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33699973 No.33699973 [Reply] [Original]

Almost Spring Edition III

BJD thread, primarily for dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>33439707 (Dead)
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead (but you can post here.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/8831260

FAQs and Links

Current Photo Challenge: Flowers | Bunny
Previous Photo Challenge: Valentine's Day | Lunar New Year

If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/: >>33693185

>> No.33701487
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Anyone planning anything for St. Patrick's day? I found these mini hats at Hobby Lobby. They were meant to be worn by humans with elastic strings, but I removed those and they're perfect for the dolls! I have some more decorations to put up too so I'll take a better picture on Tuesday or Wednesday. I wish I had more green outfits for them, but what Tiara is wearing is the only green I have right now. And doll-sized beer mugs would be nice too - filled with juice of course!

>> No.33702732

These are cute anon, good find! Maybe I'll see if I can put something together.

>> No.33703762

Super cute anon! I've found that green (non pastel) is a hard color to find in doll clothes, I managed to dress both of my girls, but it took a long time just to find two outfits!

>> No.33704507

I've noticed that as well. It's either soft pastel seafoams or piney-christmas greens for the most part, with the occasional cargo pants or camo pattern thrown in for good measure. Good on you for managing two outfits, at least! I think I definitely have a green-ish dress somewhere I can try on.

>> No.33705505
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If she's getting one Kaito better.

>> No.33706545


There's been an update on these two, to anyone who's been interested in them.

>> No.33712326
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>> No.33712657
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Hey anons, is anyone here more of a camerafag than the usual? I haven't been able to replace my camera in legitimately a decade, and technology has come so far since then that I don't even know where to start looking. What's the consensus on mirrorless cameras? What's a good focal length for doll photos? (I do other photography as well, I'm looking to get something weather-sealed and full-frame if I can.) Any advice in any direction would honestly be appreciated. Thanks!

>> No.33713316

Mirrorless cameras work fine for taking doll pictures. That said, I mostly take pictures indoors with natural lighting, and I do end up getting frustrated with needing to rely on real time updates from the sensor when focusing. I generally end up using shutter speeds of 1/5 or slower even with wide apertures, so noise is a bit of a problem. Having lighting equipment or going outside would avoid this entirely though.
As for focal lengths, I find 60mm easiest to use in general, but from reading posts about equipment on japanese doll twitter and various blogs, people do effectively use just about any normal focal length. That said, it would probably be worth mentioning that you need to pay attention to the minimum focus distance for wider lenses.

>> No.33713843

Thank you anon! I'm getting up to speed with things for now, but I'm excited to finally have something more modern. I have gotten a lot of work from this old canon, but I'm excited for what will come next.

I also get frustrated with taking photos in less-than-ideal lighting conditions. My camera wasn't the best in moderate-to-low lighting even when it was new on the market, and where I live is unfortunately situated in such a way that it doesn't get much sunlight. Looking back, this might have a lot to do with my tendency to take photos outdoors in the first place. I might add some additional lighting to my list of supplies, now that I think about.

>> No.33714085

I'm still pissed that they didn't make her look more MILFy and just recycled miku and len's head

>> No.33714093

she seriously got demoted to a DD instead of a DDdy too. i'm gonna riot

>> No.33716813

Nice eyes

>> No.33721444
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>> No.33724866 [DELETED] 

Curse trips.

>> No.33724925

I'm new to bjds. Where do you guys find mdd bodysuits for normal skin? I can't find them anywhere.

>> No.33724929
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Does anyone here make clothes for their dolls? Do you make your designs yourself or is there some place wher you can source schematics? There's probably some magazines that specialize on that sort of thing at least. I don't have a doll yet but I'm considering my options for the long term.

Also do you sew by hand or machine?

>> No.33724978

Didn't make any yet, but you can find schematics on etsy for example.

>> No.33725163

Volks sells them, they're just usually out of stock, unfortunately. You can try checking mandarake/ebay/yahoo japan auctions/mercari.jp for one, or put out a "WTB" post on various social media platforms. Good luck, anon!

>> No.33728147
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>> No.33732114

I sew some, usually by machine. Patterns can be found on forums and on Etsy (for a small fee) Drafting patterns is hard as fuck until you know what you're doing, I'm nowhere near there myself. But I am getting to the point where I can take patterns for other dolls, like American Girl dolls, and resize them. It's a fun skill to learn and master.

