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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 91 KB, 493x186, 66C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3359622 No.3359622 [Reply] [Original]

Alternate Title: 66C: THE GAME edition. Can YOU figure out which Yukari owns which stopsign?

Anyway, Only have time for a few rounds.

>> No.3359659

Your Yukarin still plagues my nightmares, Lurker.

>> No.3359857
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Peaches and rocks abound

>> No.3359862

Sorry I had to quit, my sister wanted me to watch a movie.

>> No.3359949

ggs Guy and NameGoesHere, I'm off to get some sleep now though

>> No.3359955

Haha, and here I was just thinking I wanted to face Lurker! It's been a while, your Patchy's gotten pretty solid. I'm pretty sure she has better air-to-air options when you land a j.5A, though. Anyways, good games, sorry my corner pressure is still out of whack, it's a bit tough to get used to.


>> No.3359977

Ehhh I'm still pretty bad with Patchouli, I've been having major trouble coping with pressure (I'm sure you noticed that considering how hyper offensive you are).

>> No.3359994

someone test this for me,

>> No.3360007
File: 45 KB, 217x232, suikahelicopter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5 matches, blindfolded tier
you don't have to use a blindfold if you don't want to
you can even look
i don't care

>> No.3360012

Pussy move with the exiting the first match, man.

>> No.3360022

I love how popular you've gotten, Lurk. EC, have time for a few games.

>> No.3360028

Huh? But I didn't exit the first match. I honestly had no idea what was going on.

>> No.3360044

And I'm clearly tired, as that's the wrong IP.

>> No.3360095

thanks for the matches bob, they sounded like they had some decent finishes

>> No.3360098

Lol sorry bout the first 3 games, didn't actually thing you meant it literally ;_;

>> No.3360142


>> No.3360167

>hyper offensive

Oh stop, you're making me blush~!

Good games, NameGoesHere. It still hurts that you think that I would actually exit a game mid-match. ;_;

>> No.3360171

GGs Guy, sorry about blaming you for the vanished match. Seriously, how does that even happen?

Awesome Reisen, BTW.

>> No.3360185

I have no idea. It's actually happened to me before; I guess it's sort-of like how some of the load times are randomly much longer than some of the others. Thanks for the Reisen compliment, but I wish I could properly pull of that block string. 236B -> hjc9 -> j.2A is really hard for me to pull off for some reason.

>> No.3360189

Come to think of it, it's impossible to pause mid-match anyway.

Boy, am I lame. Double sorry for blaming you. Your Tenshi and Reisen made me almost as angry as Lurker's Yukari, if that makes you feel better.

>> No.3360207
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WC/EC Only

>> No.3360210

>almost as angry as Lurker's Yukari

Yes~! Do you think I could approach that anger level if I used 66C more often? :3

Rehostan. I needed a waterbreak.

>> No.3360214

Oops, forgot to actually hit "host." Hostan for real this time.

>> No.3360233

heh ggs were fun, really got me there with those marisa brooms lol

>> No.3360241

Haha, yeah. Those Utsuho C bullets can be a bit too much without a grazing special. GGs.

>> No.3360250

GG. sucks the connection is bad

>> No.3360265


Don't connect to someone if your connection isn't stable. It's irritating.

I'll not host for a minute.

>> No.3360283
US Midwest

>> No.3360359

DO NOT PURSUE here, I want to play against NameGoesHere ;o

>> No.3360387

Ah, good games again, NameGoesHere.

>> No.3360390

hosting US West

>> No.3360396


>> No.3360412

US west coast

I'm a bit surprised at being asked for a game personally; hope you have fun.

>> No.3360414


I don't really have any specific suggestions for your characters (I have no idea how to play as Marisa, Iku, or Youmu), but unless you really up your offensive pressure, you should try to block more and be much more careful when teching.

>> No.3360427

looking for a game before going to bed :3

>> No.3360443

Guess I'll host a few, then.

>> No.3360454 EC anyone

>> No.3360485

Good games, bob. I finally got my vengeance for the hit-and-run you did to me earlier. :3

>> No.3360487

nice perfect at the end :p You give good pressure, gg :3

>> No.3360542
File: 150 KB, 600x800, 1225487910045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosts please.

>> No.3360577

Just for you~

>> No.3360597

ggs, many very close ones between Remilia and Marisa
gotta go to sleep, got work tmr
let's play again some time

>> No.3360613

Good Games DNP. Thought it was funny how I kept managing to JUST get inside of your magic attack range every time in the library. Love your Marisa, loads of fun.

