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34492841 No.34492841 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>34293654

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Elona+ 2.03 (2021-2-13)
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>> No.34493026
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Elona more like alone-a

>> No.34493044

Smoking is bad for you.

>> No.34493536

Could you use a rod of alchemy to change the base item while retaining the material?

>> No.34493683

Can someone answer this for me. Also, how are potiomans used?

>> No.34493685

I haven't touched smoking since that bug that made addiction permanent.

>> No.34493964

It means you're getting triple exp, because you have Advanced Casting turned on. Press t to use potiomans. Potiomen?

>> No.34493968

I just came back from a harvest quest and everything I dropped to unburden myself disappeared.

>> No.34494023

well shit, I've been dropping stuff because I thought that couldn't happen

>> No.34494060

You can on static maps, but towns reset after awhile.
Yowyn reset the moment I returned from a quest, and I lost my pillow and bunch of tools and consumables.
Does anyone know a way to revert it outside of just spawning shit in or am I fucked?

>> No.34494098

unique stuff you can get back by turning in little sisters from big daddys at the cyber dome.

>> No.34494591
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cucks use premade sprites
chads mix and match to create a one of a kind UNTAINTED waifu

>> No.34494644

You're dick is too small to use the word chad, friend.

>> No.34494743

>you're dick
nice english, shitskin. statistically you'd be the one with the small pp here

>> No.34494755

Certain skills have exp bonuses on certain days. You can see the type of day in the top left.

>> No.34495142

>Current Version:
>Elona+ 2.03 (2021-2-13)
you had one job

>> No.34496673

Is an extra torso or whatever worth the -5% speed penalty?

>> No.34497678
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Maybe it should be localized as "P-Daman", since Biidaman became "B-Daman" in the US.
(The "man" there is pronounced "mahn" or "mohn"; I think it'd be one of those words where the plural form is the same.)

>> No.34500221

-5% is -50 at 1000 speed and -100 at 2000 speed. I think at that high level the penalty doesn't matter compared to another torso piece and at low level the penalty can probably be overcome with speed boosts from your gear.

>> No.34500710

At high level the extra torso piece doesn't matter either.

>> No.34501256
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I've been reading past posts where people talk about doing damage in the hundreds of thousands if not millions for both magic and melee. What am I missing? How the hell do you get that strong?
I've just started started act 3 as a 2H melee character and it's the farthest I've ever gotten in Elona+. I'm doing around anywhere from 400-7k damage per hit based on the enemy.
Here are some stats about my character so far if it helps:
>Level 72
>Strength 443, Tactics 157, Two Hand 137, Long Sword 153
>+15 Claymore Living weapon Lvl 1 3d20+29 (haven't rolled any +magic damage so haven't levelled it up yet)
>combat roll is 3d20+95 x32.3

>> No.34501418

>What am I missing?
>How the hell do you get that strong?
An astonishing amount of grinding.

>> No.34501431

Step one1) You need much, much, higher stats. Get your attributes to ~2k.

>> No.34501503

Well, skills go up to 2000 and stats go up to about 6000 with buffs. So you're not even a tenth of the way to max, it's normal to do less damage at this point. As for hitting for millions, that's mostly just people artificially padding their numbers. Actual, normal endgame damage is more in the 500k-1m range, with melee getting occasional spikes of damage from lucky rolls but generally averaging lower than magic.

>> No.34501504

Torso mean more resistance, but yeah I'd say arm is better since you want to stack extra-attacks chances.

>> No.34501604

I've been doing this more and more recently but I feel the other way around, like my sprites, even when they're made with care, are less legitimate than the ones that come from strangers.

>> No.34502059

It's pointless to ever try to read this spellbook of wishing I found, right?

>> No.34502079

Save it until you max Memorization or you really really want a bunch of wishes right now.

>> No.34502166

would you really need any wishes at the point when you have maxed memorization, though?

>> No.34502230

You don't really need wishes at any point in the game, but scrolls of gain attribute and potions of descent are nice for vanity. Maybe shift cores for all your pets if you're into that. Miromis if you haven't gotten every feat yet. Gods if you haven't summoned all of them yet.

>> No.34502871

When do you start feeling like it's time to retire your character?

>> No.34502914

about 10 hours after creation

>> No.34503033

Is hybridisation worthwhile?
Is specialization a big deal in a game where you can train every skill and attribute on every character?

>> No.34503035

Every time I find out that I've been playing like a retard this whole time and there was a much easier way of doing what I was trying to do.

>> No.34503081

cool , never knew i had a twin

>> No.34503181

You hybridize when it costs you nothing, and specialize otherwise. Everyone should train spells because everyone gets spell points and spell potential for free, and you can't use those for anything besides spells. Everyone should use VG/Empathy because everyone needs to train Gardening/Negotiation anyway. Everyone should raise all their stats at the same time because it's not any harder than raising stats one at a time.

But, you specialize in either buffs or damage spells, because they both compete for spell points. You specialize in melee or shooting because Tactics and Marksman both compete for skill points/platinum/training time.

By endgame you do just max everything and any trace of specialization you once had disappears, but most people don't reach that point. Up until then, you do want to specialize in some areas.

>> No.34503502

Are you fucking kidding me. I made a backup save just before the end of the month, so I could savescum the rolls for my living weapon
>The list is fixed
I refuse to believe people have stacked magic damage 15 times unless they have been playing a save for a ridiculous amount of time

>> No.34503514

>Everyone should raise all their stats at the same time because it's not any harder than raising stats one at a time.

>> No.34503551

Isn't having another 150+ base PV worth it for endgame?

>> No.34503552

You can go forward or back on the list by enchanting or acid.

>> No.34503586

Holy shield gives you 1000, and +15 across 10 pieces of armor gives +300 to pv/dv. You'll get 300 from armor skill, and 200 from dex. That's 1800 even if you ignore the +40 each piece from getting max weight bonus, which would bring it to 2200. An extra 150 really isn't much.

>> No.34503587

The main thing is that you have so much HP that even if you're naked you'd just tank everything all day on sheer HP alone. And even if you did care about mitigating damage, +150 PV isn't much compared to, say, +1000 PV from Holy Shield.

>> No.34503660

I cant enchant because I'm at +15, how exactly do you use acid? The weapon is acidproof

>> No.34503942

Uh, you might be fucked. Change material? Rust removal? Don't know.

>> No.34503983

Well. There's always next year.

>> No.34503995

Is there some niche enemy that can directly degrade your equipments?

>> No.34504028

Not through acidproof

>> No.34504177

I think cursed acidproof liquid can degrade even acidproof equipment. Not sure though.