>> No.33732139

like >>33725163 said, Volks sells them, you can also check sk-coolcat.com, they have a lot of different options and styles. Don't let how janky the site is worry you, they're totally legit and have been around for ages.

>> No.33734724
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There are tons of magazines. One of my favorite parts of this hobby is going to Kinokuniya, buying all of these awesome doll mooks, and never using them. I just like to look at the pretty pictures. I think the big one is Dollybird, and then you also have Dolly Dolly. Funny enough, I think all of the Dollybirds I have have a Dollfie Dream pattern in there. I don't know if that's the case for every issue or it's just a coincidence. DDs are a good doll to be crafty with. Pic related is from Hajimete no Maid Fuku. Just look up Dollfie Dream + sewing book or Dollfie Dream + mook and you'll find lots of good stuff. You can buy doll mooks from Hobby Search and probably AmiAmi, too. I can't tell you much about the sewing part since I never make it that far. One day.


How is the Volks furniture quality? I'm looking at one of their pleather and wood sofas. I'm not too keen on spending $300 for pleather that's going to fall apart on me in a couple of years, so if anyone has fabric or leather sofa options, please share.

>> No.33735461

Kinokuniya NY? I've been but didn't see these, are they downstairs on the magazine rack?

Gonna still be a while before I get back to NYC, but I'm interested.

>> No.33736952
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>> No.33737656

I'm in Texas, so it's gotta be Kinokuniya everywhere if even we're getting the goods. I've seen them in the LA store, too. Check the crafting/sewing section. Right now I think they're using all of those cute DIY mask books as the display books, so find those and then check the shelves.

>> No.33743087
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>> No.33746741

There are doll stores like that in the US? I hope I can go one day, other than Volks having one I had no idea.

>> No.33746771

It's a Japanese book store.

>> No.33747465

Oh, duh. Thanks for clearing that up, my bad.

>> No.33749769

those dolls are scary

>> No.33749991
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They get scarier.

>> No.33751202
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>> No.33752484
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>> No.33754350
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>> No.33756364
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>> No.33758774
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>> No.33758827

So I got new eyes for my doll, but being very new to this whole thing, I'd like to ask whether I can reuse the putty already in there, or do I need new one? Also, since I'm not a burger most of the putty here is like this jello whatever shit, can someone show what exactly should I look out for? Thanks.

>> No.33760089

yes, you can re-use it assuming it's still holding things in place. I use white-tac, but blu-tac works too. I think the generic name is poster putty? It's that stuff teachers use to stick posters to the walls of their classrooms.

That said once I got a doll with her eyes held in by a single strip of scotch tape, so feel free to experiment. Shit worked.

>> No.33760137

>poster putty
That's it, thank you I found it. I think it also goes with the name adhesive putty. I was a bit confused earlier because in my country most of the putty was mentioned to either harden or be jelly like consistency.

>> No.33760813

I get it, fellow burger here. Happy you were able to find it, anon!

>> No.33763697
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>> No.33765047
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I was looking to buy my first doll, and was wondering if the obitsu dolls are lower quality than the dollfies? The price point is lower but when I look at pictures online all the ones I see by the best artists seem to be dollfies, although I'll admit I probably couldn't tell what exact doll someone has at this point yet. I was originally going to just get a preowned one off mandarake, but I really don't want to pay dhl shipping prices, and I don't have a facebook or Instagram account either. Would it look weird to just use a dd head on an obitsu body?

>> No.33765470

I have multiple dolls that are just DD heads plopped on obitsu bodies, it's not uncommon! The aesthetics and posing are different between them a bit, but it's mostly down to preference imo. Obitsu has discontinued their 1/3-size bodies (60cm etc,) but the 1/4 (MDD) size ones are still easily available from parabox, so if that's the scale you're collecting, you should be good to go! (You can find the 60cm bodies on the aftermarket, but you will have to deal with the shipping that comes with them.)

The neck sizes are different between Obitsu bodies and DD heads (and vice versa,) so you will need to either fashion something yourself, or get a pre-made adapter from someone on the aftermarket (check out grayforce's listings on yahoo japan auctions.) You can get some washers from the hardware store as well. In a pinch I have used a chunk of eye putty. It'll do.