>> No.3360631

i think i'm affected by the stage musics... i do well on some, and disturbingly horrible on the other
i have no idea why

>> No.3360633

Great games E-Man.
There aren't many people around here who can play random.

US Midwest

>> No.3360635

VGGs Duck

I enjoyed them very much! Especially your China and Reimu. I'm going to be LOLin about that Tenshi/Iku ending for a LOOOOONG time!

>> No.3360636 East Coast

>> No.3360687

Seriously, I have no idea. I don't wanna know either.

>> No.3360886

ggs dim. It seems my attempts to learn another character aren't going so well though. I kept walking into far too many attacks.

>> No.3360887

GGs music note.
Can't believe how hard it lagged it lagged after that 6A that should've ended that first Yukari vs Suika, then I got mashed and KOed.

>> No.3361184

Bah, great games, Aya. It's nice that I can sort-of give you a challenge now, even if I felt like I had bloody down-syndrome because of all the times I fell for the same punishable moves over and over again (I'm looking at you, Okuu's flying thing). And for some reason, I was having the hardest time getting through your strategy of "sit back, 2C 2C 5B 5B 2C loliball". Goddamn.

Anyways, I had fun. Thanks for the games.

>> No.3361200
File: 148 KB, 500x700, 1221684887165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My eyes are bloodshot, and I nodded out of attention too many times. GGs man, you know what you're doing with your two characters.

>> No.3361235
West coast

If anyone's still awake

>> No.3361237

Heh, thanks, though I don't even want to count how many times I fell for Okuu's "hide that flying move behind a 5C" strategy. I just wish my Tenshi was better against players that KNOW how to play defensive.

>> No.3361258

Ugh, I would, but it's 3:40. I wouldn't be any fun to play when I'm tired.

>> No.3361475

Great games, Knives. Those were some intense, close, and fun matches. I've gotta say, your Sakuya is actually fun to fight just because she's so much more aggressive than the Sakuyas I normally have to face. And your Patchy...I'm pretty sure I was like, "eh, so I'll get punished, it won't be that ba-- 20HIT 2500 COMBO" I had no idea she could do that!

And goddamn your Yukari. I'm not sure if she's gotten better since last time, or if I am magnetically attracted to those bloody parasol spins, because I was having a bitch of a time. Anyways, thanks for the games.

>> No.3361479

GGs, Guy.

Your Tenshi's has really good pressure and air combos, kept getting me into the corner and guardbreaking me.

>> No.3361484


>> No.3361910


>> No.3362008

here u go.

>> No.3362082


What intense matches!

>> No.3362137

>> No.3362168 10800


>> No.3362170


>> No.3362175

East Coast only.

>> No.3362188

Hosting anyone?

>> No.3362252

Someone host please.

>> No.3362261
Shit tier, US West

>> No.3362321

Sigh. I'm tired, and I'm playing like shit. Good games, Lim.

I would have more patience if it was just me falling for every 66C and DP you throw out, but I can't even complete my combos anymore. I'll try again later, when I don't suck. Thanks for hosting.

>> No.3362328

gg, Guy. I still cant believe your Tenshi can pull off 3.4k damage on combos alone. damn. i had to work hard to get back at it.

Border Escaping like fist of the north star!

>> No.3362332

Anyone want to play?

>> No.3362340

i know, i think you need to add alittle restraint on your aggressiveness. i notice sometimes you hold back and wait for perfect opportunity. sometimes firing projectiles alone works wonders, as long as your ready for the grazing opponent comming at you.

you can still do you combos, when opponent comes to you, you dont have to come to them to do so.

>> No.3362346

Meh, I'd rather eat 3.4k once than 1.5k CH DPs every time I think you're open. The BEing was throwing me off, a few people did it against my Tenshi today, but not nearly as frequently as you.

>> No.3362365

Oh, that's not quite what I might. I'm already aware of my aggressiveness, and it normally isn't that bad, I was just feeling really impatient because I haven't been able to fall asleep at all. But yeah, I was just dropping my combos left and right...5AAA -> stop ;_;

Should've been more like 5AAA -> 2B -> hjc. j.5A -> j.6A -> j.6C and then chase on tech.

I did notice that your Iku got much better since last time we fought, though. I don't really fight many Ikus, so it's always a surprise.

>> No.3362375

yep, i love playing iku, its quite a challenge with her slowness, so timing the attacks are fun when landed, of course i die if I messed up.

>> No.3362417

ggs dude, almost got me with patchy

>> No.3362421


>> No.3362470 west coast

Hurr I just woke up. Expect me to play sluggishly and 66C more than usual.

