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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 297 KB, 399x396, soku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3392270 No.3392270 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread hit bump limit

(Can't host)

>> No.3392341

noko noko

>> No.3392471


>> No.3392508
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hosting, WC

>> No.3392514

Shit game.

>> No.3392518
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>> No.3393587


>> No.3393595 [DELETED] 

I have a lot of experience in that, OP, but I've never seen anything like this before.
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3393603

>(Can't host)

Don't create a thread if you can't host, faggot.

>> No.3393773

Nobody playing tonight?

>> No.3393796
File: 347 KB, 700x791, 1251873629996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, sure.
East Coast
Got-a-damn-headache Tier

>> No.3393819

What the hell, already busy? Another host would be fine.

>> No.3393829
File: 88 KB, 480x640, fbdf47bc8db1e09a3399497a0ebd1418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? oh goddamnit, not my ports again.. I had this working, too

>> No.3393845
File: 41 KB, 336x400, 55efc26ad05633bdaa91b4340a822253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm apparently stupid.
Better work.

>> No.3393856
File: 175 KB, 470x467, 1250539112163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3393935
US Midwest

>> No.3394003
File: 82 KB, 568x560, 1236267992374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, WC

>> No.3394239

gg, Akagi, Suika is getting tougher and tougher the more matches count. I feel like a 66C magnet.

>> No.3394242

Hey, awesoime games Lim! I kept seeing your names in the th12.3 threads but I had never played against you yet. You're really though... Reimu's your main right? Also if you have any advice I'll take it gladly.

>> No.3394283

i play a little weird with Reimu, usually baiting on when to use the teleport, and a small blockstring for corners. I use DP alot against aggressive players in wake ups. Her 66C is pretty good though.

>> No.3394330
South Brazil
If it's lagging, I shall drop out

>> No.3394380

Seems im still Useless Bunny Tier for now, best train harder.
Good show all around!

>> No.3394430

Didn't think anyone would conect

>> No.3394436

5 fps is fun

>> No.3394440


>> No.3394444
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>> No.3394448

Around what time are most people on?
And are there many lower-tier players on /jp/?

>> No.3394453

Are you still hosting? I also live in these cursed lands and I have a weak computer, so trying to play people from anywhere else in the world lags me more than usual.
I'm awful and I haven't played in a long time, but if you don't mind that, we can have some matches.

>> No.3394459
File: 82 KB, 877x620, 427e90b6d83b5e42b9e8e6fca95d5b2fa78b5e6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hostan US West

>> No.3394463 west coast
isn;t even scrub tier

>> No.3394469


I'm in your 4chan lagging your games
and you don't have to BE after every hit you block, you know

>> No.3394477


>> No.3394517 : 07500
East Coast
don't mind losing tier

>> No.3394564

ggs, as you can see I don't really know what I'm doing with Sanae, but I had fun regardless.

>> No.3394572

The effects slow you down something fierce. Sorry, it's a little too much. GG.

>> No.3394578

any other shit tier west coast players that can host?

>> No.3394579

yeah, don't know what was going on there. My friend plays utsuho and it doesn't slow down that bad usually. Thanks for that game though.

still hosting if anyone else wants to try.

>> No.3394610

its slow as hell, so its worth to try.

>> No.3394611
File: 186 KB, 850x1199, sample_b3c10ede138481840d473ec7473563dd71002035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VGGs Lim. Poor Suwako is so low tier it's hard to win with her

>> No.3394619

gg, DNP, must be hard to play Suwako alot. i heard to play right you need to keep running away and play defensively as much as you can. i could be wrong.

>> No.3394631 [DELETED] 

Copypasta. :[
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3394708

Yeah, since she can't graze continuously, it's pretty hard to make her do offensive charges. The weirdest thing is that, she hops faster backing up than going forward, it's like she was DESIGNED to run away. If only her spirit regen wasn't so crappy/there wasn't that huge ass vulnerable time when she ground graze, otherwise she'd half ass decent.

She's 35.2 on the tier chart, China (second lowest tier) is about 7 points higher than her, while Suika (highest tier) is freaking whopping 24 points higher than poor Suwako.

>> No.3394711

GGS muffkin. I kinda lucked out on that skill card in our last match.

