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how come janny lets the 3000+ holoshit threads stay up despite the fact that /vt/ exists yet the photography thread and the easy thread (both being undeniable continuations of established /jp/ culture) as well as countless other threads are deleted for no apparent reason almost as fast as they are made?
because janny likes vtubers and wants to see them here
Because 4chan has changed, now it's all redditors and discordshits all over running the place. It's a huge hugbox, and hobbists are paying the price for it
>>34287471whats our alternative? the /jp/ webring is comfy enough but nothing like what the community used to be. I guess theres just nothing for oldfags to do but to head off to gensokyo..
>>34287456Photography thread gets deleted? What the fuck? That's always been japanese culture, otaku culture even if it includes niche stuff, not that it needs to cause we're allowed to have shit like /djt/. What gives?
You don't see us complaining about those redundant Sanae and Onahole threads
>>34288633Your opinion doesn't matter vteen
>>34288659I wont leave tho
>>34287456Because they're so retarded you have to wonder if the way the act is born out of vitriol for the userbase rather than stupidity. A 5 minute tour into the IRC will let you know that nobody currently in a position of power on this site should be, with the exception of one or two individuals.
>wah wah /jp/ should be 2hu and kitkatsStep your game, grandpas. We're here to stay.
/jp/ should actually be 2hu and vns with a few assorted non 3dpd topics
>>34288725>Step your gameNot gonna watch e-whore streamers pretending to be 2D girls
>>34288779More for me then
>>34288633kys vnigger
>>34288725>>34288633You killed the board.
>>34288542>Photography thread gets deleted?I've seen the thread a few times, but I didn't know it was getting deleted.
>>34287456Those threads are paid advertisement, and the jannies are on the take. Simple as that.
Seiyuu threads should fuck off back to /a/ and JAV belongs in a orange board
>>34288787Don't care. Keep watching e-whore streamers you ironc weeb.
>>34288833Stop paying them attention. "People" like them live off it.
>>34288833Cared enough to reply
>shark teenno surprise
>>34288843Vteens just gotta be teens
>>34287456>photography threadI've only seen it getting bumped off, I don't think it's been outright nuked once this year.
>>34287456 >photography threadI've only seen it getting bumped off, I don't think it's been outright nuked once this year or last.
Imagine unironically liking vtubers. It's Chris chan tier. Don't these guys realize how embrassing they are? They are simps and are PROUD of being simps. It's being a cuck on steroids. Pure unfiltered autism that not even Touhou and Chris chan can reach.
>simpnot defending them but you aren't much better
>>34289006Not him, but you have to call them something, and it's convenient.
How are these vtubers even /jp/ related? Most of the ones they post here aren't even Japanese.>>34289006Giving loads of money to a woman for no reason other than her being a woman is very much that word, yes.
>>34287456why are you such bitches?
>walk into someone's house>shit all over the floor>"y u mad bro?"it's the utter and complete lack of self-awareness that gets me
>>34289089"Vteens" or "Vpests" is better
>>34289130don't you come into our threads and cry? for older posters you sure as hell act like children
>>34289143ok teen
>tell the person that came to shit all over your floor and continues to do so to fuck off>"wtf bro u crying"like i said
>>34289143This is our board, go to yours.
>>34289153>>34289169and we can use this board too
im gonna poke you a question hereits okay for you to make the same 114514 2hu image dump threads a year, but god forbid theres a Vtuber thread of any kind, you piss your pants and cry wolf. /jp/ is otaku culture, not 2hu and me wanting to sniff some shitty lolis feet
>>34289214This is why nobody likes you, Chris chan autist. You have temper tantrums over not having /jp/ dedicated to your cancer when you already havd an entire other board dedicated to your cancer.
>>34289251That's not a question.
>>34289260>your canceri didn't realize my cancer was one where you roleplay and actually have people becoming trannies for the sake of their fantasies
>>34289251like i said you have no self-awarenessyou are the quintessential /v/tard and when your ilk came in contact with a board with an established culture(inb4. haha board culture) the outcome was obvious
<<34289251I'm going to poke YOU a question, Chris chan. Why don't you post vtuber stuff on the vtuber board?
>>34289251>114514You called me, vteen?
>>34289292you think I don't know yaju, faggot?
>>34289292HOLOLIVE OUT
>>34288793Never leaving
>>34289299Who are you calling a faggot, vteen subhuman?
never leaving
>>34289317So even inmufags hate vtubershit now?
>>34289279>no awarenesslook at the quality of trash around you, but this is obviously the vtubers fault. no sir, it isn't the horrible threads of touhou and garbage where i wanna sniff sakuyas ass or become aya, no no no. its those pesky "vee teens" and their darn fangled hororive streams
Nice crying corner you have here. Well, since we're not going anywhere you might as well kill yourselves now and end your pathetic struggles. Imagine not enjoying your hobbies and having fun in your life but instead spending your time shitting up one thread on /jp/. Pathetic. I love hololive and I'm never leaving.
<<34289321Fuck off autist Chris chan vtuber subhuman sperg
>>34287456jav threads, seiyuu threads, monster girl threads, 3D idol threads, and even vtubers are allowed here, keep fucking seething its not 100% 2hu anymore
>>34289161It's not your floor, it was already covered in shit, and vtubers (at least Japanese ones) are the ultimate synthesis of otaku culture no matter how annoying their fans are. They play Japanese games and are often utaite, seiyuu, touhou fans, idols, and NND personalities (a site you never visit because you don't know Japanese). It's pretty rich that the same people posting threads like "remilia getting fucked in the ass!" are complaining about 2 or 3 threads that have actual discussion about otaku-related topics
>>34289350Shut up and keep donating to your e-whores, vshitter
The more you are pissed off 2huniggers the less likely it is I'm leaving the board
>>34289380Keep seething
>>34289251>>34289343You have a board, why not go there? Why can you not just head there?>>34289365>vtubers (at least Japanese ones) are the ultimate synthesis of otaku cultureThis is the most delusional, absurd, insane, ridiculous, silly, insulting, and crazy thing I've seen posted yet.
oh no, not our precious spic artist! he can't enjoy things! we have to bully him for liking this we dont!
>>34289380I will. And you keep on crying, nigger. That's all you do anyway.
Do you fags have any actual arguments as to why vtubers shouldn't be allowed on this board besides "they're annoying and cringe and killed the board and kill yourself vteen"?
>>34289390>seethingnice /v/ermin speak holoshitter. >>34289414Assblasted holoshitter haha
>>34289380I will and you will keep making threads about how I do it, rent free.
>>34289251/jp/ board subject: touhou/vt/ board subject: vtubershope this helps
maybe one day they can read the board is "/jp/-Otaku Culture", not "/jp/-2hu garbage"
>>34289391Then refute it
vteen butthurt incoming
>>34289415these retards bitched about idol, seiyuu, monster girl threads then threw the exact same tantrum like they do now with vtubers
>>34289365>because you don't know Japanese>>34289385I'm mainly a VNfaggot though.
>>34289424>hahaBack to facebook
>>34289415because they have their own boardpeople don't post sports on /tv/ or pokemon on /tg/
>>34289433A girl playing video games and you giving her your life savings and then writing about how you can hear her shit is not Otaku culture, I'm sorry to inform you of this.
>>34289365>actual discussion about otaku-related topics"kwab kwab 35piss kwab kwab">actual discussion about otaku-related topics
>>34289422Imagine how uneventful and dull their lives are to keep doing this. I feel sorry for Touhou for having such worthless 'fans'.
>>/jp/?task=search&ghost=yes&search_text=%22killed+the+board%22What do you think will be the cause of the board's death in 2025?
>>34289457>Linking your own post
>streaming otaku work is "peak otaku culture"I can't imagine the lack/loss of mental faculties that'd make one a VDrone.
>>34289442Seiyuu is cancer, idols are cancer, and monster girls are kinda cancer, but at least the monster girl fags know to stay in their one containment thread instead of shit up everything else like you vteens.
2who bros... they are laughing at us again...