>> No.3362498

Gimme a sec, I need to make some adjustments to my deck.

>> No.3362502

Alright, done. Rehosting.

>> No.3362526

East Coast host
2 hours of sleep tier

>> No.3362635

ggs, though I'm wondering why you have potions in your Yukari deck hurrr

>> No.3362661

Awesome games bowsa, I learned a lot playing against you (I think). Also, sorry for not changing my character, I hope it wasn't boring or anything, but Suika is the only character I don't suck completely with. Looking forward to playing against you another time.

>> No.3362697

Also forgot to respond to this
Haha yeah, though to be honest I feel kind of bad about it since a lot of Yukari players are better than me.

Anyway, I'm rehosting. west coast

>> No.3362742



>> No.3362752

GGs Harlaown. Same as before, no specific thing I think you need to work on (besides combos), just more practice and more play.


>> No.3362986
File: 211 KB, 450x650, 33d54bdf98642a17941d67509fbb5625d372a420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero hours of sleep and just got done chopping down a tree tier

>> No.3363112

GGs, Isuzumi. Must be going for the time being. You've got a decent Patchy there. It's quite ironic, but I was performing better against your Patchy with my lesser characters than I was with my better ones... My Patchy's my main and she had the absolute worst time against you. I should think with the level you're at you would have an alt by now. If not, I definitely suggest playing around with the other characters some more in actual matches. At this point I think it could help your game considerably.

>> No.3363146

Addendum: I almost shat myself in that last round. Tenshi's B&B doesn't fully limit against everyone, allowing for the rising sword spellcard to be used as a finished if you wallslam. Unfortunately, it appears as though Patchy is one of those who reaches limit, so I went flying through the air, blowing the KO, and exposing myself to your KO-granting combo.

>> No.3363151

GGs. As someone told me patchy in UNL is the replacement of Yuyuko in SWR, I started to play with her for like 3 days. Apparently I don't get her very well yet.

>> No.3363163

You can use Yuyuko in 12.3 just fine.
Just link it to your SWR install.

>> No.3363229

Uhhh...disconnected. Rehostan

>> No.3363259

I prefer using the sword-combo spellcard. It's less risky, and more damaging.

>> No.3363266

Hey come on now, that isn't very nice to just leave it at that.
I was having fun playing you too. ;_;
What happened was apparently my internet crapping out on me though, sorry about that. That last one was going to be the last for me anyway.

Well GGs Guy, hope you enjoyed my day 2 Okuu. Despite being the worst character in the game she's goddamn fun to play, moreso than Suwako even; I thought all she did was shoot bullets that look cool, but once you experience the joy of guardcrushing them in the corner and firing a nuclear laser in their face you can never go back to fast, easy-to-use characters.
Your Chiquita's pretty fabulous too, though I was expecting to fight a Meilingesque aggressiverusher and got treated so a patient blocker who baits all my nukes instead. Son, not disappoint, etc.
At least you caught that I wanted a chance to play your Meiling before I was finished for the day -- some people like Icekin don't seem to notice that's what that means.

Oh well, thanks for the games brah. I need to work on timing my 3As better, apparently.

>> No.3363284

I really didn't leave, brah. The game just sent me back to the menu screen...I don't leave midmatch, you should know this. ;_;

>> No.3363295

>What happened was apparently my internet crapping out on me though

The problem was on my end.
By 'leave it at that' I mean posting without a GGs or anything. That hurts my feelings, you know. ;_;

>> No.3363339

I thought you were going to rejoin, you jerk! But apparently Lurker wants to fight me more.

>> No.3363402

Well, I guess I DID spend like 6+ minutes typing out my usual paragraph, or 'treeagraph' as I like to call them now. My bad; if this happens again I'll make sure to post a "HEY I'M DONE PLAYING YOU DON'T HAVE TO REHOST FOR ME ANYMORE" message before I start the treeagraph.

But enjoy your 66C. Hohoho~

>> No.3363468

I was thinking about startin' to play this online.
But I was just spectating Lurker and Guy just now - and is it safe to assume they're two of the better players?
If not: I'll survive around 8 seconds per match.

>> No.3363510

They're not the best, but they're not the worst. Don't worry, there's plenty of players across all skill levels on /jp/, ensuring that you'll be able to find even matches. Besides, with time and practice you will improve to where you needn't worry about who joins unless it's Dimglow/Magister/ZomB

>> No.3363517

They are. Sort of.
Anyone with a who posts with a tripcode or uses a profile named profile1p is a tourneyfag from Mizuumi, and anyone who namefags here is on the higher end, pretty much.
The tourneyfags nest in IRC, so as long as you stay in /jp/ and advertise yourself as a beginner you'll be fine. Besides, losing > winning; why would you want to play people who don't rape your face in when you COULD be learning from your mistakes?

