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3390201 No.3390201 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he such a good father? I wouldn't trust the lot of you with a sweet little girl like Maggie for a second.

>> No.3390207

Why is Fallout 3 so boring and bland?

>> No.3390212

He probably keeps her inside the secret storage until he's feeling horny again and comes out to rape her in her sweet little vagina. Then he lets her out into megaton for a bit as a treat.

>> No.3390215

Why is wRPG so bad?

>> No.3390218

You can't have sex with a 9 year old. I tried having sex with a girl at that age and my dick wouldn't go in.

>> No.3390221
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I'm sure you did.

>> No.3390230

Of course, NEET is legion, etc.

>> No.3390231

Because Bethesda is ruining the genre.

>> No.3390232


So are most JRPGs to be fair

>> No.3390238

Completely depends on the girl in question. And I'm sure Zun!Bar could get his in any girl.

>> No.3390241

Most JRPGs are mediocre. Mediocre is pretty much the best you're going to get from a WRPG.

>> No.3390245

Cause either your tastes sucks, or you play bad games.
Or both.

>> No.3390249


When I play jRPGs, I don't think I'm playing a bad video game.

I think I'm playing a really good Visual Novel.

>> No.3390254

Most RPGs are generally terrible.

I liked Morrowind though.

>> No.3390257

How strange. I always feel like I'm playing a very terrible visual novel.

>> No.3390265

That's a lie, because I had sex when I was younger than that.

>> No.3390269

wRPG is dying and degrading genre. I really have no hopes for any developers these days, with the exception of Obsidian, I guess. Although I'm going to play both new Gothics right after the release. There is always a chance that it won't be a fiasco like 3rd.
jRPG is stagnated genre that lacks good developers. Pretty much the same thing as wRPGs. And I'm still going to play FFXIII.
A man can hope, right?

>> No.3390273
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1252597212541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had sex

>> No.3390281

Everyone must have had sexual experiences as a kid, despite how much they fail later in life.

>> No.3390291

>I'm still going to play FFXIII
Enjoy being part of the problem.

People need to stop buying these shitty rehash games. Same goes for 'manly shooting' shit.

>> No.3390298

>People need to stop buying
I never said I will buy it. I don't remember the last time I bought a game. Probably 3 or 4 years ago, when F2 finally got the official release in this country.

>> No.3390299


Maybe in terms of production, but pretty graphics alone don't mean much. I still like the NIS and Shin Megami Tensei lines though, since they manage to be different and keep things somewhat fresh.

>> No.3390308

>Shin Megami Tensei
The last (real, not DS) SMT game was released a rather long time ago. And if you are talking about Atlus games in general, they are built on rehash. From graphics to combat system and game-play concepts.

>> No.3390312


I saw some DFC once when I was a lad, does that count?

>> No.3390319

Your definition of real is shit.
And gameplay has had enough variations per 'line' of the franchise.

>> No.3390320

Billy Creel found Maggie after raiders killed her parents.
Moriarty doesn't trust him and thinks he was a raider who stole the girl.
Maggie is apparently very gullible, but likes her adoptive father.
She wants to kiss the little negro boy.

Nice story there Bethesda. No way to find out the truth of their origins. No way to develop the relationship between her and Harden Simms. They made an "expansive" game by giving 4 lines of story to a few dozen characters. It annoys the shit out of me that no part of any plot every comes full circle. "Use your imagination" my ass, you lazy fucks.

>> No.3390325


I'm not talking Atlus games in general, they've released some crap. And some of the SMT spinoffs like Digital Devil Saga were good.

>> No.3390332

JRPGs have more variation than any other genre except puzzle.

Platformers are always just jumping around, FPS is always just aiming and shooting, etc. Almost no variation.

Accusing JRPGs of "rehashing" is just stupid.

>> No.3390338

You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.3390340

I thought the name SMT was just tacked on to the western releases though? I'm not too familiar on the series though so I may be wrong.

>> No.3390341

Bethesta could do better than this if they were just willing to drop uneccessary things raising production costs, like voice acting. Concentrate on the massive dialogue and characterization options available in F1,2 and you're good to go when you make the 4th title in the series.

>> No.3390342

If not rehashing, they're cliche-ridden.

>> No.3390351

Fallout has decent gameplay, but holy fuck the world is so boring. The whole green deserted wasteland thing gets old after a few hours.