>> No.3394727

King of not even scrubs, do you have enough 66C in stock? Good games, but 66C with Yuyuko isn't quite as safe as 66C with Yukari. Thanks for giving my Marisa some more practice, she definitely needs it!

>> No.3394737
File: 90 KB, 432x728, Hong Meiling, the name is Hong Meiling!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3394760

No, China, get back in the kitchen.

>> No.3394761

those black smokes are pretty good as defense. you just prolly need to add more, so im not sure.

>> No.3394766

thanks, just wish my connection was better

>> No.3394801

Ugggh, Bosky Sweeper is bs. It grazes, can be followed up with a 2000 damage or so combo at level 1, and if you block it you can't punish Marisa or even shove the pressure on her because she's all HURRR and jumps away immediatly afterwards. If it was like Kanako in which Sanae is not that great of a character aside from the move, I'd be cool with that, but Marisa is already a fairly solid character on her own.

Might rehost later when I'm done raging.

I'm pretty out of practice with Yuyuko, I used to main her back in swr but now I'm awful with her.

>> No.3394804

I can't believe the SWR wiki would put up such a silly chart. Of course they excused themselves by calling it an "ease of use" chart, but then, it fhat was true, why is Yukari so low, Meirin so low, Iku so high, etc etc.

And where did they get the data the chart's information is based on anyway? Pretty certain it doesn't include any of the games played here on /jp/.

>> No.3394822

Sorry, have to go, but go to touhoubrasil forums and we can get you to play a lot of brazilian people

>> No.3394823

It's from casual play as is more like how easy they are to use.

>> No.3394827

Curse cloud? I'm already running x4. They're pretty nice depending on the situation, but they're not that easy to use. It cancels itself (like any other projectile) if I am hit before it reaches its target, and it's damage, speed and range are all pretty bad. It can barely tie with half other character's basic C projectiles, while the other half either have a bigger number of projectiles that doesn't collide with the cloud and goes straight for me, or just eat right through the cloud.

>> No.3394839

Well, ggs (although I wasn't able to do anything to you....)
I'm happy to know you didn't ragequit because I quit you with Patchouli's something inside your Lag World.

And thanks for the advice, I'll check that place.

>> No.3394848

easy to use and easy to win isnt exactly the same. I find Iku quite difficult in pressuring opponents.

>> No.3394862

Because believe it or not, Yukari is more than 66C. Meiling loses to blocking because she can't force spirit crushes beyond guard breaks, and Iku was third from the top in SWR and didn't get nerfed much in Soku; she's probably second from the top in this. I agree that Iku doesn't fit her position, but many more Japanese players play Iku than anyone does in the US, obviously.

Which is just what that chart is, by the way. It's a record of the outcome of netplay battles reported by Tenco, which is several thousand players. However, it includes ALL of the battles, poorly skilled or not, which is why the chart can't be considered a tier list in the slightest. Okuu wrecks in low level play but can't do squat in higher matches, which is why she sits somewhere in the middle, and I'm sure that at the time the info was recorded, hardly anyone even knew what to do with Suwako to play her properly, thus the terribly low status.

>> No.3394890

bump for hosts

>> No.3394900 wc
Currently in a bad mood.

>> No.3394925
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>> No.3394944

probably won't work, but trying to host

>> No.3394959

>probably won't work
Indeed. Can't connect. Assuming you are running v1.03, you better examine your router or firewall (if you have one).

>> No.3394963
File: 178 KB, 1600x1200, 1241472632436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3394972
File: 589 KB, 733x733, dssa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, WC

>> No.3394985

not the firewall, but i don't know what to do with the router

>> No.3394986


wc stands for ?? water closed?

>> No.3394992

west coast, duh

>> No.3394998

Oh god you're hilarious.

>> No.3395003

Is it possible for hosts to block certain people (i.e. their ips) from playing you, but not from spectating? I know something similar was asked before, but I didn't pay attention to the answers that time.

>> No.3395010


I'll give you 5 mins. for afk, profile1p.

>> No.3395018 Central

20 mins til Smackdown tier

>> No.3395099

Ah, GGs E-MAN.

So that's what you meant by "20 minutes". Have fun, I needed a break myself.

>> No.3395100

GGs, a.a.

Thanks for the matches, but it's showtime.

