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3370765 No.3370765 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/.

When did you give up on 3D women?

>> No.3370770

I never thought I had a chance. My first fap was 2d and it's been that way every since.

>> No.3370784

Never gave up on them, hot girls still make my dick hard. 2D ones are just good too, they dont have all the annoying habits and things that normal women have

>> No.3370794


>> No.3370797

Fuck off.

>> No.3370801

>Never gave up on them, hot girls still make my dick hard.


Same fag is same

>> No.3370812

In during angry reactionaries.

2D are just idealized 3D, when will you realize that?

>> No.3370819

i like both

>> No.3370825

When I realised that a serious relationship would really cut in on my already low touhou budget

>> No.3370831


>> No.3370834

You disgust me, i bet you buy from JAST.

>> No.3370837

When I was turned down for being too short.

>> No.3370842
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I've never gave up on them.
Acutally, I fap to them daily.

>> No.3370846

I have never been interested in 3D.

>> No.3370847

Nope, but I really can't get into a relationship right now. And not in the baaaaaaw /r9k/ way I just can't be bothered to try. For some reason it just seems too troublesome.

>> No.3370849

Way back when I realized girls were all just selfishes bitches and whores.

>> No.3370856

I didn't. I'm in a relationship. I am still somewhat of a hikki, and unemployed. I enjoy all the things /jp/ has to offer to a good extent. Do you honestly believe it when people say they are truly content with only 2D in their "lives"? Break down your fears, comprehend them in your head, and then grow up.

>> No.3370869

In my whole 26 years i only had a relationship with a girl for close a year.
Than she ran off with my best friend, i beat him nearly to death with a baseball bat and nearly landed in jail for it.
Fucker needs a walking cane now and needed 2 rows of teeth.

>> No.3370871


>> No.3370874

Aaaaaand school is out in America! Here come the normalfags!

>> No.3370886

fuck you. Those eurofags fucking LOVE KS. You should see the threads that are on at 3am.

>> No.3370889

My only fear is to become a hikki with no job and a girlfirend. Now that I've broken down my fears, let me tell you this bub, I look horrible, You look horrible, most people in this world look horrible. And thats why 2d!

>> No.3370892

School just started, actually. Even I know that.
For me, school has been "out" for 5 years now.

>> No.3370895

im a neet with a girlfriend but i still fap to 2d sometimes. actually i fap to more 2d than my gf because im always in class when shes not and shes in class when im at my job so it doesnt always work out too god

>> No.3370898

About 2 years ago, never had much interest in the first place though.

>> No.3370899

It's 4:30 here you fucking dropout dumbass.

>> No.3370900

wow /jp/

You even hate people who like 2D and 3D?

>> No.3370903
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After I met these!

>> No.3370906

Please. I don't want any trouble. Anything but a burn from "Anonymous of Crotia."

And go be hideous by yourself, I am rather charming.

>> No.3370912

I haven't. Just haven't met one who I've had strong, lasting feelings for.

I sort of have a schizoid personality.

>> No.3370916

I have to confess that I still haven't ;_;

>> No.3370919


>> No.3370926


>> No.3370936

Come to my place and I'll kick your ass faggot.

>> No.3370952

There never was much in favor of them to me.
I've been brought up with the firm belief that all women were crazy, manipulative and sluts.
And every day that goes by just confirms what I've been taught.

>> No.3370953

Suddenly weeaboo fight

>> No.3370955

Idort he said Crotia not Croatia.

>> No.3370956

A lot of the women around me wear tons of makeup and reek either of "I either get whatever I want or it's the highway" aura or "I'm a slut". Their guy friends worship them and really make it obvious they have feelings for the girls, but for whatever reason, they either honestly can't tell or ignore it. I find all that disgusting. So 2D all the way for me.

>> No.3370985
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I'm getting 3d as soon as i'm back from Afghanistan.
I'll keep fapping to 2d for the next 8 monthes.

>> No.3370988

When I realized that laws and society rules protect 3D women but ignore the way they manipulate relationships for the bling bling. ;_;

>> No.3371031

I only fap to japanese women, fuck I know that all of the pics are shooped but it makes my dick happy anayways.

The fap ratio still favors 2d, about 95 to 5; 2D - 3D

>> No.3371032

4 years for me.

Because 3D women and life is so ugly and disgusting that i don't want even look at. I firmly believe that relationships are overrated and people can live alone if they want.
Sage because i hate thread like this one.

>> No.3371044

Because real lolis are illegal.

>> No.3371052
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That said, almost nobody really answered my question. I asked when you gave up on 3D women, not why 3D women suck (there's plenty of threads about that subject).

For me, I'm not attracted to the slut type >>3370956 described, so I went for the rare non-slut girls. But as it turns out, there's sluts who'd fuck anybody and there's actual nice girls who would never like you. Ever. ;_;
So, I gave up after being rejected enough times to get the hint. What's your story, /jp/?

>> No.3371066

when i realized just how tiny my dick really is.

>> No.3371069

>But as it turns out, there's sluts who'd fuck anybody and there's actual nice girls who would never like you. Ever. ;_; So, I gave up after being rejected enough times to get the hint.

Story of my life, bro. ;_;

>> No.3371135
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>> No.3371156

You can hardly call it a bias when your mother organises a robbery to steal your father's belongings while fucking another man behind his back and when every other woman you know has acted treacherous in a manner or another.

That said, most people here have never quit 3D, because they've never been into it.
The people posting here have never been in a relationship and haven't had enough positive female contacts to lust after them.

>> No.3371175

That said, most people out there have never quit 2D, because they've never been into it.
The people out there have never been in a 2D relationship and haven't had enough positive 2D female contacts to lust after them.