>> No.3390352


>>no voice acting

Feck off nostalgiafag.

>> No.3390354


They tack the SMT name onto a lot of western releases like Persona 3 and 4, DDS and Devil Summoner, yeah. But they also share some common themes, so you could argue they're all kind of related.

>> No.3390359

I know everything about what I'm talking about and am incontrovertibly correct.

See? I can make blind assertions, too.

That's true, but so is every other genre. They just usually manage to avoid making you care about the cliches.

>> No.3390366

Because hearing terrible "actors" voice the lines totally improves the game, right?

>> No.3390371

Bethesda games are horrible. They force you to entertain yourself because developers never bothered to do it, but don't give you enough tools for that.
Back in the old days we actually had lots of quests, characters and places that are actually interesting to explore. Not the same area cloned 60 times and 20 quests that you can do in a matter of minutes.

>> No.3390373

Not nostalgia, it's fact that voice acting costs money and time for the developers. Especially when you only have so much time and space to fit the dialogue into the game. I got kinda tired of hearing the voice of the same four raiders wherever I went. Only to be met with the same repetitive voices in new costumes all over. No, if they have to have voices they should be exclusive to important people and important dialogue.

>> No.3390377


Really? have you seen Alpha Effect ... I mean Alpha Protocol?


>> No.3390393

I guess we need another round of "Opinions and Facts". I found Fallout 3's world interesting and fun to explore, and to say there were only 20 quests is a ridiculous lie. It sounds more like you hate WRPGs in general and would be better served with more linear RPGs such as NWN or Dragon Age.

>> No.3390396

Not up to date on that. But it sure looked interesting.
I'm hoping there will be 3rd NWN2 expansion. Sure, not everything they did with NWN was successful, but overall I like the end results quite a lot.

>> No.3390399


Agreed on all points.

>> No.3390418


If JRPG developers could at least mix it up with the storylines that would be nice. There are plots other than "huge secretly evil church tries to bring about the end of the world" or "ancient gods reawaken and try to bring about the end of the world".

>> No.3390420

I think Fallout 3 was fun, but I only played 30 hours before I got bored. I'm not sure how some people say they put 100 hours into their file. It's a solid rpg though.

>> No.3390430

Of course there are.
But playing 6 recent known games is not the standard of the genre.

>> No.3390432

>I found Fallout 3's world interesting and fun to explore
You are very sad person. F3 world was only slightly better than Oblivion world. 5 types of locations with slight variation do not make an interesting world. Metro stations were just plain horrible.
A good examples of the world that is interesting to explore are Gothic 2 NotR, BG2 and older Fallouts. First one has rather limited territory, but it is unique. BG2 and Fallouts give you stuff to do everywhere. A lot of it.
Unlike F3 they didn't make random dungeons a permanent part of the game world that you are forced to explore in hopes of finding something interesting.
>there were only 20 quests is a ridiculous lie.
Vanilla had 30. And that's a fact. There is a counter, you know. Ten of them were main story related. There were only two long (relatively) quest lines not related to the main story. There were also miscellaneous quests like brining junk to certain people, but they hardly count.
>you hate WRPGs in general
>would be better served with more linear RPGs such as NWN or Dragon Age.
You lost me. NWN and Dragon Age are as pure wRPGs, as it gets, considering that they both have D&D roots (only spiritual in DA case).

>> No.3390451

DLC + mods + the sheer size of the world

I find myself booting it up every so often and still finding out something new every time. Occasionally I'll work on a side character, like my Kenshiro character with the Hokuto no Ken mod + other mods that make it seriously HAADO MOODO. Makes for a much more enjoyable game when I punch a raider so hard, he flies back 10 feet and his head explodes upon landing.

>> No.3390456

The people I know who have put 100+ play 360 version, so no mods. And when I say 100 hours I'm referring to one file, not side characters.

>> No.3390463

>100 hours
I cleared pretty much every single dungeon and all quests in 70. 100 seems a bit too much. Even with DLC.

>> No.3390465


It's not just a few recent games, it's been going for a long time now. I liked Grandia II for example, but hell if it didn't have the most predictable plot imaginable.

>> No.3390471

>There are plots other than "huge secretly evil church tries to bring about the end of the world" or "ancient gods reawaken and try to bring about the end of the world".
The only recent game I can think of with either (in this case, both) of those plots is Star Ocean 4, which was a terrible game anyway.

