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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 177 KB, 509x755, ja2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3352602 No.3352602 [Reply] [Original]

So why is Touhou so popular?
...cute little girls with magic weapons.
God damn, why didn't anyone think of this before ZUN?
It's so obvious.

>> No.3352604

>So why is Touhou so popular?
People are stupid.

>> No.3352610 [DELETED] 

Well the games are fun. Though I assume most songs are just secondaryfans.

>> No.3352609
File: 364 KB, 951x1309, 62b6de9655b94b0d069e9ede918d85db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's exploitable.

>> No.3352616
File: 207 KB, 950x1340, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ero doujins, a large proportion of which is highly fappable.

>> No.3352618

Well the games are fun. Though I assume most fans are just secondaryfans.

>> No.3352625

ZUN art is the pinnacle of all art forms. Seeing them drawn by drunk-ZUN is like seeing the glory of angels descending from heaven. Seeing them in drawn by sober-ZUN is enough to make you achieve enlightenment.

>> No.3352643

Good setting with nice, flat characters? Skies the limit!

>> No.3352644

I honestly have no fucking clue but the games are fun.

>> No.3352661

Actually, the drunker he is, the better the games and art are.

>> No.3352686

I dunno why it's so popular. The characters are fairly generic.

>> No.3352833

And he is ALWAYS drunk.

>> No.3352842

>God damn, why didn't anyone think of this before ZUN?
I'm sure plenty of people thought about this before ZUN.

>> No.3352849

theory has it, that touhou is popular because of assimilation throu relation, touhou is so full of a lot of different cliches with very little originality or twist to them, by themselves that is, The thing is that when thrown together it makes a stew of all flavors to say it in a way, it always has something that appeals to someone at all times, for no one is attracted to touhou by touhou itself, but by an aspect of it, be it such aspect a character, a game, or derivatives. being attracted to such aspect attracts into touhou, and as a result, into touhou fandom.

>> No.3352871

It sells because it's a nice game with little girls. Take a nice game and add little girls and it'll succeed instantly.

Say, Pacman. Make pacman a blonde girl, make her breasts grow larger as she eats dots and passes levels, make the larger dots turn her into a dickgirl and unlock dickgirl rape scenes with the four ghosts, also in girl form, if you eat them during that period. You can also give the ghosts personalities depending on their nicknames, the orange one can be a klutz while the red one can be an assertive tomboy. Add some inane dialogue in between the levels.


>> No.3352875

Touhou games are fun because even in games where they have pretty bullet patterns, the bullets just head for the edge of the screen and disappear.

In touhou, they'll fly back up the the top, explode into smaller bullets, and then those will fly around and shoot more bullets at you.

>> No.3352883


>> No.3352885

It's obscure but not so obscure that the majority of the plebs in the fandom would never hear of it.

>> No.3352887

>why didn't anyone think of this before ZUN?
Cotton 100%, anyone?

>> No.3352898
File: 181 KB, 532x710, 1248542523212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually believe Zun is responsible for the success of Touhou?

>> No.3352902

>...cute little girls with magic weapons.

No, that's Nanoha. Touhous don't necessarily use weapons.

>> No.3352911


This is the main reason why. Touhou fanbase was pretty calm and quite until this was release then everything when down hill. Seriously a huge amount of 4chan /a/ and /v/ didn't know about touhou under that video.

>> No.3352912

Kind of like Pokémon then.
Something for everyone, only in moé form.
I just used é twice in a sentence, something I don't think I've ever done before

>> No.3352920

no you didn't. Every one is in a different sentence.

>> No.3352931


I like to call it the caramelldansen effect.

Really though we shouldn't just look at 4chan or westerners. It went viral amongst japanese too and the fanbase is just as bad.

>> No.3352936


this. Catchy flash = all downhill from here. Still, why did it generate so much fanart and stuff in japan all of the sudden?

>> No.3352943

>Implying touhou didn't already have an assload of fanart

It was just kept to poolshimer/iichan/wakachan and projectshrinemaiden.com before 4chan became the 4front.

>> No.3352944

Especially when bastard remixes are further bastardized like this:

>> No.3352947

I disagree with the assertion that Touhou is generic and one-dimensional. If you follow the storylines and ZUN's commentary regarding his music, you'll find that he puts quite a few layers of meaning into the game. That being said, the games themselves are works of art. The danmaku, music and backgrounds work together to create an atmosphere that transcends the sum of its parts.

