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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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33863323 No.33863323 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>33747667

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.33863370

>two majikoi threads in a row

>> No.33863382

it's kinohime release week after all

>> No.33863508

but I already played majikoi a decade ago. make something new

>> No.33863930
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>> No.33864268

I live in Japan and people here genuinely think that corn on pizza is delicious and some sort of hidden italian delicacy. People here are really fucking nuts about italian food but can never remotely cook anything like it. There are loads upon loads of "italian" restaurants here but when you go in it's always some weird fucking japanese ripoff where they fuck up all of the dishes by adding jap shit like raw squid and eel and shit to it and then they try to fucking play it off as "real italian food". It doesn't help that people here don't know what normal bread or cheese is. It's all fucking gross. I have not had any normal-tasting cheese in all the time I've lived here, and good bread is about as rare as a properly paid salaryman. These people are born on this island, they will live their whole lives on this island, and they will die on this island without ever tasting real bread or cheese in their life and that's just sort of sad. The worst part is that because no japanese person actually knows what real italian food is like, nobody can call restaurants out on this bullshit, everyone eats it all up and calls it "honto ni umaiiiii uwuwuwuwu" and everyone thinks this is what real italian food is like. It's just sad. "OOOOOhhhh rettsu addu fishu eggu andu seaweedu to pasta carbonara don't u kno this is how rearu itarian peeporu eat!!!". The worst part for me is that japan doesn't just massacre classic italian food like this, but they also do it with every other country's cuisine imaginable. French, spanish, mexican, turkish, you name it. They botch everything they come across as "wow foreign so cool" but it's never apparently fucking good enough unless they douse it in onions sauce and raw octopus to make it "authentic european" food. Don't get me wrong I love me some japanese food but fuck this country for ruining foreign food culture and fuck the people for being too retarded to not know what real food is like, even though they kind of can't help it, fuck em it's gross

>> No.33864312

Sounds like the US

>> No.33864341


>> No.33864547

Any moege about classic Japanese choco curry?

>> No.33864575

does giga let you choose fonts yet

>> No.33864624

Sure you can choose a font in the menu.

>> No.33864640

Worked in the trial

>> No.33864674

wagashitme is going to be kusoge

>> No.33864736

Yes...? Have they ever not font options?

>> No.33865176

EOPs can't read menu options

>> No.33865326

ルー is really fun to play once you get used to her timed charge attack

>> No.33865392

When will Giga release another Baldr VN?

>> No.33865941
File: 36 KB, 350x59, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you change it, font rendering is shit and giga games still looks bad. Literally can see giga vn just by screenshot of text line alone lol

>> No.33866151

Literally who cares. It's not like VNs that render text at your native resolution are common (do they even exist?).

>> No.33866218

I hope Wagahime does well enough to fund a new Majikoi game

>> No.33866315

I'm a bad person that barely uses charges of any sort. I've just started to figure out that Towa's charged normal attack can actually be useful.

>> No.33866424

That looks fine. Some of you faggots love to complain about stupid shit like fonts like the slightly cut off one in Hulotte games or how Giga font looks even if it lets you change it, or that one guy who said the font was tiny when it wasn't and he just had a shitty laptop resolution.
Deal with it, don't play or shut up and make your own game.

>> No.33866426

After Clarias Justice

>> No.33866445

Good, I can wait. It'll help purge Baldr Ace from my memories.

>> No.33866516

>Baldr Ace
and Baldr Bringer and Baldr Heart and Baldr Sky

>> No.33866636

>It's not like VNs that render text at your native resolution
See, it's not even native resolution. It's literally 720p window and yet looks fucking horrible.
>Some of you faggots love to complain about stupid shit like fonts
Not my fault you faggot has no sense of aesthetic and only care about your cute girls on screen. Or maybe you just reading from parser window, hookcuck?
> or shut up and make your own game
Rofl. Chill, moebuta, no one fucking your virgin girls just yet wwwww

>> No.33866687


>> No.33866799

>no sense of aesthetic
cute girls are aesthetics

>> No.33866870

I give no fuck about girls, only about how good is text rendering.

>> No.33867026

>I give no fuck about girls
Lol homo faggot

>> No.33867039

Don't fuck with me or i'm gonna fuck you.

>> No.33867103
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>> No.33867159
File: 360 KB, 1282x752, tomefure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, the MC of Tomefure is like the sisconiest of siscons. All the girls have to act as his sister to have a chance because all he talks about is her. It's adorable.

>> No.33867252

My body is ready.

>> No.33867299

their tits are huge they look fat

>> No.33867319

>buzzword buzzword
Stfu already. Know what? Using a parser might be the solution to your retarded problem. You can set the font to whatever you want, make it cover the entire screen and whatever else fancies your "sense of aesthetic." But you're a retard and reject solutions. You're just as braindead as idiots playing a game blind then whining about ending in the wrong route or not getting into any at all and asking for help, then being told to use a walkthrough and reply with "I'm not a dumb zuuumaaaah. I play blind! heh!" not realizing that asking for help is no different from using a guide. All of you are fucking retards, go fuck off and die. This thread is better off without you.

>> No.33867650

Nice wall of text, retard.
> Using a parser might be the solution to your retarded problem.
What else should i do to fix retarded japanese monkey coding, sweety? Reading it with my eyes closed just by listening to voices? wwww Are you evn developer and i just hit your fragile male ego or something? w
> o fuck off and die. This thread is better off without you.
You can cry as much as you want, but i'm not going anywhere :)

>> No.33868096

>wall of text
You don't actually read eroge do you? No I'm not a dev and you're a racist. You don't have to fix anything, just read the damn games. The coding and text is fine. Fix your eyes and brain.