>> No.3371183

>when every other woman you know has acted treacherous in a manner or another.
That's the problem. Once you get the idea that 'all women are treacherous', you'll be quick to call a woman treacherous.

>> No.3371189

That's maybe because I have reasons to.
I don't see how cheating on a man or trying to blackmail him can be honest.
Don't try rationalizing other people's experiences.

>> No.3371198
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>When did you give up on 3D women?
I never liked 3D...

>> No.3371207
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>> No.3371228



>> No.3371239


My story, huh?

The one girlfriend I ever had embodied a lot of the problems you could have with women. She was clingy and demanded my attention often. She would guilt trip me if I wanted some time alone. She was overemotional and pushed all of her problems onto me. She would rebuke me if I tried to confide in her more than she wanted. She was a slut and even admitted to cheating on me several times.

So after breaking up with her and coming to terms with everything, I simply lost my attraction to 3D girls.

>> No.3371247
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When I realized I'm gay.

>> No.3371258

I never really gave up, but I'm looking at it realistically, the odds of me finding a girl I would actually want to be with AND who would also like me are something like 0.01%. I wish I could fill the gaping void inside me with 2D, but it's just not the same as the feeling 3D can give you. 2D can't make you feel loved or feel important.

So, yeah... I never really gave up, but I'm not really looking for any 3D girl anyway because I know it'd be impossible to find one.

>> No.3371268

You don't "look for it" anyway. Don't expect anything real out of forced fruition.

>> No.3371279

Women hate me. I don't know what it is exactly that fuels their rage but they do. I finally got the "hint" after 8 years of school when one threw an cast iron puncher after me because I "looked at her". I try to avoid them nowadays, trying to reach some kind of mutual agreement where we agree to disagree and ignore each other. Doesn't work so well though. Even though I stay indoor most of the time, only leave to study me typical nerd shit at the local uni and to buy groceries they still have the need to humiliate me with obvious sarcastic questions about my girlfriends, hobbies and plans for the weekend.
They won't stop until me fear for them has driven me into hikkidom. I hope this will never happen.

>> No.3371286

Actually, that's false. A relationship won't appear in front of you if you don't look for it. Getting a real relationship implies a lot of trial and error with random women you meet doing hobbies, in class, etc.

>> No.3371291

>trial and errors
>You should trial and error
No wonder there's so many who give up on 3D. Fuck society beliefs. Ignorant bastards.

>> No.3371293
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Same here

>> No.3371295

I have had no relationship with someone of the opposite sex for the past 5 years. Sometimes when I compare both 3D and 2D, I know that "they" won't be as perfect as my favorite 2D waifu, but I don't want to spend the rest of my live alone.

>> No.3371300

How is pluto gay?

>> No.3371302

Look at all those delicious bones.

>> No.3371303

They're just being tsundere. Rape them.

>> No.3371308

Being constantly betrayed, abused and treated as a wallet made me give up on 3D women

>> No.3371309

I was not implying that you shouldn't even try. The point was that you should not over-exert yourself in looking for "true love." Also, trial and error can be done with the same entity, as long as you are not a total sack of shit. Real commitment means working together with that someone to make it work. And that's exactly what I'm talking about, meeting people through hobbies, work, classes, etc. naturally.

I'll stop there and save /jp/ this forbidden talk.

>> No.3371311


>> No.3371315

I'm sort of ugly and don't have a lot to talk about. Women ignore me so I ignore them as well.

>> No.3371317

How could I possible give up on myself? xD

>> No.3371319

i think it was like 12 years ago or so, though i was into 2d since forever.

i remember that back then we only had sailor moon as far as 2d fap material goes and internets had next to no easily available porn, so being a drawfag was a very useful thing.

>> No.3371328

I'm not as crazy as my post makes me look and raping them isn't what I want anyway. Recently (since Feb) I just dream of holding a girl in my arms, pressing my face against her collarbone, feeling the warmth of her body, smelling her scent.
I don't think fucking chicks will solve all my problems, but it'd be nice if I didn't had to always fight alone against the rest of the world.
But even in my dreams, the girls that accept me are forced by the circumstances. I can't imagine a female, or anybody that is, would love me for what I am.

>> No.3371338

Just now.

>> No.3371339

Well from the looks from what you said, you're either a just complete and oblivious asshole or you're associated with the wrong crowd.

>> No.3371342

I wish there were laws against bullying and harassing like these. But no... we're supposed to suck it up and still forced to love such 3D women and their merry band of male followers.

>> No.3371345

I haven't given up. I have my master plan to find a woman who also likes 2D. I just have no clue where to look for this ultimate life form.

>> No.3371352

The only more annoying thing than a woman liked by many men is a man liked by many women. I hate both.

>> No.3371355

I was wondering, what are you or what were you guys looking for from the opposite sex ?

Despite your sincere misoginy and good old narrow-mindedness about women, are you still craving for a helplessly romantic and mutually caring relationship (that include sex of course) ?

Or do you just want to get laid, first time or not ?

>> No.3371358

What about a man liked by many women and men?

>> No.3371359

The worst!

>> No.3371361

Ok then. They're just being tsundere. Tenderly loev them.

>> No.3371363

A lot of people here act like this and I have to say I really really don't understand it. I've never seen shit like this after high school at most.

I don't get bullied, the other ugly people/introverts/ugly introverts I see don't get bullied. We just get ignored, as long as we mind our own business.

>> No.3371367

This. I never even got bullied in high school.

>> No.3371369

>getting laid
Oh you.
The only reason I would be looking for 3D nowadays is for someone nice and understanding to take care of me in my old days. Cute little children and grandchildren are a plus.

