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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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33728124 No.33728124 [Reply] [Original]

touhou 17.5 is delayed again
ZUN kicked Alphes to the curb for less than this

>> No.33728478

They have no excuse lol
ZUN should break ties with them and find other circles

>> No.33729526


>> No.33729547

Pretty sure IaMP had the same problems

>> No.33729614

Yeah I kinda remember the same. Not defending Tasofro but it's also not exactly a new thing with them.

>> No.33729796
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So this game is basically mystic chain
Do neo /jp/-ers even remember mystic chain?

>> No.33729867


>> No.33730658

At this rate, it may be releasing even after UM.

>> No.33732637

>ZUN kicked Alphes to the curb for less than this
What did Alphes do?

>> No.33732659
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draw weird portraits for 13.5

>> No.33732707

Mystical chain rocks.

>> No.33732725

That gameplay looks much better than the kusoge Tasofraud is delaying so much .

>> No.33733250


>> No.33733653

These colors are wrong though... right?

>> No.33734740

Are we sure Tasofro isn't blackmailing ZUN to keep getting to make official games?

Maybe they have rare pictures of ZUN sober or something.

>> No.33734783

Touhou is doujinsoft, it's something you develop for fun. Tasofro and ZUN are probably friends, and you don't ditch your friends just because they make bad games slowly.

>> No.33739158
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Kogasa was a mistake. 17.5 would have released months ago if it wasn't for her.

>> No.33741342

Thread on the Ura reached 1000 replies.

>> No.33741368

Of course, the only threads that reach 1000 replies here in the /jp/ are threads about the singing mongoloid shark.

>> No.33741373

What are they saying?

>> No.33741397

They are furious because Tasofraud set a deadline very recently and now comes with this bullshit out of the blue.

>> No.33741430

It's no use getting worked up about it, it can't be helped.

>> No.33743304

I mean it is kinda understandable since its probably too late for people to cancel if they were going specifically for 17.5.

Why they would only go for 17.5 though is beyond me.

>> No.33744419

Is it really that hard to set up remote workstations to work on your games or are they just borderline retarded

>> No.33744763
File: 84 KB, 529x401, 1569267252280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they were that behind on development they never should've announced the game for Reitaisai to begin with. Pretty ridiculous of them to do this with just a week left until the event.

>> No.33744849

What a scum
1 week until reitaisai and they cancelled it?
How can show their face at the event?

>> No.33745158

You have to go back.

>> No.33745461

I doubt they'll even be there now since they have no current project to sell.

>> No.33749366

It's not Kogasa's fault unless the game comes out bland.
Then it's her fault.
I expect 40 hours of entertaining gameplay no less.

>> No.33750977

They might have been planning to do the same thing with HM where they patched the rest of the game in later.

>> No.33751496

>I expect 40 hours of entertaining gameplay no less.
More like 3 hours tops.

>> No.33751877

I'll be surprised if it gets to even 2.

>> No.33753832

They had extra time... I don't see it being less than 2 even though it's very possible.

>> No.33756095

I want to believe that /jp/ would slowly start to incline again if those people finally got kicked off to their board. But sadly I need to believe that would happen in first place and it's getting difficult.

>> No.33756159

if only someone seized the power from the current mods to make things right

>> No.33756193

3DPD posters and vt*ber holdouts are not the cause of the recline, they are a symptom. It's too late anyway, /jp/ no longer has OC like drawfags because they all moved to /vt/ to draw the pooping reaper and the meme rabbit.

>> No.33756201

then what to do
at least fix the symptoms first then

>> No.33756294

I saw a drawfag thread a few days ago that seemed to be doing well enough, didn't bother checking it though.
Anyway I'm still not sure what to think about this game and the delays don't help. At least the new main game's demo should come out on time.

>> No.33759587
File: 62 KB, 737x524, soooon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to ZUN, there will be " a catastrophic storyline that we have never seen before, and the eerie and complex nostalgia that cannot be experienced in the main story of Touhou".
So... ummm, Mima kills Marisa?

>> No.33761211

i mean mima being confirmed itself would have been enough

>> No.33761661

Mima takes a pillow and smothers Marisa, then replaces her as Marisa

>> No.33761733

That makes sense, watch this game get cancelled just like the manga because the universe doesn't want Mima to come back

>> No.33762435

He said basically the same thing about 16 and nothing out of the ordinary happened there.

>> No.33763018

In a double twist, it's revealed Mima was Yuuka all along

>> No.33766793

18's trial is postponed too, right? Or was it the full game that was delayed recently?

