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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3358366 No.3358366 [Reply] [Original]

Can you dumbfuck shut-ins even use chopsticks?

You're not a true Nippon-lover if you can't.

>> No.3358375

I'm pretty sure even the mentally handicapped can use chopsticks.

>> No.3358382


You'd be surprised. I even know some Asians who can't (they all happen to be Filipinos though. The Worst Asians™).

>> No.3358385

That's what you think but go into any japanese resturant in a predominately white town and count the ratio of forks to chopsticks.

>> No.3358384

I'm skilled with chopsticks.

I'm Japanese.

>> No.3358389

just so u know, many chinese, koreans, and japanese cant even use it correctly or know how to use it correctly

>> No.3358391
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>> No.3358401

I fucking love Osaka.

>> No.3358409

I can even use them with my sphincter.

>> No.3358415


>> No.3358416
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>> No.3358424

I always break them wrong.

>> No.3358429
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That's because you have fat gaijin fingers.

>> No.3358450

I am proficient in the use of chopsticks with both my left and right hand.

>> No.3358456

Why, yes. Yes I can.

>> No.3358461
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>Shitty chopsticks
>Splinters everywhere
>Makes the food taste like wood

>> No.3358466

Man I haven't even tried ;___;

>> No.3358476

I usually don't bother unless I have to.

Chopsticks are an incredibly ineffective eating tool when compared to the spoon and fork. I know they obsess about preserving their cultural habits, but you should be able to compromise on obvious things.

>> No.3358482

we neeeeed it

>> No.3358478


Man, haven't you at least eaten take out Chinese? They give you them shits for free. NO EXCUSE

>> No.3358487


Chopsticks are superior when it comes to eating certain things, as it avoids the stabbing motion of the fork, thereby allowing you to consume the food in its pure form instead of a damaged one.

>> No.3358491

I own my own set of a dozen plastic chopstics

>> No.3358509

I am the superior anonymous. I can use chopsticks with both hands. At the same time.

Also derp Chinese-Canadian.

>> No.3358535
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>allowing you to consume the food in its pure form
Oh fuck, is this like an advanced level virginfag?

>> No.3358541

p good trollin there anonymous

>> No.3358556

Food is a often an animal that has been killed, proccessed, coated with seasonings, and then cooked.

When you chew food you crush it and mix it with saliva as the start to digestion, stabbed with a fork in no way hinders food experience.

>> No.3358560

I only use forks because I moved to america, and forks are easier.

>> No.3358574

I don't have to like Japan to like their anime.

I can kind of use chopsticks...slowly. I can never persist because I get too hungry trying to get a good grip on my food.

in b4 yer hold ur ohashi wrong

>> No.3358580


Yes it does. I can certainly tell the difference between a piece of food with holes in it and one that's undamaged. Yes, I'm going to chew it, but the initial experience is better.

>> No.3358600

I hear that ice cream critics eat it with a fork because the spoon makes it taste too metallic. Maybe chopsticks work in the same way for some things? They're still pretty annoying though.

>> No.3358618

>They're still pretty annoying though.

How so? Are you really so uncoordinated that you can't use them with ease?

>> No.3358627

No, it's not that much of a problem, but I'm studying here right now and eating with them at every meal has given me hand cramps.

>> No.3358630


Wouldn't a fork also taste metallic? Or at the very least, more metallic than say, a plastic spoon?

>> No.3358641


Less metal would be touching the ice cream with a fork (it'd be supported on the prongs, but also spaces of air). And I don't think plastic conducts temperature well enough (so it wouldn't get cold).

>> No.3358651

It gets easier and less painful the more you do it. Although, if you are getting hand cramps it may be your form that's the problem.

Also, chopsticks definitely have the advantage when it comes to certain foods, such as noodles (especially in soup). And eating rice with chopsticks is a lot quicker and easier than what you white people think.

>> No.3358648

Yes, but it's not as bad as a spoon, which rubs nothing but metal against your tongue before the ice cream even touches it. The slits in the fork allow flavor to seep through right at the onset of consumption.

>> No.3358653


True. It's weird to think of people taking ice cream that seriously, like wine or a cigar.

>> No.3358658

Also, plastic tastes even worse, why would you do that?

>> No.3358663


Ice cream is way better than cigars, man. Everybody likes fucking ice cream.

>> No.3358670

That's interesting, I've never tasted the difference. Then again, they'd just call me an uncultured plebeian, or some shit.

>> No.3358671


Plastic cutlery doesn't have a taste usually. If you think it does, it's probably just in your head.

>> No.3358680

...you eat ice cream with a spoon?

>> No.3358689

holy shit i was thinking about this like 2 days ago

>> No.3358693

Most people do, I think.

>> No.3358696


Uh...yeah. Everybody does.

Sometimes I even eat cake with a spoon.

>> No.3358703

Candybar with a fork and knife here

>> No.3358704

...you don't?

>> No.3358706


You're the worst kind of person.

>> No.3358715

...no...I only use a spoon for liquids usually.

>> No.3358724

What do you eat ice cream with then?

>> No.3358727

A fork?

>> No.3358735



>> No.3358745

Ice cream control thread?

>> No.3358746

I eat EVERY rice dish with chopsticks. No exceptions (congee doesn't count as a rice dish).

And when I do, I eat EVERY grain of rice. I leave none behind.

Feels great being Chinese.

>> No.3358763

From chopsticks to ice cream ...

>> No.3358773

I don't get it, it's not like I studied extensively how to use chopsticks. even if you don't have perfect form, you should be able to quickly adapt to eating, say, a bowl of stirfry with chopticks.

>> No.3358776


That is odd ... is it not considered to be bad manners to clean the plate in Chinese culture since it implies they failed to provide the guest with enough food?

>> No.3358795

I lick it off the plate or drink it down.

>> No.3358803





>> No.3358817

Your all fucking losers for using chopsticks

>> No.3358818

You mean forks?

>> No.3358825

>Fatass who got frustrated when he couldn't shove food into his face fast enough with chopsticks.

>> No.3358856

I use forks because I live in america, and thats what normal human beings living here do. Also not a gigantic weeaboo faggot.

>> No.3358872

>not a gigantic weeaboo faggot.
>posting on /jp/

>> No.3358875


Even if you go to a japanese/chinese/korean restaurant?

>> No.3358892

Like there are weeaboos on /jp/

>> No.3358912

I don't understand this joke.

>> No.3358952

>It gets easier and less painful the more you do it

That's what she said

>> No.3358964 [DELETED] 
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>implying that japan invented chopsticks

>> No.3359025

Chopsticks are natural as hell, I've been using them for about 20 years, so I can understand if someone has trouble and they've hardly used them ever
