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3368674 No.3368674 [Reply] [Original]

How much more badass would UBW be if Caster gave him some pointers?

>> No.3368692


Nah, it'd be a new route named: Spell of Eternity

>> No.3368704

I meant the reality marble, but that's a badass name as well.

>> No.3368712

A Reality Marble is a Reality Marble.

It cannot get better or worse without changing yourself as a person.

>> No.3368724

Summoning Caster wouldn't change him into something a little less Magoo than before? Getting perspective from a real magus with some actual goddamn experience would definitely influence him.

>> No.3368727

Is this a doujin or just a picture.

>> No.3368729



Reality Marble isn't just your personality, it's your underlying true nature.

Shirou has been a hill of ownerless swords since Kiritsugu saved him.

... Well, he changes a whole lot in Heavens Feel, and as such has a different Reality Marble. (Stated by Nasu)

>> No.3368733
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It's a doujin. Gilgamesh vs. Rin on Gaku Gaku Animal Land.

>> No.3368735

While it's not compatible with Archer's, he is still mostly the bone of his sword.
More liek a change in Scenery than actual functions.

>> No.3368738

that's assuming caster doesnt kill him for being utterly incompetent as a magus. He has no skill whatsoever, why would she train him? The main point of caster as a servant is for the master to be his/her shield while they work. Considering how useless shirou is, it'll end quickly.

>> No.3368740


Nope. He no longer is a sword. He changes himself utterly, for Sakura, and completely abandons his former ideal.

>> No.3368743

Changing focus on whom he protects=! no longer swords.

>> No.3368749

It whould have last longer if she helped him.

>> No.3368750


No, that is exactly what it means.

>> No.3368753

Well, he gets Archer's arm in that and it tries to assimilate with his current one, but ends up not too dissimilar from the UBW iteration. It's not that far of a stretch that his core abilities could be affected by the stress of the intricacies of an event such as the Holy Grail War.

>> No.3368756


If he's a sword, he's Sakura's sword alone (to protect one over all). Not an unlimited field of ownerless blades (to protect everyone). Therefore that would change the nature of his Reality Marble.

>> No.3368759

Considering the differences between Archer and Shirou, their lives and perspectives and the fact they still have pretty much the same ability while their RMS are incompatible, make your claim unsubstantiated. There is no real indication his RM changes radically (liek what, Land of Cherry Blossoms?).

>> No.3368762

Who said you must have a single blade to protect a single person?

>> No.3368765


You only need a single blade to protect a single person.


Nasu has stated that Heavens Feel Shirou doesn't use Unlimited Blade Works. What this implies is either he never gains the ability of Reality Marble (and Tohsaka directly contradicts that) or that his Reality Marble changed.

>> No.3368768


>> No.3368770

Need=! What you do.
And where did he state that?

>> No.3368771

More like wild theories about shit that are not expanded upon.

>> No.3368792


So... Business as usual then?

>> No.3368799

Shirou summons Caster.

Caster realizes this bumbling yet loyal fool with his unconditional love and desire to protect her is just the kind of man she's been looking for all along.

They spend the grail war having hot monkey sex in every room of the Emiya household. The war eventually ends with no winner.

>> No.3368809

Pretty much.

>> No.3368811


It's the first war all over again!

>> No.3368816

Wasn't the First War more about Justicia von Einzbern, Zouken in his prime and Tohsaka Nagato + his daughter tag team kicking ass and taking names?

>> No.3368818


What DID happen in the first Grail War anyway?

>Caster realizes this bumbling yet loyal fool with his unconditional love and desire to protect her is just the kind of man she's been looking for all along.

Yeah, but said realisation would only come AT LEAST half way through the route, if not right at the end. She's had romantic problems with people she thought were 'the one' before.
In fact 'problems' is probably the biggest understatement ever to what happened with Medea.

Goddamn it what is it with men in Greek myths being garguatuan assholes?

>> No.3368819

/jp/ - Psychology.

>> No.3368824


The "error" with the First War is that there were too many Servants still alive after the Circuit shut down.

The Great Grail circuit only runs for about 2 weeks.

>> No.3368826

Comes with women being insufferable bitches and gods playing favorites.

>> No.3368837

>too many Servants still alive after the Circuit shut down.
So, did they all pussied out or something?