>> No.3363558

Okay, thanks. I might join in a thread in a day or two.
For learning about my mistakes: I'd rather have a close match than a complete loss, y'know?

>> No.3363606

Gah, sorry we couldn't get very many games in, but I really need a break. Geez, didn't expect to face you and Tree back-to-back. Also, I hope I didn't offend you with the Patchy mirrors, I just really wanted to see if 5C and 6C: the game really worked. :3 Your Yukari is as fierce as always against me; I wonder why I always insist on running into a 66C I know is coming. I don't really have much else to say, other than to watch out for people who can punish the loliball better.

Good games, though.

Oh Tree, I always have fun playing against you. Yeah, I try to be hyper-aggressive with my Tenshi, but she just isn't fast enough to pull it off; I have to wait till I trap in the corner before I can start dishing out some pain. Your Okuu wasn't bad at all for just 2 days; I fell for enough of your shit, anyways (I'm looking at you, 3A cape). I would've played Meiling more, but I had a bunch of seriousface matches between like 2 and 5 in the morning, so I was letting her rest for a bit. Anyways, good games, etc.

>> No.3363625 [DELETED] 

Hurr, the mirrors got me kinda mad, but it's not like I'm good at Patchouli or anything so oh well. Plus seeing you use a projectile-oriented character was worth it.


Out of curiosity, which of the matches were you spectating?

>> No.3363629

Hurr, the mirrors got me kinda mad, but it's not like I'm good at Patchouli or anything so oh well. Plus seeing you use a projectile-oriented character was worth it.


Out of curiosity, which of the matches were you spectating?

>> No.3363641 US West

Hostan like Remilia's 5AAAA -> 236C

>> No.3363647

>Plus seeing you use a projectile-oriented character was worth it.


I honestly had no idea Patchy's 5C was so damn good. As long as you use it in the air, you're bloody unstoppable as long as, say, your opponent isn't a Patchy who uses 6C. :3

>> No.3363650

I think it was Tenshi and Suika.
I saw the beginning of one with Yukari but I stopped spectating then.

>> No.3363652

WAIT WHAT. Nevermind, my IP is apparently US West.

>> No.3363670

By the way, my memory is shit - which is why I say "I think".

>> No.3363698

I know how you feel on that one, but once you get your ass handed to you by someone like swedish or Magister you start to realize stuff like "oh no wonder, that move is really punishable on wakeup," etc etc etc.
As you climb the ladder you'll eventually get to experience doing that to somebody else and realize how good it feels; that's why people keep playing this shit.

>I always insist on running into a 66C
Told you.

>(I'm looking at you, 3A cape)
Believe it or not, I only hit with about 10% of all the capes I intended. You have to be the single most difficult person to hit with that move, or at least that I've played so far if that makes you feel better. Your Tenko and Chirno don't seem to do jump-ins a whole lot which is the whole purpose of 3A, but I guess that's a good thing because at least with the latter if you try to do jump-ins you're doing it wrong. Hurrr.

>I would've played Meiling more, but I had a bunch of seriousface matches between like 2 and 5 in the morning, so I was letting her rest for a bit.
Whoops, my bad. I just hadn't played her in forever ;_;

>Patchy's 5C

Well anyway go get some sleep you dork, I want to nuke your face in at your FULL POTENTIAL.

>> No.3363751 west coast

>> No.3363760
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>> No.3363779

Ugh, GGs Isuzumi. Sorry to seem like a whiner, but I never play against Yuyuko, so I had no idea what I was doing. I was really off my game too...

What was that red circle next to your Patchy?

>> No.3363784


>> No.3363813

ggs, sorry I played so sluggishly. Was there input lag? Because it kinda felt like it.

>> No.3363816

good job owning me lurker
i random but i didnt even get any of my good characters

>> No.3363818

Anyone there?

>> No.3363906

Host please

>> No.3363919
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 1243185760587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not bad at all, Isuzami or some shit. GGs.
I dunno why I kept failing for those Dial a's and spams.

Taking a break for now.

>> No.3363923

See >>3363652

>> No.3363988

Bump for a host who wants to fight a low tier Suika.

>> No.3364041

Up for a rematch? ;D

>> No.3364053


>> No.3364071

Holy shit, someone already joined? What the hell, more hosts are needed.