>> No.34504742

I don't know if this interests anyone else but I come bearing knowledge.

So I had some material kits in my storehouse, still not getting muh magic but at least I'm learning how fucked I am.
You can't use change material scrolls on precious or living weapons, so that wont work.
Material Kits work though. However it only cycles through up to a certain point, it goes back and forth seemingly randomly. This is the progression from the wiki:
>Fire Cold Lighting Darkness Mind Poison Nether Sound Nerve Chaos Magic (Back to Fire)

I started with the Lightning option. Using an adamantium material kit (I savescummed to test this), I could get anywhere from Lightning to Nether and back again. It wasn't linear it was just one of the ones in between that range each time.

I got no idea. The only thing now I can try is taking a trip in snow to advance a month and see if Sound starts appearing. I have a hunch the range is linear, maybe? I tried with a paper material kit and it didn't give me a new element, just the same within that range so it could be. If this works then once I get closer to Magic I should be able to use material kits to reroll it within the same month. If not, fuck me I guess

>> No.34504809

Actually I should just reroll it to Nether and then advance a month, then see if the range changes once my starting point is at Sound

>> No.34504861

Try equip updating it, I think that also moves you around.

>> No.34504919

What's the deal with Riding?
Who needs it, and who doesn't?

>> No.34504960

Well that didn't work. The adamantium material kit is giving me the same options as before. It doesnt seem to matter what type of material kit it is either. I've tried iron and paper kits and they're both giving the same elements within the Lightning to Nether range as before.
The only difference now is sometimes it will reroll back to Sound, the new starting point. Which wont help with me rerolling magic because once I level up I will have a new starting point.

Thanks anon I'll try this

>> No.34505000

Riding was vanilla's main way to increase speed, and it's pretty useful outside of plus.

In plus... it's not necessarily bad, but most of the uses are edge cases like mutants with speed debuffs, early game snails, weird defense tricks, etc.

>> No.34505085

>equip updating it rerolled to Magic first try
Based. Thanks anon. I tried it a few more times and it appears to reroll within the entire range
I need to farm EV items now

>> No.34505480

For roleplaying purposes I appreciate an optional toggle to cap your characters speed while in towns. It's kind of ridiculous to imagine after a certain point. It's not like speedsters in comics move at their top speed constantly
It's almost implying that our characters have no control over it. With every increase not only their physical speed but their thought process becomes quicker too. Sounds like a nightmare

>> No.34505519

That does give me the idea that it would be interesting if you could manually control what speed your character moves at in a range between some minimum and your speed stat.

>> No.34505539

I always justified it as an effect of the nefia syndrome

>> No.34505630

I always handwaved it as more Meshera bullshit causing people to be abominations.
As you grow in speed, the world around you slows to a crawl and you begin to enter an experience of time closer to a fly's than a human's.
This is part of why I think the final god items are valued the way they are, not just for training, but for regaining what you lost after your power curve went exponential.

>> No.34505643
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I like the absurdity of it but your idea is good too.

>> No.34505662

From what I can see, the canon explanation for the powerscaling is everything being inhabited by ancient superweapon microorganisms causing the limits imposed by physics and biology to break down.

>> No.34505673

I always theorized it's a result of Noa/Ano not giving much of a shit about some game mechanics.

>> No.34505713

Noa actually does have autistic explanations for everything, but it's very easy to gloss over it because the plot of Elona has next to nothing to do with the player.
The player effectively does rpg challenges to progress while Noa's fantasy novel plays out in the background.
I assume this disconnect is why he abandoned Elona for Etherwind originally.

>> No.34505749

Wait I thought etherwind came before elona?

>> No.34505795

Dirty water, Cursed Fireproof/Acidproof liquids

>> No.34505807

I like that Elona has this super serious story and background about ancient civilizaitons rising and falling and fighting each other and all of that is derailed because some clown came to North Tyris due to a shipwreck and now he's retrieving and deciphering long-lost ancient texts because he really wants to learn the spell that will allow him to put his penis inside a giant venus fly trap, but not before marriage, of course.

>> No.34505946
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>be simple shopkeeper in Vernis
>30,000g instantly appears on my counter spilling everywhere while an equivalent value of my stock is missing
>this happens every 3 days
>tell the local detective about it
>he tells me one time a man who was clearly peeing his pants materialised out of thin air and accused him of being a werewolf before vanishing instantly
Maybe it's time to move

>> No.34507465

I feel for the mobile meme.

I am sorry, but I am back.

>> No.34507518

how was it

>> No.34507610

>tfw no wiki or source to get info on shit in it
>Like how to learn necromancy or how to get blacksmiths to improve items past +3
>The game says that town achievement unlocks it, but in beta it didn't work
>Not far enough in the full release to try it yet

>> No.34508500

What do you do after your first earlygame runaround?

>> No.34508602

>pick up little girl, do shena's quest, gather small medals
>head to adventure seminar for a small medal and to do the 200gp training seminar for 1 plat
>head to lesimas, talk to the guy for 3 platinum
>go to kapul, small medals, get a fighter's guild quest,get the gene machine and have the little girl carry it, grab gene engineering and give the arena a go
>derphy, small medals and do all the trap quests, gene engineer negotiation, pickpocket, etc on the girl.
>yowyn, pick up gardening, grab special meal from the innkeeper and do all the harvest times
>palmia, either go north to get a god or to lumiest and noyel to finish up on small medals and buy something from the workshop

after that it's just the same thing, going from town to town selling cargo, doing quests, and brushing up on my skills. Get ranch, farm, and shop asap, get set up for picnic baskets, then just take it easy

>> No.34508614

also if you speak to the king at palmia after having spoken to the dude in lesimas you'll get several more plat

>> No.34509794

So I'm trying to make a gene but everytime I try it closes the dialogue box and does nothing.
I'm Overweight if that matters.

>> No.34509863

Yeah, the crushing weight's interrupting you.

>> No.34509906

But shouldn't it interrupt in the turns leading up to it like regular sleep?
I've been able to sleep while overburdened before, but here it happens instantly with no damage done.

>> No.34510278

Overweight > overburdened. Burden doesn't cause damage.

>> No.34510525

I was using it interchangeably with Overweight, as there is no status called Overburdened.

>> No.34510940

I used the secret experience of lomias in the gene I'm incarnating from but I didn't get the necklace.
The cutscene at the start played, but the item didn't appear in my house.
Is there something else I need to do?

>> No.34510987

I reloaded my save and it was there on the second go, strange.

