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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 415 KB, 578x562, hihi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34025759 No.34025759 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a /jp/ original content/drawthread, last one was fun. Please post your creations here.

>> No.34026176

too soon for a new OC thread, perhaps?
also, if you could, please start with your OC, or at least clarify it's someone else's.

>> No.34026310

oh this was taken from >>34013397 and it's not mine
it was noticed

>> No.34032973
File: 2.29 MB, 2576x1932, sannyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34034753
File: 7 KB, 464x464, REM_sureiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too soon, but okay.

>> No.34034857

I don't know draw

>> No.34035010

son I am impress

>> No.34036131
File: 113 KB, 221x304, 1605848948261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know any

>> No.34037699

I've been practicing on and off for ~2 years and I still don't know draw

>> No.34041120

You finished it?

>> No.34041728

yes i consider it finished now

>> No.34045155
File: 234 KB, 725x725, tenko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34048662

Put every effort into your first 8 months and you won't have to waste ~2 years for insubstantial result

>> No.34050826
File: 1.29 MB, 3264x1836, 20200504_003108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a crude Reisen plush I made a few months ago. First one of these I tried time make abduction honestly it could've gone worse lol.

I mostly do embroidery nowadays, but they take really long to do, so I haven't finished one in a while

>> No.34050845

Fuck. Didnt mean to type abduction

>> No.34052566


>> No.34052708
File: 1.56 MB, 1960x2337, 20201204_130843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Constructive criticism welcome and wanted

>> No.34053007

maximum, undiluted sovl right there
need better camera and lighting
I can tell you took that pic in a poorly lit room

>> No.34053868

A paper without lines would be nice but those eyes are too cute to criticize.

>> No.34053987
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x3024, D58FAAB3-123B-4AF7-8C98-30289FFC19B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished a few days ago. For reference I used the Hellsing Ultimate “The End” card.

>> No.34053999
File: 880 KB, 1898x2048, 262916D8-9066-4B0B-8C3A-0364ED8C2867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops. Did this work?

>> No.34054030
File: 113 KB, 640x648, B338D450-8C04-4DED-93D5-F445B0E3DE10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this in the last thread. It’s been a while since I drew anything. I got alot of ideas I want to do in a similar black and white style

>> No.34054098


>> No.34054542

Just draw eyes

>> No.34055171

The patterns and hatching in your drawings are always very nice and dreamlike, I wish I had the patience to draw out patterns.

Cool Remi! Looks like she would be in a fighter.

Very cute! I was also hoping to make some plushies of my own using parts from bootlegs, what material should you use for the hair?

I think she looks very cute, but she's a little cross-eyed.

I like your scratchy style; if you keep at it, I can definitely see it becoming something extremely cool.

They look like they're having fun here, nice feeling to this.

>> No.34058542

this is super cute even if there's no real forms in it

>> No.34060283

cutie miko

>> No.34060288

You should draw a little bigger anon, that ways its easier to fit in the details

>> No.34064569
File: 2.38 MB, 2250x4000, mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after four months of drawing 2hus, I finally reached Mike
I also learnt that I still suck at feet, hands and even calves

>> No.34064746

>tfw 3 years and still haven't reached MoF characters
at this rate, maybe I'll even get to have sex before I reach the current Touhou cast.

>> No.34064776

the only reason to have sex is to draw sex better

>> No.34067538

All my little plushies are of craft felt, however if one wishes to make a knock-off fumo or something, fleece is pretty common. Usually antipill but there are loads of different kinds.

The fumo general has a discord server which has a rather large custom fumo community and have been really helpful in answering questions too

>> No.34072670

What keeps you motivated to draw or make stuff?
I just want to get good enough to get my ideas onto paper without completely hating the end result.

>> No.34073204
File: 73 KB, 659x577, 1514089155988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, doing crafts helps me feel like I've accomplished something with my time that has a net positive since I created something when I could have been spending my time doing something not beneficial like playing a video game.

Time is going to pass regardless of what you do, might as well do something productive rather than ephemeral enjoyment from a game or something.

It also makes me feel like I'm participating in a community and producing something that I'd enjoy if I were to stumble across it in a thread for example. Dunno if that makes sense to you.

Art doesn't have to be a grand thing that conveys some major emotion or something, I think enjoyment is most vital. Pic related is an amazing piece I always think of, from the 'draw you with your waifu thread'. Fucking hysterical.

I also like cute 2hus

>> No.34073293

LOL poor cirno

>> No.34073316

I've been having this dilemma of figuring out if I still should be doing things like playing games or watching anime or something when I'm not drawing, since all the things I want to draw come from games, mostly 2hu. But I hardly play games anymore. And I feel happy not doing it. But I'm scared my love for these things will fade if I don't. It's kind of a dumb fear cause I could always be grinding at art and getting better and then when I return to those things I'd be able to make cooler stuff anyway. I should read more I guess but I got kinda burnt out on 2hu stuff for a bit so then I was lost. I feel jaded and unable to consume new things but always able to practice drawing.

>> No.34074440

I've noticed the same thing happening to me, the amount of games I've played has dropped a lot recently because at the end of the day I have nothing to show for the time invested, not even being good at it, whereas if I draw I'll have some work to post and share.
Although games/movies often do inspire me to make something, so it's healthy to keep at least a little of it.