>> No.3364074
File: 352 KB, 400x612, 931e17df952d8456898287360a6c24a3a5771aa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your hosting ain't working, or you stopped. either way i'll host i guess US West
Marisa is always related

>> No.3364092


>> No.3364094


You are as much of a tease as Marisa is, b/c your host IP isn't working.

>> No.3364115


>> No.3364130

someone connected, that's why you can't connect

>> No.3364192



>> No.3364200

ggs, would have been nicer if you weren't so skilled

>> No.3364252



>> No.3364265

GG, Harlaown , Sorry if the matches is uneven.

Are u using keyboard or gamepad? you should use gamepad, if its not, since its well. (to me), its easier in blocking , cuz you kept getting hit at each wake up.

>> No.3364268

gg Akagi, suika owned me so hard ;(
let me play someone more of my level ;_;

>> No.3364277
File: 310 KB, 700x524, 76b4ac5580b76080de71a014b6fc090f9ebc6828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3364285

GGs, and sorry for only picking up Suika, I really suck with any other character... Also, I don't want to stress you or anything, but I'm probably one of the worst players here haha, it's just that Suika is really strong.

>> No.3364304


Keyboard. Does a gamepad make much of a differences anyway?

>> No.3364307

So, aren't there any south americans here? It's not cool to have lag everytime I play with /jp/.

>> No.3364318

well, ive been playing fighters on gamepad for awhile, it just seems natural to do so, thats just me.

>> No.3364329
File: 508 KB, 662x920, a3439f9b82431ce5ed3099b23cab77238cb39eb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad Lady, it's way too laggy for me to play against you, i'm pretty much a full second to two behind in every input
rehosted US West

>> No.3364330


>> No.3364332
File: 283 KB, 781x782, Remi_0766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3364332 EC

>> No.3364348

GGs Dustbunny. I have to admit, I SUCK against Yuyuko. Those were some intense-with-a-capital-I Remilia mirrors.

>> No.3364359

Suika ain't that hard to play against, it's just the 2B that catches me every time and i always run into it
let's play again some time, when i am better? ;D

>> No.3364360
File: 125 KB, 500x408, 1250732179096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remilia used to be one of my Mains before 12.3
she seems to handle so differently now, is it just me?
regardless, good show!

>> No.3364522 if soneone is still there to play with me

>> No.3364536

Don't you need to put your port at the end of your IP?
Default is 10800, I think.

>> No.3364545

yea default

>> No.3364574

you cannot connect or what?

>> No.3364585
File: 89 KB, 400x500, a5bf90320f2aa0c9546c09dbc7311922a04e388b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried connecting as well and failed to. Perhaps your ports arent open/fowarded? A common mistake, really.

>> No.3364593

GGs Bad Lady Scramble.
The spikes were somewhat annoying.

>> No.3364608

You don't netplay much if that's what you call annoying. GGs.

>> No.3364617
File: 438 KB, 827x1169, 5986712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting. WC/EC ONLY

>> No.3364634

ok... well im checking for the problem in my router, be back in a few

>> No.3364686

ok problem resolt.... you guys can connet to port 10800

>> No.3364701

Where are you from?

>> No.3364716

canada esat....

>> No.3364728

I might play you next thread, if you're there.

>> No.3364739

well.. you can connect now... im waiting for someone

>> No.3364748

GGs, DNP. Fun as always.

>> No.3364755
File: 101 KB, 400x517, 1222808492713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still cant connect. Begining to wonder if the problem isnt on my end as I cant connect to 3364617 to spectate either.
Wouldnt make sense though, as I was playing here not an hour ago.

>> No.3364757

Getting shimashitas here; are you sure you have port 10800 UDP forwarded and your client updated to 1.03?
Also, you might want to remember to put it in IP:port format next time so potential players can copypaste it easier; might save you a few minutes of waiting.

>> No.3364779
File: 203 KB, 758x1200, 5646425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GGs, Remilia

I was expecting you will use Remi though.

>> No.3364788

im getting 1.3 now

>> No.3364797

Brotip to all those who "can't connect": upgrade to 1.03

>> No.3364802

I will when she plays like she's supposed to.

>> No.3364842
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Agreed. Too much nerfs.

>who did I just play


>> No.3364850

GGs, plesi42. Don't really have any suggestions I can think of. You've got your nuke loli down pretty well. Was rather aggravating at times to be honest. "I'll just j.2A he-3A!" "I'll just geyser he-5C!" "Corner press-5k DMG REVERSAL!" T'was fun, thanks for the games.