>> No.34511277

What put you back here?
Did the dev took something out from the beta in the real version?

>> No.34511314

Anyone ever make a guild on Elona mobile?

>> No.34511792
File: 561 KB, 803x628, Fanfic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only need these things once to get the full effect, right?

>> No.34511905

Should I reroll for this powerful event hat in elona mobile? Or should I go with my dick and reroll for younger sister.

>> No.34512310

younger sister is semi-common and event hat is limited edition

>> No.34512361

Is it possible to get the younger sister outside of the gacha anyway?

>> No.34512375

It stacks

>> No.34512927

are butler pets good for anything?

>> No.34513739

they added pay two win pets and items that you can only get from gatcha games

>> No.34514190

if the younger sister at the little sister mansion has "happy nature" then you can pelt love potions at her until she lays an egg
why would you want to p2w a single-player roguelike

>> No.34514389

There is a place called sea princess palace that let you pass time quickly

>> No.34514666

I ate about 30+ picnic baskets, see potential rise to superb but don't gain much stat. Help. My stat about 400s btw

>> No.34514884

Despite anons here telling you to maintain stat potential with picnic baskets, I do more than fine ignoring them.
Build up a few herb farms and just spam herbs whenever you're hungry. Not only does it increase it's specific stat every time you eat one, it actually raises the potential too (not that it matters much). You can hit statcap much quicker this way

>> No.34514925

Picnic baskets only raise potential, and potential only multiplies exp gain. You still need to do something to actually gain xp afterwards.

>> No.34516028

How quick can you hit statcap like this?

>> No.34516039 [DELETED] 
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>> No.34516366

Is Kumiromi irreplaceable as a mid-game god? The ability to get seeds, especially herb seeds seems so useful in the long term.
I'm able to maintain superb attribute potential in the two stats my gods boost with their blessed food, however everything else is just atrocious.
I don't have access to the picnic baskets in OOMSEST either so I really don't know what other reliable options I have left other than just converting.

>> No.34516629

You can use MMM to get decent pots and infinite skill points, or harvest loops to get infinite wishes and wish your stats up. Once you are rich you can also cap blackmarkets and get gear with 50k+ enchant strength stats, which give tons of xp. Or just wear them for stats. Living weapons and artifact fusion can do similar, though it'll probably take longer. You can also just rely on custom spells to get 10k+ stat buffs.

Having said that, kumiromi is still extremely useful, so while you can skip him, it's really not recommended.

As for potentials, both kumiromi and inari blessed foods/milk give potential to all stats, but you will need to convert (or get lucky with rng food). You can also craft or buy pot pots. MMM helps this immensely.

>> No.34516647

Ah, I should point out for MMM, you don't actually need to convert to mani for it. You can have a pet do MMM instead.

>> No.34517000

I see a lot of veteran reached 2k around lv 90s

>> No.34517445

Yeah but level doesn't tell you anything about how quick it was. You can reach 2k at lv 20 and take 200 hours, or you can reach 2k at lv 2000 and take only 50 hours. I'm curious how much quicker anon's no picnic strat supposedly is compared to the conventional way.

>> No.34518196

The MMM method seems to require quite a bit of set up if I caught the jist of it right. With really specific pet skill sets; all of mine sadly being brain dead melee meat bags.
On the other hand wish looping seems to be the one that requires the least to get going.
However, am I right to assume there is some sort of skill break point (presumably in memorization) before I can break even with that method?

>> No.34520066

Anon who posted this >>34514884 here, I can't give you super accurate data obviously but I can tell you about my current playthrough.
Level 76, 76885 turns, 30 hours, Act 2 Finished haven't started Act 3, STR + CON ~1585, every other stat ~ 500-750
I'm focused on hitting STR+CON first because I'm melee so thats why there's such a big gap beyond the fact that this is a single herb spamming method

>> No.34520422

You'll probably need 100-200 memorization and spell level at the low end to get harvest loop working. I've seen recommendations to wait until you have 1000+ from doing MMM, but I doubt you need that much.

For MMM, you need a pet that worships mani, a mine dog, and a sand bag. Disarm trap speeds things up, but isn't necessary per se. Higher favor with mani improves drops, as does dungeon level, but pets will gain favor over time. Your pet needs to be able to trigger the trap, so no float, and turn off mine dogs immunity to mines. They might die from time to time, so having a healer can help.

Conveniently, there is a mani fanatic tied up to a sandbag during juremass, so you only really need to find a mine dog. *I never tried to catch that fanatic, so I don't know if it's blocked. He seems to be a generic at least.

>> No.34521238 [DELETED] 

How do you remove / make sure your living weapon never gets bloodsucking in Elona+ 2.03?

>> No.34521281

How do you remove / make sure your living weapon never gets bloodsucking in Elona+ 2.03?
asking because material kits and name change scrolls dont work.

>> No.34521627

bro your crit rate, buffs, and bp...

>> No.34521712


>> No.34521854

Perception increases crit rate. Crits triples your damage.
Magic increases the power of your buffs. Buffs give more stats than actual stats do.
Learning increases the amount of bonus skill/spell points you get when you level. Since you're only level 76, you have enough LER for now but as you level higher you'll miss out on BP, which means you'll have lower Tactics skill and buff levels.

>> No.34521974

Ah, I see what you're saying

>> No.34522037

You don't. Ano's been killing all the tricks for years now, as he finds them. Either stay at lvl 10, or bleed.

>> No.34522556

Can you make godly gear with pot of fusion?

>> No.34522566

Yup. The free godlies from dungeons are easier though. Also, most godlies suck in plus, beyond the early game.

>> No.34522585

Oh what? I was thinking of crafting endgame gear now that I have the Artifact fusion
Aren't godly artifacts the best for this because of their max enchant limit

>> No.34522800

They also tend to have a lot of useless enchantments.

>> No.34523108

If you can find an empty godly, or one that only has useful enchants, sure. I've never found one though. Although, armor has *far* more enchant space than you'll be able to use, so you don't have to be as picky for armor as weapons.

>> No.34523778

Can the godlies you get from DESTINY be artifact godlies? The only ones I've gotten have been just regular godly gear

>> No.34523937

All godlies are artifacts. Do you mean precious gear? Precious gear is custom made by the devs. It can randomly generate, like you'll find random people with assualt gold, but they aren't godlies, so I don't know if they can spawn in from destiny.

>> No.34525669

>I was thinking of crafting endgame gear now that I have the Artifact fusion
Be sure to make a gene afterward so that future characters can use it.

>> No.34527829

does special dish for 1 bronze increase herb's stat raise?

