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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3416752 No.3416752 [Reply] [Original]

New thread

>> No.3417173
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>> No.3417226
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>> No.3417741
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I love Kigurumi.

more images please ???

>> No.3418097
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>> No.3418188
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>> No.3418477
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>> No.3418630
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>> No.3418669

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
I always fail when I try that.

>> No.3418728
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>> No.3419052
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>> No.3419060

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
I came buckets.

>> No.3419059
File: 95 KB, 768x1024, sotoboku6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3419081 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]talk.com/ICARE
You are worse than Hitler.

>> No.3419217
File: 134 KB, 355x536, 1015-07_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3419229 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]talk.com/ICARE
You said it, dawg!

>> No.3419249 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]talk.com/ICARE
What are you talking about?

>> No.3419261 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]talk.com/ICARE
How come this is so often brought up around this site?

>> No.3419303

> Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]talk.com/ICARE
How come this always is asked here?

>> No.3419416

nice buldge thar

>> No.3419431 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]talk.com/ICARE
You can't be serious...

>> No.3419483
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>> No.3419748
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>> No.3420485
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>> No.3420680
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>> No.3420796
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>> No.3421490
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>> No.3421639
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>> No.3421676 [DELETED] 

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>> No.3422145
File: 164 KB, 458x688, Sepia.12_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3422853
File: 200 KB, 768x1152, 07100814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3423453
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>> No.3423459 [DELETED] 

Get this shit out of here it's like diaperfag shit we don't need it here.

>> No.3423488

u mad?

>> No.3423518
File: 415 KB, 494x768, tamaki_sm0317009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3423685

She had no eyes.

Well, no, that's wrong. Saying she had no eyes made it sound as if she had holes where her eyes were supposed to be.

But she didn't.

She had a smooth, white, plastic surface where her eyes were supposed to be.

Much like the rest of her, they seemed like incomplete details, waiting for someone further along to paint them in.

She was nude, but her white plastic skin was entirely devoid of detail. Not the slightest hair, or crease, or mark was evident.

She did have the basic human outline, in a tastefully feminine curvature. Small feet, connecting to slender, soft legs. A soft, curvy behind tapering to a slender middle, and then rising to a small, slight bust. Small, slight shoulders holding tender, rounded arms. Small hands, with long, feminine fingers.

But other details were almost entirely missing. She didn't even have ears. The only details she did have upon her face; the gaps for her eyes, her slight nose, and her small, neutral mouth.

She was unfinished.

>> No.3423748

She did not react to my entrance, only staring forward. If one could stare without eyes, anyway.

I couldn't even be sure she was a person. She did not seem like one, that was for sure.

I decided to try to approach her. Even if she were simply a doll, she did catch my attention, and this way I would be able to get a better look at her.

As I got closer, her separation from a recognizable human figure seemed to increase. She did not move, not even slightly. Her chest did not expand or contract from breathing. She had no eyes for me to follow, to see if she saw me. Her head did not even turn in reaction to my soft, yet clear footsteps.

She simply sat, and existed.

>> No.3423788

"Hello?" I attempted.

No response.

I was standing right next to her now, and she still gave no sign that she knew I was there.

I waved my hand in front of her face.

She didn't flinch, not even slightly.

So I bent down slightly, moved my face closer to hers, and looked her over even closer.

And I noticed that her nose had no nostrils, and her mouth was firmly shut.

Her head was formed from a back and front piece, but these two pieces had been securely fastened together with tape, leaving no gaps, not even around her neck.

She couldn't have been human. Humans need to breathe.

To prove it to myself, I turned my head to the side, leaned closely to her face, and listened to any sounds that might have been emitted.

But there were none. No air coming in, and no air coming out.

I sighed slightly. She must be some sort of life-sized doll someone had constructed, I thought.

So I placed my right hand on her shoulder, to steady myself as I stood.

And she flinched.

>> No.3423827

I was so surprised that I instinctively pushed her away, leaping back slightly, and landing on the ground.

I must have pushed harder than I thought, because upon looking back at her, she had fallen from her chair, and had caught the ground in front of her with her hands.

She slowly bent back, into a squatting position, and then stood. The only sound she made was the very slight squeak of her plastic skin rubbing upon itself as she moved.

She turned towards me, raised a hand, and started slowly groping the air, walking ever so slightly forward as she did so, as if she were searching for something.

It took a moment for me to regain my sense and stand. The ideas running through my head were conflicting.

She's moving, so she must be human. There's no such thing as magic, and who would create a blind and deaf android? But why couldn't I sense her breathing? Did she breathe somewhere other than her nose or mouth?

She was almost upon me before I began to think straight.

>> No.3423832 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]talk.com/ICARE
Saw this posted somewhere else...

>> No.3423863

I moved quietly to the side.

She continued on through my previous position, moving slowly and groping the air.

I was too fascinated by her and what she might be to interfere, though. Too many thoughts to ponder and reject.

Eventually she reached the wall, which seemed to cause her quite a bit of distress. She turned quickly, shuddered a bit, and then moved towards where her chair had been.

But it too, had moved, when she had fallen, and she moved through its old location as well.

This seemed to make her even more distraught. She raised both hands now, groping wildly in the area in front of her, and speeding up her motion forward.

I couldn't let this go on, now. Before, I was lost in my thoughts, but now, she was clearly in distress.

