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3433541 No.3433541 [Reply] [Original]

Finishing the Melty Blood manga. Slowpoke.jpg

Why does Type-Moon never create lousy villains? Why must they all be amazing?

>> No.3433545

Roa was lame and non menacing as hell.

>> No.3433551
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Wallachia is the best one though.
He's all "KATTO" and "MAWASE" and everyone's like "noo don't drink our blood" and he's like "KIKIKIKIKIKIIII"

>> No.3433557

you've yet to meet dust of osiris.

you'll laugh you'll cry.

>> No.3433571
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Awhile ago I requested a .gif of Wallachia doing his spinny Last Arc but I never got it.

>> No.3433576

Except for fatally wounding your woman in front of you, and making another a pincushion and engineering everything that makes your life a fucking paranoid mess, but that's no real threat.

>> No.3433583
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He had the atmosphere in the game and his motive was fuck-awesome. Presentation sucked, though--agreed.

Until talk of the manga comes into play.

>> No.3433602
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why is this blood so melty

>> No.3433608


>> No.3433625


Are you fucking kidding me? I didn't think I'd shit anymore bricks after Nrvnqsr, having braced myself after all the hotel bullshit, but holy fuck Roa made me anyways.

And he got that scene where he stabbed the shit out of Ciel, which was basically his "play with Touko's head/tear out Ilya's heart" moment.

>> No.3433641
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I do not understand this picture, but I shall post it regardless.

>> No.3433644

>>And he got that scene where he stabbed the shit out of Ciel, which was basically his "play with Touko's head/tear out Ilya's heart" moment.
>>Roa is the same exact sort of character as Alba and Gilgamesh.

How am I just now realizing this?

>> No.3433653

>And he got that scene where he stabbed the shit out of Ciel, which was basically his "play with Touko's head/tear out Ilya's heart" moment.
Except at this point you knew that she wont die anyway, so why care.

>> No.3433658


The SHIKI > Roa fans are a very vocal minority.

>> No.3433659

Nah, not by a longshot/
The fact that she can't die is what makes it exceedingly cruel.

>> No.3433664

The ego's are different--dunno about Alba but definitely Gil's. It's especially evident in fate/zero--dude's laid back and chill and PLOTTAN on top of his executions.

Roa was just this...I think Roa and Kiritsugu's father were probably the best examples of Type-Moon magi that can exist.

>> No.3433668


She was supposed to be a villain? I thought she was just something that Sion could turn into in the future, like one of those "do drugs and you'll end up like this" commercials.

>> No.3433679

She kinda plans to enact KILL'EM ALL.

>> No.3433686

She's Sion from the alternate future that Arc pulled the Red Moon from in the First Melty Blood, I believe.

Did anyone else notice that Dust of Osiris turns back into Sion for a split second after you beat her?

>> No.3433712

>>Nah, not by a longshot/

Think about it. All of them are allied with a character voiced by Jouji Nakata (in other words, they're the counterpart of a much more stoic character), all are psychotic and arrogant in varying but similar degrees, all have certain powers that far exceed the other characters (Alba's high level spells like Sea of Fire, Roa's Square EX bulllshit, and Gilgamesh being Gilgamesh), all of them are fabulous, all are done in by their arrogance in some way... They're as comparable as all the characters voiced by Nakata are, really. They might be different characters as a whole, but their roles are extremely similar.

>> No.3433728

>Alba's high level spells like Sea of Fire
Alba can actually do... something useful?

>> No.3433732

Kotomine is not really stoic, quite fucking different in his role and attitude then the other Nakata roles.
And Roa, as you see him in Tsukihime, does not have the qualities Alba and Gill exhibit in regards of power (in thoery, much less of a threat than Nero at this point), and Roa is not really done in because of Arrogance (and Alba, while arrogant, got schooled for different reasons).

Superficial similarities, in the end.

>> No.3433735

In pure magi potential, of the best that have appeared.

>> No.3433737

Roles do need to be filled, after all.

>The fact that she can't die is what makes it exceedingly cruel.


Everything people do to Ciel is cruel. I'm amazed she didn't go insane like Kohaku.

