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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 17 KB, 785x400, vdzftp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3412232 No.3412232 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread died
Username: Anonymous
Password: /jp/
Client with resume strongly recommended. Stability not guaranteed.

Post in this thread if there are problems with the server (can't get certain files, folders not accessible, server goes down), if you have a translation patch (other than C;H or SnU) that's not on the server, if you have One Outs ep24, or if you just feel like posting in this thread.

I won't be checking this thread immediately, but I'll be checking it every now and then.

That said, enjoy.

>> No.3413755
File: 275 KB, 405x540, 2f0d4b36c03ff7531b91f7fb2f5af371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTP is still online, although nobody's downloading at the moment. So, if anybody needs VNs and other /jp/-related stuff...

>> No.3413765 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
I do not like this one bit.

>> No.3413777

What's VST?

>> No.3413783



>> No.3413784


By the way, just that faggets know:
I wouldn't download from this server without a socks proxy or vpn because this could be a trick as VDZ and his eneet-friends have been payed off some months ago and could be doing data-mining for future copyright infringment procedures

>> No.3413789


>> No.3413805

Copyright infringement procedures over VN and doujin games? In any case I'm not going to trust an ftp posted on 4chan without being behind at least 7 proxies.

>> No.3413826 [DELETED] 

Thanks, all information very accurate there is no lies at all (:

>> No.3413829


Thanks, all information very accurate there is no lies at all (:

>> No.3413873


>> No.3413877

VSTs are kind of like 'virtual instruments' to use in composer programs such as FL Studio. It's not /jp/-related, but useful to some people, so I thought I'd share it since it's all in one folder anyways.

>> No.3413917

I forgot to do this last time, but thanks for all the VSTs bro.

>> No.3414004

I wish my I could do the same, crappy dsl. Thanks anyway.

>> No.3414011

Awesome server. Thanks man.

>> No.3415043

awesome server.
how much strain can it take?

>> No.3415102


>> No.3415152

Gore Screaming Show OP ED's 3rd and 4th tracks are not accessible

>> No.3415483

No idea, actually.


>> No.3415643

You're missing Battle Moon Wars, Dark Translations games (lol) and Musumaker interface (http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96398)) from patches folder.

>> No.3415656
File: 18 KB, 516x339, 1241072553847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally, a /jp/-related FTP that also contains anime can't not have Welcome to the NHK. Since I had all episodes on DVD anyways, and I now have about 25 GB of free disk space, I'm copying all episodes to the FTP folder. Windows estimates everything will have been copied in 25 minutes. They're being copied in episode order, so if you haven't watched the series yet, you can download ep1 already.

>> No.3415664

Dark Translations translates nukige, and I'm not interested in hosting nukige or patches for nukige. Interface patch probably won't be included unless it translates a significant part of the game.
Battle Moon Wars, I'll probably add that one tomorrow. Thanks for mentioning it.

>> No.3415835

Thanks for the server. I think I'll help myself to Kyouran Kazoku Nikki while I'm there.

>> No.3415949

Thanks, nice server.

>> No.3415974

I have never played a VN before. Which one should I download from here?

>> No.3416981

just pick a random one

>> No.3417736

Depends on what kind of story you like.
/jp/'s default starter is pretty much Fate/stay night, a modern fantasy action VN.
If you like moe slice-of-life, try Clannad (although you'll have to grab a leaked patch somewhere yourself).
If you like slow-paced mystery, try Ever17 or Umineko.
If you want a short but sweet story, try Narcissu, True Remembrance or Planetarian.

>> No.3417801
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 1242839000811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it froze again. Sorry people, server isn't very stable. It should work again now.

>> No.3417843

FTP servers are nice.

But what we really need is a /jp/ BBS. We can log on with our dial up modems and then share porn and exchange messages!

>> No.3417852
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1242813474387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !barYV1VtIA

>> No.3417860


>> No.3417882

How long are you planning on keeping this server up? And don't say as long as possible, please, I want to hear something specific.

>> No.3417887

Until Otome Function is released

>> No.3417893

So forever?

>> No.3417898
File: 287 KB, 640x762, 1252838215029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say anything specific, because I just don't know. I'll just keep it up until something happens that makes me want to take it down or until I'm forced to take it down.

>> No.3417920

OP why are you sharing a VSTi folder? Do you make some chiptunes with those tweakbench plugins or something?

>> No.3417938

I use FL Studio to make music, and I downloaded a lot of VSTs for use with FL Studio (although I don't even use most of them)...since they were all neatly in one folder I decided to share it since they're all on my hard disk anyways.

>> No.3418164

speaking of FL, Image-Line actually came out with a wapanese vsti lately. Was going to upload it to your folder, but realized it wasn't allowing me.

>> No.3418907
File: 42 KB, 188x250, flchan_chibi_complete_Thumb_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried it a bit ( http://tindeck.com/listen/thjl ), and it's pretty good. Thanks for pointing this out.
It's now on my FTP at /VST/Sakura.