>>34289424>haharent free
>>34289365I started using NND when you were still shitting your pants>>34289447I don't use social media but I heard you favorite e-whore does
>>34289457and then I look at the 2hu threads
>>34289456It is if it's Japanese
>>34289442>idolscancer>seiyuucancer>monster girlslightly less cancer
>>34289470Who are you quoting? Mister vteen, please do not abuse the quotation feature!
>>34289457We knew already that it was you, who was shitting up our thread, schizo. Kill yourself.
>>34289491So this is Otaku culture? Whoa........
and then I looked at the 2hu threads
>>34289442Pure cancer just like your taste
>>34289457Oh, so it actually was you shitting up our thread. Can't wait until you finally get a rangeban.
"and then I looked at the 2hu threads"you notice a pattern here?
>>34289359>jav threads, seiyuu threads, monster girl threads, 3D idol threadsyeah, these threads are all shit and only exist because /a/ mods dump trash threads and literal porn threads here, thanks for pointing it out
>>34289525Are you ok, holoshitter?
>>34289491>>34289515What is wrong with these freaks
>>34289515>>34289491Yes, these are acceptable threads. They are not listening to 3dpd women take shits and sending them money for it.What's the part you are confused about?
>>/jp/thread/S12168832>That's what Gaygrimr was, and he basically killed the board. The posting rate is half of what it was last year. Switch it with a different staff member and the message is the same. Let it be known that you complain about the board being too slow when you've been responsible for it.
>>34289491Literally an image dump. What a joke.
Can we get a touhou board then? I don't want to be associated with vteens.
Why don't the mods just make some more Japanese culture board?
The vteens are having a mental breakdown again..
>>34289515>>34289541>>34289491Quality threads lads
>>34287456>how come janny lets the 3000+ holoshit threads stay upIronic.
>>34289558Nobody gives enough of a shit about 2hus to give you your own board, you shoud be glad you're still allowed here.
>>342895792hu board
>>34289491>>34289515Touhou belongs on /jp/. It's in the rules and was specifically pointed out in moot's first post here.I don't see what you're not getting.
>>34289515Looks like our 2hu friends need a reminder.
>>34289569Yes, the touhou board has touhou threads on it. Do you think this is a problem?
>>342895792hu+VN board
>>34289569>>34289579/jp/ was specifically made to break up touhou and vns from /a/
>>34289549>Yes, these are acceptable threads.if i was a dumbass who wanted to larp, then i'd go to /trash/ really
>>34289582Doesn't look like it, kusa
>>34289583He's a delusional /vt/ard. Make another 2hu thread and move on.
>>34289558This quite literally is the Touhou board.
2hus killed m00tykins's original plans for /jp/holoshit is the chemo
>>34289562You're the one who keeps thinking about me and our thread when you go to sleep, when you wake up and at every waking hour though. Feels nice living in your head rent free.
>>34289587makes sense that the average vtuber fan is a soijack spammer
>31 IPsAll of you have autism.
Why are you acting like 2huposting is unusual in the board made for 2hu and VNs?>>34289587I'm really not surprised.
>>34289598>kusanice jap larp, vteen>>34289608You sound very butt devastated. I'm sorry for insulting your favorite e-slut :(
>>34289595They are unironically mentally ill. Their faggots just need to leave our thread alone and all this shit can be avoided. Fucking retards.
>>34289618I've seen worse in raildex.
Friendly reminder that this never was the touhou board, you are just like vtubers were at first, needing to be contained somewhere, but never getting big enough to have a proper board, in fact less popular everyday.
>>34289627You can still post your dead image dumps, i don't see why a few actual otaku culture threads should bother you so much.Stop pissing yourself like a child and then throwing a temper tantrum, you're too old for this.
>>34289618It's just a couple of butthurt holoshit fans. Let them have their fun.>>34289635>Their faggots just need to leave our thread aloneNah.
Wrong board 2hu trash>>>/vg/
>>34289637>needing to be contained somewhereThen why are vtubers still here then.
>this scares the 2hu fag
>>34289650e-whores with fake personalities are not otaku culture
>>34289651>NahEnjoy more dead threads then faggot
>>34289652read the rules newfag.
>>34289665Nobody cares what you think, keep crying.
>>34289650When Shinza threads and other stuff I like have to die off in minutes specifically because of /v/teens who spill into other threads with their wojakfaggotry among other things, I think I should complain.
>>34289667I like it slow and comfy unlike your circlejerk chatroom generals>>34289675>Nobody cares what you thinkYes you do
>>34289676>In minutesYou're not even trying now are you.
You know jaypee, everynight when I go to bed I thank God. I could've been born with a serious debilitating disability. I could've been born a vteen. Instead, I call Yukari an old hag in her thread. I post a thread about touhous I want to hug! I talk about how Remi is charismatic, or how Patchy is gaining weight! I go to sleep hugging my fumo!Meanwhile, there are people out there who listen to 3dpd women screech and sing poorly, and write out massive checks to them. They, quite literally, throw their money away for this woman who doesn't even know their name and laughs at them when she's off the clock. Years ago they might've laughed at someone who was so pathetic for a woman, but now that's it's the ironic weeb hip thing to do, they jump at the chance to be pathetic for her. They will have nothing once this 3dpd is old, busted, and ready to retire in a few years.My wallet is full and spent on important things. My posts are easy and talk about cute anime girls. My nights are soft and filled with fumos. The vteens will never understand the easy life.
>>34289651>admitting to shitting up our threadHow do you live with yourself, you worthless sack of shit? You literally have nothing in your life going for you. Can't even enjoy your 2hus anymore.
>>34289692>im an oji san but god thank myself for liking a dead fanbase!
>>34289686>I like it slow and comfyNobody cares, keep crying
>>34289694>How do you live with yourselfI'm happy that I wasn't born as a vteen. Thank you very much.>Can't even enjoy your 2hus anymore.Who says I can't you delusional vteen?
>>34289691You get the point. Honestly, I'm not much of a 2hufag. Always been more into VNs. My main problem with your ilk is your propensity to spill into threads and infest them with the specific brand of cancer only /v/tards obsessed with streamwhores can.
>>34289703Who are you quoting? That wasn't in the post.
>>34289692>Years ago they might've laughed at someone who was so pathetic for a woman, but now that's it's the ironic weeb hip thing to do, they jump at the chance to be pathetic for her.femdom hasn't gone anywhere.
>>34289706Cared enough to reply, holoshit
30 Chris chan autists ITT are getting worked up over nothing. Have fun, guys.
>>34289692>they might've laughed at someone who was so pathetic for a woman, but now that's it's the ironic weeb hip thing to do, they jump at the chance to be pathetic for herEverything they do highlights their absolute lack of self-awareness.
>>34289727Thanks. It's fun to bully holofarts
>>34289715>You get the point.The only thing i get from your posts is how angry you are about being wrong.Maybe it's time to move on if the threads you like die, clearly not enough people give a shit about them to keep them alive.
Wrong board 2huniggers this board belong to vtubers
>>34289665You have threads for actual literal gravure and JAV whores. At least these play video games
>>34289755Sorry but we despise all 3DPD idolpig shit. They are the same pests just like you.
>>34289743I see you didn't read through the post completely. I'd probably pin it on the lack of reading comprehension though.>>34289755Wasn't okay with those then, not okay with them now. At least they don't spill over.
/vt/ards are crying again
>>34289755Those aren't with us though, we want them gone too.
its very plainly stated in the rules that Touhou belongs on this board. I don't really understand why people are being disingenuous about it.
>>34289350>Imagine not enjoying your hobbies and having fun in your lifeDespite your toxicity and obvious shitpost, there's some actual words of wisdom here. I don't know how people do it, but arguing always leaves a hollow feeling afterwards, despite the fact that it may be fun or "enjoying life" at that moment.That being said, have fun arguing, anons.
>>34289794Too bad nobody cares about what you want
>>34289816>arguing always leaves a hollow feeling afterwardsShitting on holoteens is fun for me though
>>34289816Stop writing like such a faggot
>>34289815I do :)
I still haven't seen a good argument from the vteens why they can't go to >>>/vt/.
