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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3414185 No.3414185 [Reply] [Original]

How are you doing today, /jp/?

>> No.3414198

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
Copypasta. :[

>> No.3414199

Tired, don't feel like studying for my up-coming Calculus quiz this evening. Disappointed/annoyed with all the bullshit going on in /jp/ today. How about you?

>> No.3414204
File: 203 KB, 521x774, suwaboobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good but I could use some healthy Suwako.

>> No.3414217

Take a quick nap and buckle down to study for an hour before your quiz. It'll stay fresher in your mind that way.

I'm a little depressed, so I want to see how you guys are doing to take my mind off of it.

>> No.3414224
File: 78 KB, 700x700, 8c10ef3fe4782d56b87ce9b06f137c5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty shit. I'm suppose to be writing an essay,writing a touhou fic,finishing Fate/Stay Night and looking for a job.

I'm procrastinating.

>> No.3414229
File: 106 KB, 313x415, 07d34efc31da93ef905462fffa9c0a22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, thank you.

>> No.3414232

Get yourself banned for a week or two. It helps.

>> No.3414236

Get your essay done first.

Then reading F/SN will get your creative juices flowing to write a fanfic.

I also need a job, but that's something you can worry about later. There's no shortage of them, really.

>> No.3414250


Do you feel like talking about what's wrong? Maybe you'll feel better that way. Also I would take a nap but I have to meet someone in about an hour and a half so I don't want to risk oversleeping.

>> No.3414263


I'll get to the essay later and I've been having alot of bad luck as of late when it comes to job searching among other things.

>> No.3414268
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Reading stuff and memorizing random kanji. I'm actually pretty bored, but it's not like I have anything better to do.

>> No.3414276


Yet another thing I put off doing. I really need to get my shit in order.

>> No.3414291

Other people are the problem, mostly. I have decided to off myself soon.

Practice makes perfect!

>> No.3414331


I'm assuming you can't just distance yourself from those people? Couldn't you just look forward to the time where you'll be able to move away from them? I don't think offing yourself (unless I misunderstood) would be a good solution to the issue.

>> No.3414333

You shouldn't off yourself over some petty people. You're better than that anon.

>> No.3414341

Please elaborate. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I want to help you, I just think it might be interesting.

>> No.3414342

I'm having lunch at home from school. Eating Honey Melon.

>> No.3414358


>> No.3414374

Thanks very much.

Fuck off.

Delicious. I used to eat lunch at home, too. But I ate pasta every day. At least honey melon is very good for you.