>> No.3419535

I downloaded your VST folder. I guess some of those won't work unless I install them properly and your backup folder doesn't caintain all of the installs? On a related note: Are you german?
Oh, and thanks a lot

>> No.3419536

> Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]talk.com/ICARE
You are worse than Hitler.

>> No.3419733

>if you have One Outs ep24
Why yes I do. How so, you want it?

>> No.3419766

Thanks for this. I'll rape your server now, faggot.

>> No.3419833
File: 279 KB, 700x700, 1251779519644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really now?

>> No.3420073

Bump because I can.

>> No.3420420
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN3668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really a backup folder. It's a folder someone zipped and put up as a torrent...I just unzipped it and it put all of its contents (minus the stuff I deleted) in that folder.
Not German, though, I'm Dutch.

Yeah, but someone else already sent me the file yesterday/today. One Outs is now completely available on the FTP.

>> No.3420479

I can't access any of the folders.

>> No.3420482

What happened to that cig ?

>> No.3420489

Cool "Unable to resolve the server name" bro.

>> No.3420535
File: 731 KB, 800x600, miyako2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restarted server. Hope it works now.

>> No.3420554

Can't seem to access the pokemon medley from the Nico Nico Douga Folder.

>> No.3420573

OP, the directory of the Sekien no Inganock game file seems off. Can you fix it?

>> No.3420596
File: 80 KB, 500x500, 1252790181416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3420606

Ah, I didn't see your post about the fix. Thanks.

Great new uploads, btw. Keep it going!

>> No.3420614

As a Linux user I laugh at this.

>> No.3420660

damn its slow......
dutchfag with glasfibre here
let me down with 8mbit/sec or higher please !! hehe

>> No.3420695

going at 0,5MB/s here

>> No.3420733

ye thats why its slow.......
at least for me

>> No.3420743

I was looking in the doujin game folder, and holy shit that's a lot! I've only heard about perhaps one or two of them, are there any games there I absolutely should try out? Thanks in advance.

>> No.3420759

So, I'm stealing the capacity? Down at 2-300kB/s.

>> No.3420801

Are there any "girl games" on this server? I always wanted to play one of those.

>> No.3420802

i gues its limited to download max 600kb/s
if i use full speed to download, then other ppl will get crap downspeed hehe

>> No.3420806

Oh wait, that decrease was caused by some torrents of mine that suddenly blasted off in high speed. Well, I've previously downloaded at collected speed of over 1MB/s, which is basicly my IPS' limit.

>> No.3420807

Nice speed and contents OP.
Your FTP is pretty cool.

>> No.3420857 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]talk.com/ICARE
I always fail when I try that.

>> No.3420855


>> No.3422174

need to upload some hawt doujins there, bro

>> No.3422791
File: 965 KB, 800x600, message.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for server downtime, computer was reset, server is now working again.

If you mean otome games, I've got Yo-Jin-Bo, but I think that's all.

Try Fakku or some similiar site instead. If I were to host hentai doujins, I'm afraid lots of people might just connect to my FTP just to download the doujins, decreasing speed for other downloads.

I don't 8 mbit/sec is going to work. I've never gotten any faster connection than 3.5 mb/s to my own PC myself.

Hm, the only game there I found seriously interesting was Lemuria no Nazo, a simple yet difficult platformer based on Ever17. Other than that one, I like PetitStrikers and IkaRge (now with VDZ translation!) as well.
Mostly it's just a collection of random doujin games, regardless of quality.

>> No.3422838

No I was talking about gal games from welcome to the nhk.

I'm pretty sure the genre is eroge visual novel, I found a few on your ftp server.

>> No.3422911
File: 328 KB, 1333x1000, 1239023938381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't those simply titles such as Little Busters, Air, and other romance VNs where you just go for one girl's route?
(Speaking of which, I don't have that many of those on my FTP.)

>> No.3422917

A galge is just where there are girls you can get.

>> No.3422940
File: 199 KB, 781x559, 1250878042344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I thought so.
>>3422838 , if you really haven't played any galges, I recommend Clannad, although it doesn't contain any porn if that's what you're looking for.
As for other translated galges, there's Shuffle, Kanon and One, although generally they're not as well-liked as Clannad.

>> No.3424504

>Shuffle, Kanon and One

None of those are on the server :(

I played some of wanko to kurasou, it's pretty interesting. I also got Air because one of my friends recently bought the anime.

>> No.3424508 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anon[removethis]talk.com/ICARE
You are worse than Hitler.

>> No.3424533

Shuffle can be bought from Mangagamer (digital download) for 37 euros (52 dollars): http://www.mangagamer.com . One is on the VNDDL list: http://vnddl.webs.com/list.txt , Kanon was removed some time ago since the files seemed to be corrupt. I currently don't have clean install files for Kanon, so I'm afraid you'll have to find a torrent or something for that one.

