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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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33707948 No.33707948 [Reply] [Original]

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.

Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

What version to play? Read the pastebin.

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:
>Latest Elona+

>Elona+ 1.90 and 1.89 Archive (and mods):

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:
>Go here for Custom download too

>Current Version:
Elona+ 2.03 (2021-2-13)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-10-20)

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

>OOMSEST Updates

>Elin's Inn

>OO English CUSTOM

>Elona Vanilla CUSTOM

>> No.33708735

No link to the previous thread?

>> No.33708898

No leave the past behind
here >>33556814

>> No.33710879

I love my little sister!

>> No.33711938

What's so bad about last thread?

>> No.33712021

Am I losing out on much if I play Omake Overhaul over +?

>> No.33712138

I don't think you can go past act 1 in regular Omake overhaul since south tyris seems to be empty

>> No.33712472

/jp/ still too fast I see

>> No.33713921

Plus' story is pretty dank yeah, do at least one playthrough.

>> No.33715128

Isn't there an omake that included act 2 and 3?

>> No.33715691

Why are we dying so fast?

>> No.33715779

I blame Touhou butt.

>> No.33716951

because chuuba invasion

>> No.33717239
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>quest is taking so long even my zombies are starting to gain sentience

>> No.33717705

Don't they have their own board now?

>> No.33718700

No, there's oomsest that made it's own version of south tyris, but it doesn't have any of plus' stuff.

>> No.33719120

Yes, for what little it matters

>> No.33720441

I'm running ElonaPlus Custom 1.89.3 and I can't seem to find Clothworld in Miral's shop? Do I have the wrong version?

>> No.33721313

They do but nobody enforced them to stay there

>> No.33722054

They're only here to spite people.

>> No.33722560

Given that everyone is a ironic weeb and uses 4chan as an extension of their sekrit crub and circlejerks more than ever before, then that's accurate.

>> No.33725227
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No more little sisters please

>> No.33726412


>> No.33727160

Is there a little sister goddess? There's a catgirl goddess, so a lolan/rolan, or whatever they're called goddess shouldn't be too weird.

>> No.33727242

So barehanded martial arts let's you attack several times with a high level skill,meanwhile you can make heavy claws for more chunky hits at the cost of no multi-hits,is this correct?

>> No.33728188

Yacatect is the onee-san goddess so maybe she protects all the little sisters

>> No.33736286


>> No.33742290


>> No.33743896

Do necromancy actually works?

>> No.33744130

Yeah, zombies will murder everything, especially liches and dragons. I'm using the shittier ones here because they're single target, since anything else will inevitable end up killing an NPC and failing the quest.
The only inconvenient is if you're doing a high level dungeon enemies will tear you apart if they get past your zombies.

>> No.33747719

You can have as many dungeons as you want?
It's nice that I don't need to wish for one anymore.

>> No.33748106

I'm asking because I'm about to use a 2nd storage deed but if I can own more than one dungeon, I'd go for more of it, instead.

>> No.33750079

f12 wizard to test yourself.
Report findings, likely not limited to one dungeon though.

>> No.33752676


>> No.33753089

IIRC you can only have the one dungeon.

>> No.33754595

That rare trigger thing scares me. Tested with a backup.
That's what I remember, too. But it seems that there's no limit of how many you can place.

>> No.33755530

How do I hide armor

>> No.33755546

'i'nteract with a dresser, there one in the south-west of the Cyber Dome and one in the King's bedroom in Palmia.

>> No.33760260


>> No.33761754

are there news about custom and custom g getting updated to 2.0

>> No.33763147

Okay so which version of + added piss mechanics, the lack of QOL additions in + and not present in Omake Overhaul are killing me

>> No.33763565

Custom-G is for 1.90 and removes the piss mechanics.

>> No.33763621


>> No.33763756

none so far

>> No.33768303


>> No.33769394

someone have a download for 2.02 +?
The google drive link doesn't work anymore

>> No.33770078
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Board is getting too fast even for us

>> No.33771018
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>throw this at me
>literally shoving a cyborg beetle up my ass

>> No.33771162
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>literal fucking big bad beetle borgs ref for no reason

>> No.33774830
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>> No.33779060

Why did she needed to copy opatos offerings? when will she be changed to cure potions or something

>> No.33779087

I'm convinced Jure's offerings were left unfinished in Elona and Ano never bothered with them.

