The typical mage family in Nasuverse don't have happy families in the long run. In the end, sorcery always comes first.

>> No.3450381
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Best Mother

>> No.3450383

How would Kotomine's grandchildren turn out?

>> No.3450402

Considering who their mother and grandfather would be, I can only think tragically.

>> No.3450407

>No mention of Ilya
I hate both of you.

If Ilya had kids, she'd probably spoil them a bit, being rich and all, so Shirou would have to teach them moderation.

>> No.3450410

You mean awesomely, right?

>> No.3450414
File: 16 KB, 200x200, fatej_024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Yukicchi?

She's got experience caring for children, she takes care of her little brothers.

However, she's probably too innocent to know where babies come from.

>> No.3450415

But she can't have kids. She's a homunculus.

>> No.3450416

Her daughter would be exactly like her, just like all the females in her family before her.

>> No.3450423

So was her mother.

>> No.3450428

Damn, good point. Well, science has already found a way to make sperm from a woman's spine cells, but that would require Shirou to have an egg...

>> No.3450430

So it'd end up being a test-tube baby.

>> No.3450434

Do homunculi have gametes?

>> No.3450460


>> No.3450461

Ilya's mom was a virgin. Discuss.

>> No.3450466

>a virgin
What a slut

>> No.3450472


>> No.3450496

Yes. A pure mother gives birth to a pure daughter.

>> No.3450512

Though she's a homunculus, Kiritsugu fucked her and they had Illya the normal way.

>> No.3450516

You forgot the pure father.

>> No.3450518

She was artificially inseminated.

>> No.3450519

Yes, because killing your children to get revenge on your husband definitely makes you a good parent.

>> No.3450527

Speaking of Child-Killers I bet Saber would be a great mother

>> No.3450541

Of course. Anyone who takes child advice from Merlin is automatically a great parents.

>> No.3450543


>> No.3450546

Iris gave birth, dimwit.

It doesn't matter--Illya wouldn't live that long, Saber's killed her kids before, so has Caster, Rider would likely eat her young, Sakura would molest them in a fit of sexual frustration the one time Shirou wasn't home, and Rin children will be the sad, impossible, half magi that their mother is. Particularly if Shirou's the father.

>> No.3450547

Mordred is the best son ever

>> No.3450559
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He just wanted his father's love ;_;

>> No.3450569

Getting sent out to sea is definitely done out of love

>> No.3450575

>>3450546 Rider would likely eat her young

Rider rides her young.

>> No.3450577
File: 87 KB, 632x660, best mom ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, Rin would be a great mom.

>> No.3450595

You are delusional. She would definitely raise them exactly how she and every magi raise their kids.

>> No.3450597

>Sakura would molest them in a fit of sexual frustration the one time Shirou wasn't home
I wish to be the little girl

>> No.3450607

No, she would raise ONE of them how magi raise their kids. The other she'd raise like a good mother.

>> No.3450609

She would break the rules and raise her child the normal way.

>> No.3450616

Rin's not as much of a slave to tradition as other magi.

>> No.3450623

Yeah, she even gets Shirou to teach her about modern technology, and she tries out all sorts of kinky sex positions with him. Even swallows his semen.

>> No.3450636

What if the child turns out to be batshit crazy (yandere) as well?
No offense to Sakura though.

>> No.3450641

Sakura's not really yandere.

Well, except in joke material.

>> No.3450648

Honestly, ignoring the exaggerators and the fanboys, its obviously Sakura. Submissive, traditional types are always the best for that position.

>> No.3450663

It's too bad she can't have kids.

>> No.3450699

Saber - Kills her kid.
Rider - Eats her kid.
Sakura - Nobody knows the father of her kid.
Rin - Gives her kid away.
Ilya - Dies before she has a kid.

>> No.3450725

She used to be a goddess...and, since this is ancient Greece mythology, any one who is a god/goddess can have children with humans.

>> No.3450745


Why not? Was it a result of converting her into a Makiri mage?

>> No.3450755

How many times has she been cummed inside?

It's safe to say she's infertile.

>> No.3450761

Would Rin atleast give the kid to Shirou?