>>34289808Your brain has to have melted completely to be into streamwhores while denigrating people who are into other streamwhores(but it's really okay because they're wearing avatars guys!111!!!!). The inability to read is not a surprise.>>34289816Taking it easy would be a lot easier if there were less barriers to taking it easy. Just look at the エロゲスレ, it's gotten even more cancerous than ever as of late. A specific brand of cancer, coming off the wave of a specific thing.
>>34289854There will still be hololive threads tomorrowHow does that make you feel?
A reminder that Touhou is forever and vtubers are fleeting.Withstand their garbage now and sooner or later they'll come crying in their boards when their favorite streamers are irrelevant, gone, or "made normie" (as if they aren't already). Their already fractured community will break up.Meanwhile Touhou will continue as if nothing happened amidst all the trends that have come and go, as it has been doing for 25 years.
>>34289877I filter them
HoloCHADs run this board
>>34289886Good, then stay in your little cuckbox and stop shitting up the board with threads like these.
>>34289882>will continuenice joke
>>34289877In 5 years the holo 3dpd you gave your mortgage to will be an old hag who has had 60 men in her, and she still won't know your nameIn 5 years Reimu will remain a cute pure anime girl, and continue to be so for 50 years onwards.How does that make you feel?
>>342898582hus look like that! Guess I love Touhou now.
>>34289882We all know that the holoshit fad will die out sooner or later. That's why the teens keep crying over 2hus.>>34289899Make me vteen. /jp/ is my hood.
>>34289907i dont care, shes a cute hag. you can always lobe hags
Imagine being a sub-beta cuck paying to see a whore playing minecrafta
>>34289904How does it feel knowing Yukkuris decimate vtubers in popularity in Japan?Imagine 3DPD whores getting beaten by manjuu, fucking hilarious
>>34289927>iphone filenameKeep crying about it.
>>34289939they are fucking everywhere
>>34289939how does it feel that you're still stuck in the past?
Reminder THIS is what vtubers are losing againsthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojSfHyEb6bU
>>34289927Ah, but it's perfectly fine because they're behind an avatar, you see! I'm certainly not an even worse mirror of the subhumans I rightfully denigrate, nosiree!Your filename is showing.
>>34289874>エロゲスレLast I read there was some kind of dispute. I never read into it any further than that. What happened
>>34289947Vfarts can't escape the hus>>34289948Good.
>>34289948>still stuck in the pastThat statistic is current, retard. People in Japan search for Yukkuris more than Hololive related shit on youtube.How does it feel getting beaten by manjuu?
Watching 2hufags shit their pants because nobody listens to their temper tantrums is always good fun, thanks for this thread.
LMAO even their big vtubers are getting into Yukkurishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DSx3i60l3QHow can they ever recover?
>>34289952Look into the archives for roughly the past six months, and compare the average quality and specific language used to that used not even 3 years ago.>>34289948If being "stuck in the past" means I'm not into some streamwhore, I'll gladly accept it.
>>34289945BECAUSE im not a poorfag like you, also I lift weighs and have a gf
>>34289984You're a mentally ill itoddler
>>34289972Scroll up. All I see is holofags crying over 2hus including you.
>kills the board>turns around and then starts complaining about 2hu
>>34289972Yeah I had a good laugh as well. Never knew they are retarded quite to this extent. But at least I saw that there are normal hu anons here as well >>34289816 I wish all of them were like that and just left our thread alone.
How are holo threads ruining /jp/? /jp/ has been the dumping ground for Japanese related generals for years and most people only come here for the one thread they like
OP specifically mentions the photography thread but all vtuber fans do is flood the thread and bitch about Touhou, something that has been on this board since its inception. Why?
>>34289996You're a mentally ill holoshitter>>34289999>9999Cirno speaks the truth>>34290006That's the only way how holofarts can defend themselves
>>34289996well, i have money???
Nijisanji is cool and /jp/ but hololive needs to go
>>34289984The funniest post in the whole thread. Thanks for the laugh, anon.
>>342899843D and phonefaggotry. Somehow more embarrassing than tuber nonsense. Sad.>>34290006That's the specific behavior I have a problem with.
>>34289997The only one crying here is you, in a few minutes i'll go back to the hololive thread and forget you even exist.You'll stil be here though, seething in a corner crying because nobody gives a shit about what you want.Everything will still be the same after this thread dies, life goes on, except you and your dead 2hus.
>>34290005Why do holo threads need to be dumped here? They have their own board. >>>/vt/Pokemon is Japanese Culture, arguably the biggest period, but it sure as fuck doesn't have threads here for good reason.
>>34289984>I lift weighs and have a gfThe delusions of this anon.
>>34290019>3D and phonefaggotryI disagree. Phonefaggotry and Vshit is on the same level.>>34290024The butthurt is strong in this one.
There's a board for >>>/mlp/.Just going to point that out for you all.
I don't even want to be on /jp/ anymore, let alone 4chan in general. In fact, I even think /vt/ should kick off their Hololive fandom because we have to share a board with such rotten trash for human beings. You're all too impossible to please. Whatever, not my fault I'm interested in various aspects of Otaku Culture and Hololive is one of them. I probably was an insolent child 10 years ago posting here, but 10 years later I just can't anymore. I don't have the edge like some people here still do. So do what you want, I don't care anymore. Kick Hololive/Chuubas off /jp/ even though they're theoretically Otaku Culture in Japan right now. I'd rather go by their definition over this festering decomposing decaying hellhole of a website's.
Wrong fucking board 2hushitters YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE
so the only reasons vtubers are hated is because>they're popular>they have a place still on the board>"muh teens">"you donate money to them!"thats all?
>>34290048Read the rules newfag.
>>34290043Hololive and it's threads will forever stay be in /jp/. Better start living with that fact sooner or later.
>>34290050Read the posts above. I know I'm expecting too much, but please, meet up with some of them at least.
>>34290027You didn't answer my question
>>34289915stage 6.
>>34290062And so is the hate against holoshit. Better start living with that fact sooner or later.
>>34290054You saved this on your phone? Even though nobody here gives a shit about EN and laughs at them. What a retard you are.
Yukkuris are literally so fucking popular in Japan that motherfucking Sanrio, one of the biggest toy companies in the world, made Touhou toys. They also released Touhou-themed menus for their cafes.IMAGINE getting beaten by manjuu.
I WILL donate to themI WILL watch themI WILL make hololive threads on /jp/and you can do NOTHING about it
>>34290050you never answered my post>>34289415>>34289451
>>34290024nah hololive is for losers/ degenerates like you. so how about you go kindly fuck off.
>>34290050Who are you quoting? Also the main reason they're hated is because they are obnoxious, they shouldn't be on this board in the first place, but even then they don't have the courtesy to stay in their containment thread.The Monster Girl posters understood quick and made a point to only stay in their one thread, never make more than one, and to respect the board they are privileged to stay in. vteens, despite having their own board, insist on shitting everywhere here. It's disgusting.
>>34290089Cry to the mods
>>34290005To me, it's the fans and the specific kind of people brought in, who then spread their faggotry to other threads. Just look at this thread; it's quintessential /v/.>>34290054Stop embarrassing yourself.
>>34290085They will keep thinking about this the whole day. Imagine.
>>34290085That's like boasting about how you're going to ruin your lives with drugs to your parents, and they can't stop you.
>>34290062It's whatever at this point. I'm just a measly fucking user at this point and nothing truly matters anymore. If they want to move it to /vt/ or another new fucking board dedicated to Hololive, fine. We're just dealing with people with a hate boner 10x higher than it was a decade ago. Zoomers and 80sfags are generations built around terminally online anger.
>>34290100Classic vteen response
>>34290100So I give you an actual reason, which you asked for, and your only response is this? Why bother if you're just going to make bad faith arguments?
>>34290005Its a newfag and normalfag magnet. You sped up the board significantly and still haven't left when /vt/ exists.
>>34290115>>34290128If the mods are not doing anything about it means we belong here
>>34290099sorry i dont give a shit
>>34290085Wow thank you for telling me that you waste your entire life savings on virtual tubers. also this entire thread quickly devolved into a shit show.
>>34290102>>34290132The reason people don't want to leave the /jp/ holo threads and go to /vt/ is because that board is the magnet for newfags and normalfags now
>>34290170Unsurprisingly enough.