>> No.33868206

>You don't actually read eroge do you?
I do and i see one line of text at time.
> and you're a racist
Yes i am. Go cry about it on r*ddit or something.
> You don't have to fix anything
But you just said i need to use a parser.
> The coding and text is fine
No, they aren't. Fix your eyes, your brain and your sense of beauty, because you lack something.
> Fix your eyes and brain.
Nothing wrong with them.

>> No.33868265

>the absolute state of this place
hilarious how one schizo who keeps replying to himself can shit up a thread

>> No.33868359

After completing oretsuba every VN I have read feels bland and boring, in a weird way, along the lines of liveliness of dialogue and interactions, and I didn't even think oretsuba was that good while playing it...

>> No.33868361

stfu schizo

>> No.33868679

Fuck off totopo

>> No.33868800

I can't believe the best eroge in over 10 years is coming out in 3 days time.

>> No.33869144

Read Sorechiru now, though be aware that routes are bad.

>> No.33869208

Which one?

>> No.33869234

Parfait Remake gonna be great

>> No.33869381

I downloaded dvd-rom edition of sorechiru but I can't hear any bgm. Tinkered around a bit but couldn't fix this issue. How is the complete edition? Did they change it from the original too much?

>> No.33869431

If only they actually added additional scenario

>> No.33869436

idk, I only played original. iirc they added some routes ot written by Jackson and rewrote something in og routes but I'm not sure.

>> No.33869550

Maruto... when's your next eroge...

>> No.33869665

>his soshage died before even coming to market

>> No.33869809

never, he will make more money from ln's

>> No.33870468
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What should I read after KnS3?

>> No.33870505

BTW FYI G線上の魔王 is pretty acclaimed piece of media.

>> No.33870529

>エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General

>> No.33870810
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>> No.33870834

Wagahime trial

>> No.33870885

G Senjou was absolute shit with Looseboy adding in retarded twists at every turn solely for the sake of them existing. The writing is poor and the attempts to create tension are laughable after the first 2 "events" because you just know he's going to use yet another braindead EBIN TWIST to save anyone in actual peril. The true ending, which is, you guessed it, another twist, is shit. Fuck G Senjou, and fuck you for even recommending it.

>> No.33870901


>> No.33870912

Koi de wa naku

>> No.33870916

Literally one 4chan anon vs most acclaimed piece of japanese media.

>> No.33870968

truly is amazing how a few spamming retards can absolutely ruin a place

>> No.33871013

>See, it's not even native resolution.
That was my point. No VNs render text at native resolution. If you play something older, your text is at like 640x480 or some shit. Just deal with it you baby.

>> No.33871066

I hope they make a sequel about the great war mentioned in Shelly's ending. That's be sweet. Some plot threads were left hanging anyway so I want to believe there will be more.

>> No.33871277
File: 146 KB, 493x171, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand your point, but a lot of eroge renders text much better than giga engine does. Even if not at native resolution, vast majority of them still looks much better than this crap.

>> No.33871325

Flowers. Take the yuri pill.

>> No.33871367

All VNs render text at native solution in window mode

>> No.33871417

Is it ALL sol? I stopped reading a few hours into the first volume, didn't like it enough to pick it back up.

>> No.33871489

Everything looks like shit compared to everything on my OS that actually renders at 4k so I can't really care over minor differences in the engine.

>> No.33871652

I played the additional routes and they are like ten minutes long.
Sorechiru has a huge problem with the routes but at least you can read Nozomi and get something more or less complete, the issue is every route being a copypaste.
Best girl Komachi deserved better.

>> No.33871724

No idea why would you get yourself 4k monitor, making eroge looking even shittier, since even 1080p native resolution is rare, unless you're g*mer with top tier pc.

>> No.33871850

>not playing everything in windowed mode

>> No.33871942

That's not at all how it works. For instance, 720p is just 2160/3 (aka 1/3rd of 4k). You can just use nearest neighbor scaling and it would be exactly the same as a 720p monitor of that size. If the game itself has more sophisticated scaling, you could opt to use that instead. But they probably don't most are probably just bilinear or some shit so I opt to scale on the OS side instead. The real true reason for a 4k monitor is to not have completely shit colors. Most are actually 8bit color (plus the 2 bit fake shit). The previous generations were all 6 bit + 2 fake shit unless you got one of the super expensive ones at the time.

Windowed is gay.

>> No.33872043

this. imagine ever relying on garbage scaling by yellow people who can't code to save their lives

>> No.33872218

I do since i'm hookcuck. But up scaling is pretty bad anyway, especially in fucking kirikiri.

>> No.33872324

Looking for:
Teito Hiten Daisakusen
Asa no Konai Yoru ni Dakarete -Eternal Night-
Marionette ~Ito Tsukai~
Hateshinaku Aoi, Kono Sora no Shita de...

>> No.33872503

>Hateshinaku Aoi, Kono Sora no Shita de...

>> No.33872707

The scaling is fucked but I always play in fullscreen. It really helps me focus on reading with my adhd and most of the time prevents me from alt-tabing around like a mong during reading.

>> No.33872731

i just open a new desktop in windows

>> No.33872754
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, 91048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the FIRST Grisaia a lot, is this the "same" but with monster heroines?

>> No.33872785

not really? it's an isekai politics/war story

>> No.33873292

Heart was good though

>> No.33874383

The Wagahime trial was nice, I'll give it a pirate

>> No.33874962

Any kamige released in the past two years?

>> No.33875211


>> No.33875253

The age of kamige is over.

>> No.33875343

They say musicus is a kamige but I am not convinced. It has pretty shoddy writing quality in routes.

>> No.33875822

Clarias, Hakuchuumu

>> No.33876141


>> No.33876254

So this is the power of 2020 kamige art.

>> No.33876300

Fuck off. Fuck off. Fuck off. You do not belong here. You belong in the EOP thread.

>> No.33876438

At least they aren't lying about her not being sexy.

