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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 327 KB, 1104x776, __patchouli_knowledge_alice_margatroid_hijiri_byakuren_kirisame_marisa_izayoi_sakuya_and_etc_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_and_etc_drawn_by_kou_haijindeath__a041160920459d1a6bc6ffddc5f6e11d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33625939 No.33625939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.33625958

me on the left

>> No.33625962

/jp/ and /a/ are going through hard times as of recent.
Stick to your roots.

>> No.33625971

who homu here

>> No.33625976 [DELETED] 

Blame the mods

>> No.33626168 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33626236 [DELETED] 

Post the Suigintou one

>> No.33626953
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>> No.33627046
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>> No.33627064 [DELETED] 

Blame the mods

>> No.33627096

My joy is immeasurable and my day has been made. Needs more Reisen, though.

>> No.33627619 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33627649


>> No.33627669 [DELETED] 

Are mods just not enforcing holoshit to go to their containment board now or something?

>> No.33627691 [DELETED] 

mods are holoshitters

>> No.33627699 [DELETED] 

I don't think they ever bothered

>> No.33627711 [DELETED] 

then by all rights touhou is allowed to go to /v/ and /vg/.

>> No.33627720 [DELETED] 

Must have hurt harder when their cancer containment board was created. It reminds me of they argued about how "impossible" and "unnecessary" to create one and here we are. Even after defeat, cancer never learns their lesson.

>> No.33627784 [DELETED] 

you forgot /jp/

>> No.33627791 [DELETED] 

I told them to go back to /vt/ and the mods banned me for a day for off topic discussion. Using a proxy now cause I have no choice.

It's convenient how they use "off topic" discussion conviently when it supports their own interests.

>> No.33627828 [DELETED] 

Or /mlp/ on every other board.
What's funny is how this board was made to house Touhou and VN's and how anal moot was in enforcing that, now the mods had to do the same for vtubers but refuse to police this little reservation bestowed upon us

>> No.33627831

so there are two meta threads up right now

>> No.33627846 [DELETED] 

I think it's that uwu autist or whatever his name was on irc

>> No.33628033 [DELETED] 

>Using a proxy now cause I have no choice.
Mod, shitposter god banned and is now breaking Global Rule 14

Mod, shitposters are complaining about moderation and breaking Global Rule 8

>> No.33628054 [DELETED] 

who would have thought that vtuber teens suck mod cocks

>> No.33628107

It's the average 2hushits doing what average 2shits do: complain and throw huge tantrums. They are underage posters, after all, they are autistic enough to fantasize about a fictional world and have sexual fantasies with kawaii uguu cartoon girls.

>> No.33628129

>They are underage posters
No but you holoshitters are

>> No.33628161

stop projecting

>> No.33628954

Why is it that you can only cry and not just make threads relevant to your interests? Using spam as an excuse to spam just makes you part of the problem.

>> No.33629003

go back

>> No.33629010

I don't see OP crying holofaggot.

>> No.33629045

What you just said is basically "The stove is on fire, but don't worry about that. Just go to sleep and let the stove burn the entire house down."
Move them to /vt/.

>> No.33629067

>Using spam as an excuse to spam just makes you part of the problem.
You should be the absolute last person to say that when you have spammed numerous times, and all of yesterday because you got pissy about your image slots. In retaliation, you decided to make tens of threads to make the mods clean it up. Don't talk about spam when you are far from innocent, daily.

>> No.33629141 [DELETED] 

The youngest Touhoufag is older than the oldest Holonigger, know your place

>> No.33629848 [DELETED] 

Blame the mods

>> No.33629848,1 [INTERNAL] 

janny is a scared little bitch lmao
keep shitting and crying janbitch

>> No.33630108

You mean exactly like what the holofags are doing because they got mad at the mods changing how the board works again for no reason because of hololive threads? Instead of just, you know, moving them to /vt/ and doing all those changes there?

>> No.33630115

Just woke up, What the fuck happened?