>> No.34075405
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x1836, 20200905_004515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with playing games, though like a lot of people I too find myself playing fewer and fewer things. Perhaps it has something to do with getting older/and having less time?

When one only has a few hours a night to play after work, a real choice does have to be made between practicing art or doing something else (games for example).

If you're feeling burnt out on something, not just 2hu but anything, there's nothing wrong with taking a break on something else imo. And liking other things doesn't mean you have to not like touhou as much. As for me, I'm a big kancolle fag as well as touhou, and I make stuff for both series like pic related. I like my boats sure, but they'll never take over 2hus in my heart.

Reading is great too. I spend so much time reading all sorts of shit. Mostly fanfics because I'm a retard but published shit too. It's good at inspiring one, I think. Also fun

>> No.34075731

Is there something like Vilppu but for colouring and/or colour theory? Something that approaches colouring in a rigorous and logical way, instead of leaving it to essentially what "feels right"?

>> No.34076403
File: 24 KB, 540x540, color wheel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is basically the entirety of color theory. It's all about managing warms and cools. And atmospheric perspective. Anything besides that is mostly just composition stuff or nuances of particular medium or technique.

>> No.34077033

But there has got to be a logical method to approach those things, shouldn't there? A quantifiable process for vibrancy, or for temperatures? And what about deeper techniques like gamut masking, for example? There is no way the only things out there are strictly empirical methods...

>> No.34077600
File: 71 KB, 628x647, gamut mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't overthink it. Just draw. Try some traditional painting with limited set of paints to feel colors better. Nice digits btw.

>> No.34077737

>But I hardly play games anymore. And I feel happy not doing it.
Same, if I want to replay a game or watch anime, I watch a video of it at 3x speed just to get it out of my system as fast as possible and focus on drawing.

>> No.34077782

Devin Korwin has some pretty alright twitshit posts about it

>> No.34080689
File: 424 KB, 220x250, 1601333565453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw notice a mistake and waste so much time trying to fix it

>> No.34081183

>not beneficial like playing a video game
Depends on how you play really. I feel like any game I play progresses me and makes me better at them. I'm not doing it mindlessly for some dumb fun on the lowest difficulty.
You shouldn't say things like that.

>> No.34081324

i think he meant social benefits/attention, as in, at the end of the day you can't show to the masses that "hey, look at me playing video games at highest difficulty"
for someone with a clear vision of their craft, I think he's a bit twisted, shame.

>> No.34081540

There are so many people on this planet, I keep thinking no matter what you do if you are lucky enough and meet that one sweet spot in life, you will always see people that appreciate what you do as long as you like it to put enough effort into it.
That said no one should really care about exposition. An anonymous board is really not a place for the kind of people who want attention.
I for my part love seeing people struggle in games and improve, especially if I got some experience myself in it beyond theirs so I can teach them. But I don't think I'm on topic with that discussion so I will stop talking.

>> No.34083708

Very cute

>> No.34085048

>What kind of drawfag are you
huh, I question this myself too, I have a pixiv page were I post everything I made (from porn, to comfy pictures, or landscapes) I wonder if that is ok or it will scare off people

>> No.34085260

why do you think that would scare off people?

>> No.34085355

Not him but I used to have a big audience on Pixiv and when I started posting NSFW a ton of the early and female subscribers stopped following.

>> No.34086016

how do you know they were female? (inb4 you checked every new follower at the beginning)
you lost some but also gained tons, I'm sure. How big was your audience? 10k?

>> No.34089649

I guess that was too long... Time for daily practice again.

>> No.34091628

not scare off but maybe weird out some people, that would mean less requests or views etc

>> No.34091917

I think I saw you on the Secret Santa last year.

>> No.34092774

I will do that. I draw large on pc but on paper I definitely struggle with larger drawings. Not sure why.

>> No.34093426

I've been drawing a lot of vtuber fanarts but I wonder how many anons will get triggered if I post those here.

>> No.34093442

Post them.

>> No.34093611

Why don't you post them on /vt/ instead? You know that shit isn't welcome here.

>> No.34093794

the duality of /jp/

>> No.34094350

Post it as long as its not Hololive.

>> No.34094478

Every sect of vniggers is equally disgusting.
Get out of /jp/ if you want to post that garbage.

>> No.34094718

Can you post KanColle images or monstergirl images here?

>> No.34095147

You can post them in their respective threads.

>> No.34095548

Beyond retarded.

>> No.34096268
File: 2.97 MB, 2250x4000, IMAG2784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew Takane yesterday

>> No.34098711

I know, they really shouldnt have any threads at all.

>> No.34098886

Interdimensional retard.

>> No.34098951

You will never be welcome here.

>> No.34098962

yeah, the mods are pretty fucking retarded

>> No.34099328

Multiversal retard.

>> No.34099430

OC thread isn't exclusively for touhou drawings, anon.

>> No.34099498

says who?

>> No.34099635

Post your trans pride socks and your pills faggot

>> No.34099644

Is that a RE4 reference?

>> No.34100151

I'm not a Touhou fan, sorry.

>> No.34100920

I already knew, do i have to repeat myself?

>> No.34101297

Yes. With more sense this time.

>> No.34102048

Post your trans "pride" socks and estrogen pills, freak faggot


>> No.34102248

No. Do I have to repeat myself?