>> No.33876497

I thought the game was pretty consistent in terms of writing quality. All the routes were really unique too which was refreshing to see. I definitely think it’s kamige material imo. It’s one of those games which I really want to reread at some point.

>> No.33876683

EOP detected.

>> No.33876709

Yeah I'm retarded. My bad.

>> No.33876783

The text rendering is so bad I can't read that.

>> No.33876803

Click on the image to zoom, idiota.

>> No.33876882

But i use j-j dictionary wwww

>> No.33876985

I've dropped demonbane like 3 times in the last decade is it actually worth reading?

>> No.33876991

Post your favorite eroge criticisms.

>> No.33876999

Actually, now that I think about it the only flaw that Musicus has is that the cute drummer girl drops out of the band in the middle of the game :(

>> No.33877031

Katan’s muramasa review is based

>> No.33877070

I only read H-scenes written by virgins like myself.

>> No.33877079

I'd be more surprised if he isn't one.

>> No.33877139
File: 731 KB, 600x849, 61002383_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like chuuni, sure I think its great fun despite the flaws (mostly repetition across the routes). The Kurou vs Master Therion fight (both of them actually) is pretty god tier chuuni goodness. If you don't like chuuni stuff, not sure why you'd read it. Al is fucking cute and adorable too.

>> No.33877519

I did, retard. The text is not aesthetically pleasant to read.

>> No.33877610

Musicus has three faults:
>MC is trash tier
>Meguru's loli form not being permanent
>"Tomoko" bass-chan not being a heroine

>> No.33877651

I don't think so. I could have changed it but I didn't. This one's pretty good.

>> No.33878322
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>> No.33880107

clarias and slow damage

>> No.33880149

Yonagi and 9-nine episode 4

>> No.33880580

I don't even read japanese

>> No.33880891

Nah he's right, I thought G-Senjou was awful. The nips rating it highly means nothing.

>> No.33881356

Kingdom of Zeal? Clarias takes place in the Chrono universe?

>> No.33881646

What's some good recent mystery shit? The last one I really enjoyed was butterfly seeker and that was like 3 years ago.

>> No.33882074


>> No.33882320

I disliked Demonbane after the scene where Al gives you a handjob and you cant cum or you trigger a bad ending flag. If I wanted to get blueballed I would read an all-ages VN.

>> No.33882373

Edging like that is great. Girls should tease more. Not a maso btw.

>> No.33882879

Uh no, you are definitely free to fuck her on the innsmouth island part. Actually if my memory is right, she's the only heroine that you can actually penetrate in that segment.

>> No.33883760

このエロゲー『サクラノ詩 -櫻の森の上を舞う-』のシナリオを書いたのは本当に「すかぢ」なのでしょうか?
> 俺の名前が残る必要は無い」

>> No.33883868

Kek where is this from?

>> No.33883888


>> No.33883949

He's savage lol

> はあまり懸命なやり方ではない。って事だな。」
>「記憶を? 消す?」

>> No.33883995


>> No.33885089

serioulsy though what is up with all the unfinished shit in Clarias, do they intend to patch the game for years or is it the first part in an unannounced trilogy?

>> No.33885136

Team Baldrhead sometimes do either updates (Duel Savior Justice) or stand-alone follow up (Material Brave Ignition) so I would say Clarias, as successful kamige, has a chance for either.

>> No.33885217

> below 80 on egs
> kamige
Cope harder, legless faggot.

>> No.33885297

Anything over 80 on EGS is confirmed kusoge

>> No.33885668

It's about to fall into 60s lmao

>> No.33885691

>only flaw that Musicus has is that the cute drummer girl drops out of the band in the middle of the game
Add shitty MC and the fact that the dad only appears in the route where mc succeeds. He should have played a more prominent part in the story because it feels like a lot of the ideas and massages are incomplete without him

>> No.33886020

If I pirate the steam release of robotics notes can I switch the language to japanese in the options or is it one of those games with trash devs where you need to change it through steam itself?

>> No.33886431 [DELETED] 

egs and their slint eyed users can go fuck themselves

>> No.33886707

Calm down, legless subhuman. Opinion of couple 4chan subhumans (probably mtlers or hoockcucks as well, which is essentially same thing) means nothing, while opinion of natives is much more valuable here. It's not your language and not your culture. Your perception is different and it's not a good thing. Fuck off.
Not really? Some of them are overrated trash, while others are legit good titles.
Ever heard of fucking steam emulator, sweetie? Go fucking google, aint feeding u here.

>> No.33886777

That whole meguru's route was fucking retarded. They wanted to do the "here's a dude who sacrificed everything else for music and now he's regretting it while on his death bed" but it doesn't fucking work because he got fucked over for swindling others which is completely unrelated to his passion for music.
Bad end route was so fucking forced. All the lead up to our faggot protagonist encountering the doormat tragedy heroine was great and organic, but after that it's all forced bullshit without any proper insight into why this capricious faggot MC is behaving the way he's behaving and oh fucking God his sudden mood swings. That retarded generic bad-end-for-the-sake-of-bad-end tier bar end is a testament to how "creative" and "thoughtful" our lord setoguchi is. Make sure you don't exploit any girl or else she'll die in a random car accident.
Mika's route had nothing offensive in terms of writing but there's nothing impressive in it either. I've seen other non-VN works do the whole "we're popular. we "won" according to capitalist market logic but our souls are still unsatisfied and anxious" kind of story in a more creative and better way. It's just overall really weak. They shouldn't have made mika loudly explain away the conclusion and let the audience decide what they want to take away from the journey.
I probably would've enjoyed more if I liked the character but unfortunately I hated the protagonist and that Mohawk idiot. I also don't understand why they went with a rich kid protagonist when they want trace the story of normal people struggling in the industry. I mean they did gave him a handicap but he's still supported by his privileges, like renting a whole fucking house for dirt cheap and he can always fall back to take support from his patents even if nothing works out. I thought side characters had better stories to tell than this bizarro motherfucker who is just profoundly bored.