I still can't fucking wait 2 years from now. Probably even less.Hololive is barely a year old and its already full of controversies and fan factions.I can't fucking wait for all the crying /jp/sies.
>>34290099>the main reason they're hated is because they are obnoxiousTake a look at the mirror and at the posts of your friends here. If you faggots stopped shitting up our thread daily, none of this shit would have happened.
>>34290171Not wanting to go to /vt/ because it's nothing but newfags and normalfags is not an excuse. It was always a newfag and normalfag magnet and is half the reason why people inherently hate it.
>>34290198This is our home though, you barged in.
>>34290198You are the pests of /jp/. We can do whatever we want to your threads.
>>34290198>your friendseveryone on this board is fucking anonymous man
i cant wait for two years down the road where the 2hu fanbase is just discord and alphabet soup faggots in the west. oh wait thats what it is already
>>34290097You really are seething uh, please keep it up, it's amusing to watch.
>>34290198>If you faggots stopped shitting up our thread daily, none of this shit would have happened.Nobody is shitting up your thread but you. You are responsible for the decline of the further decline board.
>>34290198I see that as retaliation for the way you act like absolute pests. VTuber fans act like this not just here, but on every one of the few imageboards I still visit.
>>34290212>>34290214Keep it up and you'll be moved to trash 2huniggers, you are the cancer of this board.
>>34290224Mate, come on. Your idols openly communicate via Reddit.
>>34290228Every anon knows your posting style and your iphone filenames. You're such an embarrassment.
>>34290190If there's one advantage of Vtubers, is that we'll see it fall.PLEASE be an explosive end. Be it some shit like a SJW vtuber appearing or some other political shit like that. Some questionable company decisions would also be extremely entertaining.How Hololive in particular is built is just paved with that minefield.
>>34290250>your>yourYou are speaking to more than one person.
>>342902432hu board since the beginning though.
>>34290224I feel sorry for Touhou.
>>34290254Even if it falls I will keep making hololive threads
>>34290250I don't even post in those threads, but I commend your attempt at falseflagging.
>>34290254These people like the EN girls who are quite literally failed twitch thots. They'll probably just keep going.
>>34290264Nah, you'd be jerking off to the next trend.
>>34290268Yeah while also making hololive threads
>>34290198I'm sorry you can't ignore one random falseflagging poster in your general that gets 100 posts a minute.
>>34290266They're all the same though. I really don't see the arbitrary distinction that some VDrones make between Japanese and English to feel superior when they're just variations of the same shit.
>>34290284B-but they're J-Japanese!!!
>>34290254Roru roru rumao
>>34290212I have been here longer than you have.
>>34290291And you still became a vteen? Very sad..
>>34290290Thank you for highlighting how pathetic their fans are? I don't see the point here.
>>34290278Maybe I should start posting in 2hu threads pretending to care about them. I'll try to be as obnoxious as the retards who keep doing it in our threads.
150 new posts but only 12 new ips since I last looked at this thread. Get help
>>34290246at this point i've stopped giving a shit about the reddit shitthis entire site keeps that garbage in their head at this rate.
>>34290298>teenIt's really ironic how much you love this newfag insult.
>>34290310I'm still here to watch holofarts cry like always
>>34290301doubtful you'd be more annoying than sallyfag or the /vg/ moralfaggot but good luckever consider that you brought in a fuckload of morons from /v/ and they stuck around to annoy you?
>>34290301Could you stop with this "we're innocent boys" routine? If anything, their spam of your threads is a response to your absolute cancer.>>34290312I will admit it borders on obsession, yes.
>>34290310I assumed 100 of them were all just one faggot who keeps using the word "vteen" that's probably here to stir shit from some other board.
>>34290316>newfag insult>I've been here longer than you
>>34290316But I used that insult years ago, teen.
>>34290290Posting that is supposed to prove what, exactly?Vtubers aren't even close to being as big as the biggest youtubers in the scene, and its pretty common for big youtubers to just disappear into obscurity.Not to mention its all being handled by a fucking company. The moment it stops making enough money, the moment it crashes down.Would be glorious.
>>34290290curious that the most popular one is reddit's hero
>>34290329Hololive is allowed in this board, the only one being absolute cancer is 2hutards like you.
>>34290319holotrannies are the new furries, well except furries can produce great art and shit but holotrannies are below the kpoop faggots lmao
>>34290329What cancer exactly? Elaborate.
>>342903502hu board
>>34290342It sure as fuck wasn't used 10 years ago, newfag.
Hololive and Nijisanji belong in this boardDEAL.WITH.IT
>>34290344Will never happen, you'll still be here in a few years, seething and samefagging in your dead threads.
>>34290350I've stated multiple times that I'm more of a VNtard though. Pay attention.>>34290355Look at this thread. The wojakfaggotry, the language. Remind you of a specific board famed for being cancer incarnate?
>>34290316this discussion is autistic but this post legitimately bothered me. you really don't remember everyone being called a teenbro on this board? it was an extremely popular insult and pretty specific to /jp/
>>34290365Stop pretending teen. I used it years ago and there's nothing you can do about it.
>>34290372That's some cope, you comparing something that's existed for barely a year over something that's existed for over 25 years.Touhou is older than you, and it's not disappearing. Yukkuris are literally more popular than Hololive.
>>34290361It says Otaku culture, not 2hu, keep crying, you don't own this place, never did, never will.Be glad you're still allowed to spam your mindless imagedumps.
>>34290394>you don't own this placeWrong. Now go back to your reddit circlejerk generals.
>>34290373You should really fuck off to /vg/
>>342903502hu has always been here on this board, the only ones being absolute cancer are holotards like you.
>>34290373>Look at this threadAll I see are butthurt, crying 2hu anons who can't enjoy their hobbies and can't sleep at night because of an existence of one single thread on /jp/.
>>34290344>one vtuber making 2 million dollars in a year is not one of the bigger youtubersThey may not have the sub counts or view counts but they definitely have the income. Also most big youtubers are part of a company, usually made by themselves but a company is a company
2hu shits are not allowed on board
>>34290393If it's so popular why are you crying about your sad 1 week old thread with 2 replies dying?Rumao
>>34290394>It says Otaku culture, not 2huhaha, this is a funny! you can always find the people new to /jp/ when they say this, yes! Haha, a good one!
>>34290351Is 'trannies' your favourite word or something? Maybe it's just who you are, that would make sense. You sure like adding it to ichimi all the time.
holotrannies seething and shitting lmao
>>34290411>>34290422read the rules newfag.
>>34290365How do you not remember people calling each other teenbros?>>34290411>/vg/?I can't discuss untranslated stuff on there.>>34290415Right.
>feelio when holoshits are still crying
>>34290441>rulesAre implying there's a mod to enforce those rules? IF YESWhy are hololive and nijisanji threads still here?
>>34290417Yeah, they're made by themselves you retard. They can stop whenever they want. That's the point.Also, you think making 2 million dollars a year is big for a big youtuber? Fucking no. The biggest youtubers make more that amount in a month.
>>34290446>>34290439I'm from the Nijisanji thread but sure both are the same shit to you anyway 2hu trash
So when are we gonna get a kabuki thread?
>>34290462Why don't you ask them yourself. Most days it looks like they're arguing with eachother.
>>34290462because the mods are holoshitters like you.
>>34290474They are.
>>34290444First instance in the archive is from 2013, newfag.
>>34290444>Right.Can't find the words to reply becaus it's the truth? Take it easy.
Telling yourself a lie and expecting others to act like it's true is a sign of mental illness.This has never been your board, vtubers are otaku culture, nothing you can say will change those facts.Keep crying.
>>34290483I don't understand, how can the mods and meidos be fans of vtubers? Don't they need money to send to the vtubers? Where would they get it?
>>34290483>mods are holoshittersHoly shit BASED guess I'm allowed in here
>>34289637Uh wasnt this a touhou containment board tho
>>34290337One of them got nuked in the hololive thread and "peared" came up, so you can just guess where they are coming from.pretty sure it's a couple shounen spics from /a/>>34289027>>34098686>>34098859
Why do you think it is that you guys all hate vtubers so fervently while they're fairly popular and accepted among japanese otaku? Is it because hololive getting popular brought in a bunch of trash to the board?