>> No.34103146

just post them on /vt/

>> No.34104682

Remember, sideways for attention, longways for results.

>> No.34105202
File: 1.93 MB, 1779x1668, SPOILER_EiNUJrKVgAEBTF3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good, only needs a bit more details to make it look a bit busier and you'd have a solid piece
Lovely, I sincerely hope you pursue this hobby further
Face is OK, hair could use with less lines, remember that hair is form and texture, not spaghetti. Forms on the clothes are not defined and neither is anything really. Hands are miniscule and so are feet the feet. Practice more 3D shapes and learn how to logically think in 3D: the fabric around her arm would take the shape of her arm rather than ambiguously float around it.
Do not chicken scratch, make ONE confident line and don't oversaturate your drawing with lines to make it look busy and camouflage mistakes. You could do with learning how not to symbol draw and figuring out 3D shapes as well.
Everything looks extremely flat, the hands are minute and form is not defined anywhere. This is a case of advanced symbol drawing and would need you to really rewire your brain to start thinking in 3D.
There is a semblance of form here, the perspective of many things (the cat ears, the feet, the face, the general pelvic area) don't make sense, the face is smashed flat against the head, anatomy is mediocre and the drapery is just flatly painted on.
Everything is extremely flat, don't chicken scratch and don't symbol draw. Anatomy is bad and perspective attempts (the key with the ropes on her chest) are laughably bad.

My advice for most of you is to stop trying to draw anime and instead learn how to draw by the book: namely Fun With A Pencil by Andrew Loomis, and Figure Drawing For All Its Worth by the same guy.

I also want you all to remember that I don't mean any ill will to any of the quoted posters, but nobody has gotten anywhere by creating mediocre artwork and fishing for "good in spite of..." kind of compliments. Improvement is what everyone should be striving for and our primary objective. Popularity and riches will come by themselves.

>> No.34105288

Longways up your butt, got it.

>> No.34105313

I know, but I mostly draw touhou

>> No.34105356


>> No.34105446
File: 294 KB, 464x852, CLIPStudioPaint_2021-04-04_01-10-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went and sketched out a character design in my spare time. Not sure if the scarf looks too silly, but I think having a cool scarf is integral to the character.

>> No.34105515

She has no hat, she is going to die

>> No.34105597

Thanks for sharing your favorite boards. That's off-topic, though.

>> No.34105710

Scarves are cool

>> No.34106000

can you draw her moving?

>> No.34106047

why did you link /trash/ twice

>> No.34106443
File: 95 KB, 361x326, hlep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not good at drawing because I rarely do it and I rarely do it because I'm not good at it what do I do jp? I can never muster the spirit to go beyond poorly referenced scribbles void of understanding

>> No.34106733

Why did she need a rocket to the moon if she can just punch people to the moon?

>> No.34106775

>My advice for most of you is to stop trying to draw anime
Post discarded. Get out.

>> No.34106784
File: 766 KB, 1980x2160, yukari_neutral_forward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sprite I drew for a project that will (hopefully) be done around June

>> No.34106927

he's right though
you start by drawing realism
and then you distort realism to get the manga artstyle

>> No.34106984

You're the same person, and also incorrect.

>> No.34107027
File: 258 KB, 562x960, 1617290939502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah he's pretty spot on. All the "anime" style is making reality silly and cute.

>> No.34107083

Not necessarily realism but rather basic fundamentals

Anime is a style with very solid fundamentals and certain exaggerated features (details in the face primarily). Wanting to draw anime without any previous drawing knowledge is like trying to build a house and starting by assembling the roof.

>> No.34107197

Why are you trying to draw?

>> No.34107348

Stop shitposting, baiting, and posting images you did not draw.

>> No.34107395

who are you responding to?

>> No.34107424

basic fundamentals means realism
you will have to be able to draw a normal eye, with tear ducts eyelashes and everything to draw a manga-style eye.
I mean, just look at this illustration: >>34107027
Compare it to the normal eye
It has the canthus on both sides. Exarragated eyelashes. It even has the upper and lower eyelids. Yet it is recognisable as “anime style”.
Spacejin is a really good artist, and I can tell you for sure he would be able to draw a perfectly normal face without problems. He has the choice of simplifying his drawings or not, what feature to put in or not. He can draw whatever he want. That's because he obviously started with realism.

>> No.34107653

the anons apt at drawing always seem to have a great time in draw piles, making mascots and fleshing out scenarios no one else would think of making outside of one small community

>> No.34107658

Basic fundamentals are things like three dimensional thinking, perspective, shape, form, texture and colour theory. What you may be confusing as "realism" might be simply "drawing what you see" (very good practice and technique). Realism is NOT something you want to instill in a beginner's mindset as an idea of "mastery" because at its core it's nothing but copying, which machines do much better than humans.

>> No.34107724

So you want to have a good time in drawthreads?

This is just my two cents, but it seems that that's a little vague to provide the conviction needed to improve. Who do you want to draw, and how do you want them to look? I think if you're able to sort out your feelings about art you'll be able to draw more and improve faster. Even once you've done that it's a long, pretty much endless path but at least you can start walking down it a little faster

>> No.34108083

>My advice for most of you is to stop trying to draw anime
Words of immense wisdom. Trying to fit into a template style is such a backwards way to approach art.