>> No.3395103
Shit tier, US West

>> No.3395165

Alice in Wonderland tier

>> No.3395170

GG. Really had some close matches there but you still beat me most of the time...I really, really, hate that one Iku 5 card and facing Yukari. I don't know why, but I always have a hard time facing Yukari.

>> No.3395178
File: 313 KB, 800x600, 1251057768599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gg. LoliMew, you can be a threat in a long run at this rate. the 2 match was nerve wrecking.

>> No.3395189

ggs, i definitely need to get better

>> No.3395193


>> No.3395217
File: 868 KB, 819x1000, 1239162450508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shameful I'm-not-able-to-host bump.

>> No.3395218

Since there are no hosts...

Baka ja nai tier.

>> No.3395222


>> No.3395223

  ,r '´____// ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
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ヽ `ー一イ      \ \/ /`' `ー' -'         ダ ・ メ ・ 絶 ・ 対 !!!
 \ \ XBOX360  > /

>> No.3395238

That's a bit laggy, unfortunately... Eurofag here.

>> No.3395256


GG. I didn't even get to use Youmu yet! You should get more practice on your Alice. I faced some sick Alice players and they are so good that I can't even hit them once.

>> No.3395260
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Miko Miko Marisa

>> No.3395266
File: 1.10 MB, 2097x2441, 1253154922419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3395274

GGs Lolimew. Thanks for the practices! It was starting to get pretty laggy for some reason, and I don't like playing in lag. If you think you can fix it, I'll come back and face your Youmu ;D

That was my first serious netplay as Alice (you can tell I was getting better near the end, can't you? ;D) I'm still learning her moves and combos

Anyways, rehostan Alice in Wonderland tier

>> No.3395281

Uh wat.

>> No.3395312

Ggs, mean Cirno, too bad for the lag.

>> No.3395320

Really sorry for the short matches, but my food is done! Good games regardless, MVRC.

>> No.3395323

GGs Guy, sorry for the bad play orz

>> No.3395326


GGs. Utushko players are usually hard to catch, spamming icebergs keeps them on the ground.

>> No.3395330

Rehosting >>3395218

>> No.3395353
File: 36 KB, 465x379, marisa&#44; remilia - 1219123151438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East
Above beginner level.

>> No.3395364

Also known as, "I love making understatements" tier.

>> No.3395438

GGs, Nipah. I keep doing the same things, so I should probably go get sleep.

>> No.3395450


GGs MVRC. That last one match against your Suika I got really lucky with the final spellcard. I thought I was already done for.

>> No.3395456

Rehosting >>3395218

>> No.3395504

Hostan Canadia West, Mid Tier

>> No.3395520

Sorry for only two games gtg somewhere.

>> No.3395527


Hey, at least let me win Raymo, too few matches. GGs.

>> No.3395559

Back again!


>> No.3395572

Good games and thanks for being my third match. I'll try to improve for next time.

Some comments: I couldn't tell if your predictable style was because I suck or because it's how you play against everyone. If it's how you play against everyone, you might want to fix that problem... because I'm sure that once I understand the timing of the attacks and which bullets take priority over others, you'll be an easy match. (I didn't realize that Patchy's 4/6C took priority over the amulets and ended up getting "pwnt" by them often until the last match)

>> No.3395573

I'm in your /jp/ again, still lagging your games

>> No.3395574

gg, Anon, im not sure there, but I think you need to learn to block low, i seems to be landing 3A it all the time.

Your Patchy is a bit dangerous, so i had to use some homing projectiles for it.

Good Game.

>> No.3395575

Sorry Kijubiki, too laggy. GGs.

Rehosting >>3395218

>> No.3395592

I'll look forward to it then.

>> No.3395621

God damn internet died for nearly an hour. Sorry vvav. Rehostan US West

>> No.3395670

Thats that then, sorry for the bore!
Seems ive got plenty to learn still.

>> No.3395671

GGs Dustbunny. Pretty solid Reisen; if you learned to do her airtight blockstrings, she'd be even more effective.

>> No.3395679

Solid? Hardly apparently, or maybe im just bitter due to having a mean losing streak.
I do need to learn to be more versatile though, considering most of my sorry excuses for strings come out of her j5A

>> No.3395697
South Brazil
If it's lagging, I shall drop out

>> No.3395702

Well, you aren't clueless about how to play her, and have no problems landing mini-comboes when given the opportunity. I know I won most of the games, but I didn't see any real weakness in your game.

