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3354329 No.3354329 [Reply] [Original]

You are a widower, your waifu left you a baby daughter.
What kind of parent would you be?

[ ] Awesome-kun
[ ] Tomoya
[ ] Rosa
[ ] grinbitch’s dad

>> No.3354338

probably Tomoya, but after I got over it I would be a doting father, just like Tomoya.

then i would marry Kyou

>> No.3354345

[x] Konata's Dad

>> No.3354347

Tomoya, I'm already like him, with the exception of not getting saved by a bunch of pretty and kind girls.
I also thought that was the most natural way to react if a situation like that happens.

>> No.3354348

Awesome-kun of course

>> No.3354351

>[ ] grinbitch’s dad
;_; Fuck you for reminding me

>> No.3354352

[x] Blastoise Dad

>> No.3354354

I thought the normal way to respond to that situation is what awesome-kun did?

>> No.3354360

[X] Genuflect.

>> No.3354367

Probably this.

>> No.3354379

[X]Edward's dad.

>> No.3354382



>> No.3354394
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>> No.3354406


I preferred the part where he's fucking her while she's apparently asleep.

>> No.3354411
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>> No.3354867


Wow, is this the one with the line (paraphrased) "I hate it when you can only see me as mommy"? That was fucking amazing.

>> No.3354881

Sounds like a jackpot situation to me. I'd be a doting partent like Tomoya after he got over it.

>> No.3354902
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>> No.3354900

Most likely Tomoya. I can already barely take care of myself, let alone another human being. I'm 24 and still live with my mother, having never worked a day in my life.

>> No.3354954
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>> No.3354961

[ ] Tomoya

I don't particularly like kids, so I'd just ignore her.

>> No.3354972

HGNGNN, anyone give brief translation please?

>> No.3354980

With her cutting her hair and clothes off at the end? Yep, that's the one.

>> No.3354985
File: 124 KB, 700x989, 8299993f0825839e552e5d39af01e254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BEst parent ever.

>> No.3354990


Do ya one better.


>> No.3355001
File: 137 KB, 450x492, af45ba9f7f39fd87fbaacce58d067ecc06c69839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you !

>> No.3355013

I'd be more like Tomoya's dad.
Pouring too much love into my child,
spoiling her and living an unstable livestyle,
and then hurting her in a fit of rage.
Except I'd break her hymen, and not her arm.

>> No.3355025
File: 440 KB, 830x1200, 52-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Dad.

>> No.3355056


>> No.3355087
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 1237745668903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Akio - Pure awesome.

>> No.3355122

1) I didn't tell you until now but...
2) you're actually adopted
3) your parents are the ??? from the river.
4) - Hey, it was just an april's fool.
- Quite a bad joke

>> No.3355129

[x] Emiya Kiritsugu

>> No.3355302

If I ever get a bitch pregnant (lol I know), I am so taking my parenting tips from yotsuba

>> No.3355337

In other words, [X] grinbitch's dad.

>> No.3355347

[x] Reported.