So, I walked up to her, and gently caught one of her outstretched arms.

>> No.3423912

And she hit me. Hard.

Well, it was more of a swipe than a hit. After I had her left arm, she pulled towards me and swung across with her right.

I let go, of course, and stepped back again.

But she put her hands in front of her face, and leaned in slightly, in a show of embarrassment. She hadn't meant to hit me, I guess.

After a moment, she raised her hands again, and moved in towards me.

I didn't move, and let her hands find me.

Her white plastic hands found mine first, rubbing up and down my fingers, showing me how soft and delicate her own fingers were. They were ever so slightly cold, not room temperature like a plastic toy's, but still a good few degrees below human body temperature. She then ran her fingers up my arms, along my shoulders, and soon found my face.

Her head tilted slightly to the side, as she moved her left hand to her own face while her right hand continued to examine mine.

Her hand ran across my lower lip, then up my cheek, her left hand tracing the same across her own face. It wasn't a strict correspondence, as her features were quite enlarged and doll-like, but she seemed to note every difference as she went. Her hand continued across my nose, then up and towards my left eye.

I reached with my left hand to stop her before she poked in my eye.

>> No.3423922

She stepped back, and seemed to almost sigh. So much as someone who doesn't breathe can sigh, anyway.

She motioned to me, touched her face, and then shook her head.

I understood. I wasn't who she was expecting. She was expecting a different face to wake her.

I couldn't really communicate my understanding back to her, though. She didn't seem to have the human senses of sight or hearing. Judging by her sealed nose and mouth, she surely lacked smell and taste, as well.

All she had was touch.

So I thought of a way to use that, and tried to communicate.

I grasped her right hand, and motioned to myself, and then raised her hand to her face, and touched it to the gap where her eyes would be.

Her reaction was as blank as her face.

>> No.3423990

And I can't think up an ending.

Go me.

>> No.3423999
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>> No.3424003

unhid this just to say "wat"
this is as bad as those weirdos who write stories about them having sex with their appliances

>> No.3424036

>write stories about them having sex with their appliances
Post some.

>> No.3424059
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>> No.3424064
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>> No.3424067
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>> No.3424076
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>> No.3424080
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>> No.3424090 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]talk.com/ICARE
I do not like this one bit.

>> No.3424539
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>> No.3424773
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>> No.3426189
File: 99 KB, 480x720, 1205626552597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3426206 [DELETED] 

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Related topics:

>> No.3426352

See http://chan3.org/kigu/

>> No.3426769
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>> No.3427502

I was wondering when this guy would return with another interesting kig story. Bummer about the ending though. Maybe he'll think of one later.

>> No.3427551
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>> No.3427742

I actually came up with two, but I hated the both of 'em.

Maybe I can come up with a third.

>> No.3428109
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>> No.3428173
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I always ignore the stories heheheh.

>> No.3428724
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>> No.3429071

so are there any more videos with Kigurumis

>> No.3429234
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>> No.3429627

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love you to all

>> No.3429655


I am a man but ... I want to put one of those costumes.

are saying?

>> No.3429674

Doing a Mint kigurumi breaks some kind of meta barrier that should be left alone

>> No.3429717

I say this is for use on 31 October. all we ever thought of like a woman. or am I wrong.

not only good once more.

>> No.3429732

Masks cost about $1000 and are hard to come by. Made in Japan mostly or self made.

>> No.3429760
File: 278 KB, 400x600, 1249944073306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$ 1000 ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I feel bad about it. a lot of money.

I can not disguise that this 31 October???

you think

>> No.3429954
File: 136 KB, 600x800, 20090913161726_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less talking, more kig.

>> No.3429994
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>> No.3430020
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>> No.3430043
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>> No.3430065 [DELETED] 

<a href=http://kimkardashian-eivte.eventbrite.com>kim kardashian nude</a> [url=http://kimkardashian-eivte.eventbrite.com]kim kardashian nude[/url] <a href=http://jahshaka.org/forum/member.php?u=17785>MILEY CYRUS NUDE</a> [url=http://jahshaka.org/forum/member.php?u=17785]MILEY CYRUS NUDE[/url] <a href=http://dgdfgdfg.eventbrite.com>miley cyrus nude</a> [url=http://dgdfgdfg.eventbrite.com]miley cyrus nude[/url] <a href=http://vietnamitv.com/iptv/members/manlotekoe.aspx>miley cyrus nude</a> [url=http://vietnamitv.com/iptv/members/manlotekoe.aspx]miley cyrus nude[/url]

>> No.3430080
File: 329 KB, 600x800, 20090901151949daa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally.. a Kig board!

>> No.3430090
File: 317 KB, 600x800, 20090901151949878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now if you use something more conventional than that Picasa plug in it would be great.

>> No.3430128

Yes, now get out of /jp/.

>> No.3430156
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>> No.3430616
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>> No.3430624
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only if I get to keep my trip~
nah kidding.
I still post here just to claim our rightful place in JP related material.

>> No.3430633

that place doesn't do that much for me.

>> No.3430697

So do these like show up at anime conventions or something?

or are they a japan only thing?

>> No.3430873

there's not very many performers in the US. but they pop up at a convention here and there.

>> No.3430895 [DELETED] 

> I read this on http://www.anentalk.com/ (en = on) last night.
Too old.

>> No.3430925

someone in Europe go break this fuckers legs.

>> No.3430970
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