>>34290474Butthurt vfart>>34290501>BASEDclassic crossboarder lingo
>>34290483So... what you're saying is hololive is allowed and vtuber threads aren't against the rules?Kek
>>34290465That 2 million is just superchats, we have no numbers on their membership and merchandise income. The holos are making more than enough to keep them going even if their income suddenly halved tomorrow
>>34290512Based HoloMODSIf you hate it complain to the rule maker then
>>34290462The "moderation" is pretty incompetent. A trip into the IRC for about five minutes will let you know that.>>34290489Are you going to be pedantic because you're embarrassed now, anon?>>34290493Right.>>34290509>hololive getting popular brought in a bunch of trash to the boardI've been saying this for about 90% of the thread, yes.
>>34290513>>34290517What I'm saying is that mods and holoshits are all the same. /jp/ always hated the moderation anyways.
>>34290483Feels good to finally be accepted here.
>>34290520You claimed it was used 10 years ago and I proved it wasn't. Get the fuck out of my home, newfag.
>>34290495>This has never been your boardits in the rules >>34289808 and moots first post>Telling yourself a lie and expecting others to act like it's true is a sign of mental illness.
>>34290525What you're saying is that this was never your board and you don't get to decide what's allowed or not.So basically, keep coping.
>Mods are holoCHADsFeels fucking good bros guess this is our home now
>>34290540>This is for general japanese thingsThanks for proving my point retard
>>34290546It was always our home and always will be.
>>34290538browsing the warosu archives doesn't make you an oldfag, teen.>>34290545>What you're saying is that this was never your boardIt is and there's nothing you can do about it
>>34290538So you are going to be pedantic because you're embarrassed now. Alright~
>>34290495>Telling yourself a lie and expecting others to act like it's true is a sign of mental illness.That like applies to you.
>>34290557Based fellow HoloCHAD
>>34290557Telling yourself a lie and expecting others to act like it's true is a sign of mental illness.
>>34290561Ignore the assblasted oldfag larper.>>34290566True but donating to e-whores is also a sign of mental illness.
>>34287456At this point I can only assume they're genuinely actively trying to kill the board, simply because one post somewhere pissed them off long ago. Nothing else can explain this level of pettiness or how much they ignore everything /jp/sies say, it's ridiculous.By the way, mods, I'm still waiting for you to address the feedback regarding /vt/ you asked for 2 and a half months ago.
>>34290559Browsing the archive to prove that you're newer than me does make me an oldfag, moron.>>34290561Sick reaction image dude.
>>34290562Not really, it only applies to desperate 2hunigs like you claiming you own something you actually never did.This entire thread is going terribly for you, aren't you a bit embarrassed? you're getting dunked on by vteens
>>34290573Keep pretending, teen
>>34290569>larperThere's another piece of newfag terminology.
>>34290570Imagine if /hlg/ - one thread kills this board. I expect you, 2hutards to kill yourselves en masse when that happens.
>xCHAD spam>wojaksperging>incredibly low attention spans and reading comprehensionsIs there anything else that needs to be checked off the list?>>34290570>feedbackThat's their way of telling you to fuck off politely.>>34290573>Sick reaction image dudeIndeed it is.
>>34290577Get out, newfag.
>>34290584Epic greentext and reaction images /v/ermin, i accept your concession.
>2hu tards are fighting each other now
>>34290576What I see is a bunch of faggots trying to justify killing the board due to a makeshift umbrella term.
This thread sucks. it's a bunch morons flinging shit at each other.
>>34290594Right.This is rather embarrassing, don't you think?
Hey vteens, how much money today have you given to your 3dpd whore? Be honest now!
>>34290589Keep pretending, newfag>>34290599I'm still here to shit on crying holofarts
>>34290599That's what this is, yeah.
>>34290599I'm the moron who's right.
HoloCHADs board
>>34290609You're the only one crying. Calm down already, all that stress is not good for your health.
>>34290613really? prove it!
I'm back. Are the vshits still crying?
>1.43>1.752.0 when.>367/48
>>34290584Sadly enough for them, all the >>>/vt/ posts they delete every day and all these meta-threads that happen around once a week also count as feedback. They'll never be able to completely ignore this matter regardless of how much they keep trying to.
/dg/ - Doujin & Visual Novels/Id/ - Idol/voc/ - Vocaloid/jap/ - 日本
>>34290620I have, throughout this thread in fact.
>>34290619I'm here to laugh at crying holoshits like you>>34290627Yep
This thread did in fact kill yet another 2hu thread. Well done!
>>34290474>I'm from the Nijisanji threadNo you're not. That's the one thread that's so insular that they tell absolutely everyone else to fuck off. Odds of one of them coming here to namedrop and stir shit are basically non-existent.
>>34290632Just split up the board already. It's overdue.
Myron is far then this and thats not saying much
>>34290640Both are vtrash who cares
>>34290635I don't buy it.
>>34290659You have yet to understand my brilliance. It's understandable. All in due time.
Calm down have a cute Image
>>34290639Who cares lol, it probably had 3 or 4 replies all by the same mentally ill poster
The more I see this kind of metathread, the more convinced I am that these people only like vtubers because they're disliked by part of 4chan, so their rebellious teen minds believe they should act like contrarians for the sakeof making people as mad as possible. That's why every time they're asked to leave, they act as confrontative as this without giving any actual reason as to why they should stay besides "because we can" and "because it's otaku culture". Nothing about them feels genuine at all, and that's just depressing.I know I don't really need to ask this to the few remaining true /jp/sies left in here, but please don't ever let yourselves fall this low. Please never forget how much you love your hobbies and your interests, and never stop being genuine about them.
>>34290666I don't know anon, the brilliance you display makes you seem like a moron.
>>34290685That's why I don't take vteens serious. They are just pests for me.
Imagine being a 2hu shitter wanting to own the place, then the idolshitters came, then the cancerlle came, then JAVniggers came, then monsterslut and seiyuushit forced to stay here, then you get multiple threads of idolshit and seiyuushit and now the vtumor also shitting up the board, and you pretend to care about the absolute state of this dumpster board hahahahahahhahahhahhahahahhhahahYou should have defended your board a long time ago instead of running away to your shitty spinoffsEnjoy your shit board faggotst. Erogefag
>>34290686As I said, all in due time.>>34290685It really is telling.
>>34290685Talk about being mentally ill
>>34290685Thanks, Freud.
>>34290700>You should have defended your board a long time ago instead of running away to your shitty spinoffs>Enjoy your shit board faggotsThe only part worth reading. I've told you all many things that came to pass. You ignored it. Now you live with it.
>>34290705 just proved the point >>34290685made effortlessly
>>34290685Now say it without crying, child.
>>34290726Pseudo-psychoanalytic bullshit really doesn't do anything for either side. Just because the anon that embarrassed himself is on your side doesn't mean you have to praise him.
>>34290726Don't take vteens seriously. They're pests and their opinions don't matter. The mods are the true cancer of /jp/ after all.
>>34290726You have to be mentally ill to think people on 4chan love something just because some people on 4chan hate it. Some people will use it for shitposting but you won't see threads about it all year round just for shitposting
>>34290685Go post this in the nijisanji thread.
>>34290779keep going teen
>>34290789How old are you? you sound underage
>>34290509Personally, I like vtubers. What I can't stand is the part of their fanbase who acts like what they're doing in this thread, and the fact that they're still taking a permanent part of /jp/ with 10 or so generals and a bunch of random contentless threads that keep getting necrobumped despite the fact that /vt/ exists.If some retarded mod hadn't broken the few containment generals back in December, I wouldn't be giving a shit about this subject, but then they had a stupid internal fight, called the entire /qa/ brigade over, finally gave in and made /vt/, but then refuses to enforce its usage at all as a final fuck you and they've been completely quiet ever since. It's all fucking childish.
>>34290810Ironic coming from a crying holoshitter
>>34290599At least it's a good display of monkey-like behavior I can send to the moderation in another feedback they'll try to ignore. The more material the better.
