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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3369025 No.3369025 [Reply] [Original]

Just got the 過去への贖罪 end on MinDeaD BlooD and I'm speechless. That was a perfect execution of bittersweet end. Even the ending title is perfect.

And I first though this game was just a random vampire nukige. Didn't think it had great love stories in it. Only played Yuuka and Saki's route so far and their both great.

I guess I'll go play the other routes now.

>> No.3369052
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, 1224375522452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3369060

isn't this unstranslated?

>> No.3369087

Yeah, blame Dark Translations.
And I don't think other groups would try to pick this up since it already has a thousand dollar commision on Dark Translations. ;_;

>> No.3369158
File: 125 KB, 800x600, mindead-blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her route any good?

>> No.3369172

>And I don't think other groups would try to pick this up since it already has a thousand dollar commision on Dark Translations. ;_;

Are you kidding? I'd tempted to translate it out from under that illiterate hacks nose BECAUSE of that.


>> No.3369175

Please translate it!
you can also set up a website and ask for said 1000$

>> No.3369186

But then he still has $1000.

>> No.3369198

No. He will take the money when the project starts.

>> No.3369200

He hasn't been actually given 1000 dollars yet.

>> No.3369211

She's a slut that likes being raped by random hoodlums.

>> No.3369214

See? You are free to start your own project.

>> No.3369222


...Quick, someone start translating it, then.

>> No.3369227

Don't worry, I'll translate this after GSS.

>> No.3369228

likes rape? Its not rape then.

Is her route any good? She is fucking hot and deserves a nice route.

>> No.3369236
File: 94 KB, 800x600, 654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You on the left.

>> No.3369246

Any lolis in this game?

>> No.3369253

Nice shot of the cursor, OP.

>> No.3369257

How long would you estimate this game to be? Can't find any script size data.

>> No.3369262

People actually give money to VN translators/groups? I didn't know that. How does this work?

>> No.3369274

You mean you "translate" it

>> No.3369288

She doesn't have a real route.

>> No.3369291

copypaste would be the right word to use.

>> No.3369298

what? ;_;
Shitty game does not deserve a translation ;_;

>> No.3369299


If this list is true. They have enough $$$ to start Black Cyc )~Extravaganza~ and Ageha~Extravaganza~ .

>> No.3369304

It doesn't because before long he's going to end up in legal trouble for profiting from it.

>> No.3369318

>Devils Devel Concept $870
Goddamn, why would people pay to have this translated? You'd have to pay me to play through all of it.

>> No.3369319

Why does it matter if I can understand Japanese or not?
When Archeologists deciphers an ancient languages doesn't they not understand that language?
It doesn't matter if I don't understand it. I'm not the one doing the translating. The computer is.

>> No.3369325
File: 33 KB, 600x316, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The money is obviously to support the awesome forums. Problem solved.

>> No.3369329

Stop pretending to be me and making sarcastic jokes about me. I am doing my best.

>> No.3369332

>I'm not the one doing the translating. The computer is.

This is exactly what the problem is here.

>> No.3369333

I'd totally translate VNs for money. Where do I sign up?

>> No.3369339

The same people that love/buy fap games, asagi games and all the fap/rape/sex romp that JAST released.

/jp/ is probably the only place where the people play eroge for the story and plot.

>> No.3369335

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.3369337

MangaGamer, like a year ago.

>> No.3369346

If you are really Sacreo:
Fuck off and pastelate Baldr Sky.

If you are not Sacreo:
Reported for role playing.

>> No.3369351

Except DDC isn't a sexromp, it might have actually been tolerable if it had been. It's a plot/story eroge, a bad one.

>> No.3369357

>/jp/ is probably the only place where the people play eroge for the story and plot.

This seems to be somewhat close to the truth, sadly enough. I've stopped reading TakaJun's blog because every fucking entry is spammed with "HOW ABOUT THE GAMEPLAY" bullshit by dozens of different people.

>> No.3369374
File: 61 KB, 800x600, ta030101mc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She only gets raped by mummy?
Or normal gangrape too? Not sure if I can fap to mummyrape.

>> No.3369391

I play f/sn for the h-scenajhajhjhkjhkjhfkjhd no

>> No.3369397

There is a difference between h-games and plot with mollusks.

>> No.3369398

No it's not. ATLAS is a thousand dollar software produced by a big name corporation Fujitsu.
It'll churn out better translation than some random kid learning Japanese.

>> No.3369409

Both and more. She's a slut.

>> No.3369410
File: 58 KB, 800x600, ta030104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took 8 minutes to come up with that witty reply?

>> No.3369421 [DELETED] 

Unlike you, I'm actually doing something useful like translating GSS.

>> No.3369417

It carries out and is w.

>> No.3369418
File: 62 KB, 800x600, ta030204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem with sluts.

>> No.3369431

Fapping to HCGs right now. Her name is...?

>> No.3369433


>> No.3369443


>> No.3369448

Girls summon mummy. Mummy rapes everyone.

Thats the plot?

>> No.3369467

OP here.

>Girls revives mummy. Mummy rapes everyone and decides to turn everyone to vampires.
That the initial plot.
But it turns out much more than that. Even I was surprised, I only played it to fap and did not expect a good love story.

>> No.3369535

And he's doing a slow job translating it. How many months have passed already and he's still at 7%.

>> No.3369581

Are the rape scene long?

I hate it when the have a big group in place and then the scene ends in 5 minutes.

>> No.3369924

IMHO it's too long.

>> No.3369934

Normalfag detected.

Rape has to be long and hard.

>> No.3369951

If she can still walk after the rape they did it wrong.
Just my 2 cents.

>> No.3370088
File: 66 KB, 800x600, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one of the rapists?

>> No.3370262

Just finished her 'route'. It can't really be called a route though. To enter their route you just have to keep fucking them. You'll then be suddenly shown the ending where the vampires suddenly revolted and you escape with them to Transylvania. The end. That's the content of their route. No plot whatsoever. I think they forgot to put the story.

What a disappointment. Saki and Yuuka's route were awesome too.

>> No.3370268

That's a superhero that kills delinquents.

>> No.3370356


>> No.3370908

Just finished the 未来への旅立ち end. That was great.

Good end for both Yuuka and Saki, not sure if it can be considered happy though.

It's sad that they got character development on the other routes but none in their own route.
