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3384023 No.3384023 [Reply] [Original]

Daily work thread. Enjoy being NEETs, if you are one. I'm serious. Standing for 9 hours at a cash register with one 30 minute break to eat is brutal, and not fun in the least bit.

>> No.3384026

Fuck off.

>> No.3384030


>> No.3384043
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Watcht 5 hours of Gurren lagann is brutal.
I'm really tired.

>> No.3384039

So do us university students who have never worked before get our own thread too?

>> No.3384049

It's like you're really me. I'm so fucked when I graduate. ;_;

>> No.3384054
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>gurren lagann

>> No.3384060

I used to work at a grocery store where I had to do the same thing and I quit. Shit sucked.

I'm a NEET now with no regrets.

>> No.3384066

I don't understand what you are implying, sir.
By the way, I want to watch 5 hours of Seto no Hanayome.

>> No.3384067
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>green text
>reaction image

>> No.3384074

>green text
>reaction image

>> No.3384086
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>> No.3384093

I tagged, bagged and labeled 700 lawnmower carburetors today.

>> No.3384096

sexy bitch there

>> No.3384097

Am I the only person here with a real job?

(test engineer)

>> No.3384106

I'm a policeman, had my day off today..

ate some donuts (srsly)

>> No.3384104

I really fucking hope so.

>> No.3384113


Are you actually a cop

have you shot a man

>> No.3384121
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No job and I've skipped three classes in under three weeks since the start of the semester. I'm a success story!

>> No.3384133

I'm not an american cop nor a canadian one...

so not yet so far

>> No.3384135

IT support guy here

>> No.3384142

boo hoo, someone other than floor shitters on my /jp/.

>> No.3384146

Are you here to catch we pedophiles?

>> No.3384154

You're the minority, so if you don't like it, why can't you just get the fuck out?

>> No.3384156
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>> No.3384163

I sell car parts, whenever i ring up something thats 9.99 i lol

>> No.3384165

this is not /g/ what are you doing here

>> No.3384166

I lol'ed.

I don't care if everyone is a NEET, I just think it's hilarious that you would get butthurt about 'normal' people being present in your secret club.

>> No.3384174

car mechanic

>> No.3384179


Stay there, child.

>> No.3384183

I'm a software developer. 8 hours sitting at a computer in an air conditioned office, not so bad.

>> No.3384184

oh, please. If I came from /b/ I wouldn't know what sage is for.

>> No.3384192

lol no. I'd much rather catch lolis...

>> No.3384197

I didn't say you came from there, I just said you should go there and not come back.

The problem with (many) normalfags is that they don't value the board at all and end up making shitty off-topic threads like this about where they work and whatever the fuck else. Don't ask, don't tell.

>> No.3384245
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High school student here (underage b& etc.).
I'm currently taking it easy since last week was hell with five exams for AP classes. I should be studying for next month's exams, but fuck that.

>> No.3384265

Get out.

>> No.3385614

I work ICS at wal-mart. You're a pussy, OP.

>> No.3385628


Yeah, it good if you like it. Hate having to write program those long endless lines @_@

>> No.3385630

I call bullshitting.
I bet you guard some buildings or direct traffic.

>> No.3385631


>> No.3385645

You said it, dawg!
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3385675

Fuck, this reminds me I have to call the gas station and ask about that job they're offering.

>> No.3385691

I'm still trying to gather up the motivation to revamp my resume and get it on some temping sites. But the laziness and booze keep calling me.

>> No.3385701

I slept till 7 pm today.

Feels good man.

>> No.3385707


Sorry, unlike you, I actually got an education and work at what I enjoy doing.

>> No.3385715

In my job I'm responsible for business process reengineering, so today I went out and sat down with a team of 3 guys and followed what their daily work. Document it down in business requirement documents after I got back in the office and spent the afternoon in meetings with managers trying to come up with ways of how to replace them with cold lifeless machines.

>> No.3385723

No you don't, you're in denial.

>> No.3385728

Do you usually sleep well at night?

>> No.3385736


No one really enjoys work, most people do it because they don't want to be bums that sleep under the bridge and have no food.
Just look around on the street 8 in the morning, pissed off faces.

>> No.3385740


That's pretty awesome.

