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3393648 No.3393648 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the USA have about 50 times more rapes than Japan when it only has 1.5 times the population?

>> No.3393653


Many reasons, chief among them under-reporting in Japan and niggers on the home front/

>> No.3393654

No Philippines?

This is bullshit.

>> No.3393660

Are you saying that for every rape reported in Japan, tens of thousands go unreported?

>> No.3393657

Because american women are too fat to run away?

>> No.3393663

It's closer to 2.5 times the population. And I'm sure statutory rape is included in these statistics.

>> No.3393671

Your math really sucks shit. The point you are attempting to make is adequate though. Japan simply has less raping.

>> No.3393691

Except that this isn't by capita, of course the United States has more rapes, we have more PEOPLE.

Granted, even given the population difference, Japan has vastly less rapes than other countries

>> No.3393696

because American bitches are sluts and whores who will call rape on their boyfriends if they get sick of them or if they piss them off.

>> No.3393715
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Probably because America is an ass-backwards shithole filled with uncivilized and uneducated mongrels.

>> No.3393716
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They have less rape because they have so many rape games /jp/. Potential rapists in japan can often satisfy their sudden urges by fapping. In America, such a game would be decried by all of society and women would hold "rape-game burnings" similar to the book burnings in the past. Of course, we /jp/edos would just be laughing as those same women got raped by Americans who don't have rape games to distract them.

>> No.3393728

Cultural views on rape in Japan are screwed up.

It's probably not in the top 5 or anything but the actual number of rapes is probably much higher than that.

>> No.3393740

Per capita is even worse, bro


>> No.3393741

Because Japan doesn't report them

>> No.3393745

Quite the opposite.

>> No.3393755

Do you commonly only read like half the post?
>Why does the USA have about 50 times more rapes >when it only has 1.5 times the population
Japan has roughly 2.3 times the population, but still.

>> No.3393769 [DELETED] 

US has ~307 million people
Japan has ~127 million people

Not even twice as much, friend.

>> No.3393777

Err, I meant USA has rouglhy 2.3 times the population of Japan.

>> No.3393791

Do YOU only read like half a post?

>Granted, even given the population difference, Japan has vastly less rapes than other countries


>> No.3393806

Japanese are known not to report these types of things.

>> No.3393807

Because Japan is one of the worst countries in the world about falsifying statistics.

>> No.3393817

Because Japanese girls are openly promiscuous starting at an early age where they whore themselves out. Seriously, its a society of whores and sluts.

>> No.3393820

What? I never claimed anything about you saying that Japan has more rapes than other countries.

>> No.3393824


And the US is one of the best countries for it, is that what you're saying?

>> No.3393840

Delusional Americans are delusional.

>> No.3393848

America is one of the most violent countries in the world. And definitely the most violent developing country.

Japan on the other hand, is one of the nicest countries. They have honor in Japan.

>> No.3393853

Canada is third, not because it has the most rapes, but the most rapes reported.
Never underestimate the Mounties.

>> No.3393855

>They have honor in Japan.
No. But they are polite and non-violent.

>> No.3393863



>> No.3393888

When I was staying there they weren't even very polite. Now it was less violent, but not terribly so.

The UK being as low as it is on any violent crime statistic is horseshit, btw.

>> No.3393902

How many Muslim nations are in the top 10? Exactly. Further evidence that forcing women to cover up their bodies is a good thing.

>> No.3393913

It also has to do with the decency of the people there, and the fact that in most of those women don't even really have the right to report it.

>> No.3393917

Japan is very non confrontational. Most Japanese men simply don't have the balls to rape a woman.

>> No.3393926


Well if they're raped what are they gonna do? A woman being raped by anyone other than her husband is grounds for her being punished in some places.

>> No.3393933

Why does the US have about 100 times more land than Japan when it only has 1.5 times the population?

>> No.3393958

Because we have 50 times more niggers

>> No.3393960

And the victims of crimes don't have the balls to report any of them, or think it will bring shame to them to do so.