Atleast that kid would have a chance at a happy life, albeit with a dad that comes home beat up every night.

And then he'd have to worry about his weird Step-Mom/Aunt sneaking into his dads room every night making alot of loud noises and then walking out with a strange satisfied look on her face.

Atleast he'd learn how to cook great, but he'd wonder why some tall lady is always stalking him and then dispersing into thin air when ever he tries to catch her.

...What a strange life that child would lead.

Also he'd have to worry about getting beat up by his aunt that looks just as hold as he is, just because she's jealous that you get more attention sometimes than her.

>> No.3450763

Womb filled with semen-eating worms.

>> No.3450772

Actually what happens is her body converts it into mana immediately instead of letting it remain as semen.

If she wasn't craving it for it's magical propertys then theres a chance she'd be able to get impregnated.

>> No.3450791

If this were a slice of life manga like that ilya one I'd read it.

>> No.3450823

>Would Rin atleast give the kid to Shirou?

Why would she give her kid to her husband?

>> No.3450839

Then, when he meets his grandparents, Kanshou and Bakuya, he will wonder if he too is destined to be the bone of his sword.

>> No.3450857

Forgot about that. Worms make you barren.

>> No.3450866

I'm sure if we all combine our efforts, one of us will eventually impregnate Sakura.

>> No.3450917

Physically speaking Rin. Being breastless, Ilya and Saber aren't really suited to nourish the child. As far as figure goes Sakura and Rider pass but A: I don't think either of them CAN have children and B: their powers probably endanger the child.

As far as personality goes, all of them would probably be fine except Ilya. Rin talks a OH I'M SUCH A STONE COLD MAGE game but she's not really suited for it. Rider is Sakaki, enough said. Seiba is a pretty stable person too. Sakura is a bit iffy because she's an extremely jealous person, but she'd probably be fine.

>> No.3450927

That's... an oddly serious answer.

>> No.3450946

What's wrong with Ilya? She's a very caring individual.

>> No.3450948
File: 37 KB, 640x480, data-s2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am never anything less than serious.

>> No.3450958

...Sort of. She cares for Shirou and Kiritsugu. It's hard to say whether she "cared" for Berserker or not, but she did at least have "absolute trust" in him.

>> No.3450970

I think she did. After all, she didn't want to have another Servant after losing him.

>> No.3450971

Rin confirmed for best mom ever.

>> No.3450980

Worms may make you barren, but whose to say Dark Sakura didn't just use magic to fix her womb after offing zoken?

>> No.3450997
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No that's Caster (Medea). Why yes I WOULD like to clarify that statement:

Caster in FSN is a person who holds Kuzuki as the most important thing in her world. Any child she had with him would be equally, if not more (based on instinct and such) precious. And I think based on the game we can say that Caster is willing to go pretty fucking far to defend what is precious to her. To say that she is physically suited would be stating the obvious but I'll mark it anyway. As for how she holds up to the traditional Medea:
>using the source material as basis for Nasuverse characterization

>> No.3451035

Anyone who examines Dark Sakura in the slightest?

>> No.3451038

>Implying that qualifies her for best mom ever

>> No.3451084

This, basically.

>> No.3451145

>Rider is Sakaki, enough said.

I don't think you know Rider at all. Stop reading doujin.

>> No.3451153

I think he's referring to her voice actress.

>> No.3451156

I don't think you saw certain HF scenes, played HA, OR know who Rider's seiyu is.

>> No.3451182

Also, you all have Sakura's type wrong. Aside from her dislike of violence and her bouts of sexual frustration, she's the picture-perfect from of a Nadeshiko. Housekeeps, manages the books, we know from Normal End that she's very good with kids "unlike my greedy grandma".

Really, the only things that technically disqualify her from a balanced raising is thus:

- The worms make you barren--the uterus is the first thing they attack.
- The issue of a Matou heir--their crest lies in the worms and she's not a blood-relative. She was, in fact, very lucky to survive the process, so who's to say what would happen to the kid.
- Not wanting to birth anyone but Shirou's child. Moreso than Rin, Shirou's fucked her over--she wouldn't look at another man seriously (sexually is a different argument).