>> No.3368842

>Comes with women being insufferable bitches and gods playing favorites.

Are you kidding? Gods are the worst offenders of them all!
The only gods in the greek pantheon not to be collosal cocks were Athena and Hades, and even they had blips (Arachne, who in all fairness totally had it coming to her, and Hades kidnapping Persephone.)

Worst offender of this was definately Zeus though. His list of superdickery is longer than the rest put together.

>> No.3368843

More likely that they were each awesome magi and reached a stalemate. How would HF4 end if the Masters were 7 Kiritsugus?

>> No.3368848

Like a boss.

>> No.3368853

I think Hera had a longer list of actively malicious acts.

Specially if we're counting tormenting people on a case by case basis.

Heracles alone is a crazy amount of evil shit to a guy who never did anything wrong.

>> No.3368855

Gods playing favorites as in 'For the sake of one guy the support , they ruin everyone else.
Also, Athena is a huge bitch(part of the troy war spark, Arachne, curse of the Lute, blocking Poseidon worship, intervening to save people in war in the faction she supported, flute curse etc)
The only God/dess that was not, is Dionysus/Hestia (interchangeable 12th Olympian)

>> No.3368861

It happens early, when Caster rocks his world needing a mana transfer.

>> No.3368865

>part of the troy war spark, Arachne, curse of the Lute, blocking Poseidon worship, intervening to save people in war in the faction she supported, flute curse etc

Be fair, Arachne DID totally have that coming. What was the curse of the Lute about?

>> No.3368866

No no no no.

She STARTS to think that early, like right off the bat.

Then Jackhammer brings back the trauma.

Then the rest of the route is repairing the relationship.

>> No.3368870

Caster isn't any virgin Rin. She'll take that jackhammer and enjoy it.

Caster had kids, she can accomodate the Shirou monster.

>> No.3368872

>she can accomodate the Shirou monster.
Can she? Shirou jackhammer is a conceptual weapon.

>> No.3368878

She casts magic lvl.8 on her vag00

>> No.3368879

Also, a HF1 story would be amazing. Actually competent magi each well-versed in plotting? Give them hand-picked awesome Servants and you have a deal. Perhaps Emperor Jimmu as Archer, Longinus as Lancer, Siegfried as Saber?

>> No.3368893


Bitch, it's Japan in the 1800s.

Miyamoto Motherfucking Musashi as Saber.

>> No.3368898

Oh SHIT, I made a magnificent work of Knitting that insults the gods (which I disrespected in the first place).
So Instead of you actually doing a better job then me as a GODDESS, you curse me to be an insect. Mature'.

Anyway, Athena once made an instrument (Αυλός, flute like) and started playing. It made a beautiful sound. So, she went to entertain fellow Olympians. Suddenly, they started laughing at her. When she asked why, they answered 'Your face is funny'. Aka, she looked funny puffing her cheecks. So she threw it away and cursed it saying 'May you bring misfortune and sadness to anyone who plays you'.
A satyr found teh instrument. He practiced and practiced, and eventually mastered it. But everyone laughed at him and mocked him. One day, he stumbled upon Apollo who was playing his Lyre in an audience of Nymphs. The Satyr though 'They'd appreciate music more'. But Apollo like the bitch he was, was furious he had the gal to even want to play while he puts on a show, so he challenged him: They'd both play, loser dies.
Apollo played, he was godly. But the Satyr also play, and he was magnificent. The Nymphs could not choose. So Apollo, furious and desperate said, 'We should play with our instruments reversed'. And he did, but the Satyr could not. And he was killed by Apollo.
And despite his earnest effort and beautiful music, due to two stupid Gods, he died without anyone appreciating him.

>> No.3368906


>you curse me to be an insec


>> No.3368908

>Longinus as Lancer,

I dunno about Longinius, aside for the whole Jesus thing, he doesn't really have anything else to his name. He'd a be a subpar servant saddled with an S-Rank Noble Phantasm.

If you'd said Orlando, who ALSO had the lance however...

>Siegfried as Saber?

Surely he'd make a better Berzerker?

I remember having a best of the best Servants discussion in /tg/.

I still say Dracula would make the best Lancer...

>> No.3368909

Fuck you for reminding me about that song.

>> No.3368913


>Surely he'd make a better Berzerker?

