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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 183 KB, 233x400, clannad cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3446210 No.3446210 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, people. I am generally told that After Story is the best part of Clannad, but whenever something is posted about Clannad (except for a certain random spoiler), it's generally about the School Life part.

Which part of Clannad do you prefer? School Life or After Story?

>> No.3446218

It's not even a competition, After Story.

>> No.3446217

They're both shit.

>> No.3446220
File: 1.44 MB, 320x240, 1241049680041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it would be School Life. After Story has a disturbing lack of high school slice-of-life comedy, Kyou, Tomoyo, Kotomi, Fuuko and especially Sunohara.

>> No.3446229


>> No.3446235

SL has choices, routes. AS has Nagisa, drama, and significantly less Kyou.

>> No.3446237

The After Story, because raising a daughter feels good.

>> No.3446249

Love them both.
After Story is awesome but school life has Kotomi's route, Tomoyo's, lots of Sunohara and is generally very enjoyable.

>> No.3446252

After story involves the shitties girl so SL ofcourse

>> No.3446255

After Story involves the best girl, Ushio is definitely the best in the game.

>> No.3446272

After Story is what makes Clannad special. If it just had just School Life that would just make it a "pretty well done but typical game"

>> No.3446280

After Story to me.

>> No.3446282

So, like Kanon?

>> No.3446342
File: 680 KB, 847x1200, 1242362840023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clannad's school life is infinitely better than Kanon.

>> No.3446373

Sunohara siblings > After story, fuck you OP.

>> No.3446518


>> No.3446713

School Life is good, but After Story is what makes Clannad so great.

>> No.3446741

Depends on your preferences
If you prefer shitty forced drama with magical AIDS, After Story
If you prefer boring school days with retarded archetypes, school life

>> No.3446900


This. there's no competition between almost identical piles of shit.
MAYBE the After Story was slightly better, but the end nearly made me vomit.
Is there even a single fucking character that isn't either moeblob retard, butthurt emo, or 101% generic clichoid?

>> No.3446909


>> No.3446918

You know, the school life is also about "forced drama" and "magical AIDS".

>> No.3446919
File: 31 KB, 576x432, tomoyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3446926

Clannad is a piece of shit and if you liked it your a faggot.

>> No.3446940

>Is there even a single fucking character that isn't either moeblob retard, butthurt emo, or 101% generic clichoid?

>> No.3446957

/jp/ is starting to look dangerousely like /a/ looked when I stopped browsing it, in some threads.

>> No.3446984


Point taken. Too bad she does get less screen time than the goddamn little pig.



>> No.3446989

1- No action. No fighting, nothing. Shitsux for a man like me to read a slice of life bullshit, I'm not a little girl you know.

2- No mystery. If there's no action I at least expect EPIC moments that makes me shit bricks like Umineko does for example. This shit has no brickshitting, just MAGICAL AIDS lol what a gay crap.

3- No sex. If you can't fuck a girl it's because this shit must be for gays. 'nuff said.

4- No gore. Seriously, shit is just melodrama and school life, it's a fucking soap opera for gods sake. If there was some killing I'd forgive but no, it's just dating crap. What's the point in reading this anyway?

Final verdict: this game is shit.

>> No.3446995

Hurr isn't a valid reply here, faggot.

>> No.3446998

I watche this show and it's typical gay shit moe garbage KyoAni crap.

Why would you want to mess with it anyway?

>> No.3447010

lol forced drama and magical aids

KEY is shit.

>> No.3447017

We hate Clannad and KEY.

/jp/ agreed.

>> No.3447033


>> No.3447034

Boring thread.

>> No.3447032


It's a perfectly valid reply to a stupid, pointless post.
Now go back to /b/, please.

>> No.3447052

>Now go back to /b/, please.

You go first and tell me how it is, my dear friend. I stopped going to that place in 2005 so I'm afraid it changed a little bit since then.

>> No.3447062

Go back to /a/

>> No.3447067
File: 38 KB, 350x350, 1253668464611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent thread guise.

It's almost like I'm really posting in /a/.

Keep your good job at make this place unbearable!

>> No.3447080
File: 23 KB, 311x311, 1243230665707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3447087
File: 1.12 MB, 1067x1600, top-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clannad is shit trolltrolltrolltrolltrolltroll

I have a top hat.
All your opinions are invalid.

>> No.3447090

No, it only turns to crap whenever you look.
When you have your back turned, it's good.

>> No.3447099

> ~ ⑨ ~ !!kZsSd6p2KTt

I have some good news for my post filter.

>> No.3447116
File: 28 KB, 480x362, narutard0085vy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh lawd guise if u liek FORCED DRAMA MAGICAL AIDS SHIT it's because your a gay cause big boys liek me should be playin' then epic fightan and full of blood stuff yo.

>> No.3447126

ITT opinions and a lost tripfag­

>> No.3447135

I troll Clannad all the time and it's probably my favorite game.