>> No.3433743


Movie Alba was powerless but still awesome.

Novel Alba had an A ranked spell and apparently other powerful shit, but was an even bigger dumbass.


>> No.3433752

How good is translation progress for novels anyway?

>> No.3433761

E-mail Del Rey and ask.

>> No.3433766

Speaking of which, just checked their Coming Soon section just in case and saw
>Metal Gear Solid 2: The Novel

>> No.3433770

Already found the Baka-tsuki page. Not so far from completion, nice.

>> No.3433797

That's a good one--they both had to deal with erosion of self. But I think Ciel endure while Kohaku didn't because Kohaku felt she was being wronged--she wanted help. She couldn't get it, so she said fuck it and fled the trauma mentally to a point where it had a psychological effect on even her nerves (lol feels nothing).

Ciel didn't have an explanation on why she flipped and utterly brutalized her whole village--not until the Burial Agency took her away from the R&D department of the Church. Until that point, SHE thought she'd wanted the deaths of all those people. Her guilt was bigger than her desire for revenge--she was after Roa strictly so she could finally die, after all. She didn't crack because for all her screaming she felt she deserved the Church's torture somewhat.

>> No.3433873

You know, that would be a good point, but Ciel spent the entire time screaming for them to stop. On some level she felt she deserved it, but it's still every possible form of deadly torture for years on end. The feeling that she deserved it helps, but it still takes a special kind of strength to not be driven completely out of your mind.

There's also the age factor, and another difference in that Kohaku went crazy because she wanted to die, while Ciel never had that option. Kohaku wanted to die but wasn't allowed, so she mentally killed herself, while all Ciel had was her mind.

>> No.3434020
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>character voiced by Jouji Nakata


>> No.3434060


I acknowledge the differences between the Nakata characters, but when you think about it, Kotomine is only as separated from Nrvnqsr and Souren as Nrvnqsr and Souren are separated from each other. In terms of pure emotional detachment, Souren takes the cake; all of his actions seem to be SERIOUS BUSINESS and done out of necessity. Nrvnqsr, on the other hand, just doesn't give a fuck as he goes about massacring people, and he's actually capable of feeling amusement. Kotomine still shares many traits with these two characters, in appearance (lol trench coats, and if Souren was younger, Christian instead of Buddhist, and had a Prince Valiant haircut, he'd be a dead ringer for Kirei) and in general demeanor (all of them are exceedingly calm and collected). When he serioused the fuck up during the end of Heaven's Feel, he really did bear resemblance to Souren, I think.

>> No.3434068


As for Roa/Alba/Gil... Roa can remember Square/Overload and it's EX bullshit if his incarnation lives long enough, while in the manga he's got a crazy high powerlevel and beats Shiki's and Ciel's asses with relative ease. Still, besides the whole regeneration thing, he was pretty weaksauce in the VN itself, but SHIKI's magic circuits are at least higher than most magi's, and he shows this off in the manga and Actress Again. And during the end of Arc's route, he certainly invites his own demise by being so confident in his assured victory that he lets Shiki get pumped up from Arc's death and furthermore underestimates Shiki's ability. Alba gets owned by his own arrogance because he thinks he's so awesome and great that he doesn't even understand the real point of being a magus, ignoring it in favor of being generically more powerful. These might just be superficial similarities, as, while their personalities are very similar, their motives are completely different (Roa's ETERNITY definitely does not match with Gilgamesh's MONGRELS or Alba's AAOOOZAAAAAAAKIIIIIII), but they're indicative of certain patterns of what characters Nasu likes to write, if anything.

>> No.3434138

Kotomine is like a mix of Nero's detached-but-amused disregard for human life and Araya's super-stoic asceticism.

He can go from completely serious and disinterested, such as explaining something to trivial people or being at the end of his life, to perversely bemused, such as when he interacts with Shirou or sees the effects of his own evil actions.

Awesome guy. Of all of them, Kotomine is the best character that acts in a human way, but still manages to be interesting.

>> No.3434174

Well, there are definitely similar patterns in characters, but even then the execution and reasoning is quite different. (also, really, Roa does not lose due to Arrogance in any form)
