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3407116 No.3407116 [Reply] [Original]

How do you college shut ins find the time to play a shitload of VNs or watch all the new anime? I always find myself studying my ass off so I don't fail and I can only watch anime 1 ep a day or play a VN for 1 hour at a time.

>> No.3407122

we flunked out of college

>> No.3407121

I'm done school but procrastination mode was always engaged.

>> No.3407130

>College shut in
>studying his ass of so he doesn't fail

Life's hard isn't it?

>> No.3407134 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
So fucking tired of this.

>> No.3407135

>studying my ass off so I don't fail
Great, a retard. Why don't you just kill yourself?

>> No.3407128

Don't know, I'm doing fine in school and I have about 6-8 hours of free time every day.

>> No.3407146

record what you do every minute of every day for a week

you'd be surprised how much time you waste doing meaningless activities and how much free time you can gain by nixing those activities

after knowing where your timesinks are, you can divert them to your desired activities, such as preparing to be NEET once college is over

>> No.3407150

I'm on /jp/. I think I found the source of my lost time.

>> No.3407156

You've got your priorities wrong, friend. Try failing for a bit.

>> No.3407160

I procrastinate and drop my classes.

>> No.3407171

I only know of one person who has no free time and he's doing a double major in engineering.

>> No.3407185

Flunk college. Problem solved.

>> No.3407194

Who are you and how do you know me?

>> No.3407196

Depends on your major, I'm in my last two semesters of English literature studies and only need 6 classes to graduate so each semester is 3 classes. Since my parents are paying for my last year in school I don't work and have nothing but free time. There were some semesters that required insane amounts of reading and I had no time for anything else (last spring and summer especially) but those semesters are past.

>> No.3407199


I'm double majoring in accounting and prelaw.

>> No.3407218

>after knowing where your timesinks are, you can divert them to your desired activities
Seriously, I once found out I spent over 3 hours a day on fapping.
Now I try to keep it at a maximum of 1 hour a day (and sometimes I even skip it completely).

>> No.3407225

/jp/ is my timesink. I'll plan to play a VN but end up checking /jp/ and f5ing it for a good 5 or so hours before I try and start the VN. By then I'm all out of energy and continue finding updates on my scanlations.

>> No.3407237

And who said we play shitload of eroge and watch anime all the day?

I, for instance, haven't finished anything since last year. I do it mostly when I'm on a vacation. Anime is another thing, since it's just 20 min every week, I can watch two or three series every season and that's it.

I just come here to make shitty threads and horrible posts when I'm bored of studying.

>> No.3407253

most ppl here dont think like that

>> No.3407254

During High School I managed to get around with spending about 1-2 hour a week on my homework.
Now I'm in university and it kind of fluctuates. I still have loads of spare time but sometimes I have to work a full night on an essay or something like that.
The only thing that really changed is the time I have to spend on my reading materials, that can be a tad problematic.

>> No.3407260

you're clearly not very good at whatever you're studying. You should really have more free time in school than you do when working.

>> No.3407266

You mean studying, right?

Because I'm pretty sure /jp/ is 70% about bored idiots trying to pass the time.

>> No.3407271

I'm an expert loafer.

Was unemployed (and done with my studies) for about 8 months and played hardly anything. It was the usual combination of guilt if I would play, and dislike for writing job applications over and over.

Now that I have a job I can play without feeling guilty, sadly I have less time for it and still loaf too much.

>> No.3407275

How do those college normalfags find time for socializing and stuff like that?
By spending that time on VN:s/Anime, you should be able to play/watch everything you want.

>> No.3407297

Fortunately as a NEET I have plenty of time to do things that I enjoy.

>> No.3408286

... I manage to do anime, vn and socialising along with college. It's really not that hard. Just step out of your room like a normal person.

>> No.3408295

I'd go to college if it was much cheaper, and if getting bad grades didn't get me kicked out.

>> No.3408305

I'm smarter, faster, and more efficient than you.

>> No.3408316

It's a shame college is more about taking easy classes to ensure a good GPA rather than actually taking classes that interest you, but may potentially ruin your grade.

>> No.3408360

Accounting jobs sound terrible.