But Siegfried was blessed with tremendous wisdom upon consuming the heart of Fafnir.
Berserker would be wasteful on him.

>> No.3368924

People can fill the requirements for multiple classes. Like Heracles being every class but Caster.

...Say, I wonder what the process is for choosing their class.
Does the master choose? Is it based on their perception of the hero they're summoning?

>> No.3368925

>>Berserker would be wasteful on him.

Just like it was on Hercules.

>> No.3368937

Just like it was on Lancelot.

Berserker seems like a weak class anyway, since it only relies on high stats and innate skills, whereas battles seem only to be won on the strength of the noble phantasm.

>> No.3368938


Yes, Berserker was an absolute waste of Hercules' prodigious skill.

>Say, I wonder what the process is for choosing their class.
>Does the master choose? Is it based on their perception of the hero they're summoning?

Either luck or adding lines to the summoning ritual.
Fate/Zero shows that you can forcibly summon Berserker by adding 3 lines (And yet, thou serves with thine eyes clouded in madness/You, bound in a cage of madness/I am he who controls those chains [or something like that]).
Catalysts can help too (if you summon, say, Genghis Khan with the reigns of his chariot or something, he'd be Rider).

>> No.3368939

If a Servant qualifies for more than 2 classes, possibly the master can interfere (plus if another Master already summoned one, you limit the options, aka Cuchulain could not be summoned as Berserker even if he qualified if Heracles was there first).
If you want a Berserker, there is an extra chant you can sue (provided nobody summoned one yet)

>> No.3368941

You add extra two lines to force Berserker, otherwise it probably fills empty slots/goes for what's most fitting to the hero's nature.

>> No.3368944

For teh Saber vs Berserker battles, it takes a big number of circumstances for her to win.

>> No.3368945


Actually no, Berserker did not waste a drop of Lancelot's TREMENDOUS mastery.

Precisely because he was so immensely skilled with weapons, he retained his ability to use ALL of them.

And Lancelot was never very smart anyway.

So Berserker is actually an incredible boost for him.

Too bad his Master had worms for blood.

>> No.3368952


The best candidate for Archer that I can think of would be Rama from the Ramayana. He's an Avatar of Vishnu, the Hindu god of Perfection who reincarnated as a mortal so that he could kill Ravana. Who had gained immunity from the gods due to a Geass he gained for saving Brahma.

I'd imagine him as being able to hit any target no matter what with his bow and arrow (which would be divine noble phantasms in themselves)
Which sounds decent enough, but let's say he's able to target things that he can't see, like say the points which only Shiki can see?

>> No.3368967

Yeah, Berserker is mostly for augmenting subpar Servants. Say, Midas probably isn't known much and doesn't have good stats (he's an old man, not a warrior) but he did go crazy at least once in his lifetime (turning his daughter to gold. )

But summon him as Berserker and suddenly hands that turn everything to gold (maybe allows a MGI save though, like Rider's eyes, except it'd work on anything) and Mad Enhancement boosts makes him extremely dangerous.

>> No.3368973


You can't really keep his identity hidden, though.

I mean, who the fuck else has donkey ears?

>> No.3369003

When I statted him up, the curse extended to everyone who saw his ears and prevented Servants from going into spirit form. He'd probably wear a hood or cap, he's pretty conscious about the ears after all.

When not berserking and wrecking shit, he'd be a lovable old man, tired of all the supernatural events going around and wishing for nothing more than to undo his curse (reason to enter Grail War, he could be a version that didn't have the curses removed), revive his daughter and live out his years in peace.

>> No.3369019

>Too bad his Master had worms for blood.

Too bad poor Kariya had to summon him as Berserker.

Oh well, he was doomed anyway when he agreed to participate.

>> No.3369020

Midas has Golden Rule rank EX, right?

>> No.3369037

Already said it once before in another thread, but H.P. Lovecraft disguised as Abdul Alhazred for Caster. Creates horrors by writing them into existence in the Necronomicon, but his real Noble Phantasm is the pen he writes with. Wants the grail to prevent others from unleashing evil.

>> No.3369043

>>I mean, who the fuck else has donkey ears?

Berserker Pinnochio?