>>34290825>What I can't stand is the part of their fanbase who acts like what they're doing in this thread, and the fact that they're still taking a permanent part of /jp/ with 10 or so generals and a bunch of random contentless threads that keep getting necrobumped despite the fact that /vt/ existsThis perfectly outlines my problems with them. It's not just here either; every small imageboard I frequent that hits a critical mass of them suffers.
>>34290785No thanks, I'm not petty enough to go into a general to tell everyone that they're wrong and how much I hate them and I know about their pet mod who bans anyone they dislike within seconds.
>>34290841I don't feel like you've thought that through very much. They're just going to look at the OP and realize people are still flinging shit over an issue they've already decided on and, yes, they will ignore it.
>>34290841Please do, can't wait for 2hus to get kicked out to /trash/
>>34290700And yet, despite all of that, 2hu still makes up most of the board. That alone says so much that I don't see a need to make another argument.
>>34290671Thank you anon, here have a Khezu.
I love 2hus
>>34290880Khezu is cute.Cute!
>>34289424>>34289543>>34289725>>34290009>>34290446>>34290483>>34290637>>34290834I'm glad to see the average 2hufag posting style so well represented.I'm sure sending this thread as feedback won't backfire at all, i mean it's not like you 2hufags look retarded in this thread or anything.
>>34290825>Personally, I like vtubers.Sad
>>34290881Good thing we have Marine as our 2hu ambassador. Maybe she'll be the one who saves Touhou Project as a whole!
>>34290870Of course they will, they can't see any pro-vtuber post in a bad light no matter how obviously underage their poster is, but all of that builds up with time. The longer they keep pretending that everyone's happy about the current situation, the more the "constructive feedback will be appreciated" from January 29th will bite them in the ass, who knows when, but some day in the future.
>>34290893She will save them
>>34290889I'll shit on that fag just as much as you will, don't get me wrong.
>>34290889thanks for wasting your time holoshitter
>>34290915No, friend, thank you for making 2hufags look underaged.
>>34290889I hope we get a meido who protects our thread after this, like the nijimeido. These 2hu anons are unironically mentally ill.
>>34290889It's not like your kind is acting much worse after all.
>>34290900I mean go for it if it makes you feel better, but an OP with a Touhou pic complaining about "holoshit threads" resulting in hundreds of shitposts probably isn't going to help you like you think it will. I assure you you're just going to shoot yourself in the foot and make them care even less than they already do.
lol the vteens like 3dpd
>>34290930I don't get how shitting on holofarts make me look underage. Keep crying.
>2hu>2huThat's all you can say. You have no argument.
>>34290951It's your posting style and the way you're acting, really.
>>34290939I think some of these 2hufags may be genuinely mentally ill, it really doesn't take much effort to realize how bad this thread makes 2hu posters look.
>holoteens>holoteensThat's all you can say. You have no argument.
>>34290939Blame the shitters that make these threads. They know that if they use anything else, the thread is getting nuked.
>>34290953They're obsessed after all>>34290958Yeah and I love it, holofart
>>34290951Do you not feel at least slightly embarrassed by yourself? That's impressive.
>>34290970I'm the guy who's been arguing against Holospam, retard.
>>34290825There is no way to avoid retards and the more popular something is, the more retards tend to join in. There are also people who have no friends and get no attention from anyone so they come to threads with a lot of users just to shitpost and get (You)s. Any vtuber posting you get in other /jp/ threads won't go away even if you kick them to /vt/
>>34290970Please keep going friend, keep shitting on those pesky vteens, stay based and redpilled as well, keep fighting the good fight 2hubro!
>>34290975Why should I feel embarrassed? Holofarts are dust to me>>34290977Good.
I'm actually sending this thread for feedback. I hope other holobros here do the same.
>>34290977Stop pretending, teen.
>>34290988You sound very upset
>>34290977>>34290990>>34290998This is really embarrassing 2hushits can you at least unite with each other?
>>34290975I feel 2nd hand embarrassment just from looking at this thread.
The usual schizos are preoccupied with this thread and stopped shitting up /hlg/. At least something positive came out of this shit thread.
2hufags your tard is getting uppity, better calm it down or even better just claim the entire thread is a giant vteen falseflag operation to make you look retarded.
Holofags your tard is getting uppity, better calm it down or even better just claim the entire thread is a giant 2hu falseflag operation to make you look retarded.
Cope and dilate vtards this is our board
>>34291034>ourGo back to /v/, faggot.
>>34290990Oh, tough kid, think his shit don't stink.
>>34290982That's where moderation would ideally come in, but it appears they've forgotten about the "this post is extremely low-quality" rule and mentally replaced it with "this is an anti-vtuber post".
>>34291034Sad, what a sad end to this thread.2hus should really fuck off from this board
>>34291065It's not like anyone can falseflag as the opposing party when they're feeling threatened after all, right? Why would people just go and be dishonest about something on the internet.
>>34291047>tough kidI'm not one of your underage holo friends. Sorry.>>34291065Vteens pretending to be 2hufags is even more sad
look Eirin A door!
>>34291101good image
>>34291074>>34291081>It's a falseflagOh wow, i was right >>34291023You really cannot make this shit up, thanks for the laugh 2hufags, see you tomorrow? please keep making more of these threads, i'll be sure to send them all as feedback so everyone who makes decisions can see how retarded and childish you all are.
In the end, the fact that a simple metathread against vtuber shit got 450 replies in 4 hours, the vast majority of which are edgy posts from people who claim to support vtubers, says more than any made-up narrative can say.
>>34291081who said i watched bolohive, I'm just making fun of you anon
>>34291121If you're not with us you're against us.
>>34291114>the vast majority of which are edgy posts from people who claim to support vtubersI guess I was confused. I didn't realize "vteens/holofarts" guy supported vtubers.
>>34291114All it shows is that the hololive threads have people who spend all their time shitposting. Thanks to this thread there has been no shitposting in the hololive thread for a while
>>34291158Sounds like this board needs a 2hu containment thread.
>>34291112Thanks for your butthurt. Laughing at holoshits is my new hobby now
>>34291166Sounds like this board needs to stop being neglected.
hey everyone, say nice things about the shrine maiden
>>34291180Stay based, show those vteens who runs this shit.
>>34290940half of this board is idol and gravure shit
>>34291199based on what?
>>34291182I just want meidos
>>34291209On your amazing shitposting powers and edgy personality.
>>34291182I was going to joke that it's not really being neglected since every >>>/vt/ post gets deleted instantly, but I actually haven't seen that happen in a little while by now despite there being a few pointless vtuber threads down the catalog. Maybe that one mod finally realized how much acting like that was hurting his plan.
>>34289569YOU HAVE YOUR OWN FUCKING BOARDI don't give a shit if there are thousands of touhou threads, its the fact that its VIRTUAL FUCKING YOUTUBERS thats the problem
>470 posts>52 postersIf you needed any proof that one or two faggots are doing half of the posts
>>34291221Nice, another mentally ill 2hushitter having a mental breakdown because of 3 threads.Clearly the moderation needs to listen to people like you, that's how they'll make this board a better place.Remember to shit yourself and make as much of a mess as you possibly can.
>>34291217I can't believe that my shitposting powers made you obsessed over me. I'll see your crying ass in the next metathread.>>34291250Why are you still crying?
>>34288470>whats our alternativeNowhere, the community has fizzled like a spent candle and any attempts at rekindling it will be met only with a meek resemblance to the community that once was.Don't be sad, it's just the nature of all things to die. Maybe one day another community will spring up in another corner of the internet. Or it won't, and you can move on to another chapter of your life, that doesn't involve NEETing your days away.
>>34291259Based, fuck those "holofarts".
>>34291270That's right
Haha I like this thread
You're always welcome here Holofriends
>>34291220What's his plan?
You will never be welcome here Holos
this thread right now
>>34291296not him but he's right with you being obsessed
me enjoying the chaos, and having fun while at it
>>34291323me on the right smashing the asshurt vteens
Stop right there!