Actually, I'm interested in going to college for it just to see what goes on in accounting, but I don't want to take it as a job or anything.

>> No.3408377

The first 2 accounting classes are pretty interesting. Then they start sucking.

I've had an accounting degree for 9 months, but I'm a NEET, so I haven't gotten a job yet.

>> No.3408398

My main gripe about college is that I don't want to major in anything. I just want to take a bunch of classes that seem neat to me.

>> No.3408412 [DELETED] 

I'm not even in college, but I will be eventually. I'm very picky about what I watch and play.

>> No.3408448

I have like 6-7 hours of free time everyday. I'm basically done with my master's degree studies (thesis short of degree), and have been doing exceptionally well so far.

Now however, I need to start writing my thesis and at the same time take the usual amount of courses to keep the student welfare coming (eurofag). I don't know what's going to happen to my eroge backlog. ;_;

>> No.3408477

Don't classes usually have a P/NP option where you get the credit without it affecting your GPA?
Actually, I'm not sure how it works because if never taken one before.

>> No.3408492

College is easy, I go to school 4 days a week, just screw around on my computer when I'm not at school until the day before an assignment is due. Then I crank it out at 4 in the morning screaming, "FUCK MY LIFE."

>> No.3408512

>I always find myself studying my ass off
I don't need to work besides uni, that might be an advantage, but basically finding four hours or so each day is no problem at all and marks are still all-A.

>> No.3408526

get out underage b&

>> No.3408544

i have no days off this semester i go to school every day during the week, work 2 jobs on weekends and still find time to enjoy a good book, paint, and watch anime/ play tohou and some times i get enough time to go out and drink with my friends

>> No.3408547

Why is it that most college people here tend to be normalfags as well?

>> No.3408548

only the vocal ones. alot of us aren't.

>> No.3408552

If you find yourself studying THAT much, college probably isn't for you.

>> No.3408561

Yeah it's pretty wierd. There's some sort of freshman-hivemind you get where even the biggest losers try to circle jerk like normal fags. Even I got sucked up in it when there was this official campus party and I saw nerds like me spazzing on the dance floor, then I left in disgust.

>> No.3408579

They're all normalfags, just most are in denial. It's no coincidence they're the first to say: Oh, I don't really have any friends only three or four people I talk to everyday and sometimes on msn. Also I'm a neet in college.

>> No.3408598

Just fail. That's what I do.

>> No.3408613

You know, you're right.

I've seen this hypocrisy on here a number of times, especially the ones who claim to be NEET while being in college. I guess it's the close proximity to other people your age and the easy availability of social contact that makes it easy for people to just get sucked in.

But I am of the opinion that those people that keep making excuses about getting into drinking and partying because of social pressure and whatnot are just deluding themselves. They were either like that before or they had a yearning to be like that before they started college.

It is a truly rare sight to see someone who upholds the shut-in ideal in college.

>> No.3408639

How can you be certain? I mean, nobody would be stupid enough to claim to be in college and a NEET in the same post, right? ...right?

>> No.3408643

>especially the ones who claim to be NEET while being in college.
Huh? People actually say that?

>> No.3408650

Oh, it's happened before.

>> No.3408659

I was in college for 5 years and never went to a single party/dance. I also have no real friends, but a couple internet friends.

I'm the real deal.

>> No.3408663

>a couple internet friends
Get out normalfag.

>> No.3408673

It happens all the time. I try to ignore these college threads, but against my better judgment I read this one.

>> No.3408674


you're not the real deal. get out.

>> No.3408703

Give me your opinion /jp/.

Every once in a while I'll join a gaming clan, but I never last more than a month (half the time the leader disappears). I tell myself I'm doing it to play with people that know what they're doing and maybe get a little more fun out of the game, but I can't help but wonder if I subconsciously want friends. Am I a normalfag?

>> No.3408704

I am all about self loathing.

>> No.3408711

>implying normal people join a gaming clan

>> No.3408718

No, dear satirist normalfag, you are all about socializing, fucking chicks, getting drunk, and partying every chance you can get.

>> No.3408722

Actually, they do.
All the people who can actually play know that every form of clans is for fucking faggots.
