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File: 39 KB, 800x600, Fate Hollow Ataraxia 490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3383414 No.3383414 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Rider so sexy?

>> No.3383419

Because she makes people hard.

>> No.3383428

Because she's from Antiquity.

>> No.3383429

wouldn't you like to RIDE-HER?

>> No.3383431
File: 69 KB, 500x600, RIDERKICK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3383443

No, I'd rather have her ride me.

>> No.3383452

What the hell is she even doing?

>> No.3383458

Frosting a cake. With her butt.

>> No.3383463

I'd frost her butt, if you know what I mean.

>> No.3383468

Well I've always had a thing for long hair.

>> No.3383475
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I don't. Enlighten me.

>> No.3383480

Licking Shirou's anus.

Is that hot? I was not entirely sure.

>> No.3383483
File: 151 KB, 400x563, 11453854487387fq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that crazy-long hair. Hawt as hell!

>> No.3383487


God, I love her.

>> No.3383493
File: 68 KB, 480x676, 1149446671886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3383497


Ew. I bet he doesn't even wipe properly.

>> No.3383502

Anon's "frosting" refers to his semen. After having sexual intercourse with Rider, Anon would pull out just before ejaculation, and release onto her posterior. Thus, Anon would be frosting her butt, metaphorically speaking.

>> No.3383506

Girls love those intestinal juices.

>> No.3383507

I'd let her ride me.

>> No.3383513

Her hair, body, outfit, voice are all goddess tier

>> No.3383514
File: 54 KB, 810x650, shirousass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Shirou's ass so invisible?

>> No.3383521

she's just another wretched whore of Babylon

>> No.3383525

Cause, we really, really do not want to see his asshole?
There are doujins for that.

>> No.3383527

Because you're supposed to pretend it's your ass.

>> No.3383528


>> No.3383530


You're using a magical camera thing to see yourself getting licked.

>> No.3383536

Rider's skill in the art of lovemaking is unrivaled by any other TM female except Aoko, but we'll never see that.

>> No.3383540

I'd like to have a hairy threesome with her and Aoko.

>> No.3383563

They would strangle you with their hair, as they fight over who gets to make you cum.

You die a happy man.

>> No.3383566

But, Anon -- why is my ass so invisible?

>> No.3383570

Your eyes are not shirou's eyes.

>> No.3383581


>> No.3383587
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>> No.3383589


Just shut up and pretend Rider is licking your ass.

>> No.3383594 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 600x847, whiteday06_namonashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...Think Rider's been there too?

>> No.3383602


>> No.3383603
File: 67 KB, 630x903, Rider16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3383616
File: 144 KB, 595x841, true lovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayako's ass is Rider's favorite.

>> No.3383638

She shoved a spike up it. Payback for all the Sakura rape.

>> No.3383664
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>> No.3383923
File: 290 KB, 933x1402, rider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I like about Rider is that she can go from classy beauty to sexy seductress at the drop of a hat.

Also, you have all turned to stone.

>> No.3383941

I wish Rider would lick my ass;_;

>> No.3383953

What the fuck, Rider's beauty is on par with a goddess, I would never fucking subject her to something as sick as licking my ass, especially when SHE'S the one who has DAT ASS.

This thread makes me disappoint.

>> No.3383960

Wait, she's licking Shirou's ass in that scene?!

>> No.3383963


I'm certainly hard.

>> No.3383967

I hope not, otherwise I suddenly respect Rider a whole lot less.

>> No.3383973



>> No.3383979

LIES! I refuse to believe it!

>> No.3383980

But Ataraxia isn't even translated yet.

>> No.3383987

If that's true, then Rider went from being my favorite character to my least favorite character.

Leave the asslicking to those dirty porn star sluts, Medusa.

>> No.3383994

Don't worry, it's all just a dream. She's not really doing such a filthy thing.

>> No.3384002


But that means that she secretly desires to lick Shirou's ass, which is just as bad.