>> No.3393965

I don't think you understand how serious a crime rape is in Islam. If the rapist is married, you stone the rapist. If the rapist is unmarried, one hundred lashes and banishment for one year. I'd say that's a lot better than putting the rapist in a prison where he can eat, sleep, and live off of taxpayer money. Women get more justice in Islamic countries.

>> No.3393970
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ITT we find out that the USA are a third world country and are morally and socially backwards. Where's your cultural sophistication now? Apart from the one you stole from other countries.

>> No.3393987

-Japanese victims don't report for a huge variety of reasons
-Japanese have less sex in general, consensual or not
-Getting a conviction's hard
-When even consensual sex between couples is popularly represented as the female going from "don't" to "don't stop" and whimpering/crying instead of properly moaning, how the fuck can you tell?

>> No.3393988

Cultural sophistication is for losers.

>> No.3393994

If that's the case, I prefer to be a looser.

>> No.3394004

Ask "Is it rape yet?"

>> No.3394021

That sure does account for America's rape numbers that humble even third world African nations.

>> No.3394023


And if the law says "this wasn't rape" (basically, if she's not beat to an absolute pulp and raped in front of witnesses related to her) the raped victim is stoned to death for being a slut. Don't forget that.

>> No.3394027

Except in half the cases, the woman also gets stoned for being raped.

>> No.3394040

Japan has a 99% conviction rate, what are you talking about

>> No.3394043

Everyone says this but where are the citations? Did the Taliban do this? What were the circumstances?

>> No.3394036




>> No.3394051

Stoned for adultery. She wasn't stoned for rape.

>> No.3394054


They're idiots, they claim what they want without evidence, ever.

Or, they just think the Taliban = THE WHOLE WORLD, because a few thousand fucknuts speak for a billion.

>> No.3394059

lol, the point is, a woman who gets raped is accused and convicted of adultery

>> No.3394060

I'm sorry, you guys are right. Nobody gets stoned for rape, they get stoned for adultery.

>> No.3394066


Japan has a 99% conviction rate for the complaints that actually go that far. Cops will not support / file charges for a complaint they themselves can't substantiate to their own satisfaction.

And yes, "he said, she said" never gets charges filed. Without corroborating evidence or a confession, the cops won't take an accusation any further.

>> No.3394074


The rape happened because they were niggers, not because of anything else.

>> No.3394072


Technicalities aside, she was stoned for being raped. There is no way that she chose to be gangbanged by three men.

>> No.3394068

The Taliban are actually very good representatives of Islam.

>> No.3394078

In America I wouldn't be surprised if someone reported being heavily groped in a crowd as a rape.

>> No.3394079

Are you certain that she said it was rape before or after they accused her of adultery?

>> No.3394086


Read the article. She was accused of adultery AFTER reporting the rape to police.

>> No.3394087

There's been a fuss in Japan recently that sexually assaulted women don't want to testify against the new jury system they set up in Japan this year because they don't want to tell a group of strangers what happened, so saying that rapes don't go to court is p. silly.

>> No.3394093

In the US you can be accused of rape for just giving someone a hug.

Granted people here as so ass backwards on shit that I've seen some black girl start doing the "OMG FUCKING RACISTS" thing about a manager who didn't sexually harass her.

>> No.3394113

Welp, generally in Middle Eastern countries, a woman needs more than three witnesses to convince a judge that a crime has been committed. Unfortunately for her, those three witnesses were her rapists.

Maybe she should have kept quiet? It is Somalia, after all.

>> No.3394130

Because societies where women are worth less than men are the best in the world, right?

>> No.3394145


>> No.3394171

I think I would rather live in a society where women are valued less than men. It's the argument that women are equal to men that prevents arranged marriages, and whatever society that looks down on arranged marriage is surely not the best.

>> No.3394194


Arranged marriages work in cultures where marriage is about commitment and community obligations. You know, marriage as a social contract.

Arranged marriages don't happen in cultures where marriage is regarded as a way of sanctioning already present romantic love. In the western world, marriage is about two people, not two families.

>> No.3394209


>> No.3394249


Which can work? Arranged marriages or un-arranged ones?