>> No.33886970

>The OP of the VN of the year got revealed and nobody is talking about it

>> No.33887020

Who green?

>> No.33887044

Okay, I watched it and the song was good. 1:01 あわわわわ. I guess I'll read it, though Favorite tends to be kusoge.

>> No.33887219

Kamaitachi no Yoru's Vita remake's PC port.

>> No.33887392

Nigger, we don't tolerate racists here in /jp/.

>> No.33887416

I read without hooks for the longest time...and then came KKK.

>> No.33887461

why are you spamming DJT memes

>> No.33887467

Because Matt is king.

>> No.33887587

You just need to get rid of your r*ddit mentality. Eroge are pretty racist, actually.

>> No.33887611

Doesn't matter we have to be racist pricks you shitty nigger faggot schizo totopo

>> No.33887748

> esltard

>> No.33887967

How can you say this in the same sentence you say the n word

>> No.33888217

Tomefure (1) survey. No idea why they're doing it now rather than before finalizing Tomefure 2, but you should fill it out anyway.

>> No.33888285

Your complaints here are wildly inconsistent. You complain about Mika’s route not having any ambiguity to it and then you complain that Meguru’s route does?

>> No.33889019

>all the unfinished shit in Clarias
Like 99% of this is obvious sequel bait. I don't know why people always complain about this. The real strike against Clarias is that the herorine routes aren't really routes (just a handful of extra scenes). I still liked it despite that though.

>> No.33889041

Sequel baits, unless previously announced, are aawful.
As it is, is a mess of a game that's basically complete but extremely incomplete.

>> No.33889104

>then you complain that Meguru’s route does
When did I even say it? It was dishonest writing in meguru's route.

>> No.33889145

On its own, it's a complete story that is missing one scene (Lancelot vs Neuman; I'm going to just assume the writer can't write fights for shit and didn't try). However, the lore and hints dropped in the story leave plenty of room for more if they choose to do so. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.33889186

Real funny guy aren’t you?

>> No.33889194

>forced bullshit
acid attack is forced bullshit
the bad end route was just the natural continuation of his downward spiral and would have been a bad end with or without a car accident at the end

>> No.33889217

Kill yourself you MTL faggot. Musicus is kamige by every sense of the word.

>> No.33889295

Because you assume the game wanted you to feel a certain way when it really left things up to the audience as to how you felt about the old man. The problem here wasn’t in the game itself, but with your reading comprehension

>> No.33889360

>the bad end route was just the natural continuation of his downward spiral and would have been a bad end with or without a car accident at the end
It didn't felt natural. One moment he was dismantling his team because he didn't want to cause suffering to his buddies due to him, and the next moment he decides to exploits this girl purely for his selfish reasons. One moment he acts like dick to her, and the next morning he contemplates for a bit and has a 180 degree change of heart. This stupidity just culminates to that random car accident.

First of all, It didn't left up to the audience regarding how you should feel about the old man, dumb fuck. You should try reading it without texthookers. There's a scene in the end where they literally spell out.
But that doesn't fucking matter to my criticism. This route thematically doesn't matter when he's just a random swindler. Try to pick up the narrative rhetoric.

>> No.33889401

>All the girls have to act as his sister to have a chance
Ane or imouto? I've never bothered with this until now because
>Kinetic Novel
but now I'm (potentially) interested.

>> No.33889463

Maybe take a high school English course and reread Musicus again.

>> No.33889576
File: 473 KB, 1280x720, musicus_2(9004).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, you have no arguments. I bet you forgot everything from musicus cause of your molasses kid tier japanese skills.

>> No.33889603

Shut the fuck up MTL nigger

>> No.33889644

I don’t want to waste time replying to you when you make some of the most juvenile criticisms in the book. The opinion of the characters not being the opinion of the author is something that you learn in elementary school

>> No.33889670
File: 432 KB, 1280x720, musicus_2(8032).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more. That's the only thing you can do.

>> No.33889707

>I don’t want to waste time replying
That' s great. You completely misunderstood my criticism anyway.

>> No.33889731

MTLers go to the eop thread. You can post as many japanese screenshots as you want. You will always be a dekinai.

>> No.33889751

I know you bro. you're just an EOP who trolls JOPs here. Don't worry you'll finally get to read it next month.

>> No.33889784

The eop thread is already mine.

>> No.33889790

Count me in

>> No.33889800

I know you post there too. your style is recognizable. Shitpost there too bro. EOPs are bored of slow /vn/ thread these days.

>> No.33889895

I would never

>> No.33889951

>Eroge are pretty racist, actually.
Most eroge writers seem like they support shit like eugenics

>> No.33889994

Imouto obviously, nobody likes anes.

>> No.33890070

I do, imoutos are various kinds of dumb/short/flat/noisy/annoying/some other kind of eyesore.
Thanks, I guess I can keep not caring about it until the next one comes out at least.

>> No.33890072

Choices is what ruins harem games. There is no reason to have individual routes in a fucking game focused on harem.

>> No.33890120

agreed i wish there were more games like tomefure in this regard actually

>> No.33890141

Lupercalia any good?

>> No.33890143

The sequel also only has an inouto heroine and no ane.
The series isn't made for you, go play some Atelier Kaguya if you want hag sisters.

>> No.33890176

two of the heroines in the new game clearly look like ane types

>> No.33890192

Please, cowtits imouto is on the same level as nee-chan. True imoutos are loli or petite.

>> No.33890211

Can JOPs please stop coming to our thread and shitpost japanese games there? We can't read them.

>> No.33890225

Fuck off.

>> No.33890231

I read like 10 minutes of it and wasn’t a fan. It felt like the author was dragging out every single detail to be as dramatic as possible regardless of how trivial the situation was. I guess that’s just Lucle’s style?