>> No.33766815

I have both threads archived.

>> No.33766856

Oh shit, I can't believe Wizard Yuuka killed Horticulturalist Mima!

>> No.33767277

Comiket got delayed, but for all we know ZUN could release it digitally around Comiket's original date, unless he's made a statement about it already.

>> No.33770338

I thought it was just the full version of Th18 that was getting delayed. is the trial kill too?

>> No.33771061

I haven't heard anything stating such.

>> No.33774448 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 952x712, 1616053364992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what the spam filter is about.
I was going to post it at the end of the thread, but it wouldn't matter too much if it's now or later.

>> No.33774457

If it comes out messed up, remember to set encoding to unicode.

>> No.33775918

Or make sure to have Japanese Local enabled when extracting

>> No.33776076

this is the closest thing to a news thread right now, so I'm gonna post here
we're getting a new strange creators of outer world book for spring

>> No.33776674

>we're getting a new strange creators of outer world book for spring
When was the last one published? It feels like it was years ago...

>> No.33776819

autumn 2019, so it has been a long while.

>> No.33777411

Can't wait for Reimu to dunk on the LoLK group.

>> No.33777669

there is a literal OC thread up right now and you still doompost like a faggot

>> No.33786628

>Can't wait for Reimu to dunk on the LoLK group.
Will there be an inclusion of post LoLK characters?

>> No.33792174

Has anyone ever shown up without a project to sell in the first place?

>> No.33792400

Somehow it looks even worse on the character select screen.

>> No.33804575

17.5 delay, but 18 news.
Demo release in 2 days.
17.5...? MIA

>> No.33806080

And then you faggots will complain too if the game is released in unfinished state. There is no satisfying you.

>> No.33812275

>And then you faggots will complain too if the game is released in unfinished state. There is no satisfying you.
Everyone complains over an unfinished product. It's not just them.

>> No.33813073
File: 94 KB, 431x551, alice how horrifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why it's better if they actually take the time to polish the game instead of rushing the game to meet the schedule like most japanese devs do, as long it guarantees that the final product is in perfect condition.
Yet people actually want them to rush the game. What the fuck.

>> No.33813221

because people are imaptient

>> No.33826038

>That's why it's better if they actually take the time to polish the game instead
Well they better be, that's for sure.

>> No.33827078

>Yet people actually want them to rush the game. What the fuck.
No, I want them to shut up about announcing a release date and then turning around and delaying it AGAIN
Touhou "17.5" is supposed to release before Touhou 18, not the other way around. If they just kept their mouth shut, released it when it was finished and just called it Touhou 18.5 (like it's gonna end up being) there wouldn't have been NEAR as many complaints over this.

>> No.33827369
File: 352 KB, 777x490, EvO2GI1VEAs_sQF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're upset that the development doesn't meet your expectation and autistic about game title.
The former is understandable I guess but as for number title, IaMP was released after IN (IaMP: 30th December 2004, IN: 22th August 2004) so it's nothing new. I think it was like that for ULiL and LoLK too but I don't remember.

>> No.33829301

Duke Nukem Forever turned out to be the greatest game of the decade, didn't it?

>> No.33829507

I kind of liked schizo coloring in that game.

>> No.33830411

ulil came out before lolk. aocf came out after hsifs

>> No.33834751

>not the other way around
not the case with the other games

>> No.33844017

I'm using the timeframe as an example you twit. I don't care if the game comes out later that the mainline one (IaMP did so as you mentioned, as did AoCF, etc)
What I'm aggravated by is their constant habit of "announce a date, then delay it, then announce another date, then delay it again". I'm upset that the development clearly doesn't match THEIR expectations.

By all means, finish your game. Me, nor anyone else wants to see a rushed thing, like HM needing a patch on a later date to make Kokoro playable. What I want, is them to stop announcing that the game's coming out if they clearly can't meet their own personal deadlines.
There is nothing to gain from announcing and delaying it over and over. Just wait announce the game's coming out after it's been complete enough that it won't get delayed before said announcement date...

>> No.33849537

>What I want, is them to stop announcing that the game's coming out if they clearly can't meet their own personal deadlines.
Some days I wonder what goes on in Game Dev Hell since unfinished games seem to be common nowadays.

>> No.33856531

Clearly they thought they would have the game finished by the given date before the new delay.
Corporations bending over to shareholders and their whims to have the "product" NOW regardless of anything else.

Am I talking to /jp/? I would have thought /jp/ was smart enough to know these things.