>> No.3384004

"Your ass is twitching like a girl's. Must be your first time receiving this kind of service, huh, Shirou?"

Rider & Shirou in "Drunk on Rim"

>> No.3384005

Until the cg is posted I refuse to believe it. I'm pretty sure that Rider is licking Shirou's cock (can't remember if it was with Sakura helping too)

>> No.3384017

It just looks to me like she's doing one of those generic orgasm faces.

>> No.3384021 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 810x650, myanusisbeinglickedbyrider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit Anon, how much proof do you need?


>> No.3384036

"Rider is licking my ass while Sakura is doing the same to my dick."

>> No.3384038

So you're getting a blowjob from Sakura and a rimjob from Rider...OH GAWD!

>> No.3384040
File: 378 KB, 381x485, ATOMIC RAGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck, I'm definitely not playing FH/A now, RIDER DOES NOT DESERVE THIS!


>> No.3384051

I'm no masochist or anything, but making an absolutely gorgeous girl do something that disgusting just doesn't appeal to me.

Apparently that's not the case with the majority of you.

>> No.3384057

Well, he's not making her do it, exactly. They're pretty much going "OHOHO LET'S RAPE SHIROU".

>> No.3384065

But it's pretty much Rider being the only one truly raping him since it's her dream isn't it?

>> No.3384069

Actually, it's just Rider. Sakura is an illusion. Well guys...looks like our beloved Rider has become....a dirty ass-licking...s-s...I CAN'T SAY IT!

>> No.3384072
File: 82 KB, 750x920, 1252587155866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's in charge. If that's what she wants to do, I can't complain.

>> No.3384079

Don't worry, I'll say it for you.


I'm sorry Anon, it's just as painful for you as it is for me, believe me. I used to love Rider, but now I'm not sure if I can say that now.

>> No.3384081

It's okay, guys. Rider's just polishing off Shirou's pommel.

>> No.3384084

This scene is pretty weird.

First this part, then reused HF Sakura HCGs and I'M A HOOOOORSE. The last part of it is pretty fappable though.

>> No.3384094
File: 44 KB, 148x223, Shirou Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rider, I am disappoint.

>> No.3384098


>> No.3384099

I could never understand this dirty sanches bullshit, what kind of weird fuck gets turned on by that.

Well at least they'll still be the Karen and Rin h scenes

>> No.3384101
File: 204 KB, 800x600, naptime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Rin is still a good girl.

>> No.3384117

Rin will always be a good, pure virgin. Not even the Jackhammer will take that away from me.

>> No.3384134

Yeah, but Rin is nothing compared to Rider.

>> No.3384141

I'd lick Shirou's ass if he put on a cute pink dress, some make-up, and a wig.

>> No.3384144

Well that's not exactly a fair comparison. Nobody can compare to Rider.

However, Rin is as close as humanly possible.

>> No.3384147

Rin is better than Rider because she won't do weird stuff and she's just as pretty.

Plus, she's tsundere.

>> No.3384155

I don't care how many asses Rider has licked. I still love her. She can lick mine and I'll thoroughly enjoy it, and even kiss her right after. Dedicated husbando right here.

>> No.3384164


That's tantamount to licking your own ass. That's sick.

>> No.3384173

I thought you guys knew about this already.

I... I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you.

>> No.3384177

No Anon! That! Is! LOVE!

>> No.3384178
File: 25 KB, 239x342, rguy_model_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, this is just like the mollusks in the KT threesome.

Anyone notice the correlation between how "sexy" a Nasu sex scene tries to be and how horribly awkward it is? The good ones are always the natural, not very erotic ones.
Whenever he tries to go all out and come up a SUPER EROTIC sex scene, its always hilariously bad. The harder he tries, the worse it gets.

pot of meat, indeed.

>> No.3384181

You are not gentlemen. How terrible.

>> No.3384187
File: 7 KB, 161x133, Reimu Yukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rider licking Shirou's anus.