And there's one qualifying negative for all Fate girls across the board save Caster:
- Shirou "Become an hero" Emiya. While he's an upstanding man, I think he'd be very much like Kiritsugu, becoming the absentee father for months at a time for little or no personal or familial gain. There aren't many women in Fate save Sakura that might be able to curve those impulses of his (but we all know /jp/ hate HF True End, so there goes that theory).

>> No.3451195

UBW Shirou wouldn't be TOO bad but Fate Shirou certainly would be like that.

But we all prefer the world of doujins and HA anyway.

>> No.3451201

>Rin talks a OH I'M SUCH A STONE COLD MAGE game but she's not really suited for it. Rider is Sakaki, enough said. Seiba is a pretty stable person too.

Except he's talking personalities, not voice actors. Were it voice-acting, the mention would have been Aoyama Motoko, who in fact is one of the best waifus.

And I know enough of HA to know Rider's character is very indulgent and whimsical--she flusters around Shirou but that's because Shirou's a selfless oddball that accepts her. Cute things disarm her because her sisters were terrorist. And, lest you forget, Rider's a blood-thirsty killer with self-serving morals, even to her own loved ones (killing Shirou to protect Sakura, despite knowing it would ruin the girl mentally).

On top of the more she uses her bestial strength, the more she resembles the monstrous gorgon the mythos recognizes her as. Again, keep your fanon out of canon.

>> No.3452101


>> No.3452148

eewwwww ah man you guys, don't do that to my TM girls seriously

>> No.3452238
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>> No.3452255

Wait, how is Rider pregnant?

>> No.3452288


Just because.

>> No.3452293
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>> No.3452376


>> No.3452382

FFFFFFFFFuck yeah.

>> No.3452416

If Rider was my mom, things would be different around here.

>> No.3452464

I thought your mom was already a lazy drunk.

>> No.3452607

Yeah, but not a lazy drunk bisexual rapist.

>> No.3452758

If we hadn't had worm rape, honestly Sakura would have been complete yamato nadeshiko. As it stands she's an imperfect form. Can I get Nasu clarification on Sakura being infertile, instead of anon's bullshit?

>> No.3452806

Yes, if she was a completely different character, she would have been a completely different character. What insight.

>> No.3452816

She's been cummed inside hundreds upon thousands of times, and she hasn't gotten knocked up yet.

>> No.3452859

Worms eat it plus absorbing magical energy.
Shirou would have to overfill her to get pregnant.

>> No.3452888

Sure you can: play Heaven's Feel.

>> No.3452923

Which is highly unlikely.

>> No.3452932

Without the worms, he just has to pummel her constantly for a while if he wants to.

>> No.3452940

rape is a small aspect of character.

>> No.3452962

It's pretty much what shaped her personality.

>> No.3452989

We're forgetting that Zouken was going to use her as breeding stock so that her child could be a grail in the next 60 year grail war.

>> No.3453072
File: 247 KB, 272x559, 1251753890093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logically speaking, from best to worst, the wives would be:

1. Sakura (Worms, which are completely gone at the end of HF, seem to be the only knock against her, and its not really valid, honestly its hard to think of a reason not to choose her, besides being a fanboy, grail conduit also gives her children magic potential that puts even Einsberg to shame, Yamato Nadeshiko archetype, rich heir, etc.)
2. Rider (I'd fear more for enemies of the child than for the child, based on her dedication to Sakura and her ability to transfer said dedication to Shirou, she would raise a good child, just some spoiling is a bit possible, but she would give a good child, also would confer some divine attributes, due to her own bloodline, to any child which compensates for lack of real magical ability)
3. Ilya (Its too hard to tell, if she was acting her actual age all the time, she'd be as good as Rider, but if she was acting her normal way, probably between Saber and Rin, thus an average of the two puts her here. Obviously, powerful magic crest will be a large plus, though its overshadowed by Sakura's grail conduit)
4. Saber (Ignoring her body, she still lacks feminine traits, selflessness would actually hurt her ability to be attentive to her child, but her morals and beliefs are a unique thing that would still be a very positive thing to a boy or girl)
5. Rin (Really, the only things that she has as positive points, her money and bloodline, get overshadowed by the others. Cooking isn't equal to Sakura's. Far too independent to be a good wife or mother. Has a worrisome conception of familial ties, that makes her attentiveness a concern. The only one that really comes in as just an average wife, or worse, by comparison to the rest)

Sexual ability isn't counted here, because thats really dependent on the tastes of the husband. Luviagelita is who'd I choose if I disregarded logic.