>> No.3371372

As I said earlier, I don't know what they hate about me, but nowadays I just sit in the corner and stfu. I don't get how that is being an asshole.

>> No.3371374

OP, I gave up on 3D during my freshman year of high school. I was never into 3D, actually, but after going out with two girls I realized that they're boring pieces of shit and after fucking one of them, I wasn't really satisfied by 3D.

>im a neet
>at my job

Get the fuck out...

>> No.3371376

>The point was that you should not over-exert yourself in looking for "true love." Also, trial and error can be done with the same entity, as long as you are not a total sack of shit. Real commitment means working together with that someone to make it work

But that's what I am looking for. I don't want to "compromise" with some huge slut to "make it work", or be in some kind of relationship with someone who has nothing in common with me. I may be very lonely but I still have my expectations.

>> No.3371378

Blending in makes people hate you. Minding your own business make people laugh at you. What to do.

>> No.3371380

You're the biggest asshole then, since you don't know what makes you an asshole. You asshole.

>> No.3371387


>> No.3371388

The misogyny came after for almost everyone here, because we were all looking for the first thing; a real relationship with a woman, knowing what it feels like to be loved, knowing what it feels like to be important in someone else's life.

>> No.3371390

That's so much harder than getting laid i assure you.

>> No.3371395

Then use your fucking eyes and don't talk to a huge slut. Talk to someone with the same interests, that's your business. Either way, commitment is going to be needed whether you like it or not.

>> No.3371398

Sure, some people will laugh at you if you stay in your corner minding your own business because you "look creepy" or whatever they want to say about you, but you won't get bullied for that after ~high school, unless you're dealing with real psychos.

>> No.3371401

Too many normalfags in this thread. No wonder /jp/ sucks so much.

>> No.3371403

It's because you don't know the difference between "me" and "my".

>> No.3371407

>Then use your fucking eyes and don't talk to a huge slut. Talk to someone with the same interests, that's your business.
That was the point of my first post.
>the odds of me finding a girl I would actually want to be with AND who would also like me are something like 0.01%

>> No.3371413
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>> No.3371415

Sometimes it's just that there are sadistic assholes in society that feel the need to, make themselves feel superior to anyone who's slightly different than normal.
Like the weird way you talk and behave, unpopular interests or hobbies, or just plain intelligence and looks. Are all superb excuses for them to be mean to you.

Don't feel too bad about yourself.
You're not wrong.

>> No.3371416
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>> No.3371422

Us normalfags own this board now dawg. So pack yo shit and get the fuck out before I buttfuck ya hikki spineless ass back to normalcy.

>> No.3371428

"The 1000th summer" or /b/.

>> No.3371440

The older they get, they get the same wishes as you too. Just don't expect good looks from women like these and you're fine.

>> No.3371460

>That was the point of my first post.
I realize that. You missed the point of my post, so, I clarified it for you with emphasis.
>>the odds of me finding a girl I would actually want to be with AND who would also like me are something like 0.01%
Only because you have such a negative mentality. Are you just closed off or do you open yourself to other people besides family?

>> No.3371470

Since I found out that one of my favorite videos was of a pornstar that was now dead.

>> No.3371472

I don' t think I'm "wrong" neither that I'm a beautiful unique snowflake everybody should appreciate.
I'm content with myself and looking forward to reach my personal goals, living a fulfilling live, but I'm certain that, as you said already, everybody is against me and that I'm fighting alone.

>> No.3371487
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>> No.3371512

How old are you? I remember thinking like that back when I was maybe 15-17. Would you like some NAKAMA, perhaps? Even if you had a good social life, a lover and a loving family, you are still going to need to "fight" alone regardless.

>> No.3371528

lol sorry to sound like an angsty teenager. I'm going to be 24 in February. Pathetic huh?

>> No.3371534

No Anon fights alone in the fight for fapping material. Remember this.

>> No.3371565

Well. What do you mean gave up? If you mean stopped wanting to date or be with one, then I've never wanted to.

>> No.3371577

I assume you are either an ex-victim of bullying or a very compassionate person (heh, who the fuck am i kidding)

Sorry to tell you this but this is untrue on many levels. Normal social logic nowadays would be that you deserve whatever shit is happening to you, may it be good or bad shit.
If you can't blend in the majority, then you are at fault. You don't even have to be a genuine boringly normal person, as long as you maintain your daily facade of normalfaggotry.
Agressing somebody because he doesn't comply to the social code of the place he's in is just natural. It may be ethically terrible, but socially it's anything but wrong.
Exactly like how being a neet and/or social inapt is globally accepted on /jp/. You know it's 'normal' on this board, you also know it is not in real life.

>> No.3371594

I don't even think that's possible. Unless you're making the distinction between 3D women and 3D girls. You surely were attracted to girls at one point in your life.

... Unless you're gay, that is.

>> No.3371600

I said I never wanted to date or be with one. Not that I was never attracted.

>> No.3371606

In which horrible place do you live ?
Where I was, everyone was given a chance. Even the worst dumbfucks had their chance.
Well, except for the guys who did something that would anger the majority but that means stealing or shit like that.

>> No.3371614
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>> No.3371640

If you were attracted, how can you say you never wanted to be with one? It's impossible that you started hating the opposite sex the moment you were born and never stopped since then.

>> No.3371652

Nah, it's just that your choice of words made me wonder. Have you ever heard of self-fulfilling prophecies? If you don't mind some suggestions, don't let bitterness overcome you. Not that exchanging a couple posts on 4chan could say anything, but you seem like an okay person who just wants to find some peace; however, sour from previous experiences. Just remember, although I'm sure you know already, but I'll remind you anyway. A few bullies don't make the rest of them. Find more mature people to relate to. It's rare to hear about immaturity of that caliber in college, so I think you just ran into some shitty people.