>> No.3384190

I dunno bro, is 69 considered "weird"?

>> No.3384194
File: 42 KB, 494x544, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think everyone here is in denial that Rider just lost a few points in their books right now.

>> No.3384196


>> No.3384198

When I first heard about how Shirou would have a threesome with Sakura and Rider, the FIRST thing I thought was, and I kid you not, "Gee I fucking hope there's no asslicking in this scene".

And then LOW AND BEHOLD. I hate you Nasu, and I hate Shirou now too.

>> No.3384202

Not really, no. It's pretty common right after CONSENSUAL SEX IN THE MISSIONARY POSITION.

>> No.3384204


>> No.3384206

IIRC, she uses Bellerophon on him so she can control him as he fucks Sakura. So he's all MY FEET ARE HOOVES, MY HAIR IS A MANE, I MUST MATE WITH THIS FEMALE. SNORT SNORT. Then he figures out that it's all a dream, does some tracing shit, and ends up with his dick in Rider while she goes "what? NOOOO!"

I love Nasu.

>> No.3384209


>> No.3384210

AAAAAAARRRRGHGH! I was so looking forward to that scene too! Now........I might just skip it.


>> No.3384213


>> No.3384214

Yeah, thanks.

>> No.3384215

It's Rider's Dream.

>> No.3384221

Jeeze, I'm looking forward to FH/A less and less with each passing moment...

>> No.3384222

I lol'd.
But then that dropped Rider's points again.

>> No.3384224


>> No.3384227

Yeah you're right, that would be gross.

>> No.3384235

Haven't you seen the 69 pic?

Man, every girl's points are dropping in this thread. What next? Saber can't swim?! HAHAHAHA!

>> No.3384243

Bazetto will always be #1 for me.

>> No.3384254

I think he was referring to the missionary position.

>> No.3384256

I wonder how Shirou reacts to the pleasure of cumming inside Rin. Since she lets him do that, being the slut she is.

>> No.3384257

Too bad she only wants Cu Chulainn's dick.

>> No.3384261

I guess she is the purest, what with having no sex scene.

>> No.3384273
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, but isn't RIder's projected dreams based on what Shirou subconciously wants to see? why else would Shirou dream about Rin and Mitsuzuri getting it on?

>> No.3384284

Because Rider is gay for Mitsuzuri.

>> No.3384288

Because Rider want's Ayako's snatch.

>> No.3384305 [SPOILER] 
File: 736 KB, 800x600, saber_is_a_fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Saber's scene was pretty good.

She does get compared to a fish in one line, but it IS Nasu we're talking about here.

>> No.3384309
File: 331 KB, 975x768, larueridercompetnopn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3384315

Speaking of fish, I had a somewhat ero dream about pre-timeskip Princess Ruto last night.

>> No.3384317

>the 69 pic


>> No.3384318

Rider makes the illusion based on just what she thinks Shirou wants.
She knows about Rin, and she's the school idol - who wouldn't want to fuck her? And she knows about Ayako, since she attacks her.

>> No.3384331

What the fuck man? If it was her adult form, I could understand - she actually gets pretty hot.

>> No.3384365
File: 133 KB, 650x918, Rider001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3384383

ITT: Anon is afraid to admit that the thought of a hot girl licking his ass turns him on.

>> No.3384402

So she's basically combining her fantasy with Shirou's.

>> No.3384615

The thought of licking Rider's anus turns me on, not the other way around. Have you even seen her ass?

>> No.3384866

Who fucking cares if she licked an anus during a dream sequence where she's fucking someone she likes?

>> No.3385030


Anon is unready for the gorgons, yo.

>> No.3385060

Adults are outside of my acceptable age range.

>> No.3385239

RAGE. It should've been Sakura there lickin' Shirou's ass.. not Rider.

>> No.3385243

I just wish they hadn't made the CG to only show Sakura doing her thing. Fucking lame.