Then again, I'm also heavily intimidated by Reisen. Whenever I played the better IRC players here, the one character I feared the most was Reisen, even more so than Youmu.

>> No.3395709
US Midwest
Perfect and elegant tier.

>> No.3395727
File: 66 KB, 750x600, 66ab88fea16bae0d508d49c25d45fa78049679fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose this isnt so bad considering i'm just starting to get into more serious games.
The real problem is that these mini-combos are basically all I can do decently. Its still impossible for me to punish correctly, and extremely hard to deal damage in the 1800-2000 range (I only know what.. one string that can reach that damage?)
So as I said, there's still plenty to learn. I suppose the next step of that learning will be to find out more strings I can pull off and see in what situations I can make use of them.

tl;dr im gettin' better, I can get even better!

>> No.3395793

I don't know what to put. Lim considers himself "average", so what does that make you and me?

Regardless, I'm not too concerned about who I play against. When I started out, thanks to playing stronger people I improved. I don't mind returning the favor to the next wave of players.

>> No.3395824

Good games, E-MAN. Sorry if it seemed like I half-assed our second Meiling mirror; I just can't help but mess around with 22C every chance I get.

>> No.3395840

GGs Guy

Awesome Marisa tech trap at the end of the 3rd round was awesome.

>> No.3395841

Eh, I really don't bother with tiers any more. I figure that if people don't want to play me, they can just leave after a few matches.

I guess we'd be mid, though?

>> No.3395854

Half-assed mirror match? What half assed mirror match? Was I playing so badly that I didn't notice, I wonder...?

>> No.3395857

Teehee, thanks. I'm not sure how much I can help with your Meiling, you've just gotta get your combos better and maybe up your air game a little bit more. Also, make sure that if you're going to do 214B/C, it doesn't go too deep; it's not punishable as long as the tip or the portion close to the tip hits the block, any further and you're leaving yourself wide open for a combo.

>> No.3395895

Also, laser beam games are fun.

>> No.3395896

Good games vvav, I like the way you play. If I don't attack correctly then I'll be punished out the wazoo but if I do then it's satisifying to catch you.

>> No.3395899

GGs. Work on your Youmu pressure. Youmu's pressure is so strong and Patchy is so slow that it should be 2 or 3 free combos every time you get Patchy in the corner.

>> No.3395927

I'm not certain what Youmu pressure you're modeling the ideal off of, but mine is fine until people learn to simply jump out or graze forward. Actually with all my non-projectile spammy characters, my pressure relies on the player being grounded whereas you'd prefer to keep to the skies and that gave me a lot of difficulty. To what Youmu block string approach were you thinking?

>> No.3395938


GG Nipah. Always loved our Cirno Vs. Youmu matches.

>> No.3395947


Enough Youmu for me LoliMew GGs, it makes me rage too much, it must be bad for my health.

>> No.3395953

Rehosting >>3395218

>> No.3395973 Router exploded, too much power.

Rehosting >>3395953

>> No.3395977

My problem is commitment. I know the combos, but halfway through, if I see it's being ineffective, my mind start going into mashan mode and shit just starts getting pieced together. I'll break that habit by Monday, hopefully. Tonight, I'm just going to play around.

>> No.3396001

Ah, hahaha, don't worry, that happens to me too. One combo that I never saw you do was 5AAA -> 2B -> hjc. j.5A -> j.6A -> j.5C. It's a really good combo especially since it can take your opponent from midscreen to the corner, and you can punish him if he tries to air-tech out. Definitely try to do that instead of the normal dial-A stuff.

>> No.3396200

Can someone post the Winning Percentiles Chart?

>> No.3396203

Just go to http://swr.mizuumi.net/index.php/FAQ and scroll to the bottom of the page.

>> No.3396209


>> No.3396223

because of the tier list, im always seems to be fighting suika players left and right.

>> No.3396269


GGs DustBunny, your level is obviously above mine. Thanks for the games.

At least you didn't get perfect...

>> No.3396282

Rehosting >>3395973

>> No.3396283
File: 36 KB, 679x604, happycirno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta apologise for that, I was quite ticked at my recent losing streak.
Your Cirno is definitly interesting. I wish I could say 66C was getting quite predictable, but I kept falling for it, so..
Good show nonetheless!