>> No.3352948
File: 39 KB, 450x523, 2952509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanohas aren't necessarily little girls.

>> No.3352954



I was seriously considering a rebuttal until I considered your post a bit more and realized that you were subtly trolling.

GG, anon. GG.

>> No.3352957 [DELETED] 

Hello, I fixed your IOSYS.

>> No.3352960


Go to bed, Arc.

>> No.3352963

Everything that becomes popular is destined to have a horrible fanbase.

4chan became popular after the whole fox news fiasco. Look at it now. You have people running around shouting mudkips and shit.

Hip Hop became popular and now you have a bunch of gullible kids who think its cool to speak ebonic and be ignorant.

G4TV became popular and look at it now. Do I even need to explain?

The list can go on forever.

>> No.3352964

Hello, I fixed your IOSYS.

>> No.3352967

4chan became popular after the whole fox news fiasco


>> No.3352970


>> No.3352971

sup YAF, still trying to be an artist?

>> No.3352974

Are you seriously telling me 4chan didn't gain mass publicity after that?

>> No.3352977


lol look at me ma I'm a real dj I can use windows movie maker!

I was kinda happy when people were noticing touhou remixes because I thought it would be a stepping stone into doujin music which kicks ass in general but nope they never wanted to stop listening to the same songs rearranged over and over again and artists who stuck to it were getting progressively worse.

>> No.3352982

>Touhou has always, always had a dark feel to it
ZUN's commentary on Fall of Fall. How does this make you feel?

>> No.3352984


It did. But saying 4chan wasn't popular pre-vanbomb would be naive.

>> No.3352986

doujins, addictions, and shitstorms.

>> No.3352998
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they never wanted to stop listening to the same songs rearranged over and over again

>> No.3353006
File: 63 KB, 218x258, arc26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well...after maintaining to the secondaryfans for a while that ZUN was weaving a dark fairy tale in the form of a shmup with nice music and eclectic characters...and the below being the result:


...I really am past the point of caring right now. Truly.

>> No.3353013


>> No.3353018

But Arc, you are a secondaryfag yourself. Shouldn't you be a tad easier on them?

>> No.3353032

That's good, because if I hadn't left out the rest of the sentence it would have been clear ZUN was being sarcastic.

>> No.3353033

I started playing touhou games back in 2005 when STB came out

I expect forms of tribute on my desk by 0900 tomorrow morning.

>> No.3353040


>But Arc, you are a secondaryfag yourself

Secondaryfags are obsessed with the secondary characteristics of Touhou. I mentioned before that the only thing I'm concerned about is the game itself and the series.

Not the doujinshi.

Not the flash movies.

Not the music.

Not the porn.

Not the fanfiction.

Just the games.

Try again. Don't just randomly throw around the label secondaryfag and then make excuses that because I use it, so can you.

>> No.3353051

I think the games and music are good. I'd like it just as much if it were little boys as I've not really got into the fandom much.

>> No.3353075


The music is apart of the games. They add to the experience. I wouldn't like Touhou as much of it wasn't there.

>> No.3353076

Then you're a /v/irgin in refuge?

>> No.3353084

If the kind of darkness we're talking about is the classic fairy tale kind where people get eaten and cut apart but it's not really treated like a big deal, it's hard not to see that in Touhou. But a lot of doujin artists like to turn that into silly weepy melodramatic bullshit that really doesn't suit Touhou at all.

>> No.3353086

Never once have I seen you discuss the game itself. The character personalities and affairs aren't a significant part of the game, they're there for you to shoot. If you have time to notice their sprite cut-ins during gameplay you are most likely playing on Easy.

If you care about the characters more than the gameplay itself, then enjoy your deserved place in the periphery.

>> No.3353092



While it would give you endless hilarity to assume so, Anon, I am not 12 years old, which is what you're implying here.

You will no doubt self-righteously claim that there are ten thousand times I have acted in ways that would suggest such, as you -would-.

>> No.3353099
File: 41 KB, 1049x755, cirno - hooray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou is really a modern religion full of goddesses. Really. If we forget the old pantheons, we are forced to recreate them anew.

>> No.3353106

But it's been proven. Scientifically.
How can you dispute the truth?