>> No.3371803
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>> No.3371815

It's too late. I'm already so afraid of women that I do everything to avoid them and to hold them at arm's length and I don't see why any woman would approach me.

>> No.3371826
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>> No.3371859
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I never gave up on 3D. I still fap to lesbian porn (delicious tribadism and oil wrestling),I have an idol folder and a cosplay folder. I just gave up on pursuing them because most of them are stuck up,inconsiderate shallow whores who only want money.

I like 2D better.

>> No.3371870
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>> No.3371898


And I'm a black guy living in NYC. You can only imagine the bitches I have to put up with on a regular basis.

I really need to move....

>> No.3371903

What is it that you like about 2D girls?

>> No.3371932


What is there not to like about them? They fulfill my desires without all the bullshit that comes with actual dating. Don't get me wrong now. I'd love to have a cute girlfriend to be with but right now 2D is superior.

I can't really explain why because I'm bad with words.

>> No.3371985


I was one of the most unsociable people in my entire school, where I had just about made enemies out of everyone and the most I got was a few shoves (Note this is a schoo with well over two-thousand students). Hell, I even tried asking a girl out once and I was only turned down. You must be really dense.

But yeah, I actually have never really given up. Maybe someday.


>> No.3371993

in third grade i had a girlfriend, we spent every hour of class talking, holding hands and drawing each other.

one day, she said she was moving away. i have never cried so hard.

i saw her 3 moths later in chuck e cheese.

>> No.3372017

>an ex-victim of bullying or a very compassionate person (heh, who the fuck am i kidding)
A bit of both, actually.

>> No.3372041

You know, she was probably back for a friend's birthday party...

>> No.3372043

I just sit in the corner and stfu. I don't get how that is being an asshole.

I do this as well. I do not talk to ANYONE unless I have to. I did this in high school and continue it to this day. You want to know why people think you're an asshole? Your "sit in the corner and STFU" to them is a sign of unwillingness to talk which to them comes off as you thinking you're better than they are, hence the reason you do not talk to them which in turn leads them to believe you're a self centered asshole.

>> No.3372066
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When I realized the odds of finding someone (that I think it cute) even willing to accept my interests and hobbies is insanely low.

I'm also so bad with women it's not even worth my time. It took me almost a year of knowing I liked one girl for me to work up the courage to ask her out. She didn't even give me a chance, not even one date, and rejected me.

I do long to hold someone in my arms and know that they care about me as much as I do about them. Though people with that same mentality aren't out there much any more, it's all about partying and sex now, not romance.

>> No.3372068

when she saw me she ran out the door and down the street

>> No.3372081

I haven't given up on 3D women, I'm just not very hopeful. I look at every situation as logically as possible, and when multiple possible actions are present, I go with the one that feels safer. This means I've never been able to ask a girl out on a date, I've only been the starter of one of my friendships (the rest were either met through him, and through them, etc, or they approached me), and to most people I seem withdrawn (which I'm not, if you get me talking) and sad (which I am, because I can't talk to all the people I'd like to talk to).

>> No.3372104

Sometimes I think it's such a wonderful world we live in. Not only do we have racial divide, we also socially divide ourselves, just so that we can establish some "normalcy" in society.

I wonder why people tend to think the worst of other people. Makes sense that the minority thinks the same of the majority.

>> No.3372114

And you assume she ended it because she wanted to, and not because her parents decided that she was doing badly in school because of you, or some other reason parents have to force their kids to stop seeing somebody?

Just because you had a bad experience with one girl (as a little kid, too; third-graders are far from emotionally stable) doesn't mean you should assume the worst and give up on all of them. Even if she was just a vindictive bitch, most girls aren't.

>> No.3372125

When I realized I placed too high a expectation on love and how tender loving should go. I placed too high an expectation on sex when I come to find out most people consider sex no big deal and have it with complete strangers whom they do not even know nor love. I realized I was just another boring romantic that idealized love, relationships, that special someone, tender lovemaking, etc but in reality I knew that I would end up being sorely disappointed.

>> No.3372127


Can you really call a third grader a "vindictive bitch"? They're barely sentient at that age.

>> No.3372128

the exact same thing happened in 5th grade with a different girl, but i saw her a a bowling ally three weeks later.

>> No.3372135
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>vindictive bitch, most girls aren't.
>most girls aren't

>> No.3372139

Give up on real girls? Honestly, I never started chasing after real girls. I've never asked a girl out, and I've never really been interested in a girl or wanted to ask them out.
I've been quiet, shy, and reclusive since I was 10, and I have barely talked to any girls in my life who are of a similar age to myself.

The only girls I have any real contact with are my sister, and my sister's friend who is about 8 years older than I am. (I'm 21)

Looking at how things are for other people, I've got off lucky. Seems like boyfriend/girlfriend relationships are nothing but trouble.

>> No.3372152

I never said I hated. I just don't want to be in a relationship.

>> No.3372153

Why don't you get your sister to help you? Maybe her friend? Or do you have one of those "I cannot stand my sister" or "my sister hates my guts" relationships?

>> No.3372159

I didn't give up on 3D. I even have a girlfriend right now, but that doesn't stop me from fapping to 2D sometimes.

>> No.3372164

Not who you're talking to, but it'd be pretty fucking embarrassing to admit that you've never even been able to ask a girl out and to ask for help.

>> No.3372166

I don't like this thread at all, guys.