Marriages can always work if the couple is willing to make it work. Arranged marriages have the advantage in that the couple will always be under massive societal and familial pressure to make it work.

In cultures where personal freedoms are trumpeted above family and societal obligations it's simply a matter of the commitment of the pair to each other. Fuck those selfless societies where your entire culture, family, friends, are all pressuring you. I make my own fucking choices for my own life, and I don't answer to anyone for them by myself.

>> No.3394262

But arranged marriages are a good thing

>> No.3394270

You also have the whole issue of face values vs. beneath the ice and all that jazz, but hey, if they fucking say it works, who am i to judge? Its not like domestical abuse is a real issue everywhere in the world, arranged or not. I mean, free pussy right? Man what a luxury

>> No.3394274


According to whom, judged on what value system, from what perspective?

>> No.3394281

According to everyone not worshiping the false god of 'Women's Rights'

>> No.3394293


Right..."free pussy"...except in cultures with arranged marriage, the male typically provides for the female, and marriage isn't a free license to have sex. Wives have no legal obligation to put out...having sex with a wife who says no is still rape.

Also: there's no such thing as free pussy. It ALWAYS costs you.

>> No.3394298


I'm a guy. Say I have an arranged marriage coming up, arranged when I was 3. What choice did I have in this? Why do I WANT to marry this chick? Screw women's rights, where's my right to romantically pursue whomever the fuck I want to?

>> No.3394311

We're not good with women. You're not good with women. That's why you want to marry her: no one else will marry you.

>> No.3394331

Just because you're a disgusting wreck of a man whose given up on ever finding someone, doesn't mean everyone else is.

>> No.3394332


So your argument is that arranged marriage is good for losers who can't succeed in a free-market romantic economy?

Ok, I get that. Personally, if I was unable to attract any of the type of women I was into, I'd rather be single than chained to some torpid, awkward she-cow with about as much magnetism as I.

>> No.3394343

Why do you like deluding yourself?

>> No.3394357

Marriage isn't about anything that's been mentioned thus far. It all boils down to what you see the huge legal battles fought over when a marriage falls apart- the money.

It's an economic institution, plain and simple. For all the pomp that goes into it about 'love' and 'passion', the easiest way to guarantee a marriage falls apart is to ignore the economic effects. "Do I love this person enough to last forever?" should be replaced by "Can we tolerate each other enough to do our mortgage payments and taxes together?" "Can I trust this person with my feelings?" should be "Can I trust this person with my wallet?"

Ask the first questions, and you'll have a whirlwind journey from Las Vegas to divorce court. Ask the latter, and you've got a good chance of seeing your 50th anniversary and beyond.

Arraigned marriages work because the other members of both families have a vested financial interest in seeing it work- fuck feelings, you're getting hitched because their warehouses would go great with our trading business. Hence the polite coughing and look-the-other-way mentality when the mistresses and mysterious gentlemanly visitors arrive. Who cares if it's a complete lie? Do whatever you want as long as the contract isn't publicly broken.

>> No.3394361

Fucking like bunnies; Breeding like rats
We're shitting out the babies and I'm telling you that that's
Mad against the better judgment in our human history
Take some time to think it over; It's not difficult to see
You can wait until you're older; Or you're in a better place
Just remember there's no winner in this fucked-up human race
I know you might be searching for some meaning on this earth
(But) Don't be stabbing nature in the back by giving into birth

You're too ugly and I'm too fat
What kind of seed are we to spawn with genetic cards like that?
Plus addiction and depression is just swimming in my cum
And we are weak and dumb

>> No.3394368
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here, fixd for ya

>> No.3394378

Those are some terrible lyrics.

>> No.3394379


Ok so marriage is an economic institution. We've just been brainwashed into idealistic delusions that marriage is actually a romantic institution.

I'm actually cool with the whole turning a blind eye to affairs then. If you acknowledge that marriage is a matter of finances and not sexual love, then I'm fine with arranged marriage.

>> No.3394394

Japanese women probably report less

>> No.3394439

Hm. I never mentally tied the economic aspect in with infidelity like that. Makes sense; fits nicely.