You could argue for Persona 3 and Persona 4, but you'd be ignoring the fact that the ancient gods only exist at all because people willed them into being.

>> No.3390475

I like Oblivion because I can make cute girls.

>> No.3390478

>gods only exist at all because people willed them into being.
Hardly important and not a new concept either. The general idea is the same.

>> No.3390482

Quite important, and the majority of people bring apocalypse is not used often.

>> No.3390483

>Hardly important
Then I'll also dismiss everything you say as "hardly important". Is that okay with you?

>> No.3390484

I've put about 100 hours into my main character as well, but then again, I've got mods like Cube Experimental and free DLC to take up my time.

But it's not hard to understand. Shit, I STILL haven't explored about 33% of the map yet. Bethesda definitely isn't perfect, and their recent lawsuit aimed at Interplay certainly hasn't made me look kindly upon them, but I have to hand it to them, they know how to make a game and stuff it full of hundreds of hours of content.

>> No.3390496

The is still there "ancient gods reawaken and try to bring about the end of the world".
That fact that it was decorated with the another ancient concept doesn't change anything. Gods created and powered by human faith were in fantasy settings for a very long time.

>> No.3390499

I wouldn't attribute player made content to the game company.

>> No.3390503

>That fact that it was decorated with
Wrong. It is the decoration, while the "hardly important" part is the main fucking plot.

>> No.3390508

Been done before is not what matters.
How often it's used and the presentation are.
Most people who say 'ALl the same shit' usually ignore such matters though.

>> No.3390519

>the main fucking plot.
The main fucking plot is a bunch of teenagers beating the group (or single in Adachi case) psychopath, overcoming their emotional problems and stopping the evil god bringing the end of the world.
Gods being created by a humans is a background information. You could skip it and the same exact things would happen in the game, only more bland. You can't skip the saving of the world, because it would change everything.

>> No.3390525

Mods tend to fall into Four categories:
1. Fixes for things that should have been that way at release (fixing NPC faces, unofficial patches).

2. Changes to existing content to cover over Bethesda's shitty texturists/modellers/animators (retextures, animation changers).

3. Extra content that would have been good, but couldn't be added in the game's timeframe (DLCs, new player-created lands, extra armours).

4. Flavour that depends on the player's tastes (de-greeners, companion mods, etc).

1 and 2 are down to Bethesda's shortcomings. 3 is due to the sheer size of the worlds they create meaning only so much can be done before a viable release date. Most mods really seem to fall into 3 and 4.

>> No.3390529

>implying Strega is important to the plot
I laughed.

>You could skip it
and, suddenly, Apathy Syndrome and the Midnight Channel wouldn't exist, removing the entire plot.

>> No.3390545

The fact that there are only those 4 types of mods for F3 is rather sad, really. Morrowind had a good share of large and small scale story based mods. NWN was and is practically thriving on them. BG had its share too.
But it all went downhill with Oblivion, it had few. F3 has nothing. while it could really use some good quests and storyline.

>> No.3390555

Okay, I guess I don't mind a cliched plot if the characters are compelling and the gameplay is good. Cliched characters are another thing.

>> No.3390558

I'd love to have seen a community project to rebuild some patch of America, Fallout-style. Everybody seems too focused on tiny mods though that change a few small things (HURRR PROSTITUTION/FEMALE BODY/SEXY CLOTHING MOD #4958394)

>> No.3390571
File: 25 KB, 575x539, lambdadeltatea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to complain about a vidya thread on /jp/, but then I realised that this is better than almost any Fallout/RPG discussion on /v/.


>> No.3390578

Well, America is already being rebuilt in the West Coast by the New California Republic, though by now, it should be a complete shitstorm on the west coast as they lose thousands of soldiers to the Brotherhood of Steel in a pointless war.

>> No.3390579

>Cliched characters are another thing.
Oh god, yes. Cliched characters is the cancer killing everything.

>> No.3390606

>implying Strega is important to the plot
They were main antagonists. Killed two (3) characters and that had a VERY significant effect on a majority of the team. Shitty, yes, but that's a writers fault.
>Apathy Syndrome and the Midnight Channel
Apathy and Fog are your regular effects of the Evil God coming.. They are only there because the Evil God is coming., nobody would care about them otherwise.
Late Personas (and DS1 too, never bothered with the second) are build around the incoming of the gods and then decorated in your usual SMT fashion.