You are all just joking, right? ;_;

>> No.3372167

If They ever invent a time machine, I'm going to find out who coined the phrase 'tis better to have loved and lost,' etc., go back in time, and punch them in the balls. Or the equivalent, on the off chance it was a woman.

>> No.3372169
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I asked this shy bookworm thing to my high school's prom because she wasn't fat and was even more socially awkward than I was and she said yes, then she canceled and went with this mentally retarded dude instead. feels bad man

>> No.3372172


You can never go back in time to a point before the time machine was invented.

>> No.3372174

Your family is the one group of people you never have to worry about being embarassed around.

Or maybe I'm just really lucky in that...

>> No.3372177

She's his sister, she's family. If she laughs at her own brother over this when he is being sincere and honestly wants her help enough to turn to her, his own sister, then............fuck man. I would swear off all females as vile, cold hearted, beasts of burden.

>> No.3372179
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I realized that I'd never be as desirable as the Dover boys. Bastards drove me to drink.

>> No.3372190

Don't worry bro, I'm sure she realised you were too good for her, and she didn't want to make you look bad.
I don't think he wants help though.

>> No.3372193
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When I turned 20 I realized it was time to give up since I had never even held or kissed a girl.

>> No.3372199

Never give up. That's the coward's way out.

>> No.3372202

I don't need help - I'm quite happy as I am. I don't feel any desire to get with girls (of course I have natural sexual interest in girls, but I don't act on it), and I don't feel lonely. I'm not against the idea of a relationship with a girl though - my approach is 'if it happens, it happens'. But it's not likely to happen since I am a NEET who cannot leave the house alone due to social anxiety.
I get along well with my sister, and my sister doesn't seem to mind me much.
Nah, I wouldn't be ashamed to admit this to my sister. She wouldn't be suprised either, knowing what I'm like, and of course she's never seen me bring a girl back to the house so she would already know anyway.
No, I'm serious.

>> No.3372219
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It's not technically giving up, it's just never going to happen.

>> No.3372243

I asked 13 girls out to prom. Got turned down for all of them. Most of them said they were not going, going out of town etc. I finally asked a slightly introverted girl and she agreed. We'd set it up for me to pick her up at her house. I arrived and she was nowhere to be seen. Dejected I went to the prom anyway. Saw her with someone else. Saw those girls whom turned me down with the "going out of town" shit there too. This is highschool shit though.

Found another girl in college whom caught my eye and I attempted to hit it off with her. We made idle chit chat for a few days then she asked if I wanted to date her. I replied yes, of course. We made plans for the weekend ahead; where to go etc. She gave me her number and said, "seeya then!" and began to walk away. After a few steps she turned around and said nonchalantly, "Oh by the way.....April Fool's". After that and a few "YOU HAVE REACHED THE REJECTION HOTLINE!!!" I became a cold, emotionless person and a biting, pessimistic asshole with a skewed view of the world. I still hope I'm here to see this wretched planet go up in the eternal flames of Hell.

>> No.3372259
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>> No.3372262

And by admitting that, you're giving up.

If you're still in college, see if they offer any speech classes (take care of elective credits at the same time, too); if not, ask around work. If you have friends at work, even better. They'll probably know at least one or two single girls, and their friends will find it easy to become your friend. Eventually, group conversations will turn to 'embarassing secrets' or a similar topic, which would be a good time to drop this particular fact, and then who knows?

But don't give up. Never, every give up. You have the internet, after all; billions of websites, at least one of them has to have information.

>> No.3372263
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>> No.3372264


I didn't even care about the prom either, one of my female friends asked me to ask the other girl out because she felt bad that she didn't have a date for the prom. It was a pity date but she was decent looking so it's not like I was going to bring some kind of cave monster to the prom.

>> No.3372275
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>> No.3372279

You should have ended that with bel-air instead of the angsty high-school crap.
Would've been funnier, 5/10 though, would read again.

>> No.3372283
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>> No.3372286

I want a pure girl, and there are none of them left around my age (21).

>> No.3372296


You must be a woman; no true man would behave in such a petty, butthurt way.

>> No.3372312

Leave him alone you fucking normalfag. That's a very sad story and he is right to be feeling as shitty as he is.

>> No.3372315

What is a man?

>> No.3372330

When I was in middle school, I was pretty popular because I was smart and not bad looking. I had a lot of girlfriends. However, when I got into high school and matured a bit, I started to become more enthralled with the hopeless romantic idea. I only had one girlfriend in high school, and it was a long distance relationship that was started spur of the moment because of a sudden passion that came out of nowhere during a summer college program that I was taking between my junior and senior years of high school. Of course, it didn't last, and she ended up cheating on me after half a year of a rocky relationship where I struggled to find time on the weekends to drive all the way across the state to where she lived. Her older sister is the one who told me about her cheating. It was crushing for me.

However, while I was naively trying to believe in some slut who I had met over the summer, I didn't see all the people who were right next to me the whole time. I had a lot of female friends, more than I had male friends during high school. We were all very close, and hung out all the time together, even staying the night at each others' houses and I knew their families pretty well. But, like the clueless idiot I was, I didn't realize that what I, the hopeless romantic, was looking for all along was RIGHT THERE in front of me, and I basically "friend-zoned" them. That's why I always feel so bad whenever I hear anon talk about girls friend-zoning them, because I realize how that feels from the other side, and how stupidly irrational that fear is when you think that it might change from a friendship to a relationship. I hate myself for doing that to those girls.

>> No.3372336


>> No.3372337

And you know what sucks even more? After we all graduated and went to different colleges, almost all of my female friends from high school confessed that they liked me. This coincides with my entrance into college, and my getting into anime. I soon started browsing 4chan. You can probably guess how I went from there, going down the path of isolation, as my romantic ideals keep getting pushed higher and higher until they are out of reach.