>> No.3364854

Your Tenshi rocked my characters so hard

>> No.3364859

>> No.3364870

Could be worse, look at what happened to Aya. Went from 'god tier' to 'why is she even in the game anymore tier'

>> No.3364882

Oh, is that the reason why I never see anyone play as her anymore?

Also, rehostan. >>3363652

>> No.3364906
File: 249 KB, 1040x1386, Tenshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a short nap and now I'm even more tired tier

>> No.3364952
File: 198 KB, 850x1274, sample_ca2aa40ff924a7ebc78bb90c9c73d5c6348bb092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone give me the current tier list?

also, rehosted US West

again, Marisa is related

>> No.3364968

damn, got raped by dustbunny.... gg

>> No.3364970

Yeah, except nothing "bad" happened to Aya. She has pretty much everything she had in the last game, all they did was tone down the damage. I played her in SWR and I'm not really that disappointed with the change in damage, so I still play her in Soku.

>> No.3364978
File: 346 KB, 775x1202, 51ecdcc4e822c291b6dd3b3bde9d389ed3fa740d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was rude of me, I know, but I wanted you to be aware of what kind of opponents are here. My Reisen is getting quite respectable i think, but nowhere near the better people that plays here. You've got a lot of work ahead of you, starting by learning how to graze and block. Your Yuyuko was particularly vulnerable because you kept trying to shoot spirits through Reisen's volleys. I'm no expert, but that seems silly to me.

>> No.3364998

lol... yea thanks... but my problem, in every fighting game i play.... i dont know how to do the combo.....

>> No.3364999

Holy fuck. I was gonna play 12.3 but now I have to fap.

>> No.3365002
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Someone host please~

>> No.3365004

I'm hosting, just look a few posts up.

>> No.3365012


Someone snatched the game. ;_;

>> No.3365015 [DELETED]

Stage 2 midboss tier

>> No.3365021
File: 383 KB, 900x900, 8737daf2dd896d97bebfea1490fe5dac83da8e5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combos.. watch a few videos of the characters you like, practice a few simple combos, starting by the cornering ones, but dont try anything too complex yet. I'll be honnest, its more important to be good at grazing and, more importantly, blocking, than to know batshit combos at your level. Stick to simple, easy to execute stuff.

Heck, 5AAAAA is very viable for many characters, though considered ungraceful.

>> No.3365035 [DELETED] 

So apparently nobody wants to join. Sad.

>> No.3365066
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mid west US

will air tech into punish combos 3+ times in a row and not learn his lesson tier.

>> No.3365079

Random disconnect. Cool. Be back in a bit, gotta get some ingrediients.

>> No.3365094

Fuck you. I host for 15 minutes. No takers. You get someone within 30 seconds.

>> No.3365100

Stage 2 midboss tier

>> No.3365132

Well, it's nice to see they buffed Utusho in the latest patch.

>> No.3365145

I'm back. Rehostan for bob.

>> No.3365146

gg Aya. They really must have tweaked Utsuho. I used to play her a lot at release and there was no way she used to have that kind of flow. Time to practice mah Okuu against a less rage-inducing opponent.

>> No.3365175
File: 156 KB, 850x637, sample_ed6ec27f43402e8841e7012d1e72603320b60a7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can anyone give me the current tier list?
no answer?

i wish they would tweak her in game sprite though, her face looks so chubby ;(

hosting US West

>> No.3365190

Good random games, piano.

>> No.3365192

gg destroying me guy

it felt like there was incredible input lag. half the time i tried to block i just stood there like an idiot

>> No.3365202

You'll only get personal ones, you know?

S tier
Youmu Iku

A tier
Suika Reisen Yukari Yuyuko

Everybody Else

"Why?" tier
Sanae Utsuho

Feel free to refute me on this.

>> No.3365215

>feel free

Don't mind if I do! You forgot a tier in between A and everyone.

"5C tier"

I didn't really destroy you, there were a lot of close games. But yeah, don't worry, I stood there like an idiot too on occasion (why 623B with Reimu when I can take the flying Aya to the face?)

>> No.3365232
File: 228 KB, 800x600, 164871a0764d2974924d48c4b23aec9025d6d4c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no takers?

>> No.3365235

update to 1.03 you arent working bro

>> No.3365243

it was working about 20 minutes ago, and someone just connected and left

>> No.3365253

hmmm. when you post your ip to host, post a touhou picture according to your tier. this should be fun.

>> No.3365272


ggs. it's been a while since I fought a patchy, but it didn't take too long for me to get used to the 5c spam.

gonna go do other stuffs for a bit, may host again later.