>> No.3390610

My favourite rpg on the PS2 is probably Radiata Stories.

>> No.3390616

The point is why they come.

Saving the world is not a cliche, the reasoning and build-up are.

>> No.3390627

Why do JRPGs suck so much?

So do WRPGs mind you.

>> No.3390637

>Saving the world is not a cliche
But that's the oldest trope ever. Reasoning and build-up can refresh it, but they won't change the fact that this is one of the most overused and boring concepts.

>> No.3390645

>They were main antagonists. Killed two (3) characters and that had a VERY significant effect on a majority of the team.
And yet the story would have been effectively the same even if they hadn't existed.

>Apathy and Fog are your regular effects of the Evil God coming..
And being told you will be able to eat cake is your regular effect of a rogue AI using you as a lab rat.


>> No.3390646

Every genre only has a few great games, some good ones with shortcomings, and a lot of mediocre shit.
Jrpgs or Wrpgs are not inherently better, and they suffer from bad games.
Smart people keep trying till they find the good ones they like.

>> No.3390658

At least Stalker has some bitchin' mods.

>> No.3390661

>Reasoning and build-up can refresh it, but they won't change the fact that this is one of the most overused and boring concepts.
You can apply this bullshit "logic" to any conflict ever used in anything ever made once you strip it down to something so general and universal.

>> No.3390664

>Why do JRPGs suck so much?
Japanese are only good at action games. They were always good at it.
>So do WRPGs mind you.
Same goes for the western developers, but for a different reasons. They went for a profit and mostly killed the genre way back in the day.
Both genres could be good, if they had bigger auditory, budgets and more developers.
Right now there are bunch of niche and one two decent companies in both genres. Not enough, really.

>> No.3390665

I suppose that's what I did. I like some WRPGs but most of them suck. I have yet to find a JRPG I like though.

I think the only one I liked as a kid was Shining Force 2, and maybe it's just nostalgia now.

>> No.3390670

When I was 9 I had sex with a 9 year old. If you aren't an idiot you'd know how to get your dick inside.

>> No.3390674

With this logic, 'saving anything on any way' is a cliche.
And that's stupid.

>> No.3390675

Also, I'm impressed.

Saying that on /v/ would have created a shitstorm and no well structured answers would have been posted during said shitstorm.

>> No.3390678

I like STALKER and Fallout.

They're pretty different games though.

>> No.3390679

What systems do you have (or emulators that you have in handy)?
I'll give you a few pointers.

>> No.3390686


There's always the matter of taste, I guess. I like SMT Nocturne and Disgaea but I can see how a lot of people would hate both.

>> No.3390687

True enough.

Also, I noted WRPGs at least have a better good/shit ratio since less games are released each year. You have like, maybe 4 released during a year and 1 or 2 of them are good.

Instead, JRPGs are released in hundreds per year, but most of them suck.

>> No.3390696

>JRPGs are released in hundreds per year
And now we know you're just a troll.

>> No.3390697


I haven't played STALKER, what mods does it have?

>> No.3390704


>> No.3390711

Ok, fine I went overboard. Let's say uhh... 50 per year?

I really don't know how many come out in consoles + portable consoles, but I'm pretty sure they are quite a lot.

>> No.3390718 [DELETED] 

F4 is pretty much set to be in the Commonwealth given how much it's referenced in-game. Pittsborough is obviously done. Point Lookout did South America. Previous Fallout games did the midwest, kinda.

Not a lot left. Maybe Alaska? The snow would be an interesting change of pace, making it a desolate frozen wasteland instead of BROWN 'N DIRT.

>> No.3390714

And don't forget many come out in japland only, and aren't translated.

>> No.3390723

F4 is pretty much set to be in the Commonwealth given how much it's referenced in-game. Pittsborough is obviously done. Point Lookout did the Southern US. Previous Fallout games did the midwest, kinda.

Not a lot left. Maybe Alaska? The snow would be an interesting change of pace, making it a desolate frozen wasteland instead of BROWN 'N DIRT.

>> No.3390726

Well, there are a lot of them, compared to WRPGs.
There are what, 2-3 WRPG projects per year in the very best case. WRPG niche products usually don't even make it to the shops, so they hardly counts.