>> No.33785787
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>> No.33791767

Anyone know how to set up the riding PCCs?

>> No.33799199


Cast your vote for Elona. We can do it.

>> No.33799338

How about I vote for every game except elona instead?

>> No.33799511

Don't do it. 2007 was a shit year aside from Elona.

>> No.33800946

Hey, I've not checked this thread in a hot minute, what's with Elona being on mobile now?

>> No.33801637

Chinkshit using elona's IP

>> No.33802389

What's that and why the heck anons should vote?

>> No.33802763

/v/ is voting for top 10 video games for each year. They're at 2007 right now. Each poll ends after 24 hours.

>> No.33805085

The only thing the mobile version has going for it is all the quality of life stuff that makes it easier for new players getting into elona.

>> No.33805566

Does anyone have a custom fairy sprite/portrait they'd be willing to share?
I struggle to find one

>> No.33805937


>> No.33805947

Thanks you anon

>> No.33805989

Forgot the hair flower, updated zip.

>> No.33808951
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>> No.33809696

Vanilla worth playing just to acquaint myself with the game or should I just go for one of the variants instead?

>> No.33810707

>no hellsinker
shit poll

>> No.33810724

could go either way don't matter

>> No.33812001

Start off with either vanilla or elona+.

>> No.33816684

It's really convenient though, I don't think I'll even go back to old Elona after I tried it recently.

>> No.33816992

Aside from the former being an offline game and never under the threat of losing all your data- There's some charm to elona still. The mobile art is just not appealing to me.

>> No.33817095
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what about big titty Larneirre tho?

>> No.33817165

Is that katalina? Looks like someone chopped her head off.

>> No.33817217

Considering they're chinese, yeah most probably

>> No.33817289
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My sides. I wonder who's gonna occupy Apollonia's body.

>> No.33818192

It is an unofficial commercial Elona variant for mobile, released with Noa's permission.

>> No.33819378

Do charged gauge attacks also deal 10x damage or just 1x?

>> No.33819726

Weell, it depends.
Charged attacks only cause the first attack you do to be x10, furthermores don't, extra hits from meteor don't, etc.

The problem with gauge release, is that normally, it hits after one of your attacks. I'm not sure if you can get it to be x10 by missing, or if it is counted as part of the first attack.

Otherwise, probably not.

>> No.33823579

There is always an eternal legacy saved for all time with old Elona, but the controls are just a million times better, and I suppose I could have some interactions with guild members if anyone wanted to make a potentially nice community there.

>> No.33829883
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>> No.33830402
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>> No.33834164
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>> No.33834284
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As many as I could

>> No.33835178
File: 13 KB, 597x120, flesh dolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread of Innervation has no right to feel as rewarding as it does.

>> No.33835515

brainlet here. do I just download this or do I also have to download elona+ separately?: https://mega.nz/file/QOx0QagI#xvKOn2kyEyVQAMbkqcEdoN_7t75h_g0Rzi0Ud-Xdfo0

>> No.33835530

Yeah, you have to download Plus too.

>> No.33841698

So what is the best throwing rock weapon? update shuriken to rock for cut damage and make it weight 200 pounds? is that it? can those giant rocks be living weapons?

>> No.33842827

wtf I rarely get dolls when I use it
Is the rank 10 that much better than rank 9 food or should I just sell them? I bet a big daddy onaho doll would sell for at least 60k gp

>> No.33843883

I'm probably talking out of my ass but it feels like the closer the enemy was to dying the higher the probability using the ability will give you a flesh doll.

>> No.33849655 [DELETED] 

alive not dead

>> No.33857060

Sexualisation of little sisters for monetary gain

>> No.33858022
File: 406 KB, 741x468, eon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I buy slaves?

>> No.33858118

Step 1) Get more pet slots. You either lack charisma, or just have a crap ton of pets.

>> No.33862919

Do you need money more than stats?

>> No.33864709

Money is also stats, shit ain't always free.

>> No.33865754

New Elona+ Custom-G wen

>> No.33865986

What is abyss level? every time I read an ancient book it raises the abyss level. What the hell is that, and should i be concerned?