I've never had a girlfriend in college, but I almost got raped by some slut. I mean it. Raped. I was a bit willing at first, but then my mind grabbed me and I pushed her off several times and told her I wasn't over my last girlfriend (which was a lie, I just didn't want her dirty slutty pig disgusting 3D hands on me).

One of the girls who was my best friend in high school was crushed when I rejected her and found some random boyfriend who she didn't even know before. She ended up losing her virginity to him during college, and she called me crying one night about how horrible of a person she was and how she wished she hadn't done it. She told me "he wasn't the one I wanted to give it to." I cried that night too.

Now I just isolate myself from girls. I have some male friends, and we still have fun doing things and I participate in some sports (fencing and kendo), but I avoid any interactions with girls that might deepen our bonds. I don't deserve it anymore.

>> No.3372340

>We made plans for the weekend ahead; where to go etc. She gave me her number and said, "seeya then!" and began to walk away. After a few steps she turned around and said nonchalantly, "Oh by the way.....April Fool's"

I am so fucking mad right now. I can't even believe a human being would do something like that.

>> No.3372351

What the fuck anon, you could have went for at least one of them, like the one you mentioned.

>> No.3372368

I have lost faith in romance, and I can satisfy my own sexual needs, so I feel that the only thing I'm looking for in a woman is a childbearer. I feel a little weird for it, since I pretty much never hear anyone on /jp/ say the same, but I want to leave behind some of my genes in this world.

I still hold this vague hope that I'll one day find someone who will make me want to give love a try, but it's on the same level as becoming a millionaire, would be cool, but I can't realistically assume it will actually happen.

>> No.3372369

There is a introverted, shy girl in my speech class. She's probably Chinese but she's pretty American. I thought she was cute on the first day of class. Since then I have began sitting closer to her and I have started talking to her more, doing things like acting up a little in class to get a smile out of her.

It definitely does not seem like I'm the super introvert when I'm in that class.

It's a speech class and she only ever says one word at a time so the teacher is always trying to push her to talk. She said watches anime too.

I'm a huge pussy though so it probably won't get anywhere.

>> No.3372373

I tried talking to girls in high school but it was too much trouble. all they wanted to talk about was each other or shitty tv shows, they were pretty much all filthy sluts, and most of them though I was "weird." there was one girl that was younger than me that I kind of liked, but she barely acknowledged my existence. I went to a private school until 8th grade so I didn't realize that normal people put themselves into little social groups and ignore everyone else. one year I gave her a birthday card and her friends all looked at me like I was wearing a clown suit or something.

>> No.3372374

Anybody who knows anything about the Inquisition feels the same way. Humanity is capable of incredible cruelty, but also the same level of kindness. The problem is, in this paranoid society where we are constantly warned away from other people, that kindness is all too often exploited, or hidden to prevent exploitation.

>> No.3372387

Goddamn it anon, do something. Do you want to stay alone for the rest of your life wondering what could have been something wonderful?

>> No.3372398

You are all losers and I hope you die regards from another board.

>> No.3372408

Try to convince her to speak more. If you can be honest at the same time, tell her she has a nice voice and would have no trouble (if you'd have to lie, don't do that). If she seems to be warming up to you at all, go for it. Just flat-out ask if there are any movies she'd like to see, and if it's something you're interested in too, say so and ask if she wants to see it with you.

>> No.3372409


I can't describe why I didn't accept her feelings. It's not that I didn't like her too. I did like her. Hell, when I look back on it now, I loved her. We shared everything together. We were best friends. But when I saw the signs that it was becoming more than just friends, I started to get this irrational, stupid feeling come over me. It was fear. I was afraid of something. I still don't know what it was. Was I afraid that it might ruin our friendship? Was I too arrogant, thinking that I would never let myself be betrayed again, and that I'd find the perfect epitome of my ideal? Did I really think that she wasn't good enough? If I really thought that, then I deserve to go to hell. She was crying on the phone that night, and all I could do was give her words of comfort like I had always done, while hiding the tears running down my own face behind the wall of the phone. I hate myself, because I abandoned a friend who was more than a friend to me, and I can never repair that damage.

>> No.3372410


Newsflash: Women might be useful in certain ways, but as a rule, they're ignorant and incompetent. When you let them drag you down into sorrow, bitterness and self-pity like that guy, you're ceding control of your happiness to 'people' inferior to you. To use an analogy, it would be as stupid as a feudal baron becoming upset over the poor table manners of his serfs. Serfs, like women, can hardly be able to recognize greatness and to become upset over their mistakes is a poor reflection on you.

Contrasting this is the real man; someone who takes his own counsel, follows his life according to his own will and never, ever loses his composure, especially not to inferior creatures like women. What do you people not understand?

>> No.3372413


The only time girls pay attention to me is when I'm drinking and my inhibitions are gone; when I'm sober I'm too much of a scared pussy to do or say anything. It's probably not healthy.

>> No.3372418


Might as well go for it, if she's not interested she'll at least have a chance to try out her speech skills by telling you off. It's win-win.

Reminds me of this one Irish girl in one of my EU classes, I never talked to her or anything but she was gorgeous, the kind of girl they put on the front of college brochures that make you think "Damn, she's cute". I made sure to sit down next to her during the final, though.

>> No.3372426

Fuck that shit. You call her RIGHT NOW (or at the next reasonable time slot), you find out how she's been, and you see if she's interested in doing something for old times' sake. If she was crying over you rejecting her, there's a good chance you can fix this.