>>34291250>3 threads>>34289897 (general)>>34274904 (general)>>34286992 (general)>>34127449 (general)>>34287604 (general)>>34217407 (counts as general because it's always remade as soon as it gets archived)>>34156640 (counts as general because it's always remade as soon as it gets archived)>>34202092 (counts as general because it's always remade as soon as it gets archived)>>34291185>>34159565>>34254258>>34272638Feel free to go ahead and spam a few more threads out of spite if you must.
yo yo yo wuz goin on in des tread homes
>>34291324Why wouldn't i obsess over someone so incredibly based? i just want him to keep posting to appreciate his based posts, i'm always glad when 2hu posters get properly represented in meta threads.Based posts should always be encouraged and celebrated, this whole board needs more based anons.
>>34289569/jp/ board subject: touhou/vt/ board subject: vtubershope this helps
>>34291359Damn holoposters are really mentally ill
nice horse
nice thread
>>34291324The poor kid is still going. Let him be.
>>34291353I guess my stole goods are now forfeit.
>>34291359Does everyone that posts vtubers on this board approve of the existence of all of these threads?
>>34291402No, Towa, Noel and Ahoge threads shouldn't be allowed, no need for individual threads when /vt/ is a thing.But i guess Noelfags are a special case since 3DPD isn't allowed on /vt/ and that's basically why people watch Noel.
Your the one from my dreams
>>34291402No, people always hated individual threads
Ronald needs his coke fix now
You smelly secondary trash You have never been welcome on /jp/ anyways and killed it years agoNow you cry because Japanese streamers are popular Why don't you no CC something on hard before acting like you're a "2hufag" you fakes
>>34291391Based, dunk on those holofart vteens.
we live in a society
>I like touhou>oh whats your favorite game>...game?Then they crossplay as sanae for gay sex with niggers at consThis is the userbase of this board
You will always be welcome here Holofriends
i am the pogchamp he is the eggman
>>34291564Thanks, Marisa!
Big Floppa be strollen into town
>2hu schizo resorts to posting his game screenshots nowHe really broke down, poor guy.
It's always nice to see someone having an autistic mental breakdown.
>holoshits are still falseflaggingThey really broke down, poor kids.
Imagine losing your money and time to some untalented attention whore who doesn't even know your name, very sad. To be a touhou fan is to produce and grow as a community, to be a Vwhore and a Vteen is to parasitize each other vices.
>>34291600So nijis are welcome? And indies? And other Japanese chuubas?Why only no holo?
wheres the coke
Holofag having another mental breakdown: the thread
>>34291606This was a pretty hilarious thread all things considered.
>>34291610How do you feel about beatmario?
>>34291610Based 2huchad, fuck those Vwhores and Vtrannies
Me sad now
>>34291618They haven't been obnoxious. That's all I will say.
>>34291619>>34291596>>34291569>>34291536>>34291526>>34291494>>34291470>>34291438I thought this was a /jp/ thread about bitching over janitor's, not the oblivion nightmare character creation thread
Is the obsessed anon still going?
>>34291632That's a nice joke. I'll be submitting this for feedback by the way. Hopefully you retards will never be able to shit our thread up ever again.
>>34291654You really have no idea what's going on on this board.
>>34291654Lol just wait until nijisanji EN you retarded secondary
>>34291661Stay based, friend.
>>34291663>Hopefully you retards will never be able to shit our thread up ever again.Too bad
>>34291618Making only one of them leave but not the others wouldn't feel correct, so all of them need to go.
>>34291673Yeah, definitely sending this thread as feedback.Keep fighting the good fight 2huchad, i want to make sure moderation knows about your based powers.
>>34289491and here is your average /v/tuber thread.
>replace captcha with PCB hard no continue >hololive thread remains >95% of 2hufags can't postWould cum buckets
>>34291680And how are you going to do that?
>>34291696It's sad because it's true.
>>34291687Thanks. I will make sure to never shit up your threads again. I promise :)
the adoring fan is here
>>34291696Good I hate captcha's, I'm sick of over thinking them.
Please bow to our god Todd Howard
>>34291722Based 2huchad
>>34291663This is what I haven't been able to understand all thread. Why do you keep insisting that 2hufags are the only ones who keep going to the hololive generals and making low-quality shitposting, stirring shit up or spamming? Would it really hurt your ego that much to admit that a portion of your fanbase/general circlejerkers are extremely cancerous and ill-intentioned? And then at the same time you keep saying that 2hufags are the only ones making bad posts in this thread as well while being completely blind to how obnoxious some (most) pro-vtuber posts here are as well.Is this what counts as schizophrenia?
>>34291763He's mentally ill
>>34291705By getting the one mod who caused this entire situation in first place (all the way from back in December) fired. That's the first step, no matter how long it takes.
>>34291763You're trying to hard, schizo.
>>34291785Good luck we want that too btw
kEn i hEv PooSE
>>34291696It would do wonders for all the vtuber threads too because they're mostly filled with /v/ and /a/ trash.
>>34291785I'm sure he must be feeling very scared right now.
>>34291795Yeah, but watching all the 2hu threads die would be the best part.
>>34291787Of fucking course I'm the schizo, not the person who's convinced that everyone's out to get him. I see.
I hate all VTuber or h*lolive faggots so goddamn much that I wish every single one of them would die in the most painful way possible. I can't even care about not being an angry rageposting faggot anymore
>>34291814Have a cute Holo
>>34291795Yeah but I could still post them
>>34291814Based 2huchad
>>34291800who? give me a refresher I forgot.
>>34291814This is a false flag, right?
>cringe 2hu secondaries South America's with no money >chad chuuba enjoyers Rich first worlders and seafags who would rather try to fuck a middle aged Japanese woman through the internet than eat for a day
Im going to be announcing redguard 2 for all gaming platforms
>>34291763vteens all have the /v/ mindset that some "otherfandumb-fag" is responsible for ruining their threads when in reality it's just their community.
>>34291820Destroy my asshole Todd
Mabye it's time to shit up another holowhore thread. The obsessed anon will be proud of me.
>>34291818Very cute indeed!
poopy pee pee pants
>>34291696An actual kanji or hiragana captcha would probably filter more 2hufags than holofags
>>34291845No, he's just braindead.
We are winning now, brothers.
>>34291838Here >>34291785
>>34291845Yep. Another broken holofag.
>>34291818eh, shes not that cute
>>34291859Based, that's what all 2huchads do after all, shit up vtuber threads and flex their superiority.
>>34291883Yes :)
I like touhou too its ny favorite anime
>>34291814Imagine being this retard
>>34291859Hmm, i thought it wasn’t you?>>34291324Based, 2huchads also samefag.
>>34291866They couldn't even get questions about 2hu right in the last big questionnaire for 4cc. And then procceded to complain and cry about it as is their nature.
>>34291893Holy based
The 2hu genocide is close....
>>34291889still not cute
I still don't know what people see in tohou or whatever is called.
>>34291889I think she's very cute! Even sad to see her posted in such a bad thread...
>>34291909It doesn't work if you admit it's a falseflag before it happens, 2huchad, you shouldn't have said anything...
>>34291903The secondary ESL trash chased out any real touhou fans like meNow they're upset we came back for chuubasLearn to play shumps you losers
Redguard 2 is going to have 16x the detail and is 4x the size of Skyrim
>>34291909Not taking meds has severe consequences after all.
>>34291915Are you sure about that?
this thread demonstrates the power of teen sperg outs
>>34291916It was popular in Japan and produced shitloads of fan content. These 2hufags don't even play the game, just wanted to like the cool Japanese thing. They're secondaries.
>>34291923Another absolutely hilarious post. This thread just keeps on giving.
>>34291937This. Literally laughing my ass off the entire time.
>>34291866That's impossible.
>>34291942Its funny because its true. There's a reason why you secondaries stopped using that word, you can't handle being a blight on touhou fandom
>>34291938How about a cool Towa? Pretty cool right?
>>34291959Are you that mad you couldn't get the questions right? Damn... Take it easy, anon.
Not like this 2hubros... they are laughing at our most precious thing... our false sense of belonging and community...Not like this onegai...
Todd is not impressed
>>34291959Post your score that you stole from twitch
>>34291973I got every single question right and I left /jp/ in 2013
>>34292007To which shitty spinoff did you move?
>>34292000Why should I? You secondaries got your little Mexican hugbox. Real 2hu chads left.