>> No.34528781

The growth multi does work with herbs xp, but you'll be full right after, so it can be a pain to use the buff properly.

>> No.34528867

If you're in a town, you'll just eat a herbed food, pop a couple baskets, and get a fresh dish from the innkeeper while you're still basically full

>> No.34529057

It's not that, the buff wears off is the problem. You can usually get a few herbs out of it, but you basically end up with a bronze per basket or 2. It's been awhile since I tried it tho. Like I said, it does work.

....can you get the inn buff outside a town?

>> No.34529069

There's the jack lanterns from halloween children and putitoros, puff puff bread, and the other fusion recipes, but those are actual foods so you can't eat them while full, nor are they all that consistent.

>> No.34529124

:/ those aren't the inn buff tho'.

They have similar effects, true.

>> No.34529481

Am I missing out by never using buffs? They're over in an instant and there's like 6-7 different ones that seem similarly useful.

>> No.34529490

yes, the effects are pretty major and they can last for hundreds or even thousands of turns when you level them up

>> No.34529498

>they can last for hundreds or even thousands of turns when you level them up
So that's what I was missing. Thanksies.

>> No.34529808

To give you an example of what you're missing out on when you have buff spells at ONLY level 150 (they can be levelled much higher for better results)
>Holy Shield: hundreds of points in PV for 200+ turns
>Hero, Concentration, Gem, Feather, Speed: Hundreds of points in stats for 200+ turns

>> No.34529899

I just made 30 cloaks using "soft equip making" and not one of them was {godly}. Are you sure you're right? >>34522566
I'm playing plus.

>> No.34529940

annnd of course I try one more time and it drops. nevermind kek

>> No.34529978

Heh, I told you dungeon rush was easier. You can boost your luck for better odds, but you'll need hundreds more luck to budge the %s.

>> No.34530111

stupid super hungry sea lion looted my backpack and ate all my curarias

>> No.34530346


>> No.34530358

sea lions need stats too

>> No.34530729

Doesn't this only prevent malicious hand action/events?

>> No.34530792


>> No.34531026

If you're 2Handing does the second Hand slot absolutely need to be empty or can you fit a claw in there or something?

>> No.34531038

You can't have any items in any of your other hands.
Not that it actually requires you to have other hands, mind you. You can totally two-hand with just one hand.

Just put the claw in your shoot slot.

>> No.34531154

Would it be worth it? Like would the damage bonuses of a high quality claw make much of a difference to the dps I'm putting out with my 2Hander? It gives PV bonus as well right? I don't really use the laser gun I have now but I like it for rp purposes

>> No.34531155

>The equipment attribute that protects you from thieves will now work against Scavenge like it works against getting pickpocketed.

>> No.34531363

loss and scarcity are fun so I'm fine with it

>> No.34531525

Why won't my pet convert to my religion?

>> No.34531716

Claws give their full +damage to your weapons, so it can easily double your damage, depending on your multipliers early on. Later on your mult can grow into the hundreds so the claw will be drowned out, but it's still a nice boost.

However, plus is plenty easy enough that you can role play with a laser instead.

>> No.34531812

yeah my multiplier is over x100 at this point. I might try crafting a good one just to test the difference

>> No.34531894


Lol, I meant +flat damage not multipliers. Multi affects claws the same as all other sources of flat damage. So if you have 1d1 +10 and a claw adds +20, you triple your damage before multi is considered. But if you have 5d20 + 100 and a claw adds +20, you get 1/6th to 1/10th more damage. IIRC claws cap at ~ +60-80 with all possible min-maxing.

>> No.34531982

How do I make characters use different sprites based on tint?

>> No.34533035

Palmia Pride worldwide

>> No.34533651

Do thrown potions scale with player stats in +? I find them still useful at higher levels, which shouldn't be the case if effects are static.

>> No.34533847

They scale with Alchemy.

>> No.34534301

Magic Device

>> No.34534493

Power item.

>> No.34535253

Is Elona Mobile any good? Downloaded it and was turned off when my first login bonuses was a bunch of scrolls of ally, some potential/evolution potions, and some other shit I didn't read before I dropped them

>> No.34535890

Buffs and debuffs deal in percentages rather than flat increases/decreases, so they're always going to be relevant.
The duration and chance to overcome resistance scales with alchemy and magic device.

>> No.34536027

why are you asking if the game is good or not when you've already dropped it

>> No.34536199

>percentages rather than flat increases/decreases
they're both, and some are only flat
>scales with alchemy
buff potions do not scale with alchemy. at all.

>> No.34536621

I didn't drop the game. I dropped the free login event items.

>> No.34536624

Other than your typical mobile game shit, it's pretty fine if slow

>> No.34538132

Wasn't there a precious artifact that had the "prevents aliens from entering"? Does anyone know the name of it?

>> No.34538235

There are several, but the memeiest one is probably Shena's Panty.

>> No.34538569

What are the common ones? It's driving me nuts I swear I left it in my storehouse

>> No.34538845

Is there any reason for pets to have skills related to things other than combat, cooking, crafting, performance, and shopkeeping?
As an example, would you ever want to have the fishing skill on a pet?

>> No.34538858

The beggar's necklace has that effect.

>> No.34538895

In plus, you get stuff and things. Like pickpocket = cash on kills, fishing = mats over time, etc.

In oomsest you can put your pets to work, fishing, cooking, alchemy, etc.

In vanilla, you can just not. Don't even.

In mobile ???

>> No.34538920

That wasn't it. ree.

>> No.34539103

Sunbararia Helm? Pants of Ogre?

>> No.34539311

Hero's Cloak?

>> No.34539328

Pets give you materials based on certain skills, like fishing or gardening

>> No.34547904

Now im even more confused than before, do I get custom or oomsest, or do you apply that to custom, or +, or ?

Why are there so many versions of this game??
and did any of them ever fix moongates? or whatever those were called.

>> No.34547953

>What version to play? Read the pastebin.

>> No.34548001

NC, OO's also getting an update soon that adds summoning classes in, and NCs dev said they'll be supporting it too.

>> No.34548853

Afaik all of the game's online chat and player room hosting servers are already dead across all versions

>> No.34549311

infinite spell stocks are great

On the other hand I miss being able to change ai behavior like in + and it seems that there are no living weaps / fusion

>> No.34549578

Moongates still work in OO and up.

>> No.34549847

You know what forget it ill just download them all, im never going to get an understandable straight answer from the net in 2021 and I have other shit to do. Telling me to read the paste like, plug it in retard, takes the cake though, hope you're happy.

