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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 80 KB, 384x559, IRL Cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3396866 No.3396866 [Reply] [Original]

(HEY JANITOR, this is serious you ass. I can't sew for SHIT and I don't even know what fabrics to use. I'm asking for help!)
So for this year's Halloween my two younger sisters want me to help them dress as Patchouli and Cirno. And I'll be damned if there is a more fitting characterization of them. The older of the two is smart, loves books and time indoors (rarely leaving her room aside from school, TV, gaming with me, and meals) and is absolutely terrible at anything and everything athletic. The younger of the two is a hyper energetic moron who thinks she knows everything when in actuality her day-to-day intelligence makes frogs seem smart. She does however love the outdoors and runs around the neighborhood playing with all the other ⑨-balls of the area.

Anyways, any thoughts on how I can go about getting their costumes put together? I'm thinking of calling up a few gamer chicks I knew from school, they'd be more then willing to throw themselves at the chance to dress up someone, anyone, in a costume they designed. (One even managed to get me into an Eliza Faust dress a couple years back, oh god, THE HORROR! Halloween 2006 has been banned from my existence. )

Pic related, what would I need to make one of those for em?

>> No.3396873


>> No.3396868

Holy fuck you moron


>> No.3396880


>> No.3396882
File: 12 KB, 176x176, Remilia_wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can I still get you'z guys opinions before I go wandering over there? Hell, you'd probably know, I bet at least a few of you have tried!

>> No.3396876

Cosplay threads are not /jp/ related.

>> No.3396883

/cgl/ is that way ---->

What the fuck makes you think we can sow?

>> No.3396884
File: 2 KB, 156x98, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3396891

Well fuck my shit.

Cause you stay indoors and don't go anywhere? I figure someone's got an odd hobby.

>> No.3396892

There's that one website that sells Touhou costumes. Google it.

>> No.3396895

That is some kickass logic. I wish it was true and /jp/ was secretly full of underwater basket weavers.

>> No.3396896

You pig.

>> No.3396899

Do they carry em in childrens sizes?

>> No.3396901

Well ... uh, I can sew ... I even have my own sewing machine ... it's uh ... for uh .... yeah

>> No.3396906

Get out mugen.

>> No.3396907

That's impossible.
Most of us, I would imagine, cannot swim, much less hold our breathes underwater for very long.

>> No.3396912

I FUCKING called that shit. So anyways, dear brethren of higher intellect a nimbler, dexterous fingers. How would you go about making a Patchouli and a Cirno outfit for the little tykes?

>> No.3396927
File: 312 KB, 687x2600, swimminglessons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with you? Swimming isn't hard.

>> No.3396932



>> No.3396935

Welcome to /jp/...
perhaps the only thread that gets 50%+ sage percentage on fail threads instead of trolls trolling trolls

>> No.3396942

JESUS $109? Christ... And Cirno's is very basic, I bet Patchouli's would cost me a leg and an arm.. Fffffuck, I'd rather make it.

>> No.3396951

"Jesus $109 Christ"
That's his name? Must be from the hood.

>> No.3396952

Are they that young that they can't just do it themselves? Typical touhou fan age.

>> No.3396955

11 & 13, not exactly the best at tailoring. Drawing on the other hand, they rock at. Yeah, sure, anyone can draw better then ZUN, but his stuff looks like innocent doodles compared to theirs. But that's offtopic. No, they can't do it themselves, not alone.

>> No.3396963

You're now obligated to post their touhou fanart in this thread.

>> No.3396965
File: 260 KB, 819x944, tirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 and 13

Sorry, neither can be Tirno.

>> No.3396966

I second this.
> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3396973

fuck off fob.

>> No.3396989

I said I don't have a fucking scanner, how can I do that? (Well, to be honest, I said I didn't upload it. But I don't have a scanner hooked up atm and my father just got back into town from a week of trucking and is crashed on the couch outside my temporary room, so I can't go unhooking the thing from the study now can I? Hell, tell you what. They tableted, photoshopped, gimped, and MSPainted most of it so I'll grab you guys the image files tomorrow or Sunday. But be warned, it's most definitely a bit trippy, specially the ones involving symbolism. Flandre makes a very strange bible if you ask me.

>> No.3396994

I always thought it was Jesus $30 Christ

>> No.3397004

Jesus "50-cent" Christ

>> No.3397032

>symbolism >11 and 13 year old girls
I can't wait.

>> No.3397040

Hey, one's got the intelligence of Patchouli and the other the stupidity of Cirno, lord knows what goes on inside their heads when they combine forces..

>> No.3397043

Do you know how to sew anything? Anything at all? No? Then how do you expect me to teach you over the internet. Cirno's outfit is the most easy basic pattern I could imagine making. If you don't know enough to even make that you're screwed. The best thing you could do is simply find someone to show you basics.

Sewing is more about cutting than it is about stitching. You can always pull stitches out but if it's cut wrong you've got nothing to work with. Just find someone who can show you basics and stop bothering us.

>> No.3397055
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1253344430111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I'm thinking of calling up a few gamer chicks I knew from school
>>gamer chicks

>> No.3397066

I made a couple pillows when I was 5.. One of em I still use actually. It's chillin here by my mousepad, preventing carpal tunnel. I've had basic experience, but it was years ago. I'm a good learner, try me anon.

>> No.3397060

If you can't sew, I don't recommend getting into full fledged attires for now. It will end up looking amateur and embarrassing, like so many cosplay shots that people want to unsee afterward.
Once you get a hang of the basics of using a sewing machine, it's pretty easy. You just have to go looking for the correct fabrics that fit the design better (Always check the texture and weight, see how it behaves.)
The rest is just drawing up a good pattern, which is the hardest part. Visualize what is needed, and how to split in a way that allows you to put it back in a proper way.

Look in google for tutorials not only from the crafts women-oriented sites, but from cosplay sites. Guides on how to make a good bow, get a decent stitch that won't leave your sisters nude on the street, and picking fabrics are plentiful, so look around, waste a few weekends on learning on your own instead of asking random people on the internet.

Good luck man, and be sure to enjoy it. Sewing can be a manly activity, one that requires not only patience and skills, but creativity and spatial cognition. Lesser men will give up, but they'd miss out on the satisfaction of seeing someone happy wearing what you made out of raw materials.

>> No.3397061

Report submitted! This window will close in five seconds.

>> No.3397089

>gamer chicks

You fucking troll.

>> No.3397108

Whoa, dude, that really helps, thanks! The manliness justification was an interesting bit of info, but that doesn't cause me concern. I'm a geek at heart and I don't really give a shit what people think of me. Besides, I've already been laid a couple times, what more is there to do in life? (Just kiddin pals, I'm not really that shallow. You can expect the pitter patter of little anonymous feet around 2018. College, then fatherhood. ZING!)

But yeah, that info will help. Thank you anonymous, you actually seemed to care. Random people on the internet rule.

-Because I can.

>> No.3397110

It's good to see an Anon that loves his imoutos.
