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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 235 KB, 1280x960, 0921091800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3415845 No.3415845 [Reply] [Original]

Central Connecticut State University, I am disappoint.

>> No.3415852

It was me. I drove all the way from the midwest just to post that poster.

>> No.3415850

You'll be meeting of course, right?

>> No.3415862

See you there.

>> No.3415861

And i'm sure two seconds later someone made H of this.

>> No.3415871
File: 74 KB, 605x640, 1228861638533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, hi.

>> No.3415893
File: 12 KB, 246x239, 1252303003260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you having a seizure when you took the picture or are you just so fucking retarded you can't focus on a completely still object. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.3415907

I don't see whats so bad about United Arab Emirates.

>> No.3415914


I have Parkinson's, Anonymous.

>> No.3415918
File: 145 KB, 540x372, curryrage2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have Parkinson's, Anonymous

>> No.3415931

>Amazingly Awesome Society of Mathematics

Sign me up

>> No.3415934

You should go if you want to meet people like you.

>> No.3415946


A room full of people like me would be very, very quiet.

>> No.3415947

Some point and shoot cameras don't really allow for proper indoor shooting, having very limited ISO and aperture capabilities.

>> No.3415959

Just don't complain about being ronery on /jp/ if a few months from now you have no friends at university.

>> No.3415967

This is obviously an advertisement for an Asian supremacist group, I'd like to see you race traitors just try to show up there and see what happens.

>> No.3415973
File: 28 KB, 378x284, Cauculol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese American social club

Yeah...I`ll go to that Amazingly Awesome math society instead.

>> No.3415983


I'm a senior, Anonymous. If I was going to normalfag out and get all weepy about being a shut-in, I'd wager it would've happened by now.

>> No.3415995

At my college there was a sorority called


they were music based.

>> No.3415999

Why don't the just go ahead and call it Anime and Manga club or something.

>> No.3416008

Is Senior the final year?

>> No.3416031


Barring graduate programs, yes.

>> No.3416049

Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture.

>> No.3416064

Haha what, that limit doesn't exist.

>> No.3416067

No one calls it that other than retards who think they are still in high school.

>> No.3416078


Senior is the term which is most common in the United States. "4th year" is also acceptable stateside.

>> No.3416112

No, it isn't.

Don't make up facts out of your ass.

>> No.3416140

Get out normalfags, this board is NEET only and your kind isn't welcome around here. Take your dickwaving back to /r9k/

>> No.3416195

Actually, it is.

>> No.3416269


O-shi, your subjective experience doesn't sync with the national average. Oh, woe!

>> No.3416364
File: 89 KB, 438x597, 1250989738635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attach this to that board.

>> No.3416867

I'm just hoping the one at my school doesn't come up with some ridiculous weeaboo avatar.

Thank gawd our default for anything is a Yukkuri

>> No.3416905


Nature... finds a way,

>> No.3416910

I swear I've seen that picture on a flier somewhere else.

>> No.3416933

I would go to that meeting.

>> No.3416937

Not on MY watch!

>> No.3416962

>Japanese American Culture
>Picture drawn manga style.

Usually when I see ____ American Culture. I think "Okay cool, they're gonna get together and discuss this unique culture". I bet this is just another anime club with shit organization and yaoi fangirls all over the place.

I'm willing to bet this club was not started by anyone Japanese American let alone Japanese.

What else does it say? I wanna nitpick but the picture is blurry.

>> No.3416977

What the fuck is Connecticut? One of those queer coast states?

>> No.3416978

I was going to go check out the first meeting of the year of my university's anime club today. But it was rainy so I stayed inside and went on /jp/.

>> No.3416983


"We encourage anyone interested in Japanese culture to come and learn with us!"

Then it goes through a laundry list of Japanese stuff: Sushi, anime AND MANGAAAA, etc.

>> No.3416991
File: 51 KB, 600x450, Connecticut State House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, hi, we're one of the 13 original colonies. You can read that as "the only states worth mentioning besides California" if you care to.

The Louisiana Purchase was a terrible decision.

>> No.3416993

We organize these clubs to eliminate the yaoi fangirl thread, however we are too lazy to carry out the plan. Enjoy the shitty clubs we leave behind.

>> No.3417007

I liked it better when I could read that as "part of Britannia".

Butthurt Canadian reporting in ;_;.

>> No.3417012


And that's why when I get to college I will not be joining any club related to Japan.

I have never heard a story about one of these clubs being successful or having members who weren't faggots and if I did they went to shit towards the end.

>> No.3417017

Silly, everyone knows that a major trait of most anonymous is passive-aggressive behaviour.

Since we were brought up in a society which repressed our JAPANESE SPIRIT

>> No.3417027

>when I get to college

Cyrus is underage?

>> No.3417033

I turn twenty this week.

Try again.

>> No.3417062


>> No.3417076
File: 41 KB, 1440x1233, 1253587348447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related.

>> No.3417096
File: 78 KB, 500x375, Judgemental Black man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3419592