As for why DD heads usually look the best, we can blame that on the humongous customization market for that type of doll head. There are custom obitsu heads that come up now and then as well, but less commonly. IMO heads matter the most, so get one you like and worry about the body after.

>> No.33768645
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>> No.33770569
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>> No.33771908

Is there an easy way to practice this doll's faceup?

>> No.33772351
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Quick and dirty because it's late and I don't want to get out my lights and edit too much. But my third doll is finally here and built, so I had to pose her with her sister.

>> No.33777844
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>> No.33777858

Congratulations anon, they look good together!

>> No.33781157
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>> No.33782170

To the anon a few threads ago or anyone else wondering, the dhl DD shipping cost from mandarake ended up being 13160 yen to burger land.

>> No.33782279

Not that anon but goddamn man, my condolences.

>> No.33782493

at least you wont be fucked by taxes like us eurocucks

>> No.33787185
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>> No.33787820

thanks for letting me know
thats terrible...

>> No.33790691
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>> No.33793917

At least for me the toll service trusts the price you give it so you can just lie to avoid the taxes most of the time.

>> No.33794295

Anyone here excited about the Volks release of Lucia/Charlotte/Lieselotte? Personally I’m super excited to finally get myself a Lieselotte, I hope I can get her home early through the Dolpa release.

>> No.33797686

just fake invoices, it's even easier with corona now that you don't have to face the customs people anymore

>> No.33801182
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>> No.33801433

me too anon
i'm gonna preorder lieselotte through volksusa and wait very patiently for a long time
i'm not the biggest fan of the collab style, but i can't pass up a chance to get a lieselotte after dreaming about her since 2013

>> No.33803866
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>> No.33804959
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That eye patch is on my mind lately.,, Isn't face the worst place to place black material on? It's like asking for stain...

>> No.33805661
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Yeah, also not a fan of the outfit and faceup. I just need Lieselotte, she’s my absolute grail doll. Can’t wait to customize her!

>> No.33806050
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>> No.33806335
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Their build quality is fine. Sturdy engineered wood and pleather seems ok. The pain does chip if you bang it around like any furniture.

I would buy another easily. Did you have specific question about their furniture?

>> No.33808040

If I recall, they're lined in white for this reason.

>> No.33816066
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>> No.33818873
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coudlnt post for a while because of family's issues, finally get home and her new clothes were waiting in the mailbox

>> No.33818962

Congrats anon, good to see you again.

>> No.33819106

Those are some spectacular panties.

>> No.33819228

i had to search a while to find them

>> No.33819251

Share your panty dealer, anon.

>> No.33820656
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With a different lens, a tripod, and worse hair.
I need more MDD hands for the one on the left and I really need different eyes for the one on the right.

>> No.33821091


>> No.33821113
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>> No.33822136

the one on the right is so pretty, i actually like her eyes a lot.

>> No.33823854
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>> No.33825588
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>> No.33825792

She's so unique, did she get bought finally?

>> No.33825830 [DELETED] 

No, the creator made a second "updated" copy of her and encouraged everyone to bid on her listing instead. I feel so damn bad for the original doll.

>> No.33825919 [DELETED] 

No, the creator made a second "updated" copy of her and encouraged everyone to bid on her listing instead. I feel so damn bad for the original doll, imagine not only being abandoned(?) by your owner but also basically disowned by your creator.

>> No.33825957

No, the creator made a second "updated" copy of her, calls the original one a "reprint" and encouraged everyone to bid on her listing instead. I feel so damn bad for the original doll, imagine not only being abandoned(?) by your owner but also basically disowned by your own creator.

>> No.33825999

Jesus that's so sad to hear.

>> No.33826021 [SPOILER] 
File: 36 KB, 899x1200, 1616288924923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck happened here, I wonder?

>> No.33827045

Wait what happened? It sounds like a dealer or proxy bought the original and the artist made a new one but all I can do is google translate

>> No.33827930

So is that why she cuts herself?

>> No.33828069

An attempt was made
At least it can kind of be salvaged easily

>> No.33830126 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 899x1200, 1616302520650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two of them up on yahoo japan auctions and they're both smudged all to hell. Practice heads, I'm guessing.

>> No.33834839

Probably, but the second version does it too.