>> No.34551714

>I'm going to download and test all variants of a game which I say there are too many of, because I "have shit to do" and am too busy to look at a pastebin and determine which one sounds appealing
>Instead (because I'm so busy) I'm going to spend hours testing each version to see which one is best
ok retard

>> No.34552421

Just play the latest version of plus

>> No.34552873

Im not busy I want to get it done today, there is a difference. And you still want to give me shit after I gave up on asking for help.
And now im going around in loops because that doesnt include customizable pet magic and moongates and shit I actually asked about. All I actually asked is oomeset and custom... you know what fuck it im done. Solve captcha close tab, done.

>> No.34552905

moongates are long dead no matter the version

>> No.34553284

Moongates work in OO varients.
NC also adds custom pet AI and learnable magic. You can even teach them harvest and wish.

>> No.34553674
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>Omake Overhaul Modify Sukutu Edition South Tyris Step Nasuko Custom

>> No.34553696

What does it add?

>> No.34554126


Bunch of things.

New spells, advanced spells (not to be confused with greater spells), new enchantments, greater enchantments, new spacts, a bunch of endgame streamlining (like faster hammer leveling, continuous wishing/harvesting, etc.), a new fairy resort island with stronger dungeons/mobs and an upgraded void called abyss. Tree breeding. Horse racing. A new town in the void. It's also started adding more content in the form of artifacts and quests to fill out S. Tyris. Including a ring that boosts max sp, and the ability to put invokes and damage enchants on armor. Pet AI. And other stuff..

Here's how the new armor attack enchantments work:

-Attribute damage enchantments and activation enchantments given to shield and armor items can now be activated when attacked.
In the case of a shield, the power changes depending on the shield skill level, and in the case of armor, it depends on the current equipment skill level.

-Attribute damage enchantments and activation enchantments given to cloak items can now be activated when evading an attack.
Power depends on closeout skill level

-Attribute damage enchantments and activation enchantments given to ring and collar items can now be activated when using arrow magic.
Power depends on magic device skill level

That last one means you can proc lightning breath and time stop with magic dart now.

Latest update:

>> No.34554543

still on shitcord? really?

>> No.34555187

when will they learn?

>> No.34558525

Not being able to customize pets is part of the fun imo. They're all different in behavior and you can still do it later through a different system from that of custom-g by spending AP, which works more like a reward to earn.

>> No.34559305
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>spending AP to make negligible adjustments to the useless basic AI is "fun"
That's almost more retarded than the bitching and whining about players rejecting piss fetish game mechanics.

>> No.34559677

Custom AI can be a good or bad thing depending on your preferences. Without Custom AI, most pets can never become as good as meta pets and that's kind of depressing if you really love catsisters or something. But Custom AI also basically homogenizes every monster into just "bell" or "not bell", which arguably presents even fewer interesting choices. Where Custom AI shines is for players who don't care about challenge or optimization, who just want a sandbox where they can make their own rules.

>> No.34559913

Well, maybe. However, you can create your own custom npcs in every version even vanilla, so everyone can have there very own maneki death crab cat sister if they really want one. This is tremendously popular in JP, but for some reason, english users almost never make their own npcs. Even the crab pack or similar things don't really get used much.

>> No.34560063

Not anon, but I prefer babysitting flawed pets myself and maybe edit the sprites at most instead of removing the quirks some have for the sake of optimization.
It's a game about autism though so I understand wanting the most efficient everything, but if that's all there is to it you may as well play numbers go up while looking at anime girls.

>> No.34560225
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Since you cant level up a living weapon past lvl10 without getting bloodsucking and Ano removed any way to bypass it because having fun in endgame in a singeplayer game by making a cool weapon isn't allowed, I used cheat engine to make my weapon +35 (15 level normally + 5 levels of +4 upgrade)
I feel kind of shitty for doing it but fuck him, I wanted to mix and match a lot of cool element damage.

>> No.34561002

How do you turn off armor/equipment overlay? Am trying to use custom sprite and armor graphics clip over it

>> No.34561081

huh. are pets really worth it?
i kinda got bored resurrecting my starter pet and just picked kokou feat.

>> No.34561129

based, relying on others only makes you weak.

>> No.34561264

Use a dresser

>> No.34561352

I never play with them either. I find it annoying when the game pauses because something attacked when you're trying to move. Happens sometimes with friendly npcs in dungeons and happens 24/7 when you have a pet
Kokou feat is based

>> No.34561381

Kokou is required for everyone anyway because things will go wrong and you'll end up alone at some point
Funnily enough, my pets are stronger than my main character in this playthrough so I often need to summon them to avoid dying

>> No.34562490

did you even try the bloodsucking? I barely notice it
but whatever feels necessary for you I guess

Pets are better if you know what you're doing, but kokou is certainly simpler and easier.

>> No.34562510

To be honest, I see far more bitching and whining from custom players about the purported piss mechanics of plus than plus players whining about people playing custom.

>> No.34562791
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How much agility do I need to cheat in blackjack every time? Also how good is pickpocketing?

>> No.34563946

Why did a grass killer appear and instantly murder me when I was minding my business fishing in Palmia?

>> No.34564051


>> No.34564339

Really? I haven't seen anything. It's just one faggot that comes into these threads and throws a shitfit over people preferring custom over plus until people tell him to fuck off.

>> No.34564364

You can't actually create custom allies, it's more like you add a new type of enemy to the game that shows up everywhere. People don't want to fill up dungeons with copies of their wife, so it's ignored.

>> No.34565638

>How much agility do I need to cheat in blackjack every time?
Infinity. There is always a non-zero chance to get caught.
>Also how good is pickpocketing?
Having just one level of pickpocketing is really good. There's a lot of good stuff to steal, like a barbecue set, king's bed, container furniture, fruit trees, altars, and so on. More than one level of pickpocketing isn't very useful because it just makes you less likely to be caught, but you can just teleport the witnesses away instead.

>> No.34565887

You can set the spawning rules too, so you can make new enemy types, or you can make new uniques that only spawn in once, or must be summoned.

>> No.34566607

For me, custom npcs have the same problem as Custom AI. I could make my own cheaty autowin pet, but it renders the variety of existing pets irrelevant. I could make a balanced npc, but then I could also just use any one of the balanced npcs that already exist. It's more interesting to evaluate the merits of the existing npcs, than to just come up with my own npc which I know is good because I stuffed it full of obviously good shit with no drawbacks. Custom npcs make more sense in vanilla where there's a lesser variety of existing npcs to consider.

