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File: 60 KB, 704x396, Fate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3379365 No.3379365 [Reply] [Original]

I don't like the girl on the Right.

>> No.3379369

How are the English VAs for this?

>> No.3379368

i don't like the teddy bears.

>> No.3379387

Saber's "Shero!" was enough, I couldn't watch more than a minute

>> No.3379385

Depends, do you like GAY BULGES?

>> No.3379390
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, tallgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was clearly just a nod to Luvia's way of speaking.

>> No.3379392

They pronounce Tohsaka as TOESUCKA

>> No.3379400

>Gay Bulge

>> No.3379406
File: 55 KB, 582x823, shirou_chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the girl on the right
I think she's pretty cute

>> No.3379422

Toy shoppan gaems

>> No.3379429

The whole "date with Saber" scene could have been a lot cuter, Nasu really dropped the ball. He's good with the detailed universes and intense powerlevels plots, but he has no flair for moe at all.

>> No.3379436


A present for you Luviafags.

>> No.3379438
File: 15 KB, 300x225, Ilya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but he has no flair for moe at all.
Excuse me, what?

>> No.3379441

Semen color hair is not moe.

>> No.3379445

Yes, it is.

>> No.3379448


>> No.3379453

psp version

>> No.3379455

The translated version is out for PSP download.

>> No.3379461

Illya is cute and all but I can't really think of a single scene where she was actually moe, beyond calling Shirou as onii-chan

>> No.3379462

Of course. I completely forgot about it.

>> No.3379468

Crushing your entire body and carrying the head away with glee isn't moe?

>> No.3379475

Ilya was moe when she visits Shirou's house in HF.(Not the BAD END one)

>> No.3379491

Semen is moe?

>> No.3379501

I actually thought that was pretty nice. He has these characters, and while they don't always live up to general standards of moe, they're consistent, and react in consistent ways. Shirou and Saber on a date acted exactly as I'd have expected them to; same with Arc. Characters whose entire existence is based around moe are bad characters, and characters who lapse into moe stereotypes for a few minutes out of an hours-long game are even worse.

>> No.3379502


That's terrifying.

>> No.3379510

...You have weird taste.

>> No.3379516

>Lady Forklift

I came.

>> No.3379877
File: 190 KB, 700x700, 5986693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am da Sylvester Stallone ov me sword.
Steel is me body, an' Jeremiah is me blood.
I 'ave created ken' n dover a thousand blades.
Unaware ov loss.
Nor aware ov gain.
Withstood Dick an' Jane ter create many weapons.
Waitin' fer one's arrival.
I 'ave no regrets. This is da only parf.
My whole life was "Unlimited Blade Works."

>> No.3379882

Why are you watching shitty 396p fansubs when there's BDRips, OP?

>> No.3379889
File: 56 KB, 600x450, c53402dd15ae03371e7538c92f1df0ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Shirou-chan and Archer-sama make a good couple.

>> No.3379895

Shirou has nice tits.

>> No.3379898


>> No.3379899

Great idea, Archer! Get Shirou-chan pregnant and she won't be able to follow her ideal!

>> No.3379906

This would of made UBW route interesting.

Would the final confrontation be between Rin and Shirou?

>> No.3379907

Is this masturbation?

>> No.3379910

No thats BIRIBIRI getting a shock.

>> No.3379915



Does that count as a CONTRADICTION to the world?...

Getting yourself pregnant?

>> No.3379916

>would of
Are you trying to fuck up?

>> No.3379917

Would FS/N be better if Shirou had been a girl?

>> No.3379922

I have this feeling that the prototype of F/SN with Saver would be much better.

>> No.3379924

I dunno. It's just a parallel world where Shirou was a girl instead of a guy, isn't it?

Don't servants get summoned from other dimensions an shit?

>> No.3379931


While Zelretch was apparently THERE for the Great Grail's creation, I'm fairly certain it does not regularly bust through worlds.

Localized universe only, with the exception of the omni-dimensional Counter Guardians. Which Archer is, so I suppose that previous line didn't matter.

>> No.3379934

Thought it was just multiple timelines.

Though, granting the infinite possibility, there's an infinite number of resultant timelines wherein Shirou is a girl yet still exactly the same as he is the way we know him. So, since we already know that the Shirou inducted into the throne is male, it's completely plausible (indeed, guaranteed!) that there's at least one (and more likely infinite) timeline wherein Shirou is both female and fucked by Archer.

>> No.3379940
File: 107 KB, 569x834, 407d4e322912a405f18ae4cdcba9f326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now you're thinking with Kaleidoscopes.

>> No.3379948

Apparently Sakura is lesbian for Shirouko.

>> No.3379953

Bitch I ALWAYS think like this.

Somewhere out there, there's a me having sex with six women at once.

Conversely, there's also a female version of me being raped by eight men at the same time. Not sure how I feel about that.

>> No.3379956


I'm fucking one of your female versions.

>> No.3379961

Somewhere out there, there's a me who has already created the ideal world. Maybe she'll jump to this reality and fix it, too...

...She might kill me, though. Fuck.

>> No.3379968
File: 109 KB, 600x849, shiroushirouko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want more pictures of Shirouko.

Can you help me /jp/? I have a bunch of heavens failure ones but I want more like the Archer/Shirou one.

>> No.3379975

You're fucking an infinite number of them, murdering an infinite number of them, cannibalizing an infinite number of them, and the same can be said for your female versions and me.


Why couldn't I have been one of the ones who has a good social life and isn't a virgin?

>> No.3379978

>one of the ones who has a good social life and isn't a virgin

I raped and ate all of them already.

>> No.3379981
File: 137 KB, 568x550, 1242424370310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I simultaneously refuse and comply.

>> No.3379987

>Why couldn't I have been one of the ones who has a good social life and isn't a virgin?
Because there aren't any, and there never were.

>> No.3380033


>> No.3380035

A woman without all of the extra genes which code for hemophilia and shit. Fucking diseased sluts.

>> No.3380064

A dirty little pile of secrets

>> No.3380069

Actually, men are mutant women.

>> No.3380079

>Feminist propaganda.
How droll.