>> No.3424545

Are there any doujin fighting games there?

>> No.3424555

Eternal Fighter Zero (characters from Moon., One, Kanon, Air), Fatal-Fake (characters from Fate/stay night), Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (Touhou). They're all in /games/.

>> No.3424573

I'm>>3424545. You don't have Vanguard Princess or the Akatsuki Blitzkampf ?

>> No.3424595

Is it Crucis FatalFake?
I think Crucis is the newer one.

>> No.3424616

It's a very old version, probably the original Fatal-Fake.

I did have the VanPri installer, but I deleted it the same day I decided to start hosting this FTP...great timing. I'll see if I can download it again. If Akatsuki Blitzkampf isn't too big, can you tell me where to download it?

>> No.3424630

Is it better ?
Also, awesome FTP mang.
Just two more hours and I'll have Cross Channel.

>> No.3424686

for galge


>> No.3424693

Vanguard Princess now on FTP, also added a Battle Moon Wars patch, but I think it's outdated. If somebody knows where I can download a newer patch, please tell me.

>> No.3424728


You need the perfect best patched version to use this patch.
Fully translated up to saber lily and magical amber last I checked.

>> No.3424745 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 251x164, 1252792826771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant connect

>> No.3424752 [DELETED] 


>> No.3424764

Is Tsukihime Plus Disk on here?

>> No.3424766

I'm really amazed by how many dutch people there are here. Niet slecht, he?

>> No.3424798

>Enterprise Application Management...

Wait what. How do I leech ftp?

>> No.3424801

Disregard that; I suck cocks.

>> No.3425264

How do I connect to this? The connection just times out when I enter into my browser.

>> No.3425360

It should work fine if you do that. It's not a server issue, it works fine from here. Or is anybody else also having problems connecting?

Thanks, patch uploaded.

>> No.3425370

Hm. I guess I'll just keep trying different things since I've been timing out since last night.

>> No.3425377

I get redirected to microfocus.com

>> No.3425500

Finally, japanese bird collection

>> No.3425568

That means you're not copypasting or typing the URL correctly.
http://archive.netbsd.se/?ml=mozilla-support-firefox&a=2008-11&t=9188824 for more details...tl;dr version is you accidentally connect to ftp.com instead of the FTP you're looking for.

>> No.3425612

I see now. Thanks.

>> No.3426062

Dude, it's not on there. I just checked, and it just isn't on there.

>> No.3427232


most of my downloads get errors and i can't finish downloading them

>> No.3427246

Learn to resume.

Anyway, is it worth it to download aoishiro from teh server?

Fucking huge and EGS score suck. But if it has even 10% of Ever17 greatness maybe I should get it.

>> No.3427265

>Anyway, is it worth it to download aoishiro from teh server?
Don't think so.

>Fucking huge and EGS score suck. But if it has even 10% of Ever17 greatness maybe I should get it.
Aoishiro is like Ever17 with great everything (art, music, branching, directing, buildup, mystery, occult) but uber fail at the ending. Between all those 56 endings hardly one of them manage to bring me any bawfest or brickshitting, since all of them are rushed.

I still don't regret playing though. Feels good to check it out myself instead of listening to this egs rating bitchfight. Reposting:

Genre: mystery/occult/action
Length: 5-7 hours per route, totaling around 25-30 hours
Pros: music, art, directing, branching, buildup, mystery, Japanese occult stories
Cons: huge size (5GB zipped, 8 extracted ready to patch), sub-par translation, untranslated menus and dictionary, disappointing resolution
What I like from this game: Momoko-chan
Recommended configuration: Image quality high, disable 'Match the monitor rate' for speed boost and unlagging video

>> No.3427629

Hey, OP...

You wouldn't happen to be the same VDZ on the animesuki forums, would you?

Just wondering.

>> No.3428527

VDZ surfs animesuki? Son, I am disappoint.

>> No.3429348
File: 423 KB, 1273x718, not amused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't surf it, but I have posted there a couple of times.


To I'm blocking you for a while. WHY THE FUCK are you trying to open 600+ connections?! You're clogging the FTP for other users, dammit.

>> No.3429357

what download client should I use?

i'm using firefox browser right now, and I'm considering just using the DownThemAll firefox addon as the client

>> No.3429362

Now look what you did. Trying to terminate all of your connections, the FTP program froze.
Sorry for short downtime, people. Hope you all have a client with resume.

>> No.3429373

so that's why. what a fucking faggot

>> No.3429380
File: 176 KB, 1072x731, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using FireFTP, another firefox addon. I don't know if its any better than Downthemall, but it's an alternative.

>> No.3429392

Can we get a list of kanas for files as well?
I can't figure out shit when it's in romaji.

>> No.3429393

alright, i'll check it out, thanks

>> No.3429408

Your downloads will fail if the text is not in romaji.

>> No.3431091
File: 38 KB, 700x525, JwrTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3432388