Maybe it still won't work, but at least you'll be able to say you tried. That's more than I ever was able to do...

>> No.3372429

Sorry I disappointed you. Can't please everybody.
Says a man who has never even talked to a woman before or been turned down for petty reasons. Get out of your mother's basement then you can critique all you want.

>> No.3372445
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>/jp/ having a superiority complex over women

>> No.3372446

I hate telephones, I get nervous even when I'm calling out for food

>> No.3372447




>> No.3372449

Fortunately all of that pessimism and feeling shitty gave way to something even greater, almost zen like. Apathy.

I became apathetic and apathy, my dear Anons, is the best medicine.

>> No.3372461

This thread...

>> No.3372469

That this is not the 17th century and I want to watch the world burn.

>> No.3372470

How do I teach my dick apathy?

>> No.3372472


This. For the love of all that is good Anon, at least try. Tell her how you felt during that time, how you still feel, even if she possibly rejects you, you won't have as much or any regrets.

>> No.3372473

Maybe I've been deluding myself but I've never been all that interested in women. But after reading this it's given me a weird desire. I'm so envious of you having had someone like that. I'm literally sitting her crying as I type this because there will never be a girl who wants to give her virginity to me. I've never had a close relationship with anyone, let alone girls. Never had anyone I could be myself around, not even my family. Hell, I can't even be myself on the internet, I often lie for no reason in particular. FUCK

>> No.3372478
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Sounds familiar...

>> No.3372481

Sure is /r9k/ in here.

>> No.3372487

Goddamnit, I liked this thread when it was about how you can never trust women no matter what, rather than being virgins telling other virgins what to say to girls.

>> No.3372502
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You faggots are just as vein with your idealized 2d and innocent obediance.

>> No.3372510

>Maybe I've been deluding myself but I've never been all that interested in women.

This. While I've fancied the fact of romancing a woman when the sun sets like molasses in the sky burning out the end of the day.......I realize I'd much rather be alone and in my own company. I do not need others to make myself happy or to make me feel better. I've always struck it out alone, most times by personal choice. Why? Because I prefer my own company to the company of others.

>> No.3372514

At least I can spell, bro.

>> No.3372516

>Maybe I've been deluding myself but I've never been all that interested in women. But after reading this it's given me a weird desire.
Fuck, I thought there was someone I could relate to. My desire is more that I want women to find me desirable. Being in a relationship isn't that important, since it'd take up a lot of the time I prefer to spend on other stuff, but I really wish I was popular with girls, even if it never led to anything.

>> No.3372522

No you just never have had a friend. After all you are now talking with people.

>> No.3372527

Wow, you're lucky there is no /jp/ janitor anymore

>> No.3372528


Fapping takes care of the biological sexual desire. What more do you need?

>> No.3372531

I just want to find one normal girl who isn't a whore, loves me for who I am and won't force me to do stupid shit with her.

>> No.3372533

>How do I teach my dick apathy?

Watch Apocalypse Now at least two times daily.

>> No.3372540

Its not enough, scientific studies have shown those without significant others live shorter less healthier lives.
Regardless of how successful your sublimation is you still need human physical touch and support from the other

>> No.3372547

>won't force me to do stupid shit with her

You're looking for a girl who doesn't exist. Even the non-whores will drag you places you don't want to go and make you go with them to shitty romantic comedies.

>> No.3372548

But I am not physically here with you guys. I can leave you guys behind with on/off switch of my monitor. I might do this and go for a walk in the woods. Alone...

>> No.3372550
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>> No.3372551

what kind of sick bastard wants to live forever?

>> No.3372554

1. Attach device that gives electrical shock to dick
2. Shock it every time you get a boner

>> No.3372556

I'm going to have to I think. I can't let this hang over my head forever. I'll watch over her like I always did, and if she ever needs a shining knight to come in and save her, I'll be there. I'm going to swoop in and remind her of a silly promise we made in high school: if neither of us is married by the time we're 40, we have to marry each other. Only, if the opportunity arises again, I'm going to say that I don't want to wait until I'm 40. She's the only girl I've ever really loved. If she can forgive me, I don't care whether she's a virgin anymore or not. I'll be her man, and I'll defend her against the world.

You've got to find friends who you can trust, who share your interests and won't judge you by them. Even if they only share some of your interests, when you're with them, you can do those things and have fun. Girls are secondary, but I'd be a miserable wreck if I didn't have a friend I could depend on. So I'm cheering for you anonymous. Find your friends who you can be yourself with. They might even be there, right in front of you.

>> No.3372559

Then I will die alone at 45.

>> No.3372560

The only use this thread has is to heighten my self esteem.
I've never tried anything. But at least I never failed.

>> No.3372572

>You're looking for a girl who doesn't exist.


>> No.3372577

I laughed.

>> No.3372590

stop pushing stats out of your ass, smarty. Nobody here believes that bullshit. And even those who are fool enough to believe dont give a cent either.

>> No.3372595

Even if you turn off your computer, you've left a piece of your story in my memory. In all of us. We've all been affected by the fact that you exist, no matter how slight that effect is.

I don't know about the rest of /jp/, but I consider the entire board my friends. Sure, I have 'real' friends; those who I can talk to face-to-face, those I can touch, or eat with. But in those who I talk to here, I have a different kind of friend. The kind who can always take a joke, no matter how vulgar, the kind who will listen to everything you say and give you an honest opinion (even if that opinion hurts), the kind who you may never really 'meet', but who affects your life every day.

I have grown fond of /jp/, and I spend time with the people there, even if we aren't nearby. And if the people you're fond of aren't people you can call 'friend', then who is?