>> No.34566817

There's no English documentation for that. The wiki only has a couple of links; an archive of a dead page that just says how to make them appear in dungeons, and a page on a dead Japanese wiki that I assume had more information.

>> No.34566984

If someone were to add English documentation, do you think there'd be interest in it?

>> No.34567006

probably yeah.

>> No.34567148

>did you even try the bloodsucking? I barely notice it
Wait does it not apply bleeding? Are you saying it's a flat damage thing?

>> No.34567642

It does, I guess what he means is it barely makes a dent in your HP and gets healed soon after.

>> No.34567706

Bleeding absolutely makes a dent in your HP if you dont use a healing spell

>> No.34568792

Recently it's died down a lot because even Custom players have started to realize that pissing isn't the bugbear they've been making it out to be. It used to be a lot more prevalent back when piss mechanics actually were retarded, and then it kept on going for a while after that because Custom players hadn't caught onto the changes yet. Nowadays piss is just a meme but you do get occasional retards who still fall for it.

>> No.34568839

0-9 isn't a lot of shortcuts
how do you deal with this?

>> No.34568991

ctrl/shift + 0-9

>> No.34569045


>> No.34569363

CTRL + 0-9 for 10 more.
Assign them with shift.

>> No.34569394

...I should reload more.

>> No.34576214

Oh, hey faggot. Still high on your own farts I see.

>> No.34576336
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Ano, shouldn't you be doing your job instead of goofing off like this? If you fall behind on your insurance work, your mother won't give you a blowjob this week, and you don't want that do you?

>> No.34578305

free healing training yay

>> No.34578886

Bleeding can easily get you killed especially at high levels when you have 100k+ health

>> No.34579197
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I've never had an issue with the actual damage part of the bleeding, just the interruptions. Having to rest 4 times every time I wanted to Return somewhere got really annoying.

>> No.34579456


No kidding. If you need to do anything that takes more than one turn, your bloodsucking equips can interrupt you over and over. If you're doing something like using the Pot of Fusion, you pretty much need to unequip your bloodsucking equips just to get your tasks done and then put them back on afterwards.

It's not fun, it's pointless micromanagement in a game that already has plenty of that. As such, I don't consider it cheating to remove the bloodsucking with a third-party program.

>> No.34579574
File: 471 KB, 950x1388, Titcow 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about beat Zeome, what are some things I should get before starting act 2?
I already have ranches with the creatures that give resistances.

>> No.34579666

I'd still call it cheating, but for a single player game you should be cheating if that makes it more fun for you. More power to you.
If you wanna catch 'em all, you should recruit Gwen the innocent now.

>> No.34579668

Is that on plus? whats your stats look like

>> No.34579685

>remove the bloodsucking with a third-party program
How does one do this? I tried cheat engine but couldn't work it out, I can only manipulate numbers using it

>> No.34579720

like around 6500 with buffs

>> No.34580159

>I'm about beat Zeome, what are some things I should get before starting act 2?

A vehicle if you don't have one already. The truck is sufficient and cheap. Also grind up your main means of doing damage, and preferably go get a powerful attack that does physical or magic damage because enemy resistances are going to ramp up.

>How does one do this? I tried cheat engine but couldn't work it out, I can only manipulate numbers using it

View the weapon with your third-party program before upgrading it, then upgrade. You should see the addition of another effect or mod that wasn't there before, which should be the bloodsucking; delete it and save.

Of course you'll want to make a backup save before fucking about in case you fuck up.

As for figuring out what item you're looking at, look for identifiers like damage dice, bonuses to hit and damage, and weight since those values will show up both ingame and in the program.

>> No.34580592

Why you do you keep saying third-party program? I brought up cheat engine, is that what you're referring to because your instructions don't make sense for it

>> No.34581774


Because I don't know what you're using to change things? Cheat engine isn't the only haxx0r program around.

>> No.34582874

How would you do it in cheat engine.

>> No.34591082

Is a vehicle important if you don't care about trading?

>> No.34591136

Some of them give a speed boost too, and battleships gun down most ambushes and bandits for you.

>> No.34592222

Okay, but what if you also don't care about delivery/escort missions, and further don't consider ignoring random encounters to be worth the large monthly fee of a battleship?

>> No.34592255

If you don't care about anything, then you should get them because you don't care not to.

>> No.34592413
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>paying taxes

>> No.34592511

Then don't get them. You can get the battleship later when you have more money.

>> No.34595321


I use Elosnack.


The truck is cheap to buy and cheap on taxes, and gives you another boost to your overworld speed if you drive on a road, on top of the boost the truck already gives you.

>> No.34595455

What's the most convenient area to build a house in?

>> No.34595525

>he doesn't want a comfy snow house
unironically though if you like making money with delivery it's best to place your home in a place you visit frequently to drop stuff , same with a shop.

>> No.34595965

Who gives an actual fuck about overworld speed. If anything I want time to progress faster when I'm travelling
except for battleship which actually does something, vehicles are useless.

>> No.34596161

Some people like doing trade goods, I guess? I've never bothered with them myself, unless you count selling the ones bandits drop.

>> No.34596406

Mostly newer players who don't really have a good handle on the game yet. It's intuitive to think faster = better.

>> No.34597652

eww, do you want you and your wife to be old and wrinkly? Or do you just make everyone chug blessed potions of slow all the time

>> No.34598116

The main quest ages you 9 years. Adding a couple of months doesn't make much of a difference.

>> No.34598603


Just use a biobattery.

>> No.34598629

Anyone else think diseases (in +) should be completely overhauled? Lorewise they're one of the most important game mechanics implemented, yet about 3 of them are actually non-detrimental to pickup and 0 of them scale damage wise. It would be nice if most of them had the potential to define a playthrough. I'm not saying make them OP so powergamers pick every single one of them up, I'm saying you'd have to build around one of them specifically per playthrough and that it "could" theoretically carry you into endgame.
Something like the living weapon system, but for the blades popping out of your skin, or your huge tail. It could even give you access to unique spacts

Yes they'd have to be balanced and everything, but I'd just like the experience of a playthrough to not be "oh, poison is now dripping from my hands gonna cure / ignore that shit" to "oh cool, poison hands. with some adjustments I can incorporate this into my build"

>> No.34598958

Doesn't affect age. But yeah, it's not hard to alch rain a blessed potion of slow once a year if that bothers you.

>> No.34601878

>Who gives an actual fuck about overworld speed
The radioactive wind

>> No.34602001

Unless something changed that's predictable enough that it should never catch anyone but turbo newbies off guard.

>> No.34602814

>It could even give you access to unique spacts
Like Voracity Fang?