>> No.33890232 [DELETED] 

if you want to fight us, we can simply post EVNs here.

>> No.33890272

>There is no reason to have individual routes in a fucking game focused on harem.
No, it's perfectly fine to have likes and dislikes even in a harem game, and at least picking the order of reading heroines' episodes is a must. Speaking of which, Atelier Kaguya does it right: you have individual routes and a harem route and what you want to read is up to you. That's how it should be. The only valid reason to go kinetic is budget saving.

>> No.33890286
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>> No.33890326

>someone shits on musicus
>every moogydrone comes out of the woodwork with pitchforks
I ain't gonna read the meaning of life, shills.

>> No.33890328

No, you're retarded. There's a difference between a game which has possible harem route, and a game which is plot-wise focused on harem dynamic.

>> No.33890365 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33890378

>>every moogydrone
It was just one dude who was blinded by his love for musicus. It looks like he even failed to grasp the thematic conceit of meguru's route(how it directly complements yako's route) and that's why he doesn't seem to understand my point.

>> No.33890407 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33890418
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>> No.33890440 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33890442

YOU will play the last eroge and YOU will stop reading VNs to become a vtuberbuta.

>> No.33890452


Why are schizo eops now invading us with japanese DDLC screenshots`?

>> No.33890467 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33890473

>It's the same schizo

>> No.33890474

Kuzuhara Yui is playing so I decided to finally check it out.

>> No.33890494

No, I just happen to have taste and as such, I'm completely fine with kicking 5th wheels out of my harem.
As for Tomefure, it isn't a full-priced game (and also a game which I don't care about in the first place) so having only a harem route is kind of justified if you think of it as a part of quality game with (choices and) other routes removed. It could've been more but it is what it is.

>> No.33890502

Kill yourself, evnshitters.

>> No.33890507

> ddlc voiced by kusuhara yui

>> No.33890536

Kill yourself. You are what ruins harem games.

>> No.33890565

What do you mean 5th wheels? A route means you pick ONE. ONE of them and the rest is fucked over. You have an infinite amount of games where you can pick one girl. Let haremfags have a normal harem instead of wasting resources on making 75% of the game individual routes with character development, and then a harem route which is just H-scene spam.

>> No.33890605

The best haremge is Saihate no ima

>> No.33890623

Clarias is like 20 hours long the devs are high as fuck if they think I'll actually buy the sequel 5 years from now

>> No.33890689

I mean duel savior was popular and successful even before it had got extra routes in destiny/justice. This situation doesn't apply to clarias which is a disaster.

>> No.33890735

Duel savior had really interesting takes on isekai setting considering it released before isekai even took off. It's overall retarded but some of the playful subversion of isekai tropes made it seem like it was ahead of its time. Clarias on the other hand is bland and generic.

>> No.33890774

Lmao how can you say that with a straight face when it came year after Aselia.

>> No.33890835

???? How is that even relevant to this discussion

>> No.33890844

Did you read Aselia?

>> No.33890861

yeah w/ mtl didnt get most of it lol

>> No.33890899

Stop trolling and stop putting Duel Savior on a pedestal in regards to isekai when you didn't read the shit it copied from.

>> No.33890900
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>What do you mean 5th wheels?
Those that serve no purpose other than inflating the play time and character count. Here's the 3rd wheel to a bike (same as the 5th wheel for the car), pictured from Sister Scheme 2.
>A route means you pick ONE.
But this also means the way you go through to reach the ending, e.g. in Atelier Kaguya games you can read heroines/scenes you like first, skim through the rest and still get the same harem in the end. You can't really do that in a kinetic game where you must read everything or risk skipping over something interesting along with some annoying bitch while Ctrl'ing through her shit.

>Let haremfags have a normal harem
That's usually called "common route" in real games but if they are fine with reading just that, more power to them (especially if they actually buy that shit instead of telling other people to kys). I don't buy VNs and I don't have to get 100% out of my purchase (from the nearest torrent tracker).

>> No.33890903


>> No.33890913

All the similarities are surface level at best.

>> No.33890953

Jesus, how can you compare a harem route to a common route. Your brain cells must be nearing 0. That's the same as saying an individual route equals the heroine's flag scenes in common. The proximity and the whole relationship is completely different. Yeah, don't read harem games. Don't read Tomefure. You don't understand them. So never talk about them again.

>> No.33890991

I finally decided to start this. I heard it's like the annoying version of WA2 and I have never read anything from that writer. Hope it's gonna be realistic.

>> No.33891007

you're supposed to like all heroines in a harem VN.
you're getting close to all of them, you love them equally, they love you. if you don't like all of them, just drop it, simple as that. CTRLing is just wrong aproach

>> No.33891024

>That's usually called "common route" in real games
You got some issues

>> No.33891027

Just because she sucks your cock it doesn't mean she loves you you incel

>> No.33891038

Yes it does, sexual acts are to be done only with the person you love (1 per lifetime)

>> No.33891185

Common route + Sex = Harem route, roughly
Also, harem route + individual routes > harem route
Must be a rocket science to the haremfags, I see.

>you're supposed to like all heroines in a harem VN equally
yet not all of them are equally worthy of your time, way more often than not. Having no taste is a bless sometimes, (un-)fortunately I do have it.

>> No.33891284

does anyone know whether the ビッチ××が清純なはずがないっ! trilogy pack contains the rakugaki patches?

>> No.33891298

Harem sucks. There, I said it.

>> No.33891321

I wish more moege had fmf scenes.

>> No.33891329

Girlcelly's torrent of the trilogy has exactly the same ISOs (same CRC) inside as the individual games in older torrents, if that helps.

>> No.33891351

Haremshit is pretty hard to pull off. You need to make all heroines charming and you need to come up with amusing character dynamics between them. I hope smee never does something like harem kingdom because they fucking suck at it.

