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3415887 No.3415887 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3415896

China - Getting raped by countries that are less than a quarter of it's size.

>> No.3415894

Soooo, when is Rance 8 coming anyways?

>> No.3415906

Cool story sis.

>> No.3415905
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>> No.3415910

So cute.

>> No.3415917

China: 200 years of massive failure

>> No.3415951

more china sentences ok thanks

>> No.3415957

China: hold the world's economy by the balls.

>> No.3415961

China: Mai husbando

>> No.3415963
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>> No.3415990

Who is Nancy King and why was she raped?

>> No.3416968

But...but... you're already dead!

>> No.3416984

He needs to run for president again. Get rid of this rubbish we've been getting. Things would be different around here if Teddy didn't go time traveling.

>> No.3417019

Hmm. Written by a Chinese-American author. I wonder what kind of slant she'll provide on this contentious issue.

>> No.3417030


>> No.3417036

Clearly Japan didn't inject enough horse urine into the citizens to prevent them from writing the truth.

>> No.3417051

Haha, I guess anything other than a scowl would be inappropriate given the subject matter. If I wasn't so lazy I'd shoop some happy chinaman face over hers. Or put nigger rapeman on the book cover.

>> No.3417052

>implying that glorious japan can do something wrong

>> No.3417054


Seriously, we're talking about a war here. Rape is bound to happen. Trying to deny it is just stupid.

>> No.3417069

good book

>> No.3417082


Do go on.

>> No.3417080


Too bad they sent out a hit quad to take her down ;___;

>> No.3417089

You know, the "Rape" of Nanking is mostly a metaphor.

>> No.3417101

Japan won, get over it.

>> No.3417109

What did they win? Fabulous prizes?

>> No.3417117


>> No.3417120

you mean it was consensual?

>> No.3417123

I think that's the root of the problem. There's no denying that hundreds of thousands of Chinamen were obliterated, but the overwhelming majority of them died fair and square in the context of 20th century warfare. It's just that China lost so hard that i somehow became "an atrocity." All those gruesome pictures of bodies littering a cratered landscape look like, surprise surprise, a war had taken place.

>> No.3417151

She looks butthurt のヮの

>> No.3417154

they probably told her to make a serious face

>> No.3417164


Do those damned Chinamen need to be told to do such a thing?

>> No.3417424

Drop in the bucket compared to how many Chinese died at the hands of the Nationalists and the Chinese Communist governments. They were and are just a crazily brutal/evil.

>> No.3417460

ITT: Historical Revisionism

>> No.3417462

butthurt chinks are butthurt

>> No.3417509

The Japanese did do lots of horrible, nasty things to everyone they fought, like every nation ever involved in warfare. The Chinese have also done lots of horrible, nasty things.
I think they should own up to the rape of Tibet if they want to cry about the rape of Nanking.

>> No.3419823

Chinese woman being dead

>> No.3419859

Politics: The old generation is butthurt, new generation is forced to deal with this shit.

>> No.3420201

Japan should make a hot sexy JAV called VIOLENT SEMEN INFERNO: NANKING RAPE ASSAULT

>> No.3420205

Yeah, but the Japs lost WW2 and the Chinese won against Tibet.

>> No.3420208

They sure as hell beat the Chinese, though.

>> No.3420219

Sure, but they ended up getting kicked out. Nobody would give a fuck if they'd managed to keep China.

>> No.3420224
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Any mainland chinaman will tell you that the communist government never killed anyone, just like nothing ever happened at Tiananmen Square.

>> No.3420229