>> No.3369048

As for Caster, just how powerful would Merlin BE anyway? I mean, he's famous and all, but he's not from the 'Golden Age' like Medea.
On the other hand, certain sources had him living his life backwards like that one wierd episode of Sliders.
So he'd know what was going to happen, but on the other hand, be unable to stop it.

The Witch who taught Cu Culain how to fight might be good as well.

>> No.3369053

Scathach? In Nasu canon she was so awesome that she left humanity and her territory became a fairy realm.

>> No.3369056


It's somewhat implied that Merlin is a Sorcerer, and therefore would have generally infinite power (if all Sorceries have hax applicability like Kaleidoscope and Heavens Feel).

Fuck it, just summon Crimson Moon-era Zelretch. Dude's a legend for defeating him, and he's at his strongest when he's human.

>> No.3369061

Oh christ, now I have a mental image of Master Geppetto and his Servant Berserker Pinnochio carving dolls of other servants out of wood and smashing them with voodoo like curses.

>> No.3369059


There's a lot of people from the works of Lovecraft who would work as Caster: From Joeseph Curwen and his ability to raise others from the dead, Wilbur Whately the goat faced son of Yog Sothoth, Aesenath Waite, the body snatcher.

Then you've got inhuman things like Deep Ones and the Elder Things and the Great Race of Yith.

>> No.3369067


It's entirely possible that Abdul Alhazred actually exists in the Nasuverse, since Cthulhu does and the R'lyeh Text works.

See: 4th Caster.

>> No.3369073


All that dude would want to do is start praying to Yog-Sothoth.

And if the fucker actually invokes Yog-Sothoth then EVERYONE is fucked.

>> No.3369079

>Fuck it, just summon Crimson Moon-era Zelretch. Dude's a legend for defeating him, and he's at his strongest when he's human.

In order for something to be eligable, I think it would first have to die, and in this dimension. Neither of which are certainties for the big Z.


Well, not EVERYONE, Yoggy doesn't really get angry like other elder gods, he'd just blast everything in the near vicinity out of existence and go home.

>> No.3369081


Sorta funny you should mention that.

This guys doing a CYOA with an original main character who summons Berserker.

Kiritsugu, Shirou, and Illya all live together as a happy family. Shirou Summons Saber who is still Arturia, and Illya summons Caster, who is Merlin.

His version of Merlin is pretty damn funny.

>> No.3369083


Well, actually Yog-Sothoth is probably just a parallel existence to Akasha.

So "summoning" it would get a hundred billion Counter Guardians looking for your head in a second.

>> No.3369091

Caster does not mean mages just like like Archers does not mean somehow who uses a bow. You could summon fiction writers as casters like in Fate/ Strange Fake

>> No.3369095


Yeah, but what if you're the son of Yog Sothoth, like the Whately twins?

>> No.3369100


Then Papy doesn't love you.

>> No.3369107

Summon Tim Buckley, invoke B^U and Zalgo.

Or summon Rich Burlew and drown your enemies in an ocean of words.

Whateley needs unabridged Necronomicon to corrently summon.

>> No.3369113


Fate/Strange Fake is so far from canon that it's just silly to presume so.

>> No.3369122


You mean the completely non-canon fanwork that has the Black Death as a servant?

Also, here's an interesting alternative to True Assasin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C5%ABma_Kotar%C5%8D
Fuma Kotaro, the Ninja who killed Hattori Hanzo.

>The usage of the name started with the first leader of the clan. Originally surnamed "風間" (Fūma), with a different kanji, it was later changed to homophone 風魔. Each subsequent leader of the school adopted the same name as its founder, making it difficult to identify them individually.

Sound familiar?

>> No.3369128

Yes it does.
Archer DOES use a bow, wich is why he is called an archer.
also F/SF isn't canon.

>> No.3369140


Gilgamesh doesn't use a bow.

But he probably has more than a few in his Gate.

... What irony it would be, firing bows like arrows.

>> No.3369177

The gates of Babylon are the finely crafted Oak longbow to the arrows of unlimited Noble phantasms.

>> No.3369193
File: 28 KB, 350x289, gil-ubw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3369196

Gate of Babylon is his bow, sort of.

>> No.3369439

A bow shooting bows shooting arrows.

>> No.3369453

What about dual-wielding dual-wielded bows, each shooting three arrows at once?

>> No.3369459
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