>> No.3396301

That's why I kept using it. There are some people I can't even touch with 66C, that's when I have to low down my head and leave the safety of the ground.

>> No.3396335


>> No.3396342

Good games.
I'll feel guilty if I don't use Sakuya once in a while.
I caught on to your routine the first few games and used it against you. Try to mix up your game more.

US Midwest

>> No.3396388

Durr, only used a certain raven since the game started, also made lots of 1As instead of 3As ;_; ggs were fun.

>> No.3396517

GGs Nipah, I meant to spectate but got more than I bargained for. Good job taking down Yuyuko so easily, I find her projectile spam pretty tough to deal with when I play against her.

>> No.3396524

Sorry, but I think that's enough for me, Duck. I definitely sadfaced when random gave me Suwako for the FOURTH time. Also, holy crap I'm bad with Sakuya.

Good games!

>> No.3396526

Good games as always Guy.
Random sure likes to give you Suwako.

>> No.3396528


GGs a. a. You have great skill, you even won with fishdeck by a tiny red line ;_;

I need a morale raise. Scrub is asking for more scrubs!

>> No.3396531

Rehosting >>3395973

>> No.3396538

Hey Lurker, do you have the replay of our match where you were caught by Remilia's 5-cost Cross spellcard and hit me out of it?

>> No.3396573

>I definitely sadfaced when random gave me Suwako for the FOURTH time
Tell me about it, I'm Suwako main.

>> No.3396583

I noticed that it didn't lag much today during our games, which was a pleasant surprise.

I actually like the all system-card deck--I don't rely much on spellcards or alternate skillcards anyway and the control rods are incredibly useful.

>> No.3396587

Aren't they? Aren't they?! Don't you just love 'em?

Almost makes you want to stick 4 in every deck, right?

>> No.3396591


>> No.3396618

Not really. I'll just get killed even faster by typhoon weather when I play Sanae, even though I already have 4 weather cards in the deck.

>> No.3396728

Hehe, nice finish, DNP. My beer's done, so I think I am too. Good games!

>> No.3396732


Sounds like an excuse run around using and recharging Kanako to me!

>> No.3396740

Good games Guy. I wish I could pull off those finish in every game, then Suwako wouldn't be lowest tier anymore.

>> No.3396741

Good games Nipah, fun games as always. I don't know why I always fall for that thrown iceberg into a snowball.

>> No.3396744

Did you forget about Iku's j.2A? It's probably her best aerial approach move, and also good for defense.

>> No.3396766

Anyone else still around?

>> No.3396767


GGs Rabbit-box. Would you believe that this is the first time I see the train? I'd read a lot about it but had never seen it once before.

We got some really tight matches. Most of the time you managed to win, I guess I kept losing my focus when health bar pressure kicks in. ;_;

That Reimu VS Cirno had me at the edge of my chair. I let out a "YES" when I won hahah. Really lucky you didn't dodge the iceberg recoil.

>> No.3396773

Rehosting >>3395973

>> No.3396790

Anyone else hosting...besides Nipah?

>> No.3396791

is someone hosting; I would really like to play!!

>> No.3396794

Haha! I was really suprised at that Reimu/Cirno match too, as I thought I was out of its range way up in the corner. The choo choo train is a fun card, but there are a lot of ways to deal with it. If you can't evade it, the best thing to do is to punch the train. A counterhit will only bounce you once instead of the usual 3 times.

>> No.3396805

Haha, actually, yeah; I did. I don't really play Iku, nor am I any good with her.

>> No.3396811

Hosting again.

>> No.3397009

GGs Krad420. Very good Marisa you have, guess it's the best one I've seen yet. That broomride gimmick is incredibly annoying since it looks so punishable but isn't.

>> No.3397025

mmm good matches, even tough, your Komachi still need a lot of training.. Marisa got nerfed so badly, you take advantage of that, let me try this game a little bit more since I am still used to SWR and I havent played in quite a while, try rushing a little bit more!

>> No.3397052

>"Marisa's 66A: ...It's safe on block, but you can't poke out of it though. ..."
What in the world? You kept beating my pokes with yours for some reason off blocked 66A--I hate theoretical frame advantage when it seems to go out the window during actual play.

