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3371752 No.3371752 [Reply] [Original]

Hail to the king, baby.

>> No.3371778

He died like a bro. ;_;

>> No.3371784

Poor king, we hardly knew him!

>> No.3371789

Fucking bitch. Lancelot ;_;

>> No.3371787

Doesn't make up for him stealing Saber's waifu.

It's the principal of the thing!

>> No.3371802
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Saber was a bad king.

>> No.3371807


When I'm ruling England, I make sure to farm some fertility attributes, have a ton of children, train my generals against the french and my assassins against milan. Jerusalem by turn 60.

>> No.3371814

Good job saber, you prick.

>> No.3371819

Saber had a slutty waifu, that's all.

>> No.3371821


Frenchbro here, enjoy your tiny island, I'll be over here taking over what's left of iberia.

>> No.3371824

Seiba has balls of steel.

>> No.3371849

Oh I do too. They have little bells in them. I keep them in a nice box.

>> No.3371862

When I'm ruling England there are only three other tribes in it and constant internal struggle between the chiefs of my tribe. And then there are barbarians raping everyone.
Two hundred years latter Rome rapes us all.
Pre A.D. life is so sad ;_;

>> No.3371863


>> No.3371876

Present them.

>> No.3371882


The waifu that didn't like her.

At all.

>> No.3371917

>Hail to the king, baby.


>> No.3371930

Well obviously she didn't swing that way.

>> No.3371934


>> No.3371970

That's worse than betting on Duke. At least with Duke you can be sure that he will never come out.

>> No.3371974

"It's time to kill servants and chew bubble gum... and I'm all out of gum."

>> No.3371976
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>> No.3372001

Since Duke is dead now, does that mean he can be a servant?

>> No.3372009

Duke's "Nobody steals our chicks... and lives!" quote seems quite fitting.

>> No.3372026

When I rule England I'm the first to pioneer Light Infantry and Naval tactics.

The french stand no chance against my sudden and massive push into their homeland, Paris falls within the year. and all remaining resistance falls within the next.

The outlying colonies of the former French nation are powerless to stop my relentless systematic conquest of their lands.

>> No.3372047

When I rule England I start the industrial revolution over one thousand years early just to mass produce SMGs and wipe out the rest of the world.

>> No.3372141
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When I rule England I don't fuck up with the tribes and Rome, and later with America. Rule half the known world in under two thousand years.

>> No.3372151

Saber is not my king.

>> No.3372155

When I play England, I invade Germany by sea while they are too busy failing blitzkrieg against Soviets and leftovers of Europe. Then I declare war on other European countries, because fuck the history.

>> No.3372192

Lol enjoy being crushed on the continent by a combined army of butthurt shattered remanents fighting on home turf, with nowhere to get supplies from since America just declared war on your ass.

>> No.3372218

When I rule England, I hardly need supplies because I rape, burn and pillage. I pretty much repeat blitzkrieg, only against Germans. I also supply Japan with everything I can just to keep Americans busy.
And then I get the point victory.

>> No.3372226

Milanbro here, enjoy sending fresh units to one side of the land to another,
I'll be here conquering all of europe by turn 50 with spearmen.

>> No.3372357

what fucking game are you guys talking about

>> No.3372813

>supply Japan
>Implying that is logistically plausible due to the sheer distance
>Also implying that America won't have your ass locked down with a blockade

And, have fun being crushed by Russia.

>> No.3372819

>Conquering with spearmen

More like turn 120 amirite?

>> No.3372825

>Implying that is logistically plausible due to the sheer distance
Technology, not resources. Rather easy to do.
And why would I fuck with Russia. I never said anything about going to Russia.

>> No.3372858

>Then I declare war on other European countries

Last I heard, Russia is partially in Europe.

Either way, they wouldn't turn a blind eye. Instead, prepare to get Demon Army'ed.

>> No.3372860

You have never seen shitloads of well established spearmen charges, have you?