Don't take this thread too seriously.

>> No.3447138

/a/ says we shouldn't be watching slice of life because it's for gays so I don't like this Clannad shit or whatever the crap KyoAni makes.

>> No.3447136

Well, to be honest, I've been browsing /jp/ for the past 8 hours, and the quality of posting has fallen really low during the past hour.

I don't know which timezone is at cause, but from now on I'll definitely stop browsing /jp/ during nighttime Europe.

>> No.3447153
File: 115 KB, 800x575, pimp and butts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forced drama and magical aids dude

not for da big dudes dawg

>> No.3447160

I started 5 minutes ago, and I'm going to stop after this post.
Browsing /jp/ with the entire front page filled with hidden threads is sad.

>> No.3447177
File: 54 KB, 640x480, 1250736050152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u can't be this cool if you like CLANNAIDS

>> No.3447209


I don't have anything against slice of life, but do you seriously consider ending the years long drama with "OH CRAP THEY'RE BOTH DEAD ... LOL NO JUST KIDDING, THEY'RE FINE, DISREGARD THE LAST DOZEN OF EPISODES." all right?

Personally, I hate Deus ex machina over anything else, even over forced drama, so this felt kind of like getting disemboweled with a rusty spoon.


Redundant announcement is redundant.

>> No.3447221

So don't watch the last episode or replay AS. Problem solved.

>> No.3447226

How was it a Deus ex machina? Did you conveniently ignore all the stars you had been collecting during the game?

>> No.3447237

He hasn't read the game.

>> No.3447236

Stop replying to nonexistent posts!

>> No.3447244

Then his point is irrelevant.

>> No.3447251

Well to be fair, the anime has the dragonballs as well. He's still a retard, but yeah.

>> No.3447263

Cut him some slack, he got lost on his way to /a/. He's not used to discussions of this caliber.

>> No.3447266


Not everything, it's freaking huge and I'm too busy to be reading all the day.
The point is, that the anime fails in delivering the story consistently enough for the sudden twist to be credible. Period.

>> No.3447269

Your right, dude.

This game is shit and shouldn't be liked.

Case closed.

>> No.3447294

Your opinions are welcome, pal. Whatever you think it's up to you.

But OP asked for which part of the GAME people liked the most and you... wait, I don't even know why I'm trying to explain things.

Keep trolling!

>> No.3447306

Wait, are you still reading it? Why are you reading something you despise?

>> No.3447319

OP was talking about the VN, not the anime.
Go back to /a/.

>> No.3447322

Dude, you have /a/ written all over your face. /jp/ isn't for you, just leave now before you get hurt. Also, change your trip at least, the retarded cirno circlejerking isn't welcome here.

>> No.3447340

he's telling truth and you guys are a bunch of gays


>> No.3447346


You're not trolling that well, bro. Try being less obvious.

>> No.3447354


Wai... oh fuck. I'm starting to feel immensely stupid.
And it's getting much worse as I read the thread again.

Well, I'm sorry. I guess it doesn't mean much here, but /jp/ used to (at least
partially) consist of reasonable people within the frame of 4chan itself.

>> No.3447372


Sorry to disappoint, but I'm native /k/, not /a/. I've been browsing /jp/ for some time
(in before summer) and only recently decided to get a trip for both /k/ and /jp/.

The trip doesn't have anything to do with the circlejerk, actually it's partially for /k/ trolling purposes.

>> No.3447374

Damn it, stop replying to nonexistent posts!

>> No.3447385

You know it's considered polite not to bump a thread when your reply is completely offtopic? Wait, no you obviously don't know that.

Well, I guess I'll do like some people, ie I'll just use the greasmonkey script and everything's gonna be alright.

>> No.3447399

And you'll never look back.

>> No.3447400

Posts of quality: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp?task=search2&ghost=&search_text=&search_user

>> No.3447406


Yes, I know that.
I'm just not used to actually *do* it, being a seldom poster.

>> No.3449219

Seeing /jp/ become shit in my very own topic...painful.
Does anybody still feel like discussing the original topic? Anime doesn't count.

>> No.3449242

I just finished downloading it.

I finished the Movie and Anime (including After Story) today. Shit should be good.

>> No.3449248

Sure. I'm going to bed once my download finishes though (10 minutes).
What do you want to talk about?

>> No.3449251

I cast the demons OUT with the POWER of THE GODDESS!


>> No.3449268

Clannad is shit. I stopped watching it after the first 2 episodes because it was so goddamn boring.

>> No.3449327

Obviously it's not going to be jam-packed with action and fighting. School Life/Comedy should have tipped you off to that fact.
However, it's usually worth the time to watch a few more if only for Sunohara. He's the best character in Clannad.

>> No.3449332

Why is he so awesome?

>> No.3449351

He just is.
I know of no comic relief character better than him.

>> No.3449371

Sunohara needs more fanart.