>> No.3397076

That was safe, and It could hit you at SWR too
but once again, the Nerfed is so fucking strong at this game!

>> No.3397079 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3397205

GGs Nipah

Don't really know what to say, nice Cirno is nice. A little 66C happy, but if it works, it works!

>> No.3397210


GGs E-man, I acknowledge my low level. It was fun winning some of those matches. Your Cirno strategy is very different to mine. As you could see, if I can't do 66C often, I fall back to traps. And you kept falling for them.

>> No.3397228

I kept misjudging the height it could hit, like I always do (i.e. Okuu's Crusher, Kanako, and now Crouchin Miko, Hidden Froggie). You did a great job at trapping me, Satoko.

>> No.3398518
File: 330 KB, 700x760, bd9228af8e883d5c56eff8cdb4f0555abf5d3e52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
East Coast
Sleepy Bunny Tier

>> No.3398814

GGs, sir. I had some fun and I hope you did too. I'm from EU so there was some delay, you didn't mind, did you?

>> No.3398818
File: 238 KB, 850x680, sample_f15237aee08beb9717a3a22dfd940e1895e44ca3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all, and I do believe ive learned some tricks from watching your reisen pound mine!
It seems tricky to pull off, but I believe I can do it with some practice.
Good show!

>> No.3398841 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
Kewl story, bro!

>> No.3399033

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3399729

plento of hosts on irc

>> No.3399814

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3399843

What the fuck Krad, hurry up and fight me so I can advance in this TOURNEY. You know how I like to TOURNEYFAG.

>> No.3400034

I still haven't had time to give this game a go. I need to make more use of my spare time.

>> No.3400272

192 168 1 0 : 10800


Hosting, E-C

>> No.3400427

any hosts?

>> No.3400446

I would host for once but I'm not sure how my connection would hold up and I'd rather I lagged than whoever I play against.

>> No.3400468
Hostan Canadia

>> No.3400523

hosting, WC

>> No.3400791

Derp ggs, scary youmu ;_;

>> No.3400799

Good games bob, I never knew how much damage that a Utsuho could do.

>> No.3400803

yeah it's pretty annoying when you're getting comboed by utsuho, shit hurts, though if she can't do nothing (derp youmu ;_;) it's good :p Let's play again someday

>> No.3401632
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Waki miko Marisa~

>> No.3401664
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Hostan US WC
Suwako tier

>> No.3401708

Good games, Bowsa.

>> No.3401714

Either something is wrong with my computer/internet (which I doubt, I can surf the web perfectly well), or whoever connected is god damn laggy. Don't connect if your connection sucks/on the other side of the globe.

>> No.3401723

>which I doubt, I can surf the web perfectly well
Fag doesn't know about protocols.

>> No.3401745

>Fag doesn't know about protocols.
Fag doesn't know what he is talking about.

>> No.3401750

Yeah, every packet over the internet travels at the same speed amirite?

Fucking hell some of you are so dense.

>> No.3401763

who is still hosting?

>> No.3401767
File: 368 KB, 1168x776, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3401784

need MOAR hosts

>> No.3401788


Herp derp tier.

>> No.3401815


>> No.3401855

>Fag doesn't know what he is talking about.
You just proved my point.

Anyways, rehostan

>> No.3401883

I think it desynced. What was with those spikes? Are you wireless?

>> No.3401895

GGs Lim, it's lagging way too much for it to be enjoyable for either of us, I'd imagine.

>> No.3401900

gg. a.a. damn, couldnt even take one.

>> No.3401901

>> No.3401932

>> No.3401936


>> No.3401988

Not workan

>> No.3402015

damn what a fool. forgot to update

>> No.3402061

GG Nipah. That's all I can play for today

>> No.3402066


LoliMew frustrating me with Youmu just when I start to play. Too soon!

GGs LoliMew.

>> No.3402072

Rehosting >>3401788

>> No.3402088

uploaded and re-hosting

>> No.3402164

GGs Nipah.
Can't think in the lag.

>> No.3402167

GGs MVRC. It was sort of laggy.

>> No.3402184

Sorry to cut it short, Lim, but I'm playing horribly. I'm inputting everything wrong, and that weird lag isn't helping much either. At least I learned that apparently Sanae's melee is faster than Marisa's, though.

