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340059 No.340059 [Reply] [Original]

Time for some star-shitting fun.

>> No.340062

US East.

>> No.340285
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>> No.340308

Seems like there aren't many IaMP players on /jp/. Those threads are less popular than Meltan Blood

>> No.340315

i had a thread up a couple of hours ago.. it failed

>> No.340334

whatever us west magical girl sakuyan

>> No.340399
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raaarrg invincible framesss

>> No.340407
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Beginner level

>> No.340418


>> No.340463

ggs. dubya

>> No.340473

i couldnt stop laughing, ive never played as the red chick before lol

>> No.340501


>> No.340531
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Okay I'll play.
US east keyboard advanced beginner, low intermediate, female player etc etc.

>> No.340725


GGs, I see that we were bullshitting each other the first few rounds.

>> No.340737

Thanks for the game, you're too good for my low level though

>> No.340739

Aw the strongest ;-; I was having fun.

>> No.340797

Again hosting

>> No.340809


Just a sec my damned controller quit working.

>> No.340833

sorry, pad didn't work for some reason...

>> No.340852


To be able to play we need to know your IP address.
Knowing your location and skill level is convenient.
But why do we need to know your gender again?

Attention whore?

>> No.340857

This game does not have Cirno, thus, is not worthy of playing.

>> No.341027


GGs, I see you were getting irritated at the end.

>> No.341036

So people can know who they're up against, hopefully going easy on me, and when I do beat up people, more of a HAHA moment.

Girls aren't naturally good at fighting games.

>> No.341047

I kept doing stupid mistakes, and sometimes I come close to beating you, but you still win. Also fooling around while I was playing with China ;_;...

>> No.341057
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Wow. That's lame. Girls suck at fighting games. I guess you can never get good at it.

>> No.341061


I feel like a faggot because I only know how to play Sakuya, sorry about that. My game consist of KNIFE SPAM, KNIFE SPAM, KNIFE SPAM, BOUNCY KNIFE SPAM, KICK.

>> No.341085

Go to arcades if you want that, it's more fun. And it's less about any natural ability and more about inclination to play that kind of game obsessively.

>> No.341104

need more host....

>> No.341248

wow.. marisa kicks ass. i've only used her for fun and never really tried to main her. maybe i'll look into it

>> No.341251


Buh, eyes starting to hurt.

So your sister is Marisa and your mother is Raymoo, right? Pretty cool that they're involved in your hobby.

>> No.341257

well, my mom only tried playing for one match, did like 200 damage on you

i only copied my sister's marisa, and that's how far i got

>> No.341261


Nevermind then. Buh.

>> No.341278
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well, maybe more than 200...

rehosting us west

>> No.341281

Thanks for the game, it was fun. Man, China is weak compared to other characters.

I think I played against you yesterday

>> No.341298
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I think you should stick with Remilia. Nobody should use China. China sucks. Dicks.

>> No.341311

>China sucks. Dicks.
I don't see what's so bad about that.

>> No.341323

Yeah I like her, but I'm affraid I just spam attacks instead of using some actual tactics. Needs more practice I guess. Well it was the second time that I played over the intertubes with somebody

Oh and Marisa with her SHORYUKEN broom is unstoppable. Seems like none of the attacks can get through when she does that

>> No.341329

maybe we should play remi ditto. we might learn something off each other, since i'm learning her as well

>> No.341356

You're probably way above me in terms of skill level. >>340531 said she's advanced beginner and I didn't stand a chance against her

>> No.341373


that's right I could kick your butt little man

>> No.341375

one of those reasons why i considered going trip

>> No.341382

fuck it, tripfagging it is

>> No.341392

Don't worry, nobody takes you seriously anyway.

>> No.341395

tripfagging it is

>> No.341396

I decided to be a tripfag for this exact same reason.

>> No.341400

Before I attempt to download this, I and my comp fails at the Unicode department. Do I need it for IaMP?

>> No.341407

probably so, but i'm not good with computers so you should give it a try anyways

how good are you in iamp anyways? want to play me for a bit?

>> No.341420


Unicode does not mean what you think it means.

>> No.341433


Making namefags into tripfags is my hobby.

>> No.341435

Marisa's Shoryuken Broom is, like most Shoryuken-type moves, invincible on startup. But only to melee.

She has one that's melee invulnerable and one that's graze. Youmu has it the same way. Both of Remi's DPs are melee invulnerable. Yuyuko flip is fully invulnerable. Nobody else has any invulnerability on them, though Suika firepunch has super armor and there are bullshit hitboxes abounds.

>> No.341437

Elaborate, please.

>> No.341457


Japanese games don't even use Unicode. Anyway, IAMP runs fine without applocale and shit, except for a little mojibake in the title bar.

>> No.341458

I just got the new CowCaster, so I can play IaMP again. However, I suck balls now. I'm absolutely terrible. I used to be worth my salt, but not anymore.

>> No.341489

Just make sure you take the kanji out of the directory name if you intend on netplay.

>> No.341518

Ah I see
In that case next time I'll be prepared.

>> No.341559

So why don't these caster program have a chat feature? Wouldn't that be simple to add?

>> No.341609

Not with an in-game display.

The maintainer is happy with IRC matchmaking anyway.

>> No.342259
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>> No.342495

Still hosting

>> No.342856
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