>> No.34108152

Same, I can't stand to look at my drawings.

>> No.34109333

post your work

>> No.34109519
File: 228 KB, 776x1119, 1524870474379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34109593


>> No.34109703

now post your anime

>> No.34109822


>> No.34109953

you have any cute girls, my g?

>> No.34110142

but anon wheres the cute girls

>> No.34110232

what if the sole thing I want to achieve is being able to scribble somewhat decent 2hu memes.
should I just try to grind anatomy?
or keep doing mostly worthless scribbles with refs until they're presentable scribbles?

>> No.34110257
File: 1.28 MB, 5000x5000, mahorror shoujo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon that first posted this - great job. I love the unusual colours used for the reflections in Yuyu's hair.

Absolutely nuts. Love the spatial distortion going on - as always, the hatching is impeccable. The precision and accuracy in recreating the complex patterns multiple times over blows my mind.

pretty damn cool. Slayer rocks and Remi is great; cool combo and very competent sprite work.

You still have a lot of issue with symmetry and anatomy, but the ideas are there and very charming. Love the detail with the UFO.

Pretty cute hey. I like the transparency of the dress.

Just a very rough, Sailor Moon inspired Bodyhorror sketch from me in the visual department this time.

I also finished the instrumental for an arrangement for Sumireko's theme from AoCF.

>> No.34111229

Good stuff, man. How long have you been drawing/ making music?

>> No.34111246

resize your picture next time when posting please

that goes for any posting IRL drawings. just resize plz

>> No.34111287

Very good advice, man. It’s funny, I did use Loomis’ figure drawing before but it was years back when I couldn’t figure out how to read it
Coming back to it it’s much simpler and many of the topics I can grasp as second nature. I think I struggled before because I was reliant on wrist drawing instead of using my arm.

>> No.34111508
File: 481 KB, 1369x1601, 1423347165433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this yesterday after thinking about it for a long time. This cute Rumia dance animation works exceptionally with Neal and Jack and Me by King Crimson. I tried to get the dance to be transparent, so Rumia would be dancing directly on top of live footage of the band, but I couldn't find a clean transparent version so I had to settle for a slightly less opaque version of the dance with the band playing underneath.


Just praying Fripperoni doesn't take it down, or at least that Toyah will intervene on my behalf.

>> No.34112614

Very naive approach to art. As if someone who read a beginner's book like Loomis once and now thinks he knows everything. Do you also take literally the entire sphere of ukiyoe as works of novices because often the works don't apply realism or perspective or 3D thinking lmao

>> No.34112856

Enjoy your DMCA dude

>> No.34112859

Have her lean forwards a bit - it'll give a little bit of weight and solidity to what she's carrying.

>> No.34112918

Not him but ukiyoe is beautiful. One of my favourite arts.

>> No.34113135

asking the poster of >>34025759
how long do you take to make a piece? (in average) and if you use references
and asking the thread, what is a good way to learn a vast vocabulary of reference names, I have a hard time finding out references for very specific things

>> No.34113209

Exactly. It's also why that poster's approach to art is a load of crocks.

Although I'm in the minority that's more Hiroshige than Hokusai though so who am I to talk lol

>> No.34113732
File: 98 KB, 533x690, cirno_skull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My schedule is becoming a lot more busy, so I'm not sure when I will be done with this.

>> No.34113914

I've gotten lucky in the past, so we'll see.

>> No.34114494

Art is literally learning to copy and then making modifications to the copies you make

So yes

>> No.34115194

man I want to learn to play music and arrange 2hu song covers (with every instrument used) but I dont have any instruments

>> No.34115466
File: 623 KB, 595x645, Ghostly Eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how long do you take to make a piece? (in average)
2 ~ 8 hours total active time, depending on the scope. Realistically, 3 to 10 days.
>if you use references
haven't used any for about a year outside of very specific designs (tiled rooves, shinto shrine designs, etc.)

>> No.34115540

How long have you been drawing, anons?

>> No.34115715

>2 ~ 8 hours total active time, depending on the scope. Realistically, 3 to 10 days.
Do you have a job or studies? sorry for the questions, I want to organize my time more efficiently

>> No.34115938

not him but desu just draw whenever you want. Too tired? Rest or shitpost or cook, whatever. Drawing isn't mentally therapeutic when you put every inch of effort into it, this is even more true when you explore new topics or designs.

>> No.34116036
File: 1.86 MB, 2160x2880, toothy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since I was a kid, although I didn't really become a weeb and try drawing humans until end of high school/college, so about 7 years

>> No.34116328

No, my time is limited, and I want to be efficient with my time

>> No.34116411
File: 11 KB, 512x512, VAT_b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 months.

>> No.34116417

>9 months.
Holy fuck seriously? From zero drawing skill to that in less than a year? No way, tell me your secrets.

>> No.34116478

I honestly don't even remember when exactly I went from symbol drawing out the ass to this, so don't ask me for advice. One thing I can tell you is that pixel art is basically cheating, I didn't have to spend time learning realistic shading or rendering.

>> No.34116985

Digital instruments can be obtained for free through certain "methods" anon. Just get one or two or a few and have fun! You can do anything with a MIDI keyboard (you can also get by with normal keyboard+mouse but it's 10x more painful)

>> No.34121743

I mean the joke is that I played the instruments by myself and make a cover of the songs, but I'll think about that if I want to make my own songs, thanks

>> No.34123544

Jokes are usually funny.

