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File: 251 KB, 1024x768, true_love_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3424926 No.3424926 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got any good games like Erotical night?

>> No.3424931

oh god, true love ;_;

>> No.3424930

Ah... true love.
brb, reinstalling.

>> No.3424936

I never felt this nostalgic before T_T
brb, downloading

>> No.3424935

Violent Semen Inferno.

>> No.3425015
File: 16 KB, 469x320, approvedBison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First the Hizashi thread, now True Love?

Why is /jp/ so good today?

>> No.3425028

/jp/ is always good.
inb4 greentext

>> No.3426065

This thread is now about True Love and Games like True love

>> No.3426102

how about Seasons of sakura? That was good

>> No.3426136

I am getting this sudden urge to play Nocturnal Illusions again.

>> No.3426139

I love that too.
The nostalgia is strong in this one.

>> No.3426159

Seriously, I'm downloading right now DOSbox, and after that I will start a run of 3sister story, Seasons of Sakura and true love.

After that Rance 3 or nocturnal illusion will come

>> No.3426161


>> No.3426165


>> No.3426194

Kingdom is not that old, and I didn't enjoy it as much as other games (come on, let me at least fuck two girls per run, this is frustrating)

>> No.3426295

Oh it's my first VN!
"Day to Day Life" was the best soundtrack for a good while.

But yeah Nocturnal Illusion might have been the first VN where my teenagerly tears were shed.

>> No.3426328

And by tears you mean seamen.

>> No.3426397
File: 42 KB, 480x304, sarihappypy0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just that. I may be a huge wuss. but I really teared up a bit when reading Sari's ending where the MC decides to live with her as flower..

By the way, there's a cool Nocturnal Illusion fansite with all the CGs, Music, Lyrics, and every possible NI related stuff.

My pal, Derek already tested the website, and there isn't any virus there.

>> No.3426410

Oh god.. that ending was the best ending.

I had such a hardon for her.

>> No.3426429

Agree. Awesome ending. But I like the other when she turned human again.
Also, do you have the game with the patch for the "deleted" scenes (red hood and the doll bitch)?

>> No.3426440

both endings were truly awesome, but IMO the vampire/flower ending was superb

>> No.3426524
File: 33 KB, 320x400, sendingbadre3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think both of these should come with the patch / already patched.

Can't guarantee it though, since I haven't tested them myself.

>> No.3426533

cried? for joy you mean? i rather liked that ending, i for one wouldn't mind spending my eternal nights as a vampire with sari.

>> No.3426555

Thanks. Gonna try it now.

>> No.3426592

here's the NI patch by itself.


>> No.3426604

Well, it was really long time ago to tell, but sadness and joy conflicted me if I recall correctly. In any case, it was a great ending regardless how the reader interprets it. I'd be willing to offer my blood to Sari too, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3426610

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocturnal_Illusion theres a revised version of this game!

>> No.3426625

one thing i hated bout remi was that you had to study your ass off to get her interested in you. i mean a girl like that wants a geek for a boyfriend? that and you couldn't get miake if you got her.

>> No.3426641

I think the same, they didn't need anything, only the other one, and so they spent all the eternity together between words of love.

Damn it, you cannot find stuff like that easily.

>> No.3426678

about as romantic as get gets, flowers by day, lovers by night, ...threesomes during the full moon?

>> No.3426691

nope, they didn't need the blood of the others anymore, as they could live drinking each other's blood. That way they also stop having remorse for harming others

>> No.3426701

i never said anything about drinking blood did i?

>> No.3426717

hmm, i am upset, thanks to all this nostalgia i decided to play true love only to find out that the game seems to take like 10 seconds to load a music track, so there's a 10 second delay everytime the BGM changes. is there a way to fix this? and can someone remind me how to play this game windowed..?

>> No.3426759

for windowing it use alt.

For the music I turned off it, so I cannot help you

>> No.3426768

My bad, I was just remembered of Sari and the retarded girl together when you talked about a threesome

>> No.3426771

by alt you mean alt+tab? and how do you even turn off the music..?

>> No.3426781

suicidal more like, and yeah that was the image i had in mind, tho not because of any need for blood.

>> No.3426789

nope, use alt, and then push left and down, you should see a option for windowing the game

>> No.3426795

Some guy wrote something to fix it for itt... I'll see if I can dig it up, no promises though

>> No.3426805

Nah, I preffer that couple as two persons bonded by true love, a threesome would destroy that image.

>> No.3426808

ingame? tried it at the main menu, that did nothing.

>> No.3426831

I couldn't find it soo I uploaded my version of True Love, Ifit works it works i not then sorry

>> No.3426873

it works, i'm not sure how or why but it works. thank you.

>> No.3426893

Anyone can upload the image of the two flowers together (Sari devil ending)? I cannot find it anywhere.

>> No.3426937

how do you get around the "not enough space on HD" bit during installation of NI?

>> No.3427098

now i can't run NI, uninstall it or reinstall it.. could someone please upload already installed NI folder?

>> No.3427108

You can't delete the NI folder that you have downloaded (it acts like a virtual cd I think). Just install the game somewhere and presto!

>> No.3427123

that's the problem, i did install the game, but it went to the wrong place so i deleted it planning to reinstall somewhere else but it won't let me, reinstall or uninstall.

>> No.3427153

i'm thinking it's an issue with the directory still registering it as being installed despite the files no longer being there which prevents it from reinstalling and playing/uninstalling the game due to missing files.
could someone please upload their working NI folder?

>> No.3427193


>> No.3427223

hmm, thanks but it says it cannot open ????.LST and savedataF/R.

>> No.3427231

No idea. It works for me.

>> No.3427241

ah finally got it to work by finding the right directory, what a pain @.@

>> No.3427294
File: 61 KB, 586x389, Flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your flower.

>> No.3429177