>> No.33891384

thanks, i guess i'll get the patches from those then

>> No.33891397

Only a couple of days until new releases bros...I’m LITERALLY shaking

>> No.33891412

I wish more moege had mfm scenes

>> No.33891453

Parfait sucks my cock. You can't easily forgive its flaws in the unholy year of 2021. There's literally no reason to remake it now. I hope giga goes bankrupt.

>> No.33891470

Pretty sure the patch for the 姉妹 version isn't available, I remember an anon asking about it a month or so ago.

>> No.33891498

What new releases?

>> No.33891547

There are four games I’m hyped for: Gikei, Yukiiro Sign, Wagahime, and dead end aegis

>> No.33891551

Yes, you have amazing taste. A taste not fit for harem. So just stop. Talking to you hurts me mentally, because it makes me realize such retards influence a genre they're not even into.

>> No.33891572

Luckily Yukiiro will sit in the folder for 9 more months.

>> No.33891667

Gonna play it on release and spoil spergs like you.

>> No.33891676

What's up with Wagahime? Looks like a nukige to me.

>> No.33891721

It's memejikoi in a historical setting with kuso NBR.

>> No.33891724

So only nukitrash?

>> No.33891730


>> No.33891745

stop replying to obvious bait

>> No.33891750

What? Those VNs are coomer trash.

>> No.33891761

Can we be honest. EOPS do not deserve honorifics. Those are only for based jops. They can have broski.

>> No.33891777

Majikoi is overrated.

>> No.33891809

I see some people are lost. I know navigating the board is difficult, but >>33839265 - that is the EOP thread.
This thread is for people who read eroge in Japanese, without machine translation or external tools.

>> No.33891909

I wish, Gikei I only has 5 h-scenes.

>> No.33891948


>> No.33891949

Why are you in an eroge thread if you don’t like porn?

>> No.33892005

I'm here for interesting stories and complex characters. If I wanted porn I can go to panda and beat my meat to actual gorgeous art.

>> No.33892017
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Am I a retard for somehow not getting all of Camus's events? I've tried it a couple of times and as far as I know I got everything but it's not giving me it. I even got a couple of variations of her goodbye/sendoff in chapter 10 which were based on a choice in one of the early events. Is there some secret trick or something?

>> No.33892053

Who’s to say you can’t have both?

>> No.33892097

You literally can't reconcile porn with good storytelling. Porn is meant to appeal to your cock instead of your intellect.

>> No.33892102

I can't wait to play two kamige in a row, Wagahime and Gikei.

>> No.33892114

My cock is smarter than your brain.

>> No.33892118

And why are you looking for stories in a thread about porn games?

>> No.33892167

>porn games
All Visual novels aren't low-brow coomshit. We have literary masterpieces like subahibi, sakuuta, musicus, oretsuba, ima etc. Only MTLtards play VNs for porn because that's the only thing they can fap to without much understanding of the context.

>> No.33892191 [DELETED] 

Jops got chosen to post on the holy totocord.


>> No.33892196

Dude I fapped to subahibi so much

>> No.33892228

>low-brow coomshit
>subahibi, sakuuta, musicus, oretsuba, ima etc
Subahibi is a primarily a nukige lol
sakuuta is as lowbrow as VNs can get

>> No.33892249

And yet all of those are games that decided to include porn, not sex scenes that are there to tell a story, but graphic 20+ minute long detailed descriptions of sexual acts only there to make you masturbate.
So porn games.

>> No.33892398


>> No.33892615

>Pečka Monika
Imagine naming a heroine after a stove.

>> No.33892638

All the "porn" in it is meant to discombobulate you. It's meant to make you think. It has a greater sublime purpose to fulfill other than to service your dick. You missed the point if you unironically fapped to subahibi H scenes.

Whatever you say, moron. I unironically think sca-di is the best writer of all time across all mediums. His complex treatment of themes, and his deep understanding of human condition is unparalleled and unprecedented. He's a dreamer, teacher and a writer at the same time. The best thing about sakuuta is naoya is literally Sca-di. Sca-di knows what art truly means, and his uncompromising vision to elevate VNs to the level of art is perfectly executed in SakuUta/SubaHibi. You really need to give up being a human if you don't like his works/think they are just lowbrow porn. He's the only one in this medium who genuinely wants to make art instead of products to be sold on market for profit. You rarely find people like him even in literary circles. You can find easily flaws in his work but doing so by ignoring what he achieves only makes you a contrarian low iq fuck.

for example, musicus barely has any H because that's irrelevant and whatever H it does have is basically bound up in short sex scenes meant to provide a deeper understanding about characters, their mindset and their relationship with others. Subahibi has no porn as I have already said in this post.

>> No.33892676

>I unironically think sca-di is the best writer of all time across all mediums. His complex treatment of themes, and his deep understanding of human condition is unparalleled and unprecedented. He's a dreamer, teacher and a writer at the same time. The best thing about sakuuta is naoya is literally Sca-di. Sca-di knows what art truly means, and his uncompromising vision to elevate VNs to the level of art is perfectly executed in SakuUta/SubaHibi. You really need to give up being a human if you don't like his works/think they are just lowbrow porn. He's the only one in this medium who genuinely wants to make art instead of products to be sold on market for profit. You rarely find people like him even in literary circles. You can find easily flaws in his work but doing so by ignoring what he achieves only makes you a contrarian low iq fuck.
Holy fucking cartel

>> No.33892701

Shut the fuck up, you buzzword spouting dimwit.

>> No.33892706


>> No.33892713

Can you link the stove Pepa? That must be real boomer commie shit, because if I see Pečka I imagine a woman who bakes.