>> No.3385749

Well yes I sleep well. People lose their jobs when businesses become more efficient, it's sad but that's the price of progress. Would you want a bank that refuse to use computers and only use paper filing?

>> No.3385750

And this is how I justify my NEETdom.

>> No.3385752

Quit your job. Become a NEET.

>> No.3385764


>> No.3385768

>Would you want a bank that refuse to use computers and only use paper filing?
If it means I actually have the money necessary to get any use out of said bank, yes.

If we were making "progress", we'd be cutting work hours and increasing wages to match, not throwing people out on the streets. Apply some basic logic instead of just believing what the corporate suits tell you.

>> No.3385774


>> No.3385779

I'm 23 and have never had a job in my life. I get by on room and board from my parents, financial aid, and PC repair under-the-table.

I'm beginning to think a nearly blank resume is going to look like shit though.

>> No.3385793

You could probably make a decent living out of PC repair if you tried, though. You'd have plenty of references.

>> No.3385795

This is how it works:

[ ] Pays well
[ ] Enjoyable
[ ] Does not require extensive education

Pick one.

>> No.3385798

No the point is, you can run a bank on only papers, they use to do it back in Venice during the renaissance. But using paper and messengers on horses won't be acceptable nowadays because shit is slow compared to computer and internet. So people who support that process loses their jobs, but that's the price of progress

>> No.3385811

You just proved me right not wrong.

>> No.3385823

>So people who support that process loses their jobs
And yet other people still work similar jobs for long hours making piss-poor wages while all of the money not being given out as wages goes right into the pockets of the guys running the company.

This isn't rocket science.

>> No.3385826

I was just adding to it.

>> No.3385832


Forgot to mention that I've been going to school nearly full time for a few years. I'm almost done with lower division classes. My current major is computer science, and I'm giving serious consideration to computer forensics as a career, but moving on from the current state of my life just seems daunting.

Computer repair just fucking sucks, though. The work is tedious, and I can barely tolerate people in an informal setting as it is. I can't imagine working in a repair shop or corporate repair center. Even the thought of help desk makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.3385841

Could be worse.
You could be me, 26 and only have something equivalent to high school and never worked in my life.

>> No.3385857

I'm on the second year of a 5-year degree. I've never worked a day in my life but I think I'm going to have to find a job pretty soon or I'm gonna run out of money for rent

>> No.3385871


Do you ever get the overwhelming sense of inferiority and failure?

Every morning here ;_;

>> No.3385888

You guys are losers. Real NEETs are proud.

>> No.3385900

How do I live off the land?

>> No.3385906

i started working a few days ago.
life's shit.

>> No.3385919


Of course it is, you live in Thailand.

>> No.3385920

Not really, just worrying about my future sometimes. What to do once my parents are dead, i mean i live in a big house and all, but i can't pay myself for that shit.

>> No.3385941

I'm 80K+ in debt and I'm withdrawing from college. Repayment starts in 5 months. My life's gonna be awesome.

>> No.3385945

not like I can move...

>> No.3385949


Well, at least you'll have some asset, even if you have to deal with the bullshit attached to it.

>> No.3385967

University student here, I really should find a job so I can actually finance myself and don't have to get a huge study loan.
However, I've been saying I should find a job for a few months now. Still haven't applied to a single thing.

>> No.3385973
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>> No.3386080

I work 8 hours today but I'm off friday,saturday

>> No.3386129
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Aren't you glad your parents told you to go to college? I hope you enjoy your 80k a year job.

>> No.3386135

Have any of you ever seen that 30 Days episode where they try to live off minimum wage?

It worries me constantly.

>> No.3386141

What's with the debt thing I hear from Americans? Are you guys forced to start paying the debt a certain time after getting out of uni? Here in Australia the loan for tertiary education is federally funded, there's no interest on it (only indexed to inflation) and the government only start to progressively deduct from your income after you earn more than a minimum threshold. So if you NEET for the rest of your life you never have to pay for your degree.

>> No.3386148

Anyone here works online? It might be the thing I'm looking for, but it's hard to find something through search engines with all the pyramid schemes and CLICK HERE TO START MAKING MONEY shit

>> No.3386150


The real world is a cold place.


>> No.3386173

jobless scum

come watch some anime

>> No.3386329

I actually work in real estate. Need to put on my outer persona every day. The good thing is, I have all the time in the world.
