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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3417016 No.3417016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ - Boring/General

I haven't seen an interesting thread here in days. I hate when this board runs into dry spells.

>> No.3417023

Any real word on Otome Function?

>> No.3417024

Don't worry, it'll pick up when the next VN gets translated and everyone trolls it to death.

>> No.3417025

There are decent threads sometimes, it's just buried under the endless Dawson, Japanese Bird, and Taiko.

>> No.3417021

Then make one.

>> No.3417026

Why not make some decent threads then, you faggot?

Whenever /jp/ is boring I make a thread or two.

>> No.3417029

/jp/ are not your personal court jesters. You have to help out too.

>> No.3417032

There's only one Japanese bird cooking spaghetti thread on the board at a time, so don't put it in the same category as spammers who fill several pages at a time.

>> No.3417035

Never going to get it.

>> No.3417039

The name is a lie, they die anyway!

>> No.3417040

One thread is still way too much.

>> No.3417050

It's because I haven't been here.

>> No.3417044 [DELETED] 

So which VN do you /jp/ will troll next?

I am putting my money on G-Senjou Maou.

>> No.3417056

So which VN do you think /jp/ will troll next?

I am putting my money on G-Senjou Maou.

>> No.3417059

Like I said on the archive a minute ago, it's only one person ruining /jp/.

>> No.3417065

If it's translated, it gets trolled. No exceptions.

>> No.3417066

Sharin no Kuni. It's the easiest to troll because "LOL PRETENTIOUS DEEP AND SLICE OF LIFE EVERYWHERE".

>> No.3417063

But I'm always the one who makes them and I'm tired of it. Can't someone else do it for once?

>> No.3417064


The artist hurt his arm.

>> No.3417070

Ask not what the board can do for you, but what you can do for the board.

>> No.3417074

that's what the title translates into?
seems like a bad joke...

>> No.3417075

It's fine to live in your delusions, but don't push them onto everyone else. /jp/ is full of /a/ retards these days.

>> No.3417077

It's jones, right?

>> No.3417081

>that's what the title translates into?
No, they made it up. The real title is 凌辱ゲリラ狩り/Rape Guerilla Hunting.

>> No.3417083


My point is that I've done plenty for the board and want my fair share of effort rewarded back.

/jp/ is always TAKE TAKE TAKE (with my intellectual property) and never give. I'm tired of it.

>> No.3417087

So if someone got the trial version? Shouldn't the full version of the game be in mangagamer hdd or server?

Someone go steal it.

>> No.3417098

That facefag. I don't believe the janitor exists since he hasn't been banned yet.

>> No.3417110

Janitor can't ban anyway. He's essentially Shirou's definition of a superhero, one who can only clean up after the damage is done.

>> No.3417118



Janitors can only delete shit. Nothing more.

>> No.3417121
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>I haven't seen an interesting thread here in days.

Ahhh, finally Newfag summer has come to an end. We can now take it easy, post Bawson, Japanese Bird, and Hoopdog without interruption. Mah boi, this peace is what ALL true warriors strive for!

>> No.3417122

Is there a download for this anywhere?

>> No.3417133
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>> No.3417140

Damn it, Dawson, stop replying to invisible posts.

>> No.3417145

I haven't seen hoopdog in a long time
Either that or I'm blind