Good games. Yes, I am frustrated.

>> No.3402186

gg, Guy, dunno why is it a little lag there. So hard to find a hole in your Reisen play.

>> No.3402189

Rehosting >>3401788

>> No.3402237

Eh, you took advantage of it whenever I did j.8A instead of j.5A completely by accident. Whiffing j.8A is like screaming "please, punish me!" I facepalmed so hard I almost started bleeding. I really don't know what else to say. Sometimes you time border escapes perfectly, and other times your border escaping only allows me to continue my pressure; I really don't have any suggesting when it comes to escaping Reisen strings though, sorry.

>> No.3402283


>> No.3402287

BEing is a hit and miss move, since you move so fast. I really wish theres a player record on practice mode so I can deal with that string.

>> No.3402314

How do I get the patch and unlock all characters?

>> No.3402321

GGs Nipah. Sorry I couldnt put up much a fight. Im still new to the net and I think I was getting slight bits of lag. Thanks for the games nonetheless.

>> No.3402322

Its called the Internet. You may have heard of it.

>> No.3402331


GGs Fummofu, you seem to play fine.

>> No.3402338

swr wiki

>> No.3402395

Anyone left to host?

>> No.3402404

>> No.3402407
File: 55 KB, 550x786, qchp2_loose_relation_between_wizard_apprentice_crap_scanlations.credits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3402412


>> No.3402490

If I recall correctly SWR uses UDP for its netcode. UDP makes no guarantee that any packets will be received, take the same network route or arrive in order. The benefit is that UDP is fast. Websurfing in general requires an errorless transmission of data and can afford to be much slower.

>> No.3402520

Nipah, Arbatel here, you showed me that Cirno can pack a punch. Damn I'll never dis her again

>> No.3402531

Ok, lag wasn't being nice with the poor Cirno.

GGs Arbatel. Pressing useless keys in between those lag spikes really frustrated me.

>> No.3402537

Rehosting >>3401788

>> No.3402656

ggs lyn, your sanae is pretty gar

>> No.3402671

spring haze = dead. man, your defensive style, you already got the timing 3As.


>> No.3402682

Durr you were in the IRC when I begged pono to help me get my 3As right? lol

And well, let's say a pretty good sanae? lol

And yeah last match's spring haze was lol, also careful using trains with utsuho, her backdash is pretty long

anyways going out, ggs again main,let's play some other day.

>> No.3402701

oh ic. heh. yea, gg. I want to try not use Sanae much, because some Tree growing hives because of Kanako.

>> No.3402754

GGs DustBunny. Reisen gets infinite bullets when I play against you, it just doesn't seem to stop.

>> No.3402765

Rehosting >>3401788

>> No.3402794

Ah, yes. I was drastically low on spirit most of the time, though. Really should be more careful about that.
You're quite irrirating to fight, I'll admit. Which is a good thing, mind you, as my nerves were getting rather frayed and I was beginning to make silly decisions.
Good show all around, though!

>> No.3402977

GGs Anjiru. Don't understimate Cirno! Please play with your mains.

>> No.3402991

Rehosting >>3401788

>> No.3402996

Bump for hosts. Want to see if I can pull something with Sanae, but will switch if I start to bore you.

>> No.3403003

Gone in less than a minute...

>> No.3403020


>> No.3403156

GGs again Anjiru.Try to stay out of the corners.

>> No.3403162

Rehosting >>3401788

>> No.3403185

if its shows good stuff, pls share the replay.

>> No.3403233


>> No.3403274
Temporarily hostan, Canadia

>> No.3403367
US west
irc tier

>> No.3403369

ggs vvav.
Care to explain to me what you were trying to do with Sanae?
Also, cornerape, so much fun.

>> No.3403371

GGs. You really need to just block on wakeup. Trying to mash out is just silly, since I can attack before you can.
On my first time playing her? I'm just running around abusing her C projectiles, Kanako and 66C into bullshit from the heavens SC. Gimme some time, man.

>> No.3403379
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>> No.3403386

I played Sadfacesanae a month or so ago. I was just copying what I remembered from him.

>> No.3403393

I hope you got the results you were looking for.

>> No.3403422

>I'm just running around abusing her C projectiles, Kanako and 66C into bullshit from the heavens SC.
Well that sure sounds familiar. It's pretty much all Lim and I did from the beginning and still do, and we're probably the only two Sanae mains around here.