>> No.34604726

newfag question but does this game have lewd content? I've beaten Nethack, Stone Soup, and a few other RLs but anon horny and this game seems to promise something.

>> No.34604845

>he can't look at the calendar and instantly know if etherwind has a chance of proccing that month
>he doesn't have a stack of cure corruption / cure mutation potions prepared
>he lets fucking wind get in the way of his life
cant rel8 desu

>> No.34604994

It could, if you wrote custom npc lines for your followers to say. You can buy and sell slaves but it's not sexual, it's like getting free mercenaries for your party
There's no "press this button to fuck this" mechanics though. Just that you could open a text folder and write some lewd things for your cute anime wife to say to you. You can have conditional text too that she'll only say when a certain thing happens.

Elona is a huge jrpg sandbox game (not really much of a roguelike) that just so happens to be so full of content that you could half ass your way into having H elements.
If you want to play an actual H-game that half asses it's way into having rpg elements, I'd recommend Lilith's Throne. It's western, but mostly text based unless you add your own custom images. There's quite a lot of customization and thigns to do if you're autistic, which judging by your game history and the fact you're here means it's not unlikely.
There's also Fumika Fantasy, the Black Souls series and the SEQUEL series. Links for those can be found in the 2d general on /h/

>> No.34605150

>There's no "press this button to fuck this" mechanics though.
>If the player uses the Squeeze special action when sleepy, and there is a king's bed, double bed, or happy bed at his feet, you can pull the target on to the bed. It may fail if the player does not have enough impress with the target or enough Strength.

>> No.34605203

Oh yeah I forgot you can also whore yourself / buy a whore too. It's not like any of that is hot though, there's not text or anything you can jerk off to

>> No.34607035

You can make it lewd but you'd have to put in the art, text, and sounds yourself. The game's assets are highly customizable.

>> No.34608084

>he lets fucking wind get in the way of his life
>On 10 April 1996, an unmanned weather station there recorded a gust of wind that reached 253 miles per hour (408km/h).
fear the old wind

>> No.34608160

that's crazy, but in elona? I bet a character with only 300 PV could tank that. by the time you're level 100 you wouldn't even feel it

>> No.34609069
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Thx anons

>> No.34611270

Got 100 consecutive wins in pet arena, yet didn't get the rewards. Am I supposed to get them from somewhere rather than immediately getting it after the win? Elona+ CG

>> No.34611346

Old version. Pls update for the new stuff.

>> No.34613942

Is there any way I can see what exactly feats do? By browsing in files or something? I'm playing oomsestepnc and want to understand some of the new feats

>> No.34614013

A lot of the oo->oomsest feats are on the wiki, though they do have some holes in them. For the ones NC adds, there is an html manual included in the /elona folder itself. You'll need google translate to read it, but it covers the feats and most of NCs content.

Challenger doesn't do anything, it's just a point sink if you want to get rid of your feats points.

>> No.34614080

>Who gives an actual fuck about overworld speed. If anything I want time to progress faster when I'm travelling

Just spam the Pot of Fusion or abuse Travelling or something if you want to waste time, at least then you have some control over the clock and gain some benefit to boot.

>It would be nice if most of them had the potential to define a playthrough.

Several of the diseases that take away the function of a body part can practically speaking have no drawback if you remove that part and replace it with something else, like say exchanging your Back slot for more Hands so your feathered back is nothing but benefit. You avoid the so-called "complicated body" penalty too.

>> No.34614385

Thanks anon

>> No.34614574

>Just spam the Pot of Fusion or abuse Travelling or something if you want to waste time, at least then you have some control over the clock and gain some benefit to boot.
this doesn't make any sense as a reply to what I said. If you look and see what people were talking about before my post maybe that provides context. I was simply saying discussing speed for overworld vehicles is pointless, as if anything it's a negative to progression, not something you'd want to seek out normally.

>> No.34614706

also, to make my point 100% clear. The point about having no overworld vehicle being superior is that it's a PASSIVE benefit. Say you're going from a - b town for xyz reason, with no vehicle you'll likely have shops refresh, be halfway or fully to having your farms ready for harvest, your ranches, your hunger so you can eat more stat items, etc
WITH a vehicle that same exercise will be done in a fraction of in-game time meaning you will have received none of those benefits. And then if you want those benefits of time passing you either have to get rid of the vehicle entirely because you regained your sanity, or waste real world minutes like you suggest with "pot of fusion or retardedly travelling around the world map to pass time but at a fraction of the speed". Like, what the hell anon just get rid of the vehicle it doesn't do anything (unless you like to rp as a trader) (unless you're fed up with random encounters and need the battleship for your sanity)

>> No.34614985

Any way to fix enemy sprites? my kobold's sprite is missing

>> No.34615111

get a kobold sprite from somewhere
wiki "kobold" to find its sprite number
put the sprite in user>graphic and name it char_number.bmp

>> No.34615367

What did you do to the spritesheet?

>> No.34615391

I didn't do anything, just got the game from Noa's site

>> No.34615991
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Can my son inherit a cooler box?

>> No.34616183

They're precious.

>> No.34616444

>this doesn't make any sense as a reply to what I said.

Kek. If you want to twiddle your thumbs doing nothing for long stretches of time then at least use portable shelters, it often snows near Noyel. Meanwhile I'll spend my time doing quests and getting loot while still gaining all the benefits of time passing since I'm actually doing shit.

>> No.34616481

Yeah but then you'll be old and ugly

>> No.34617338
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What version should I play?

>> No.34618473

I often hear how going sword and board isn't worth it in elona, but why is that?
Currently amassed a small amount of precious weapons but I'm not sure if I should take off my pets shields so that they can start dual wielding/two handing them. Shields seem to give such a large fraction of my pets PV.

>> No.34619043

How do you use convenant xp in the mobile version?

>> No.34619218

bro, your reading comprehension...

>> No.34619507

A lot of reasons. One of them is the same thing that applies to all games with shields, which is that they're not doing anything if you wouldn't have died without them, whereas hitting harder will at least speed up the fight.

>> No.34619762

I guess that's true.
I struggle with the fine balance of my pets being able to withstand the onslaught of the dungeon/nefia boss while also being threatening enough to hold aggro.
Most boss fights always tend to devolve into me "liching" around the whole floor after I pull aggro with a few magic darts.
So I'm trying to adapt my play pattern to be more of a supportive caster by just debuffing/healing pets. Just wasn't sure if there are better strategies for my pets I'm not aware of.