>> No.33866259

Very. It's a feature that hasn't been finished yet. Who truly knows what lurks in the abyss, or how much ear wax will spill forth?

>> No.33866288

Ah, so every time i read a book and raise the abyss power i am screwing myself. Good to know. Good thing i already got all the mages guild skills. guess those books get sold or ignored.

>> No.33866969

I think you'd better off slapping oomsest over it if you want to go that route. Vanilla 2.1 is obviously incomplete and 1.66, while stable the only thing that it has over any other variants is just its exploits.

>> No.33868308
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>doing quest where you have to capture 5 monsters
>die and my monster balls drop
why god why

>> No.33871049

just don't u noobish fag

>> No.33881030

Wonder what Ano with nerf next.

>> No.33881409

the piss mechanics are overblown, you can completely ignore them with no consequence , and the game has always had weird stuff

>> No.33881449

Thread of innervation will decap enemies below 1/9th health, then if they would have dropped a corpse (or a figurine? I'm not sure) they'll drop a doll
you can use knockout to guarantee the decap, and with unique NPCs and bosses that's a guaranteed doll.

>> No.33883461

I caught a dirty ring when fishing, is that trash or is there a way to clean it?

>> No.33884230

Identify it and sell it. It's trash.

>> No.33884281

that's a shame. i was hoping for a cool artifact, but meh, the fish are powerful when you make picnic baskets.

>> No.33886694

Must be the figurine then, because I once decapitated an enemy and got a normal corpse.

>> No.33887250

Something balanced and intuitive like facing a boss while your charisma is too high lowers your party limit by the square of the charisma ratio.

>> No.33892115

Proper Elin wen

>> No.33892697


>> No.33894122

What are the best things to take when leveling a living weapon in E+? Mostly absolute piercing? Don't even know if it cap at some point.

>> No.33894676

Rainbow element all day every day.

>> No.33897705

No, CHIGAO!!! it is somehow worse in weird ways, like becoming sleepy, hungry and tired, when you log out, and other stupid bugs. I mean if i played that before elona or elona+, then yeah all time favorite, but it's just not the same.

Speaking of which, is caves of qud similar? has anyone made another rougelite as good as elona?

>> No.33898089

Unless they change it after the beta, Elona Mobile trivializes money and platinum, they just throw that shit at you non stop. Food and sleep isn't that difficult to mitigate in it.

>> No.33901289
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>> No.33903458

Take my...mmmh mmh mh...viscous, vital, energy...

>> No.33906189

As soon as someone volunteers to manually merge the relevant few thousands of lines of code out of 40k lines of diffs that result from recompilation shifting all the labels.

>> No.33908567


For a Lina Inverse sprite.

>> No.33911440
File: 2.57 MB, 1920x1080, [a-s]_slayers_revolution_-_01_-_amazing!_the_surprising_dragon_slave!__rs2_[1080p_bd-rip][72F25D95].mkv_snapshot_09.54_[2019.12.31_22.38.22].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat is justice!

Justice that will whacked with a mace into criminals!

>> No.33914765

There are lots of great roguelites such as Shiren the Wanderer and One Way Heroics. Elona is easily the best sandbox roguelite though.

>> No.33918814 [SPOILER] 
File: 638 KB, 499x499, 1616741317015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Eleas are made for interracial breeding

>> No.33918996

Eleas are just mutant humans in this series.

>> No.33919112

I think it's called pickpocket

>> No.33921406

Actually it's the rest of humans that are mutant, the Od Humanity that have the Ether Generator are Eleas.

Update: I decapitated a guy with it and it gave me a figurine but no flesh doll. Dungeon bosses still seem to be guaranteed though.

>> No.33922839

Back in the old era when meshera was discovered, elea were already outcasts having drifted away from the rest of mankind. This was at least 1-2 apocalypses after modern era after all, so there were probably plenty of mutated humans running around by then. Though, perhaps not meshura/ether mutations, but the more bio-engineered/radiated kinds.

>> No.33930780
File: 132 KB, 736x1527, fb93b14bc56a7f96269309d2fb858cae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live once again.

This shit is why I said I would only remake threads on monday if they vanished prematurely.

>> No.33933450

I am an cute elean girl, don't hit on me silly goyim :3