(sadfacesanae hasn't been seen since after the first week of 12.3, so I don't consider him a regular.)

>> No.3403553

You seriously expected a naked train to work on me?

>> No.3403554

sheesh on normal games, i just cant do it. gg. wav.

>> No.3403565

not really. couldnt hit you with 66c ch even if I tried. heh.

>> No.3403568

Lunker has trained me well.

>> No.3403591

it aint easy imitating him.

>> No.3403764


GGs Rabbit box, I got very lucky the last match.

>> No.3403769

Rehosting >>3401788

>> No.3403774

Not workan

>> No.3403778

Good games Nipah, I definately can't match that Cirno with my own. That last match really came down to the wire but I wouldn't say you won it by luck.

>> No.3403825


Hmm~ My IP changed.

Nipah~ ♥ tier.

>> No.3403865

Sorry, something came up.

>> No.3403872


It's okay.

Rehosting >>3403825

>> No.3403877

Anyone hosting besides Nipah?

>> No.3403881


My Cirno has warmed up now. Come again since apparently there is no one else.

>> No.3403986

Delicious thread~

Lack of AU players :/

>> No.3403994

lol chef

>> No.3404041

There is me, Chef, and this one other guy on IRC. One or two aussies in the previous thread, but not here.

>> No.3404079

It's always great to see another Youmu player and compare styles. I'd love to play you some time LoliMew.

>> No.3404097

GG. You seem to know when to block my lows now. I wish I can play more but my stomach has been killing me

>> No.3404102


Heheheh. We are pretty even LoliMew, even with Youmu's rapedash, it's a matter of who hits first.

GGs. I really enjoyed the battles.

>> No.3404107

Rehosting >>3403825

>> No.3404181
File: 605 KB, 646x512, soku110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the afk but I HOPE THIS IS NOT A TROLL

>> No.3404195


It's laggy, we are playing in bullet time.

>> No.3404199

I want to believe. ;_;

>> No.3404244

Rehosting >>3403825

>> No.3404249


ggs dude, sorry for the afk again, has to post that one ._.

Your cirno is pretty beef, my aya needs more training ._.

>> No.3404260

Mokou is unkillable, so no broken character allowed.

>> No.3404276

Ressurection 5 card auto spell card would be lol

>> No.3404318


GGs, lag wouldn't let me go around Okuu's beams. Frustrating.

And I didn't even learn your name Patchy player. I wish we could have played more than 1 match. GGs.

>> No.3404326

Rehosting >>3403825

>> No.3404346
us west
intermediate tier

>> No.3404347

bump for players.

>> No.3404357

Oh, thread is in bump limit. Damn.

>> No.3404371


Oh, come on. You don't like Cirno? GGs anyway.

>> No.3404385

Since I can't host, someone go ahead and make a new thread.

>> No.3404388

If I get no players I create a new thread.

Rehosting >>3403825

>> No.3404642


GGs Do not pursue. I was trying to even the matches. I don't know what everyone but Cirno's spellcards do. Maybe we should try Suwako mirror matches.

Don't corner yourself, most combos aren't in midscreen but in the corner, if someone hits you they will deal a lot of damage.

>> No.3404654


By the way, you have become a lot better. I was going to take it easy but you really surprised me with the first match. You kept confusing me with the stone frog. Keep it up, since I am the 100% Cirno player and you as the 100% Suwako player, we are destined to have epic battles in the future.


>> No.3404702

New thread >>3404701

>> No.3404723

GGs. I don't mind if people keep steamrolling me continuously, but when you start randoming, that's an insult. When you randomed Iku, you can tell I didn't bother playing as hard. I didn't do any maneuvering around, just sitting there on the lily (and surprisingly won).

I have a habit of hiding in the corner. I'm working on it, but, like smoking or something, it's not easy to change overnight. Besides, Suwako have a really tough time getting out of corners since she can't really move forward safely.

That's the purpose of the stone frog, it's to confuse you and make you keep your distance so you would be careful before punishing me for j.2C dives. Besides that, it does pretty nice damage/chip damage, and is safe on block for me.

Suwako mirrors are always fun. Go make a new thread and we can have a Suwako mirror match or two. ;D