>> No.3353110


>Never once have I seen you discuss the game itself.

Ah, the usual feeble excuse. Not just two weeks ago I outlined how I was playing the games in a game loft, on a public LAN no less.

Swing and a miss. Further, no one on /jp/ wants to talk about the games, nor is there anything about the games I would need to discuss that hasn't already been done before. What would I talk about, Mr. Troll? About how the bullet patterns are so pretty? People know that. How to get past bosses? I figured that out on my own.

>> No.3353115

It helps that Touhou is idiosyncratic as hell in all aspects. I don't think people would have latched on as hard if it were generic anime girls and shmup music.

>> No.3353127

>The character personalities and affairs aren't a significant part of the game

Then why would he make them? If that was the case how come he didn't just make faceless generic spaceships instead of people?

>> No.3353135

>no one on /jp/ wants to talk about the games

I highly disagree. I suck at the touhou games and would like to get better. I'm sure alot of people here are like me.

Make a thread and they will come.

>> No.3353143


Press SHIFT for Focused Movement.

>> No.3353145

Actually, I'd seen Cirno fan art before that video, but that's when Touhou broke into consciousness for me too.

>> No.3353151

Because I have to track down the activities of every insignificant faggot on /jp/, correct? Of two dozen or so posts of yours I have bothered to read (which I do regret), you were spouting gibberish completely contradicting with pretty much everything ZUN has said about Gensokyo. Hardly a good record here.

And yes, you are supposed to discuss the gameplay. Past all bosses, you say? Feel free to hand me Hard replays of every game marked with your tripcode.

>> No.3353167

Shut the fuck up, Arc has been bothered enough this thread.

>> No.3353168

Those threads contain exactly the same words every time. I'm a big gamefag and I never look at them anymore.

>> No.3353177
File: 13 KB, 209x168, Trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Because I have to track down the activities of every insignificant faggot on /jp/, correct?

Yes. Because apparently you know so much about my posting habits that there's no way you could have possibly missed the huge thread I made about it. It was hilarious.


Forget that. Never mind. Seriously, you have on a face like pic related right now, while you're typing out INTENTIONAL LOGICAL FALLACIES in an attempt to enrage me.

Not happening, brother. I did you a nice little favor and replied to your super-obvious trolling. Fuck along, now.

>> No.3353182

The best way to deal with Arc when he's nuts is IGNORE him.

Anyone else wishing to discuss touhou gameplay can always do that in the Let's Play Danmaku threads, which comes by once in a while.

>> No.3353190


>Those threads contain exactly the same words every time. I'm a big gamefag and I never look at them anymore.

Pretty much this. It's all the same shit over and over again, which rapidly loses its charm the hundredth time.

>> No.3353195

Trolls: The Invisible War

>> No.3353200

Nah, it's funny how he's so predictable when provoked. Almost cute, even. I like doing it.

>> No.3353202

People wouldn't bother you as much if you didn't do such favors...

>> No.3353206
File: 105 KB, 458x419, trollingtroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3353208


/jp/ is pretty much a cycle of twenty or so identical threads and it goes around and around and it's kind of depressing.

>> No.3353217

Iunno, that "Remy = Remi" thread is kind of new.

Did we just break the cycle?

>> No.3353222

While the rest of the contents of my day might change, I know /jp/ will always remain mostly unchanged. It's comforting.

>> No.3353223
File: 11 KB, 264x282, amused_dude_with_cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>People wouldn't bother you as much if you didn't do such favors...

Ah, well. That's what you get for being nice to people on 4chan. I see pathetic little trolls trying to get replies, so in my infinite wisdom and charity, I reply.

Then their nuts get puffed up and they start strutting around, bragging about how they TROLLED THE SHIT OUT OF THAT DUMB TRIPFAG XD.

It annoys me because without my replies they'd be nothing, but by now I no longer care. I just stop replying.

>> No.3353234

I think it's just the same 50 people posting in a circle

>> No.3353241

Wow, you're optimistic. I assumed around 20, with a bunch of people posting occasionally that don't count.

>> No.3353256

OP here.
Damn, I didn't even try that hard with this thread.
When I do try hard, people never respond.
I guess I need to lower my intelligence just so to get responses. and use gimmicks.