>> No.34123691

Sorry, meant gimmick, or catch

>> No.34123696 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 1152x720, tyurhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34127710


>> No.34128370

Gimmicks are usually funny.

>> No.34128772
File: 1.14 MB, 2300x1320, collected sketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't really been doing anything other than sketches recently. I compiled all the sketches I made over the past month or so into one image.

The amount of detail you put into your images is always extremely cool, I'm looking forward to seeing the finished version of this.

The colors in this are lovely, I've always wanted to get better at drawing scenery but I always end up drawing girls instead.

Extremely cute, I'd put her in my party even if her stats sucked.

>> No.34129285

im not a funny man ok? I cant even write....

>> No.34132462

Use references and work from there.
Analyze the art because it's really just shapes and angles.

>> No.34135312

Ey thanks.
Good question. Been drawing all my life really, though with long periods of slacking and not asserting myself. I try not to dwell on it since my progress - in drawing especially - was slow and inadequate.
As for music, been doing the whole recording thing pretty seriously for about 5 years now. Some minor dabbling here and there before that, though.

That's looking hella pretty. Great stuff.

ok this tickles my fancy big time, this is absolutely great in concept and execution. Lovely character design.

Thanks! Yea details are something I tend to get lost in. Very zen process. I'll pick this one up again soon.
Also, great faces. Since there are a lot of same angles here, I assume this was the results of some practice? Over the month, but with a focus on it. Arcueid making me feel some kinda way...

>> No.34136311
File: 86 KB, 987x705, fkrmn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34136336
File: 1.41 MB, 1200x1000, chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like how this one turned out

>> No.34138531

cute! the spider lilies in the back should be more blurry and/or less saturated though. they stand out a bit too much for a background. also her left arm (your right) looks a touch too long. the human forearm is shorter than the upper arm, but the way you've drawn it suggests the opposite.

but really nice work otherwise! great work on applying thickness variations to your lining.

>> No.34139478

Really cute, but I feel like her ears should be visible from that angle.
You're the phone guy, right?

>> No.34140368

thanks for the advice! ill try to make it look more natural
thanks! i genuinely forgot ears existed since the fluffy hair i usually draw covers them up, also yeah

>> No.34140890
File: 1.42 MB, 1200x1000, chicken1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this any better?

>> No.34141182

it's just a pair of ears

>> No.34141942

i was more concerned about the arm, though im convinced that the new one looks better with some cleaning, i cant look at the old one without the arm bugging me now.
either way im done with this drawing, ill move on to something else. thanks for the advices

>> No.34142351

The arm definitely looks better, but the little fold you put where her arm bends looks weird. Cute chicken either way

>> No.34142961
File: 3.99 MB, 2132x2368, 1608494587950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have zero understanding about shading and colors, please understand

>> No.34143299

Humble bragging is a bad habit
Amazing work nonetheless

>> No.34145099

not so fast

>> No.34146083
File: 256 KB, 1111x1669, rumia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34146391
File: 1.31 MB, 2284x3386, 20210402_rumia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this for rumia day

>> No.34146902

block it out, start with everything either as light or shadow - it helps to draw a specific terminator line between the two

>> No.34146914


>> No.34147063

He's drawing 2hu not Schwarzenegger you idiot

>> No.34147190
File: 321 KB, 620x768, 044d1981579647c8dede43c7971e3834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he's drawing both

>> No.34147266

I meant this lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_(solar)
but to start, assign everything as either light or shadow with no in-between and draw the line that separates the two

>> No.34147331

Why did you post a link to the legendary 1984 action film classic?

>> No.34148004
File: 2.15 MB, 2400x1376, birb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does look better! Hopefully pic related helps with why the old one looks a bit off. It's tricky with perspective involved, but you can use the forearm as a rough measurement like I did here, since we know for a fact that the upper arm must *at least* be as long as the forearm if not longer.

You can see that the arm and hand would have fallen below the knees. That's a primate, not a chicken! Something to keep in mind for next time.

Agree with >>34142351, though, you might've overdid the folds a bit. One would've been enough I think, skin doesn't fold like clothes after all. But you're already doing a solid job otherwise! And the lillies now look better with the rest of the composition too now that they're less bold.

>> No.34148381
File: 158 KB, 951x1169, whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34148416


>> No.34154041

She's a very strong looking whore.

>> No.34155039

She performed more handjobs than there's bullets in the entirety of Touhou. Or, as Sanae calls it, Glory Curls.

>> No.34155516

does consuming touhou media make u more creative

>> No.34155531

I don't know about that, but I think Touhou gives you a lot of space to be creative on if you get what I mean.

>> No.34156190 [DELETED] 

Are you talking about Touhou bellies? Otherwise I don't get what you mean.

>> No.34156215

Are you talking about Touhou tummies? Otherwise I don't get what you mean.

>> No.34158722


>> No.34159552


>> No.34159606
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1600, practice_24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KINO Sakuya

>> No.34159627
File: 851 KB, 1200x1600, 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cooler

>> No.34159974

Can some of you draw me a fruit wearing a silly hat? Thanks.