>> No.3372600

I wouldn't put too much value in these studies. I'm sure there's a huge margin of error and plenty of exception, considering how dynamic even basic human behavior is.

Besides, we all have our vices that we know will shorten our lives, smoking and drinking being the most common examples. Yet, people are able to live long enough lives with these. I, for one, would very much prefer to sacrifice a few of those extra year I'll have when I'm an old man to sacrificing time in my youth on chasing after girls.

>> No.3372604
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Probably after my first ex decided to end it. She was french and five years older than me and we had this long distance relationship. It was perfect, all except for the distance. My choice in partners went downhill from there. I continued to make the same mistakes and whether they were in the flesh or miles away, the only thing I could do was compare them and make myself like them.

Miku probably wouldn't bat an eyelid for someone like me, but her music alone is one of the few things that makes me really smile from the bottom of my heart. To me that's more than enough, I really don't need anything else.

>> No.3372605

Anon, I hope things work out for you or at least end up better for you and/or her. Is there a possible chance that there will be an update on how things went though at some point in time? (Since quite a few of us are rooting for you and all.)

>> No.3372607
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>> No.3372612
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What is it even like to take a girl's virginity? It boggles my mind.

And yet the fact that I may never know makes me feel like a chump; a beta male.

>> No.3372618

Goddamn it, your post made me cry again. There are people out there cheering for you anon.

>They might even be there, right in front of you.

The problem is with the exception of my family I don't know anyone. I don't think I've ever had a friend, so even if I see someone else I don't know how to go about starting a conversation, let alone carrying one on for an extended period. Not to mention I'm a terrible judge of others feelings or their opinion of me.

>> No.3372630

>I'll be her man, and I'll defend her against the world.

I'm going to do the same thing I always do, and assume you're telling the truth until significant evidence is shown against it.

You go for it. I only wish there were some way we could keep in contact, because I really would like to know how things turn out.

>> No.3372631

Don't long distance date french girls.
They'll cheat on you without batting an eye.

>> No.3372635
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You have earned a nod from Conan.

>> No.3372637

Fuck, /jp/ I love you all.
I may be tsundere once in a while but god damn, I love you all.

>> No.3372640

Go play house somewhere else, kid.
/jp/ has no friends. Nobody likes you here, nobody thinks in you as a friend here. Thread reported and hidden for excessive faggotry and /r9k/ invasion.

>> No.3372643

I just want to fall in love and see what it's like. I'm sure it's character building.

>> No.3372646


>>3372595 here.
Can I be your friend? You wouldn't be the first friend I've made via 4chan, and several of them are over a year old now and still in contact.

>> No.3372652
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I don't need any fucking friends.

And if all of your friends exist electronically, then you're just a pathetic sack of shit.


>> No.3372662

It only builds character if you're able to see love for what it really is, rather than the amorphous blob of a concept that society has turned it into.

>> No.3372658

I'm about to reach 21. Downloaded a huge batch torrent of PUA shit (1.3 Gb) and someday, someday I'll try something.

>> No.3372662,1 [INTERNAL] 

Dammit Janitor-san/Meido-san. I wanted to know how that one anon who would go against the world to protect that girl was doing.

>> No.3372662,2 [INTERNAL] 


I've never liked e-friends, whenever they're on I feel obligated to talk to them and I end up hiding from them because I have nothing to talk about and I don't want to appear boring.

>> No.3372662,3 [INTERNAL] 

Not a problem. You'll only be obligated to talk when you have something to talk about.

>> No.3372662,4 [INTERNAL] 

Plus the last time I made a close e-friend I was too busy to talk to anyone for a long time and I got too scared to ever log on again to talk to her and later on I found out she gave birth in the interim.

>> No.3372662,5 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone wanna be e-friends?

>> No.3372662,6 [INTERNAL] 


Gladly. AIM, YIM, MSN, or Skype (I try to be flexible)?

>> No.3372662,7 [INTERNAL] 

make friends? Sign me up.

>> No.3372662,8 [INTERNAL] 

My email address is sakura_sckns1ipkwx@live.com for MSN.

>> No.3372662,9 [INTERNAL] 

is that your instant messenger name too?

>> No.3372662,10 [INTERNAL] 

No. Why would instant messenger name be relevant? You just add the email.

>> No.3372662,11 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.3372662,12 [INTERNAL] 

I'll throw my hat into the ring.


>> No.3372662,13 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, /jp/.

MSN e-friends normalfaggotry thread? Sure, sign me up.

>> No.3372662,14 [INTERNAL] 

nothing normal about rubbing our cocks together

>> No.3372662,15 [INTERNAL] 


My business e-mail. Contact me if you wish to do businesslike things.

>> No.3372662,16 [INTERNAL] 

Yep... /jp/ is no more and everyone decent has moved on.

>> No.3372662,17 [INTERNAL] 

But I want to talk on MSN with you Zun ;_;

>> No.3372662,18 [INTERNAL] 

I thought that's how buisnessmen people get jobs.

>> No.3372662,19 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.3372662,20 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is terrible.

God damn normalfags, are visual novels and touhou considered cool now or something?

>> No.3372662,21 [INTERNAL] 

Yes. It's also cool for them the waste of time on internet shitholes.

>> No.3372662,22 [INTERNAL] 

i rarely talk though

>> No.3372662,23 [INTERNAL] 

Glad you liked that. It's the truth.

>> No.3372662,24 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is awful.

>> No.3372662,25 [INTERNAL] 


Ghostside should feel bad for this thread.

>> No.3372662,26 [INTERNAL] 

will this work on msn?

>> No.3372662,27 [INTERNAL] 

Believe me, we do.

>> No.3372662,28 [INTERNAL] 