>> No.3353273

Sane people don't reply to him PRECISELY BECAUSE he's does things like that and they don't want to shit up the board with them.

But I guess you just want an easy response. That puts both of you on the exact same level.

>> No.3353292


I beg to differ. Unlike that mouth-breathing, drooling specimen of retard that thinks it can troll, I do not openly admit that I am trolling, nor do I brag about it on the Internet for credit. So he's still rather below me in that regard.

>> No.3353295

You should really write something besides troll posts.

>> No.3353301


>You should really write something besides troll posts.

Sir, you seem to have forgotten that we are on 4chan - the Shittiest Place On The Internet.

Writing something worthwhile here would be like admiring my reflection in a puddle of piss.

>> No.3353303

I am aware of the futility of what I do, though I have to admit it does shit up the board. My apologies.

>> No.3353315

This thread

>Hey guys, why is touhou so popular?

>Smart Response that gets ignored

>Smart Response that gets ignored

>Smart Response that gets ignored

>Idiot One

>Idiot Two



Trolls trolling trolls

>> No.3353320

You could post it elsewhere, I'd follow you to the ends of the Internet.

>> No.3353324
File: 8 KB, 154x208, wto9lb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Trolls Trolling Trolls


Anonymous: I thought what I'd do was, I'd troll some fags on the internet.

>> No.3353333


Yes, but where? That's the multi-million-dollar question.

>> No.3353392

comedy fanfiction.net option

Fuck if I know.

>> No.3353429
File: 50 KB, 237x191, arc22 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The funny thing is that I have an FF.com account.

Or used to. Oh, well....

>> No.3353444


Bumstead, where are your written works? I am interested in reading them.

>> No.3353455


Gone'd, mostly. My computers have not been very nice to me in that regard - fried hard disks, etc. Plus, I forgot the details for my Writing.com account and my FF.com account. I gave up on ever getting back in.

>> No.3353469

That's a shame.

I grow tired of seeing Anons pump out low tier Toohoo CYOA fiction. It would be nice to read some decent stuff by a /jp/ bro for once.

>> No.3353502


I haven't flexed my writing muscles in a while, and there's lots in Touhou to write about in that regard. Most people don't use their imagination enough in concern to the Touhou universe.

But then I find myself lacking an audience. Or so I thought. Well. Perhaps I shall have to reconsider.

>> No.3353507

Reconsider Touhou at least. Don't betray your namesake.

>> No.3353514

Don't be so modest, you have an adoring audience of trolls right now.

>> No.3353521


Ah, I assure you, I have not forgotten my roots. And I was planning something specific for them as well.

However, the hour grows late. Now is hardly the best of times to be working such craft. But soon, perhaps. It's about time I stopped my self-imposed vacation, anyway.

>> No.3353523

Wait. I thought you were concerned about Touhou gameplay only.

There's one touhou CYOA with Fallout roleplaying elements in it. Didn't get too deep into it, but it was rather intriguing. What are the ones you consider weak?

>> No.3353524

How do you even write Nasuverse fanfiction? I can't think of anything that wouldn't be retarded... at least touhou is retarded from the start.

>> No.3353527

Haha! That was the first touhou-related thing I ever saw!



>> No.3353531

And then anon was a secondaryfag.

>> No.3353552


> How do you even write Nasuverse fanfiction? I can't think of anything that wouldn't be retarded...

That's your problem. You seem to be woefully closeminded in that regard...not to worry, though.

>> No.3353555


I don't know; never really got into anything Touhou-related. I guess STG fanfiction sort of weirds me out for some reason.

Then again people have probably written about stranger things. Where's my Alf fanfiction?

>> No.3353558

I don't know, this was the first Touhou thing I ever saw (heard) I believe.
Don't hold it against me.


>> No.3353562

BMW worked. TMC X worked. You just have to find a common theme for the antagonist.

>> No.3353575

You probably know this, but fanfiction.net has Alf fanfiction.

>> No.3353578

Stop listening to Arc at all, he's proven time and time again that he hasn't got a clue. I'd claim he's a troll, but he clings so hard to his stupidity you couldn't really define what he's doing as trolling.