>> No.34160049
File: 1.45 MB, 1673x1759, 005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more strong stuff

>> No.34160065
File: 564 KB, 889x1139, 009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34160096
File: 447 KB, 1143x1155, 024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn in quite a while

>> No.34162080

Did she find a reason to live?

>> No.34162201

To serve Remilia.

>> No.34164641


>> No.34164876
File: 1.45 MB, 2880x2160, vz58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34164983

can one post non 2hu stuff in here

>> No.34165022

You can post whatever as long as it is something otaku as in moefags would like and isn't some shit meme from other boards.

>> No.34172028

Yes. Do it.

>> No.34172069

dont do it its a trap

>> No.34176012


>> No.34176350
File: 10 KB, 394x578, 89051342_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this.

>> No.34177046


>> No.34179217

now we just need a dumb-looking tewi to complete the image

>> No.34179424

I could do that tomorrow.

>> No.34180744

what happened to that tails gets trolled project we wanted to do a few months ago?

>> No.34180770

College stuff most likely.

>> No.34180955


>> No.34182950
File: 332 KB, 1008x1440, 0410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got myself a new drawing tablet so I drew my OC to take it for a test run. She's moe enough, right?

>> No.34185270

Tits too small.

>> No.34187429
File: 285 KB, 1245x1421, prostitute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34188329

looking good

>> No.34189046

stop being rude or I'll call the cops on you

>> No.34189651
File: 150 KB, 942x1000, 9 Inch Persuasion Needle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop simping for filthy faith thief of I'll call the real shrine maiden to cleanse Moriya Brothel.

>> No.34190904

why does she look like someone who collects faith to exploit humanity for the greater cause only to be beaten up by an extremely angry figure that comes back every time they die
wait a minute...

>> No.34192553

Looks like she belongs on Mortal Kombat or Ninja Turtles or some other western martial arts thing.

>> No.34192897
File: 2.68 MB, 1000x2000, flan antigravity.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34193947

This is so cool and artsy

>> No.34197204
File: 20 KB, 417x580, Illustration20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't too satisfied with what I had so I kept working on it. I'd appreciate some feedback on this because I'm not sure how I feel about the shading..

>> No.34197284

It's good.
It looks like you have it down. When you approach shading, have a point where light is coming from in mind. GG man.
Here's to more input.

>> No.34197333

You should make original stuff instead of recreating dumb Twitter memes.

>> No.34199490

You should stay on twitter instead of coming here and recognizing off-board memes.

>> No.34199660

I'm in the wrong, huh?

>> No.34199768
File: 25 KB, 417x684, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34204691
File: 367 KB, 800x1200, TenguDance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't do backgrounds

>> No.34204830

might be off-topic but
what are your thoughts on senior/long-standing touhou artists that suddenly switch gears to contemporary trends such as holos?
And what about artists that switch back to touhou after some time with other trends?

>> No.34205366

All trendhoppers deserve a rope.

>> No.34205382

I won't start hating them for it, but I'm rarely interested in trends, so I usually stop following them on pixiv/twitter until they start drawing stuff I enjoy.

>> No.34205537

It's off-topic.

>> No.34205660

yeah, though it would have been stupid if I had killed a thread just for a small question. Not that pixiv/social art platform for Japanese thread didn't exist before, it's just my question was very specific that I didn't feel like it deserved a thread.

>> No.34206078

It'd be a breath of fresh air. Touhou has become so damn boring.

>> No.34206154

Fuck off crossie.

>> No.34206968

They are dead to me

>> No.34208255

seconding this, what are some source of info that teaches you how to make simple backgrounds or give you ideas of what to put behind that its not too distracting, but makes the overall image feel nicer

>> No.34208292

>what are your thoughts on senior/long-standing touhou artists that suddenly switch gears to contemporary trends such as holos?
They are lowly bandwagon jumpers, they are a FUCKING JUDAS

>> No.34208385

Start with making characters cast a shadow.

>> No.34209394
File: 839 KB, 2493x4096, EyVfUBoUUAE8Ciw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This helped me draw better backgrounds (Although I still need to learn to draw everything else).

>> No.34209762

this is pretty useful, thanks

>> No.34211523

can I dump multiple pieces here?

>> No.34212797


>> No.34212838


>> No.34212939


>> No.34212984

I don't know

>> No.34213015

can you repeat the question?

>> No.34214608
File: 1.04 MB, 1182x709, sanyoo-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, lets go

>> No.34214614
File: 567 KB, 945x1260, cirno with a gun -2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34214624
File: 489 KB, 1182x709, koishi hat -3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34214637
File: 387 KB, 1063x1772, wriggle bloomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34214646
File: 1.19 MB, 1182x709, frill fight-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34214654
File: 962 KB, 1182x709, kutaka wdding dress-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34214663
File: 337 KB, 1182x709, mclaren F1 with reimu-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34214674
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x708, moriya gang-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34214680
File: 809 KB, 709x1111, does this door leads to this world, or the world beyond_-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34214688
File: 1.23 MB, 1182x709, ichirin-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34214697

I really like these, good job!

>> No.34214704
File: 499 KB, 709x1182, star helmet-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one, critique please

>> No.34214945
File: 33 KB, 871x1128, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34215132

Your colors are quite dull and muddy. Be aware of portion of saturation you lose when your brush strokes blend with white background and black sketch. Don't render with black and white, hue variation is important.
Also, brushwork on Unzan is pretty bad, it's a mess of overlapping translucent sausages.