>> No.33630129

not sure why they weren't moved from day 1

>> No.33630170

As far as I understand, mods changed the board again so threads auto-archive upon hitting the image cap (an extremely retarded decision). Holofags spam images in their general so they quickly hit the image cap and they realize this change. So they spam the entire board with new threads in retaliation.
The biggest question here is why mods are STILL changing /jp/ for /hlg/'s sake when /vt/ fucking exists.

>> No.33630248

Some mod keeps allowing vtube threads here even though they have an entire board to themselves now.

>> No.33630590

Holy fucking shit. 2hu friends, you're kinda pathetic, not gonna lie

>> No.33630618

Homura did everything wrong.

>> No.33631057

Holy fucking shit. Holofags, you're kinda pathetic, not gonna lie

>> No.33631301
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More vtuber x mod drama, more /jp/ suffering.

Yes, thank you mods. I can hardly wait for /jp/ to turn into /a/ 2.0. Fast and crazy is the only way to enjoy image board culture apparently. Niche topics need to stop being niche if you want to discuss it.

>> No.33631457 [DELETED] 


>> No.33631607 [DELETED] 

Wow mods are deleting posts for no reason again

We'll just sing this song and dance again until the immature Holoshitters get their way.

>> No.33631627 [DELETED] 

inb4 this post >>33631607 gets deleted

Don't fucking do it mods. I know it's tempting to be a jackass but don't do it.

>> No.33631831 [DELETED] 

Why can't they just move vtuber threads to /vt/ and make everyone happy?
How difficult is it?

>> No.33631988 [DELETED] 

steamin' holoshitter mods

>> No.33632036 [DELETED] 
File: 721 KB, 2280x2836, 1613140084053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the tube posters seem to despise western vtubers, so I can imagine that being one of the reasons for why the mods are allowing them to stay here. And with how virtual youtubers (and monster girls according to warosu) being the only /jp/ threads the mods care about, it is no surprise to anyone that they don't listen to the people who want to kick the threads they like out of /jp/.

>> No.33632076 [DELETED] 

One of the mods is a regular in the Hololive general, and he doesn't want to see two different letters in their URL bar out of pure autism. Nothing else can explain it.

>> No.33632108


it is easy to fix, just move threads immediately when they pop up. if you allow one to exist for longer than a few minutes it will just remain and be cancerous

>> No.33632256 [DELETED] 

Because the people who still post here are the people who hate the English branch.

>> No.33632317 [DELETED] 

Explain these, then.
Both generals exist in both boards and there are still frequent HoloEN posts in here and HoloJP posts in there.

>> No.33632427 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 530x760, 02b7d7fde730e61f2c3d0c9f3cbc01ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want change to happen go full civil disobedience mode, shit hololive threads with everything you have and constantly make threads about how retarded the mods are

>> No.33632481 [DELETED] 

One of the things that supports >>33632076's hypothesis is how quickly any anti-vtuber post gets deleted in their generals.

>> No.33633275 [DELETED] 

My guess is that he's trying to make up for having his anus obliterated yesterday by deleting posts he doesn't like today to regain the feeling of authority.

>> No.33633315 [DELETED] 

holoshit mods/jannies would get too assblasted and delete every post in a second

>> No.33636501

that's everyone's question.

>> No.33636715 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 720x720, b613hiqbaq751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33637943

Why did they use UFO Marisa but then EoSD Sakuya in that pic? It is such a styling dissonance to me. Why not just use EoSD Marisa since (most of) the rest of EoSD cast is there? Am I autistic enough for noticing that?

>> No.33638050

It really has become routine at this point.

>> No.33638050,1 [INTERNAL] 

janny got upset again

>> No.33638050,4 [INTERNAL] 

Shitposter OP and 2hu babies crying got btfo'd hard LMAO

>> No.33638050,6 [INTERNAL] 

Based Janny as usual.

>> No.33638050,8 [INTERNAL] 

He's still mad about getting fisted two days ago.

>> No.33638050,11 [INTERNAL] 

Seethe harder 2hufag.

/jp/ /jp/
You will NEVER be free.