What can I say, Touhou's success is a clear mix of simple factors. Just making a all female cast shmup isn't quiet enough on it's own, the game itself attracts such devotion because thematically it all works well together. You get the girls instead of ships, the girls get some basic personality given to them which is further defined and helped by how fitting their themes and bullet hell patterns are with gimmicks often built around their powers. Enough details to get people interested, but not so much everything is answered, so people who like it make their own ideas and the ones with talent make more works.

Basically, ZUN got it just right. The game is far from the best in terms of shmup game play alone, but as a package it works really well.

>> No.3353583

Ohhh, right, normal stories have proper antagonists. I've been reading touhou shit for too long.

>> No.3353591
File: 29 KB, 256x224, Pocky_&_Rocky_SNES_ScreenShot1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...cute little girls with magic weapons.
>God damn, why didn't anyone think of this before ZUN?


pic related, I take it you never played it as a kid

>> No.3353599

>I take it you never played it as a kid
No, I take it you didn't either.
It was that obscure.

>> No.3353601


Xena and Alf crossover self-insertion erotic fanfiction?!

I'm there, bro. Thanks for the info.

>> No.3353603
File: 321 KB, 864x594, 1245884312285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3353616

Nice try; I played the shit out of this game, since it was one of exactly three games that my cousins owned for their SNES (and I spent a month at their house every year). It was hard as fuck, though.

>> No.3353617

It wasn't that obscure. It was in Gamepro and the like and I even rented it at blockbuster.

>> No.3353618

Awesome game was awesome.
fuck hard as well, and don't get me started on the sequel.

>> No.3353623

Glad to be of service.

>> No.3353770
File: 173 KB, 478x353, Picture 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, that's the furthest I can remember my exposure.

I started out in /b/ like most everyone due to the speed of it and lolradum and was occasionally treated to a Touhou Hijack thread.
Then the new boards got created.
/b/ turned into more of a cesspool to the point I couldn't take it anymore and went to /r9k/. And /r9k/ wasn't the /relationships9k/ that it is now since I stayed there for the month of February. That's when everyone started bawwwing about not having a girlfriend
I got my ass out of there quick

I remember staying in /o/ and /po/ following that for about a month and wound up getting caught in a Touhou Hijack thread.
Wound up googleing it, and saw there was IOSYS, flash vids, Erin and a torrent of the games.
Played PCB for a few minutes. I sucked so I stopped.
Went back a week later to play IN. Guess why I have this trip?

Honestly, I'm blaming Donald McDonald.

>> No.3353781

Been a secondaryfag for years, my first touhou game is UFO.

Do I get a prize?

>> No.3353878

That's because of McRoll.

>> No.3353909

Beat it on normal or above and you can shed that ugly title. Easy mode acceptible only if you have literally never played a video game before or are over the age of 60.

>> No.3353918

Are continues acceptable?

>> No.3353931
File: 478 KB, 999x999, 6065440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you have to do it on 1 credit. This shows that You Care About Silly Girl Shooting. If you aren't willing to try, just delete it and go back to firing up your favorite IOSYS album. But I believe in you.

>> No.3353935

I watched a McRoll. I loved the music, so I looked for it. After failing a couple of times, I learned it was from EoSD. I got the game and loved it. It all went downhill from there; I'm a high power level touhoufag now.

>> No.3353952

Oh, I'm definitely going to do it. Just wanted to know if I was already not a secondaryfag or not.

>> No.3353972

The IOSYS flash caught up to me during that week.
I can't play on easy due to that phrase ringing in my head if it even gets highlighted...

>> No.3353990
File: 343 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite IOSYS album.

>> No.3354015


Continue all you want, though good ends usually require you do it in one run. Also, continues are worthless in TH10 onwards. At best they allow you to practice a stage you got to but can't beat.

>> No.3354029

What do they do in the other games?

>> No.3354035
File: 21 KB, 250x250, 11433-1230361529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat voice

>> No.3354039


You start exactly where you left off.

>> No.3354071

Then, what's the point?

>> No.3354105

I just realized I've never watched any of the videos from that album despite liking it a lot

>> No.3354108

Once you beat one of them, the next step in boosting your power level is to play the PC98 games. You can skip the first 2. They're worth it for the music. And once that's done you can complain with authority about characters never returning, and maybe even develop a pet theory about the silhouette on the cover of TH13 next year.

>> No.3354123

Me too, I didn't even know it HAD any until C76. It's like the album came and went without any notice.