>> No.34215435

I'm not very experienced but I'll tell you some things that are visually bothering me.
Given the angle of the head, the eyebrows look like they are in the wrong place.
The relative position of the ears makes it look like her head is tilting to the left much more than the tilt suggested by the facial features suggest. Also >hands
Compare the head/neck/shoulders proportions you used between the two pictures. In the second everyone's shoulders are much closer to chin level, which makes them feel stocky or like they're shrugging. Also I think you might have some issues with drawing side profile face: think about turning sanae's head away from you and how close her eyes will be to the ridge of her nose, how large the nose will be, etc and compare that to what you've drawn on kanako.
The ear size/position on the two in front seems mismatched. I spent about 5 minutes confused because I thought okina was sitting on the ground against a wall instead of in some kind of chair position with her legs dangling down (in the first case, the pose has a lot of problems). I think the single horizontal edge you drew in the background was part of that confusion.

>> No.34215444
File: 105 KB, 709x1182, nah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dman I knew I shouldn't have come back to that brush, but I thought I already grew up from it, its a low oppacity round brush, one of the first ones I started to use but made things look dull and muddy, I should just drop it forever
>Be aware of portion of saturation you lose when your brush strokes blend with white background and black sketch
I always fill the drawing with base dark colors then work on then with brushes
>Don't render with black and white
dont worry, I've actually never done that haha

>> No.34215504

yeah, all these points are valid, I didnt correct them due to time limit, thanks

>> No.34215524
File: 177 KB, 293x415, imafirefly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't see any glaring issue with any of those and even think >>34214674 is great
I might be human-sighted

>> No.34221773
File: 199 KB, 800x600, 1539206645934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you stop falling into art depression where I feel like everything I do is wrong and all of this has been a waste? I like to look at my previous works but it tends to help only for a short period of time. I haven't drawn any Touhous yet as I'm still doing faceless figure drawings and generic faces.
Gesture drawing is pretty fun though. I think I'm addicted to drawing noodle men.

>> No.34221845

Usually if I feel stuck I draw it over and over again until I get something I like.
If I'm truly stuck or have nothing to draw, I just take a break.
That's all there is to it. If there's nothing pressuring you, don't force yourself to draw. Go take a walk or something. Go to the riverside.

>> No.34221983

That's possibly a good solution. I force myself to draw sometimes as I am quite stubborn when it comes to sticking to schedules. Recently I've been giving myself more "free drawing" time where instead of dedicating almost all of it to analytical drawings and studies, just drawing whatever I feel like. It's a marathon, not a sprint so I shouldn't burn myself out.

>> No.34223194

Nigga just draw.
>Recently I've been giving myself more "free drawing" time where instead of dedicating almost all of it to analytical drawings and studies, just drawing whatever I feel like
Good, as long as you aren't stuck in your comfort zone doing same shit over and over you'll improve more from drawing what you enjoy than from doing shitty exercises like copying photos and filling sketchbook with hundreds hands, heads and cubes.

>> No.34223271

>than from doing shitty exercises like copying photos and filling sketchbook with hundreds hands, heads and cubes.
This is a terrible advice, practice gives you mileage

>> No.34223496

Drawing what you enjoy is practice.

>> No.34223576

You should do both really

>> No.34224154

Drawing, let's say, 100 2hus will involve at least 100 figure drawings, 200 hands (unless you hide them like a bitch) and 100 heads anyway.

>> No.34225040


>> No.34225645

Drawing just 2hus probably wouldn't teach you much unless you were actively reworking things on every single one
I drew every windows 2hu day after day and all it tught me was how to symbol draw my ass off.

>> No.34226737

+1 for assault rifle

>> No.34230447


>> No.34230455
File: 627 KB, 1008x1440, 0410-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, what about now?

>> No.34231970 [DELETED] 

Draw some images showing how they connect to the body and now the look without anything supporting them

>> No.34231984

Draw some images showing how they connect to the body and how they look without anything supporting them

>> No.34234085

no need to be condescending

>> No.34234508

I'm curious, not condescending.

>> No.34238018
File: 288 KB, 1296x1440, hooker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34239009

mlem mlem

>> No.34239429

Isn't that a bad word

>> No.34239474
File: 555 KB, 2200x1600, 0414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this? (I've been skipping my back reps pls understand)

I think anon is within the bounds of the thread. Take it easy, anon~

>> No.34239493

i cant draw because of sudden mood swings. how do you get out of depression

>> No.34239624

Personally, I get out by drawing.

>> No.34239746

>sudden mood swings

>> No.34240814

>how do you get out of depression

>> No.34240955

This could end up bringing them out of depression or dig them deeper into the endless abyss due to lack of recognition at the beginning

>> No.34241090

Oh hey I wanted to ask you, which ones of the bunch of pics I posted looked the best overall and which one is the worst?, on a technical level

>> No.34241162

star with chief's helmet is good
clean, shows a level of expertise in brushwork and good rendering on the helmet though I have a feeling that you heavily referenced the visor part

>> No.34241170

not him btw, so you can look forward to his reply later

>> No.34241400

>I have a feeling that you heavily referenced the visor part
Yeah its a visit shine study disguised as a 2hu picture haha

>> No.34241424

These two >>34214704 >>34214674
Mister Chef Fairy is clean, with measured and confident brush strokes, lines flow well, agree with what >>34241162 said.
And bakery feels very... I don't know, deliberate? Compared to Unzan or cave with Hina, where it seemed like you were just randomly changing brushes and colors and hoping for the best, bakery piece feels like every brush stroke has its purpose.