>> No.3365293


>> No.3365303

ggs NameGoesHere

>> No.3365322

GGs, but seriously. You're playing too much like a tourney player, it doesn't make for fun matches; it feels more like trying to figure out a weakness in the predetermined patterns that the tournament players use.

Or maybe I'm just butthurt because I lost all my matches.
BTW, how do you connect Okuu's anti-air laser to her attacks so quickly? Every time I try, it misses my a 1/2 second or more.

>> No.3365342

Aya is one of the best players here. Get used to losing if you play him/her.

>> No.3365344

Lots of lots of lots of Cirnos then?

>> No.3365363
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>> No.3365373

>Get used to disconnecting when you see his name

>> No.3365375

Sorry to cut the game short, but somebody here started downloading something. ggs

>> No.3365380

I actually picked up Aya and find that she's very strong other than having low midscreen damage and not being able to tack on spellcards for bonus damage. I only use spell cards to guard break with her.

>> No.3365381

His Okuu's pretty good, but his Suika is definitely more annoying.

I don't really play Okuu much, but don't do the dial-A; instead, do 5AA -> 6A -> 2C. The normal combo doesn't chain into 2C.

>> No.3365383

Welcome to MiZuUmI cReW

>> No.3365387

No prob, shit happens. So you went from one crow slut to another, eh? Damn that 5C -> Rocket Dive... Why do I constantly fall for it... Or air tech into it... I may have to borrow that move..... Very nice Okuu.

>> No.3365397

is not searching for a game.

>> No.3365431


>> No.3365433


Hey Magi, can I suck your cock?

>> No.3365440

Yeah, might as well, and while you're at it you can stroke my ego.

>> No.3365481
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>> No.3365533


I wanted to main Okuu as soon as I heard she was in the roster, even though it was a painful first day getting used to moving around like having cinder-blocks strapped to your entire body.

I'm very fond of black birds. And they're not sluts.

>> No.3365534 [DELETED] 


I wanted to main Okuu as soon as I heard she was in the roster, even though it was a painful first day getting used to moving around like having cinder-blocks strapped to your entire body.

I'm very fond of black birds. And they're not sluts.

>> No.3365546

All I know is playing Mizuumi fags makes me hate SWR for the next week, whereas playing with appropriately low-tiered /jp/ bros makes me think SWR/UNL is the best game I've ever played.

>> No.3365609

GGs Saje. Work on your pressure.

>> No.3365614

Bah, sorry vvav. Tonight just doesn't seem to be a good night. I don't ever recall you even playing Aya and I'm fairly certain you would have continued to steamroll my Patchy after beating my Tenshi had you not have switched (not that that changed the w/l ratio, heh). Another time when I'm better rested perhaps. Good games.

>> No.3365640
File: 275 KB, 850x993, sample_b817a83e57b2819bee7c2a85288a2b8cceb081bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting US West

Saku... wait, Marisa?

>> No.3365683

That's Yumeko.

>> No.3365688

But Yumeko is fat

>> No.3365700

Then it is very stylized fanart of Yumeko.

>> No.3365779

GGs. Sorry for picking on you, but you didn't list a tier.

>> No.3365801

Hahaha, nice finish, Lim. Every time I see you have that card ready, I start sweating and trying to bait your 66Cs and Kanakos. Your Sanae has gotten pretty good, I have to say. But your Reimu...goddamn, you manage to pull out the most bullshit DPs I have ever seen: "Hmm...he just did this move that's incredibly unsafe on block, I'll just punish him for 3k dam--FUCKING DP"

Anyways, good games. I wanted to face you when I was feeling a little more awake and less impatient.

>> No.3365805

she's healthy
unlike our other meido

>> No.3365806

oh wow! is this the same Guy I was fighting before? you actually fight great now! what a change from the last time. you are patient and waited for perfect places.

Damn that's hard to deal with. gg.

>> No.3365813

She may be healthy, but she doesn't have airhead moe~

Personally, I like both.

>> No.3365855

US Central

Wouldn't be surprised if I face Lurker again tier

>> No.3365893

I'm eating. Maybe later.

>> No.3365976

>> No.3365979
File: 809 KB, 800x1161, b7c14c42f8cac21dded593ec4ce76107f571ae69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it was good imo. I had to leave earlier for some personal business. If you're up for it, we can continue our match ;D

hosting US West
Marisa tier, whatever tier that is

Also, delicious meido

>> No.3365995

Not connecting. Do you have 1.03?

>> No.3366014

Anyone wanna help a pathetic player train for a tournament? (Can't host)

>> No.3366069 west coast

>> No.3366094


>> No.3366147

GGs, Cirno

Excellent, exhaustive run! Had some fun, especially those Suwako mirrors. Thanks for schooling me on her! Keep up the good work with her and that Patchi.