>> No.3390727


Shitloads, some of them almost completely change the game, like Oblivion Lost and LURK if it ever comes out. There are also weapon mods, realism mods, mods that add new quests.


>> No.3390731


Some stuff like this is in Fallout 3 too, y'know.

>> No.3390733

I wish I could play Fallout 3 + expansions now. For some reason the game freezes or crashes randomly everytime I try to play it.

I've tried a lot of fixes too.

>> No.3390737


did you not play Operation: Anchorage?

>> No.3390740

>desolate frozen wasteland
Skyrim with guns.

>> No.3390741

you playing on PC or consoles?

>> No.3390748

Yes, but that was a military sim set during the war. COmpletely different to a free-roaming post-war landscape and mood.

>> No.3390749


>> No.3390751

Wasn't about current events.

>> No.3390760

>I really don't know...
Of course you don't. You've played a few here and there, didn't like them that much, and now accuse the entire genre of being super-mass-produced shovelware without any evidence or logic. No offense intended; that's just what it seems like to me.

As for the exact number per year, I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet it's closer to 20, leaving out remakes and such.

>> No.3390771

see if someone can make Alaska for GTS.

did you do a fresh reinstall, then installed all the DLC in the correct order? are you using FOMM and FOSE?

loadorder should be
broken steel
point lookout
<mods, ESMs first>

>> No.3390776

Yup, you got me.
I guess I just try to even out for the people that critizise other RPGs without playing them either. I was serious about the whole "good/shit ratio" thing though, many people agreed with me in other threads. Even JRPG fans.

My apologies.

>> No.3390783

Point Lookout did a tiny slice of Maryland. Still plenty more of the South left, brah.
I'd kind of like to see Voodoo death cults stalk the ruins of New Orleans while Atlanta is torn in half by a war between Vaults, one that held only whites, and the other that held only blacks. Racial tensions revived!

Though the Commonwealth could add in some interesting elements. Maybe some sort of campaign to end the Institute's domination over the masses in some sort of revolution.

>> No.3390784

Yeah, load order is fine and I always try with a fresh install.

Last time I tried, I fixed some thing about the cores used when processing the game and that stopped the freezing, but it made the game crash instead.

>> No.3390798

>Maybe some sort of campaign to end the Institute's domination over the masses in some sort of revolution.
That would be the motherfucking shit. I always felt that large-scale conflict was strangely absent, given the huge size of the worlds.

It would be nice to see a Fallout game change up the usual Mutie/Enclave/BoH trio, and I could see it happening in F4. Muties may not have wandered that far, the Enclave may be secretly funding/aiding the institute and the BoS would be "I AIN'T TOUCHIN THAT SHIT" after seeing their defenses and authoritarian stranglehold on the area.

>> No.3390800

hmm, I run i7, and it's been alright for me.

maybe it's time for a full reinstallation of windows, to get the kinks out?

>> No.3390817

Still can't believe Bethesda didn't have any gas masks in the game, aside from that stupid firefighter helmet.

Fuckers should have had at least a dozen different styles of gas masks to choose from. Kind of disappointed the community only managed to make three damned gas masks too, two of which look like ass and the other is just a converted one from the game with a shroud left on the back.

>> No.3390843

>I was serious about the whole "good/shit ratio" thing though
Oh, I don't disagree with you on the fact that the ratio for JRPGs isn't nearly as good as the one for WRPGs. I just think you make the ratio out to be much more skewed than it really is.

Personally, I prefer JRPGs. I find WRPGs to be almost universally decent, while I find some (probably one or two per year) JRPGs to be great and another chunk (probably three or four per year) to be decent. While there are almost no outright bad WRPGs and there are quite a few bad (and a few terrible) JRPGs, there aren't as many great or decent WRPGs as there are JRPGs. In my opinion.

>> No.3390856

on another note,

/jp/ - Game Discussion/Civil

>> No.3390910

Shut the fuck up you illiterate piece of shit. Go be mentally retarded somewhere else.

>> No.3390925

Well that's just not true, I haven't even seen naked breasts in real life.

>> No.3390943


>> No.3390948

Well perhaps I've seen my mother's breasts, fuck if I know, I wasn't self-aware at the time.

>> No.3390978

I wouldn't consider seeing your parents naked a sexual situation. I certainly wasn't sexually attracted to my mom, she's too old and fat.

>> No.3391008

Tried Wikipedia?
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