>> No.34241495

And as for the worst, dunno, Sannyo is probably the ugliest due to shitty translucent sausages brushwork clashing with almost cell shaded body and couch being just an amorphous mess of pillows without any thought put into its form.

>> No.34242468

Alright, thanks for the feedback, that answers some inner doubts I had for them
the sausage brushwork is due to the soft round brush, it's basically a guilty pleasure because of how easy and nice it feels to use it, the Unzan pic was made in under 2 hours just messing around with it freestyle, although I agree I should not use it everywhere

>> No.34244052
File: 70 KB, 1020x662, drafting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been drawing any 2hus lately, so I'll just post my old stuff I did for keks

>> No.34244510

Now draw her making carrot cake.

>> No.34246691

I've been doing a thing where I alternate between hardcore study and finishing original art. I always do both, but I do far more of one during each phase.

>> No.34246715

it's called criticism

>> No.34248281
File: 42 KB, 891x633, xuSP77O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im drunk

>> No.34248646

hello drunk

>> No.34250466
File: 3.16 MB, 2576x1932, blocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34251158

You just wanted to draw cute girls on your studies right?

>> No.34251173

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.34251900


>> No.34252137

Having fun is wrong. Research has shown that there's an inverse correlation between absorption versus degree of fun while studying.

>> No.34252573


>> No.34255053


>> No.34256365

btw don't get too discouraged by the "brush work" thing
it will come naturally down the line if you are determined.
unless you're sunnysideup. god I hate their works, fucking years of drawing and they are still terrible, gaudy and tasteless.

>> No.34259792


>> No.34260100

the gook that usually dish out stuff like
I mean, I appreciate his will and effort, but I can't bring myself to like any of his stuff
they all seem superficial and deliberate

>> No.34262362

I like sunnyside and he does a shit ton of commissions which he charges a lot for. I don't think his art's anything too notable but be's a pretty cool guy and his streams are fun to watch. He works fast.

>> No.34262552

>I like sunnyside and he does a shit ton of commissions which he charges a lot for
I surely hope you did not mean that you like them because they do insane amount of comms that they charge a lot for? If not, then why even mention the comm? Is that a merit in the illustrator touhou scene? (asking because I have never done comm before)
but what do they stream? video games?
I can agree with their output rate.
They could be a really cool and based person in real life, I still can't like their stuff, something about them bother my eyes.

>> No.34263127

Based on what?

>> No.34263145
File: 57 KB, 553x680, based on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34263267

I agree with you dude, his art's not amazing. He even acknowledges it. Only reason I mentioned comms is because people clearly see value in his work, and he's really efficient at doing it from what I've seen. Maybe the comms and attention ruined him, maybe he'd be able to improve if he shut people out and took time to study on his own. He streams his art btw. I just like him cause he loves Yuugi and seems like a chill dude. I respect anyone who puts years of effort into painting Yuugi's tits.

>> No.34263350

>He works fast.
is this a guarantee for people to ask comms from you? if your art is decent at least

>> No.34263469

>Only reason I mentioned comms is because people clearly see value in his work, and he's really efficient at doing it from what I've seen.
I see, I see, and I understand.
>I respect anyone who puts years of effort into painting Yuugi's tits.
same, this is pretty much why I said he was "based", as in, not giving a fuck and just does what he loves, that is a merit in my book.
What bothers me the most is that his drawings just have these lewd elements that's so out of place, like, why is it like that? (also mediocre brushwork - which was my main point from the beginning)
For example, I remember scrolling on tw*tter and saw the upper half of the Ichirin holding her combat ring pic, I was like "cool" and clicked on it to view the full image, only to be greeted with the robe (kesa) somehow got these side cuts and reveal the thighs with leggings. What the fuck?
Was that a commission?

>> No.34263488

But what is he based on?

>> No.34265502

Uhm, the rest of the criticism, anon....?

>> No.34270702

>What bothers me the most is that his drawings just have these lewd elements that's so out of place
Haha, I do the same

>> No.34272227

Oh, my mistake. I thought this was the OC thread.

>> No.34272921

It is, if you want to post something go ahead

>> No.34273065

Nah I think it's usually a quality thing but taking 5 billion years to finish a commission is bad

>> No.34273097

Ah yeah it does seem out of place. The images don't feel erotic at all but he makes parts of it lewd. I think he's got a fetish for fit girls. Lots of thighs and abs. Maybe he can't resist.

>> No.34273122
File: 308 KB, 572x545, halfp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like the Yama has made her judgement and sent the thread to the Netherworld. No worry though, please follow Youmu. She'll guide you to the Archive safe and sound.

>> No.34273496

The colors in your pictures are always a pleasure to look at, great stuff dude.

>> No.34273504

Cute dork! Do you have a blog?

>> No.34274043

Is having both sfw and nsfw art on a single account weird?

>> No.34274093

take a guess

>> No.34274143

It's not weird for me, and I do it because of convenience, I wonder if it is weird for most people

I already knew about this artist, good stuff