>> No.3366167

I would say gg, but...I've never played so badly before. I need more training.

>> No.3366191
File: 125 KB, 447x707, 4e549bc29d0b6b778ca06ced1115fe0fcf5bd984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you call that bad? don't rub it in my face ;_;


Also, barely work safe delicious Marisa

>> No.3366189 [DELETED] 

Tourneyfags own me, but I'm not against getting some training in myself.

>> No.3366202

I was pathetic with Remillia compared to how I usually play.

I was surprisingly good with Alice, though.

>> No.3366214
File: 335 KB, 548x640, e35d22ecd2230a02aef1a5d1f270bc9111e5b79c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Meilingesque aggressiverusher" tier

>> No.3366223

what the fuck have I started

>> No.3366317 west coast, half asleep
yuakair tier

>> No.3366394


I'm far from even an AVERAGE Marisa, but If I had to say, you should pressurize a lot more. She might have some nice long-ranged stuff, but you're letting your opponent have too much space and time to think. Even when I stuck myself in corners, you kinda just backed off and went back to 5Cs and "begging" for me to jump into your j.6Cs. Next time, throw those 5Cs at point blank range, get some spirit draining and block advantage to wreck their shit! Also, I was trying to hint that when you do those 6As, chain into 214B/Cs. Get some practice with that.

I will say, thought, you timed your SCs perfectly. Waited til I was either in air or low on spirit to start Sparking me.

>> No.3366401

ggs even if you only stuck around for like 2, rehosting west coast

lunker tier
stopsight yuakair tier
isn;t even scrub tier

>> No.3366422
US Midwest

>> No.3366451
File: 204 KB, 655x847, 2aa4d3066f98d1c47cb671588e91f9ef2a4eea60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the advice, you're the first to teach me anything around here ;_;

i can't do melee for some reason (or get out of corner with counter melee). i just keep getting hit/blocked and countered whenever i tried, so i gave up on that and keep my distance if i can

anyways, ggs, and thank you so much for the tips

I give you one delicious Suwako

>> No.3366509

Well, if long distance is what you want, I'd suggest Okuu over Marisa. She does a better job of fighting from afar and taking up a lot of space, and the shit hurts more, too. For some reason, she has quick melee and grazing dash attacks, something Marisa sadly lacks. Lastly, she plays a better defensive game than Marisa ever could, beamspam or not.

She wouldn't make a bad character to pick up to fit your style of play.

>> No.3366539

Sorry to cut it short, but I should really consider going to sleep soon. Thanks for the games, Don; I don't fight very many Alices, so it was fun seeing yours in action! I've gotta admit, I was bloody impressed by the way you didn't fall for a single one of my guard crushes, and as long as you stayed out of the corner, you handled your spacing very well.

Good games.

>> No.3366549

Good games Guy. I'm not that great with Alice but it's pretty fun playing her.

>> No.3366580 [DELETED] 

Final Rehosting!

>> No.3366590
File: 178 KB, 500x600, 880e8e89a7eced25dcfa8c52bd3b79ee7261d64e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, Okuu is actually one of my favorite characters and i would play Okuu if she wasn't horribly deformed in here... i just can't stand looking at her chubby face

damn you Tasogare Frontier

>> No.3366600

GGs Duckator.

Guess that's enough games for tonight, starting to feel comfortable with the controls again after taking a week-long break.

>> No.3366616

Good games.
I'm glad my Suwako is somewhat decent now.


>> No.3366633
File: 365 KB, 690x552, 290ff03125af10a3c5f4e291ea670f2630db7e7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her chubby face
ah, correction, it's her hair that's making her look bad, the front bang separates too cleanly

>> No.3366852

GGs, I guess. I really need some sleep...

>> No.3366868

Good games.
You really should stop playing so defensively or at least block low once in a while.

Rehosting one last time.
US Midwest

>> No.3366883

It's hard when you move so fast while sending shit everywhere.

>> No.3367076
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Nothing wrong with some delicious thick goodness on a girl.

>> No.3367195
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As earlier requested.

>> No.3367398

>Bottom Tier: Sakuya, Meiling
>Middle Tier: Utsuho,


>> No.3367438

>Not so godly froggy tier

>> No.3367939

This thread needs some love

>> No.3368171
File: 259 KB, 850x894, sample_e3ab3a6072f6cd5c03023ade9adc7e8c568d96d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
East Coast
Early Bird Tier