>>34292022I'm still here though. Now post your stolen score.
>>34292035Why don't you prove yourself first newfag
>>34292043I'm still waiting..
>>34292007You should leave again, this time for good.
>>34292054Taco burrito enchilada
>>34292043>y-you firstThe absolute state
"Secondary" - Every /jp/ spinoff secondary from 2012
The funniest thing in this thread is how OP explicitly mentioned the photography and yukkuri threads and yet some people literally can't stop getting angry at Touhou and blaming it for everything.
grorius nippon threadfolded 1000 times
>>34292085Take your meds already old man, this sad.
>>34292075See I don't care because I beat every game on hard at leastIt cuts you to the core because you are a secondaryMaybe even a tertiary
A song for holoshitters.I hate you holoshitters~I hope you all die~You suck as much cock~As the american whores you like~Can't click on your board~And retarded mods let it slide~
>>34292085I don't know why he targeted the photography thread >>34288968
>>34292101Score now, secondary.
>>34292109Based 2huchad
>>34292113You first filthy secondary
>>34291981My diaper 2hu thread is more precious....
>>34292109>american whoresSo you specifically hate the ones that like the american whores?
>>34292145I'm still waiting you filthy secondary
>>34292093Don't worry, the 2hus aren't real. They'll never get you.
>>34292167Infinitely more than the ones who watch jp streamers. I imagine watching jp whorolive is like watching a seiyuu show. I can tolerate that.
>>34292151Not much beats the quintessential, high quality thread like this one >>34274055
>>342922152hu bros they're laughing at us again....
>>34292215Breeding is the primary function and goal of humans sir.
>>34292207Well the hololive thread around here also hates the american whores.
>>34292207... No one watches English holos here. The thread is for JP holos, you fucking retard.
>>34292228The problem I have with that is that it's too fast paced for the board. When a single thread is constantly 10 times quicker than any other thread on the board, it doesn't belong on it. Now that it has its own board, there's no reason for it to be here.
>>34292248Its Japanese culture The other board is full of Chinese
>>34292248Now he has a different problem. I thought your only issue was the american whores which has been resolved. Please take your medication.
>>34292109Anon your pathetic, like really pathetic. An I don't even care for vtubers.
>>34292248I totally agree, but most of the posters in the thread are retarded and believe that they have to see american whores in their thread if they go on /vt/.
>>34292296I said I hate retards who watch american whores a lot more than retards who watch jp whores. I never said you belong here.
>>34292109This reminds me of Slim Shady.
>>34292312You just want to complain because deep inside you're simply bored of 2hushit.
>>34292343I complain because I don't want threads to die if they don't get bumped every 9 hours.
>>34292363Then bump them every 9 hours.
>>34292363Those threads deserve to die if nobody posts on them.
>>34292363/vt/ has the same issue specifically for threads about japanese vtubers and they need to be bumped every 3 hours to survive the constant spam of western shit.
>>34292390That's not how imageboards work you little shit.>>34292399Not a problem for your general which gets 10 posts per minute
>>34292390They don't. This board was fine back in August-October when people weren't needlessly trying to kill threads because they found it fun.
>>34292451But I said I agree that the fast thread does not belong on this board.
>>34292466No the board was certainly not fine, and still isn't.
>>34292486Outside of those threads. Leading into the year from 2019, the board was relatively the same speed. I only noticed something because someone began going into several threads complaining about the generals.
>>34292466>>34292510The board might have seemed fine but the environment that the people who came here around that time caused the spam that happened in December. I'm pretty sure they even started posting spam threads only to have them deleted on sight.
>>34292271"Otaku Culture" was a crutch that moot (someone you don't know) used in an attempt to give the board a slightly more descriptive title than the one it had in the past (which you also don't know). It never had anything to do with the actual content of the board, because "otaku culture" is as vague as a title can be, and it also includes anime and videogames of all kinds - do you see them being discussed here? Why?
>>34292573All of that happened because two gay mods had gay sex in the closet and then got tsundere about each other. Taking it out on /jp/ and /qa/ was the only way they found to express their love.
>>34292271>Japanese cultureThis again.
>>34292662But anon, touhou *are* videogames!
>>34292662Rhythm games are here for no real reason.
>>34292833Of all kinds? No, I'm not talking about fangames that use Touhou characters. I'm talking about all kinds of non-Touhou games. Playing them is also an integral part of otaku culture, so why don't people talk about all kinds of video games in here? Same goes for anime.
This entire thread is cancer and you should be ashamed of yourselves
>>34293452Don't worry Holofriends will cute it
>>34293475Anon we just leave to die.
So who win, 2hufags or vtuberfags?
We can't have nice things, can we?Both hololive and touhou are good but their fandoms are bad.Every fandom will either die or become toxic. Unless we do some things to them that are out of scope of many today's psychologists and researchers, mainly because fandoms are rather a new thing.Both hololive and touhou come from Japan, both are about culture or counterculture of that place. So it can be discussed whether they belong in this board, which is about japanese culture, or they don't.
>>34294039>Both hololive and touhou are good>hololive goodRemove yourself from this planet
>>34294039Take the Futaba approach and split /jp/ into several boards.
>>34294131But this is what happened, the teens are the ones refusing to leave to their board because they need attention from other groups.
>>34294388Let me rephrase./2/ for touhoufags/vn/ for vnfags - long overdue/id/ or the equivalent for idolfags/dg/ for doujin gamesthere's already a photography board, an anime board, and a bunch of other boards already.If they're worried about traffic, maybe it needs to be brought to attention that there are SLOWER BOARDS and all of the above would me faster, if not MUCH faster than them. There are enough idolfags already that moving the ones on other boards would have the board be fast enough on launch. It'd be a better alternative than seeing people argue every week.
>>34294039Except for how /jp/ was never about Japanese "culture". I know you retards keep getting told this every single fucking metathread but you're so retarded that you keep forgetting it so here I'm telling you all about it once again.
>>34287456Idk, Janns will always have their biases but they really need to put them aside and actually do their job instead of interpreting the rules in a way that suites them.The fact of the matter is that /vt/ exists and there's no reason to not be posting them in there. Seems that some people are either too new here or delude themselves into thinking that having their own board isn't a privilege.
>>34294535Are you really taking some meme guide as an official authority as to what should and shouldn't be posted on /jp/?>All images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Touhou Project, Vocaloid, doujin works and music, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).This is all that's there. VTubers are a niche Japanese interest.
>>34294589Yes, because it's what the board's users agreed on.>VTubers are a niche Japanese interest.As well as a niche American interest, as well as a niche Mexican interest, and niche English interest, and it's actually not niche at all judging by how many subscriptions they all have. It also has its own fucking board now. That's literally all that matters. You have your own board, you don't belong on /jp/ anymore. End of discussion.
>>34294589A meme guide more in tune with the board than most of the people who came here in the last 6 months. >niche
>>34294446>If they're worried about trafficThey made /xs/ not too long ago and that place is down there with /3/ and /t/ in terms of posts per day. Slow traffic really souldn't be something they need to worry about when making new boards. Making a bunch of niche boards is way better than just dumping a bunch conflicting fandoms/cliques on one single board and call it a day.
>>34294662/xs/ only exists because they killed /asp/.
>>34287456these hololive and touho spergouts are funny but the real problem here are the questionable decisions of whoever is in charge of this boardit's all so inconsistent
700 posts.. wow
>>34294446Actually, none of that is needed./jp/ stays/vt/ for vtuber content/idol/ for 3D idols and gravureAnd that's it. Nothing else needs to be split.
>>34295209It's useless to have a board dedicated to 3 whole topics when shit gets put here for arbitrary reasons. Just break it up into several different boards. Nobody said it needed to be deleted.
>>34295278The point is not to have one board for each topic. It's to keep /jp/ as it is, and then move content that has way too many threads taking permanent space (idols) and way too many posts per minute (vtubers) to other boards so /jp/ can continue being /jp/. And before you go "ah but 2hu!", remember that this is the fucking Touhou board.
>>34295377Well it sure as hell doesn't look like they treat it that way. Just break up the board into topics and be done with it.
>>34295377rename /jp/ to fucking Touhou, so easy, right?