>> No.3453075 [DELETED] 

We've confirmed that Rin is the best mother of the bunch, unless Rider can breed and her eyes wouldn't affect the child.

>> No.3453082

Not really, aniki.

>> No.3453085

Sakura is barren, she's off the top.

>> No.3453091

Rin is awesome at Chinese cooking BTW, just bored usually.

>> No.3453095

>Cooking isn't equal to Sakura's

Shirou admits she's a better cook than him and Sakura.

>> No.3453097

Her purpose is to pop out grail children because she isn't going to last long enough for a regular grail war cycle.

>> No.3453129

This assumes that Zouken plans to breed her a normal way. Considering worms ATE HER WOMB I somewhat doubt that.

>> No.3453134
File: 157 KB, 400x400, archerrinsakurabebehspool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know which character in Fate would be the best FATHER.

Seriously though, Rin would make an awesome mom. She'd be almost overly protective and be the sort of parent that she never had. Sure, she might be a little hard, but she'd make a good mother.

>> No.3453143

Personality considered, the only one that'd be out is Ilya. Physically speaking only Rin and Rider are suitable. Maybe Saber, but her figure isn't really good for nutrition (though I'm not sure how much pregnancy would change that).

>> No.3453205

See this:>>3453091
Its not an overall better though. Maybe if Shirou was Chinese (ughhh...)


>> No.3453227

That doesn't sound like Rin, that sounds like Caster

>> No.3453245

Despite the whole worms = Infertile thing, lets say there's a scenario where Sakura's womb is restored to its proper form, pre-worms, would you accept that Sakura would be a good mother?

>> No.3453262

As long as she doesn't snap somehow again, yeah/

>> No.3453268

Pretty much, though there is always the Sohma Rin scenario...

>> No.3453274

Caster would kill her kids because she's pissed off at her husband.

>> No.3453286

The source material has nothing to do with the Nasuverse.

>> No.3453296

If it's Souchiro's child, then it'd be okay.

If only because that child would be a modern hero when he grows up. As great as Heracles even.

>> No.3453297

Most of the events happened(detailed version on status and explanations at HA)

>> No.3453308

But it's canon. She killed her kids in the Nasuverse too.

>> No.3453322

Well of course. But that was with a man she didn't love.

>> No.3453323

Holy shit, you just reminded me that Rider's kids will be divine, literally!

Rider is the best mother. After all, why would you deny your kids mythical abilities?

>> No.3453327

Caren. In some alternate universe where Kotomine is alive and can watch me impregnate his daughter.

>> No.3453334

Because they'll be cursed to live lives of solitude and misery for being diff...rent.


>> No.3453348

He wouldn't care. He doesn't even acknowledge her as his daughter.

>> No.3453393

Kotomine doesn't really acknowledge much of anything. He's just a walking corpse. ;_;

>> No.3453456

Of course Ilya has absolute trust in Berserker. He's strong after all.

>> No.3453483

At least he legacy lives on through his gorgeous daughter.

>> No.3453529

His legacy of sadism?

>> No.3453535

Karen's more of a masochist than a sadist.

>> No.3453580

No, she's definitely a sadist.

She just happens to also be a masochist.

>> No.3453628

The whip and the suit are for purely practical purposes.

>> No.3453955
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>> No.3454274

She was a throwaway, not a breeding card--the 5th Grail War just happened to give him convenient means to utilize her to the best of her ability.

Her divinity was taken away from her by the gods, so her kids would be no more divine than a phantasmal beast. Nothing like, say, if Gil, Cuhlainn, Hercules, or Caster managed to have kids after the 5th War.

>> No.3455850

Discounting physical matters:
1. Sakura
2. Rider/Rin
3. Saber
4. Ilya