>> No.33892723

>He's the only one in this medium who genuinely wants to make art instead of products to be sold on market for profit
*Money to simp for vtubers

>> No.33892754

>He's the only one in this medium who genuinely wants to make art instead of products to be sold on market for profit.
lmao this nigga doesn't know

>> No.33892886

Too bad the Vtuber he simps for just wants to chikan and get chikan'd.

>> No.33892947
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Since harem's the topic, choices absolutely ruined Shirotsume Yubiwa. That and the MC being a nigger. Whose idea was that? Is that the director's fetish? How am I supposed to self-insert?

>> No.33893012

>Money to simp for vtubers
While he just begs money to complete sakutoki

>> No.33893057
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> Sca-di knows what art truly means, and his uncompromising vision to elevate VNs to the level of art is perfectly executed in SakuUta/SubaHibi

>> No.33893287

I might have phrased that awkwardly, but what I meant is that pečka is the diminutive of stove in many Slavic languages, including Russian (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%BA%D0%B0).). I don't actually know how a modern Russian would most likely understand that word; the only Slavic languages I know are Slovenian and Serbo-Croatian.

>> No.33894091

I heard many good things about it and it having an 81 or sth on EGS makes me think it might actually be good. EGStards have been pretty on-point with ratings lately. I'll read it after my current game and tell you if it's worth it.

>> No.33894302

where can u find walkthroughs ? looking for 1 for axanael

>> No.33894347

seiya seiga you faggot

>> No.33894348

>you're supposed to like all heroines in a harem VN.
Disagree. Harem games and harem routes only serve to give you a harem and make you feel like the king of the world who gets and slays any pussy even the ones you don't care about. You don't have to like all the girls, boys or traps in your harem. But that's okay. I've fapped to many harem H-scenes with characters I HATED because the mere thought of some bitch still lusting after my 10 inch baguette is a turn-on. I don't have to like her because she likes me and I can hatefuck her gross orifices as I'm forced to. That's what a harem game/route is.

If you seriously love every girl/boy/trap in your harem then you're a shallow person who doesn't know what real love means. People always prefer one person to another. Parents always prefer one child to another even if they don't admit it. You're in a threesome and prefer the big tits over the small tits? Okay. You're in a fivesome and like 3 girls and don't like No.4? No problem.
Having a preference is not wrong. Making use of a situation is not wrong. Ideally you could reject characters from your harem if you absolutely don't want them but that'd be too hard to do. So you accept the cards you've been dealt and fuck the characters you're forced to put up with. Make the best out of it. That's harems.

>> No.33894655

Which VN has the most spineless, pathetic, and pitiful protagonist? The kind of guy that makes you wonder how he lasted long enough to be a character and not a corpse.

>> No.33894666


>> No.33894680

Maybe this is a pleb answer, but Takayuki in chapter 2 of Kiminozo is a pathetic piece of shit. He deserved a bullet more often than not.

>> No.33894745

my life

>> No.33894806

But anon, you're already dead!

>> No.33894902
File: 73 KB, 528x292, LOVELY×C∧TION_IVQPIbABid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this to unlock all after story's?

>inb4 eop
I really don't give a fuck

>> No.33894915


>> No.33894927

I really don't give a fuck

>> No.33894937


>> No.33894971


>> No.33894996

Try hitting yes and find out

>> No.33895000

>You're in a fivesome and like 3 girls and don't like No.4? No problem.
Yes it is a problem. It's absolutely a problem. Those are the women you're supposed to spend the rest of the life with. Not liking one wife in the harem is the same as not liking your wife in monogamy. A preference or "today I feel like fucking lolis" is a different from not growing fond of them whatsoever. It's a polygamous relationship, not a degenerate fuck circle.

>> No.33895434

Tell me this is just a shitpost. No one can be this retarded.

>> No.33896079


>> No.33896120

It's reparations for usurping the Ryuukuu Kingdom
Independence soon

>> No.33896161

It's a harem not marriage. You can't marry them because laws and if you don't like some of them you wouldn't marry them. But because it's a harem game/route you can't kick anyone out. Harems are just non-committal open relationships sort of thing. Everyone loves (You) until they don't and want to fuck someone else. Real 1-on-1 relationships are meant to lead to life-long marriage fantasy life you never get to see.

A true harem game would make you work to romance every girl you want in your harem. But no, the game always picks. Sometimes it's every female in the game and sometimes it's just a selection with some female characters missing because fuck you player. You don't get to choose your harem, so it's not "your" harem really. And because of that you just make due with what the game gives you and thus I hatefuck the girls I don't want in the harem.

>> No.33896190

Which VNs have the best written porn? Including pacing.

>> No.33896194

That's like saying loving your sister isn't real because you can't marry her.
>Harems are just non-committal open relationships sort of thing. Everyone loves (You) until they don't and want to fuck someone else.
Okay, you're not a haremfag. Just a normalfag who wants to fuck multiple bitches.

>> No.33896268

Is there a site, where you can download appends or the latest patches for a specific VN? I download ALL X CATION, but I guess this shit doesn't come with all the appends and patch fixes it needs

>> No.33896348
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I hate photography

>> No.33896358

Which is the most sophisticated lolige you can think of? Like a Saihate no Ima with Lolis.

>> No.33896373

Wtf are you talking about. A sister is a sister no matter what so you have familial love for her. If you have romantic love for her then you obviously can't marry because laws though some games ignore that. You still love her romantically and don't give a fuck about laws so you just stay in a relationship without marriage. That's still love.
How is that comparable to being forced into a harem with some chicks I never loved or wanted in my harem? You make it sound like I'm not a haremfag because I don't accept EVERYONE in the world in my harem. You're the deluded one here because you eat fresh shit someone puts in your mouth. You don't like to choose your harem, your girls. (You) are the one who doesn't love. It wouldn't matter to you if the devs decided to put an obese elephant or a walking skeleton in your harem. You'd take them gladly. I just want to decide that I don't want SHIT in my harem because it's supposed to be MY harem. I don't care about "fucking multiple bitches" I just don't want to fuck SHIT bitches. But the game forces it so I HAVE to fuck them and then I hatefuck them. I certainly won't fuck them with love because I-DON'T-LOVE-THOSE-BITCHES-FORCED-IN-MY-HAREM! I'll gently fuck the girls I DO love. You dumb shit-eating retard. You don't understand harems at all. The concept comes from the middle east and for them it is a form of marriage. But the man still picks his harem members carefully. In eroge this concept is ruined by making it a forced simple-minded orgy with shallow characters. It's NOT marriage.