>> No.34620332

Give your pets adamantium plate mail and upgrade their gear to +10. That should get them to around 300-500 PV without shields.

>> No.34620347


>> No.34620508
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Is this a bot, what the actual fuck. Why are retards in my elona thread

>> No.34620524

Vanilla/oomsest if you love the original and respected Noa's legacy
Raw plus if you're desperate and thirsty of contents/huge numbers
Modded plus if you actually listened to the community and refused to take Ano's bs
Mobile if you have no bone to grind the real deal

>> No.34620611

Open Nefia and go to the character tab then press upgrade.

>> No.34620775

Wait this is strange because it uses coins only and not xp. Or is it translation issue and it really just uses coins?

>> No.34621116

Is there a way to enable cutscenes for oomsestepnc?

>> No.34621299

There's an upgrade button on the lower right which uses exp to level up your convenant level.
You can see it if you switch to either the character tab or any of the ally tabs after opening up Nefia from your in-game phone.

>> No.34621480

This. It lowers your sperm count.

>> No.34621673

Thanks a lot! I had another question, how does live stock works in ranch? I got the new pet from the gacha and am trying to dupe it for speed boosts, but the chance is really low at 0/20 livestock, but it's written nowhere how to get that to work.

>> No.34622365

Why don't spellbooks of holy rain give me the spell in question when I finish reading them?

>> No.34622392

It's just got a different name in the spell list. Magic laser/crystal spear has the same problem.

>> No.34622457

Right, my bad. I was thinking of healing rain but they're different spells. Thanks.

>> No.34622602

Livestock is just how many pet copies you can have inside the ranch.
I'm guessing you're referring to having higher breed chance with 20 or less items inside the ranch or whatever the fuck the in-game guide talks about.

Breeding gacha pets have a really low % just dump it in there and check in once every 20 hours, there's one attempt every hour and it caps at 20 attempts.

>> No.34622650

Thanks, I guess that makes senses. Wish they'd make the infos more obvious, I'd swear there's much more infos for the PC version than mobile.

>> No.34622936

I'd be surprised if the decade old version had less info than the year old version.

>> No.34623639

Does elosnack work on all variants or will it break things in oomsest

>> No.34625201

Pretty sure that it already stopped working outside vanilla

>> No.34625249

Elosnack just edits memory values. You'll only need the right offsets for what you're looking for.

>> No.34626075

>Why are retards in my elona thread

Because you haven't left yet.

>> No.34631178
File: 177 KB, 710x888, 10b05840b4bd197bfdad8cd3b755d77da5a9d0d5867aecdc31d80305ad2c1949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the max spellpower you can get? Before buffing I mean, just from equipment and stats or whatever

>> No.34632128

You must have the reading comprehension of someone who either has english as a second language or is actually mentally handicapped because it's really embarrassing you haven't realised you just made a reading error. It's not a big deal

>> No.34634075

>oomsest South Tyris
>Still no single functional new town at all

>> No.34634080

be the change you want to see in the world , build a town yourself

>> No.34634808

Just got super lucky and found a catsister dairy while exploring and need some build suggestions.
I assume she should be a range character due to how little she has in the ways of life. But which range weapon should I give her?
Leaning towards bows since they have 3 dedicate talent trees in the Omake overhaul feat list while firearms only have the damage feats.

>> No.34634977

Dual wield daggers. Always done it like this and it has always worked for me.

>> No.34635126

Do you pair that build up with either dodge/evade feats then?
Or are there better feats to get once you get shortsword DMG +100%?

>> No.34635193

I'll be honest I use younger sister and younger catsister in Elona, Elona+, etc and even Elona mobile. In general I go medium armor since they're the best at it. I like to give them the 2 uniques daggers, diablo and the cursed halbard dropped by the boss in the castle filled with kings and queen things. Worked nicely for me.

>> No.34636870

20,000 * (100% base + 100% from equipment + 300% from Magic stat) = 100,000

>> No.34638143

can you explain this a bit more? where is the 20,000 coming from

>> No.34638265

I know you probably meant "max spellpower multiplier", but since you asked "max spellpower" I included the thing that the multiplier is, well, multiplying. Spellpower for the player is simply spell level * 10. Since the max spell level you can get is 2000, the max spellpower, before multipliers, is 20,000. Then you apply 500% after that.

>> No.34638412

Have you guys been following Open Nefia? looking really cool so far I'm excited for it

>> No.34638678


Most of the dev reports are on the jp discord.

>> No.34638704

Does anyone know how to complete "Mission from Sophia Level 150" because I'm a bit confused. On the wiki, it says the task is to come back on a specific day between 2:30pm to 3pm, and talk to her then.
But in-game in the journal, it says "The guild master told me to assassinate the master of the other two guilds" I never saw anything that looked like a date during the dialog either

I want to do this quest to get 1 jewel of tear of god for artifact fusion and it's the only way to get it.

>> No.34638739

Weird, when I changed the language to japanese I saw a date in one of the repeatable dialog choices. I'm just going to assume the journal entry is an error and come back on this date

>> No.34639025

You're playing Plus rather than Custom, aren't you

>> No.34639097

sadly. I worked it out at least

>> No.34639917
File: 350 KB, 707x394, ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably too obscure a question, but I have advanced casting on and I know there's usually a little symbol where this purple square is but I must not have an image for it. Could anyone post the image so I can add it to my graphics folder? Or at least does anyone know what the filename should be called

I think Beautify must be outdated or something.

>> No.34640009

Yeah. Beautify is incompatible with newer plus. Unfortunately it's not a single file, it's a combo file that has the arrows, so you'll lose a bunch of beautify stuff if you replace all the outdated parts.

>> No.34640044

Your item.bmp was probably made with 1.90.4 in mind
The green arrow at the bottom is what you're looking for but I don't think you can use it as a separate file that goes in the user folder like character sprites. You could try to combine the two item.bmp but making it work could be tricky.

>> No.34640055

I don't have a problem opening an image editor and swapping it out. Is it interface.bmp? I'd really appreciate if you could provide a copy so I have something to replace

>> No.34640104

>Your item.bmp was probably made with 1.90.4 in mind
Correct. I think it's the latest Beautify version

Thanks a lot for providing yours. I was about to merge them but yours looks like an overall improvement over mine except for the miniturizing of a couple things so I'm gonna use yours as a base and move over like 4 things kek. thanks again

>> No.34640333

>64 bit only

>> No.34640391
File: 18 KB, 344x367, Windows-XP-SP3-Professional-64-Bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to upgrade, anon.

>> No.34640419

>implying there is an upgrade
anon may as well install gentoo