>> No.33896374

If you're talking sophisticated lolige, then everything by Porori.

>> No.33896381

Take your meds quof.

>> No.33896384

Yoru no Hitsuji games. Some Tanuki/Kaeru Soft games maybe.

>> No.33896385

I haven't read any of his lolige (not into that), but probably something by Yoru no Hitsuji.

>> No.33896610

Writing exceptional H-scenes is pretty difficult. Most are fappable as long as they don't fail the basics (shit art, bad voice acting, etc.), but an exceptional one needs to have the right balance of narration, dirty talk, and moaning plus good voice acting and a solid set of CGs. Also like you said, the pacing can't be fucked either. It's really an art of sorts.

>> No.33896681


>> No.33896682

Koinosu Ichacolize

>> No.33896706

I was always curious about that game. Pink looks really cute and I think the brown one had those strong eyebrows. And the fact that pink has a torn hymen gets me going. Wasn't there some issue like DLC not being uploaded?

>> No.33896731

>You still love her romantically and don't give a fuck about laws so you just stay in a relationship without marriage. That's still love.
Just like you love all the women you, the protagonist (not you the autistic player) picked for your harem. Unofficial polygamy, a lifetime relationship. Out of the hundreds of thousands of potential partners, you picked those specific girls. Go play moege.

>> No.33896803

There's the Complete Pack uploaded on nyaa, I don't know if there's anything missing from there.

>> No.33897006

Literally use google translate app, it is more useful than asking the pseudo-jops around here.

>> No.33897204

>google translate
DeepL or bust

>> No.33897255

>not asking his Korean gf to read it for him

>> No.33897273

A gook? Why not go the extra mile and get a Japanese gf? Or even better, a Japanese gf who voices moege.

>> No.33897275

Literally die. I don't know why you insist on posting amongst people who completely hate your kind.

>> No.33897287


>> No.33897387
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>"your kind"
nigga do you think you are the next gen human, because you can read Japanese...to play some pornographic power points? lol what a fag

>> No.33897496

today there isn't much of a difference between the two. Koreans learn Japanese for work and to invade their culture. And the Japanese are more accepting and start learning Korean. you wouldn't believe how many "JP" streamers are actually Koreans. and it's easier to date Korean girls if your black.

>> No.33897513

only retarded eops fall for that

>> No.33897514

seething. I'll use MTL and blogpost here as I've done for the last 4 years. there's nothing you can do about us.

>> No.33897524

okay I was lying about being black but the rest is true.

>> No.33897694

Nah, G senjou is overrated as shit and can only be genuinely entertaining to beginners.

>> No.33897885

Don't worry about it, my nigger.

>> No.33898574

does harem kingdom live up to its name as a good harem game?

>> No.33898954

Seems like it's not possible to get all of her events in one go

>> No.33899030

>I'm here for interesting stories and complex characters.
go read a fucking book then.

>> No.33899543

It's Smee, what do you think?

>> No.33899726

It's a bit iffy. There are 5 routes, all of which are harem routes, which do truly feel like spending quality time with your harem. However, each of the routes has special events for the chosen heroine, she gets all the development and cool non-H CG shit. There's no grand harem route which would truly make the game live up to its name. It is a good name, and it is relatively a good harem game, but it's not a great harem game.

>> No.33899774
File: 350 KB, 1536x2048, ETQvj3zUYAA8_Ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. In the sea of japanese media consumers on 4chan, the JOP is king.

>> No.33899834

>meme chair
>Hulk figure
Not my king.

>> No.33899849
File: 358 KB, 1536x2048, EIDpdpuU8AE2PpE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not recognizing butcha's cat

>> No.33899900

Oh wow apparently it is convoluted. That's weird. I guess I'll finish it up tomorrow. Thanks anon.

>> No.33899907

I don't care about fat fuck e-celebs

>> No.33899927
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, しょちょー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking knew it. Don't read fucking time travel stories. I tell this to myself time after time (hah) yet this shitty getchu ranking and catchy OP made me read this children's detective story. Yes, that's how absurdly comedic and childish is the 解決編 with the "villain". And then bam, the same terrible ending as they always have. SASUGA TIME TRAVEL VNS.

>> No.33900168

Sure, pal. 80 on egs barely means anything since even yuzutrash is around 80. I'm interested after few video clips about it.

>> No.33900376

There hasn't been a Yuzusoft game with 80+ in 5 years.
I also think the ratings have been pretty on point lately, kakenuke was like the best selling game on getchu last year but it got the shit score it deserves.

>> No.33900719


>> No.33900756

Fuyuakane tom is just a hack.

>> No.33901290

Okay, you're right.

>> No.33901411
File: 306 KB, 960x580, Screenshot_2021-03-25 悠久のカンパネラ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh what should I do?

>> No.33901549

it says right there what to do.

>> No.33901579

Well, are you outside Japan?

>> No.33901921

I don't wanna give away my personal information to Japanese people.

>> No.33901940

It's okay, you can lie and tell the site you're over 18. But get the fuck off this board.

>> No.33901987
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>5 month delay
How do they fuck up so hard?

>> No.33902009

That's good, cowtitfags has to suffer.

>> No.33902105

I hope they cancel it completely.
