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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 138 KB, 958x604, mygirlfirendisthepresident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3349356 No.3349356 [Reply] [Original]

Alcot's upcoming Moege eroge "My Girlfriend is The President" made a trailer movie recently.

That information itself wouldn't be so interesting itself, however the newsworthy thing is that Alcot dubbed the trailer into english, and the result is just hilariously funny as it is.


>> No.3349369

Made = Received.

>> No.3349378

"Everyday morning hard-ons"

He speaks for all of us!

>> No.3349379

Fell off my fucking chair. Thanks.

>> No.3349387

Old, but Putin-chan is awesome.

>> No.3349394


Also the YES...WE CAN chant is funny.

>> No.3349401


>> No.3349405

They made Putin into a 16 year old girl? How am I supposed to fap to him now?

>> No.3349406

Oh god, it's like those cheesy movie trailers for action flicks. I'm sold on this game.

>> No.3349409

Haha, I hope the game is as funny as the trailer.

>> No.3349417

Trailer was fucking awesome.

>> No.3349418
File: 51 KB, 400x300, osa_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't call me Putin!

>> No.3349420

The trailer only came out today.

>> No.3349427

I hope I'll see the day when that gets translated somehow.

>> No.3349428

I want this now.

>> No.3349430

I feel bad for watching it.

Putin~chan hard-ons.

>> No.3349431


>> No.3349433
File: 786 KB, 850x526, usa727767858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more America.

>> No.3349436

We're going to translate this, right?

... Right?

>> No.3349441

I feel bad for the narrator more.

>> No.3349445

The idea is retarded, even for this type of game.

>> No.3349446


>> No.3349447

I'm wandering who voiced him. A jap with good english skills, or a native english speaker tricked into voicing it.

>> No.3349451

>The idea is brilliant
I concur with your intelligent assessment.

>> No.3349458

This is so fucking stupid and awesome at the same time.

Why is Mokou the president of Russia?

>> No.3349460

>We're going to translate this, right?
The average /jp/ poster only likes VNs that make them cry like little faggots, so NO.

>> No.3349463

That trailer is pure STUPID AWESOME!

>> No.3349468

The trailer is pure brilliance, I'm just hoping the actual game will be as good. Definitely looking forward to reading this.

>> No.3349469


>> No.3349476

How can they come up with this? No seriously, I would pay my soul to have the audio recordings of that company meetings.

>> No.3349488

Well, at least the art is pretty

>> No.3349490

Note today's date.

>> No.3349493

Alcot made Clover Heat's and it was awesome, yeah it was years ago but but this trailer was great and I'm seriously expecting another hit.

>> No.3349517

"I don't want to sound gay, but I've been watching the news lately and man, Putin is pretty hot."
"Hell yeah, he's so manly, I want him to hold me in his arms."
"Wait, no, get this. What would be even hotter? Putin as a girl."

>> No.3349522

Putina yuuna!

>> No.3349581

This is shouting to be a meme. Someone post this to digg/reddit and other social media site.

>> No.3349587

They dubbed the trailer in english but kept everything else in Jap? lol

>> No.3349590

The narrator is better than 99% of English dub actors.

>> No.3349598

And you're shouting like a faggot.

>> No.3349604

One of these:
A) This is a computer generated voice
B) When fluent Japanese speakers say "Don't talk like an anime character" they're hearing something like this.
C) This narrator is really fucking stupid.

>> No.3349613

Don't know if troll or real but NOOO.Also /jp/ usually keeps its meme for itself.

>> No.3349617

>>3349488 Well, at least the art is pretty

If by pretty you mean shiney but otherwise bland then I agree with you.

>> No.3349621

>C) This narrator is really fucking stupid.

>> No.3349700

What's wrong with the narration? It was a standard over-the-top tongue-in-cheek narration.

>> No.3349875

D) You are an idiot

>> No.3351072 [DELETED] 


>> No.3351136

Please tell me the narrator will voice the main character in the game.

>> No.3351160

The narrator will voice the main character in the game.

>> No.3351199

This is so stupid that it's awesome. Now you're allowed to love Putin without being gay!

>> No.3351528


>> No.3351541

If Putin isn't a tsundere I will sue this company.

>> No.3351565

Since when did USA field male diclonii?

>> No.3351608


>> No.3351629


>> No.3352346

Do want green haired alien chicka

>> No.3352410

This comes out on my birthday.

>> No.3352698

I eagerly anticipate this release. If the trailer had narration, maybe plans are in the works for a localization... if this wasn't done as a complete joke!

>> No.3352725

"The President is My Childhood Friend"

>> No.3352856

So USA is called Nippon there? That spaceship crashlanded on North America.

>> No.3352939
File: 38 KB, 637x377, osadai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That trailer made absolutely no sense.

>> No.3352997


>> No.3353039

I can't stand Moe eroges.
don't get me wrong, they are good and I hope all of you moefriends enjoy them, I just dislike them.

>> No.3353070

Most "Moege" suck balls but I have shit taste so I enjoy them immensely. They are so simple that they have almost no redeeming qualities.

Holy shit I want to play more of them.

>> No.3353090

So will, this game have a secret service makes you vanish bad end?

if yes goty game all years!

>> No.3353162

Any suggestions? I don't think I played a single one of them.

>> No.3353242

>D) The narrator is probably a native or at least western speaker, but obviously is very lacking in the (voice) acting department.
Very poor attempt at movie trailer voice, but the bad execution sort of works for this gimmicky gimmick game.

>> No.3353251

The idea is already totally insane, the narrator only makes it better.

>> No.3353282
File: 270 KB, 1333x1000, moe 83475 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flyable Heart.

I don't think Moege are bad per say. They are excellent escapist materials. I always wish I lived in a beautiful, idealistic world like that of Flyable Heart.

>> No.3353307

I thought you don't know Japanese?

>> No.3353327

If Chartfag and his website have the latest anime for every season, what would be the best place to know the latest eroge for every season?

>> No.3353349

Why does it have to be the fucking Reds. Couldn't they just place the setting in a made-up Eastern European country instead? That isn't how Russia supposed to look like.

>> No.3353351
File: 353 KB, 1333x1000, kuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moege I played recently,

77(セブンズ)~And,two stars meet again~

10 heroines

A upbeat childhood friend, tsundere, yandere (sisters), weapon wielding loli, meido robot, ojousama, airhead, mother type, loli who can talk to animals, and obligatory heroine who can barely speak.

also borderline gay aniki

>> No.3353359


>> No.3353371

I don't. I'm currently toiling through Flyable Heart with with my limited Japanese knowledge + Atlas. I've probably finished 5% of the game but I've seen/read enough to know what the setting is like.

>> No.3353372


checking it out

>> No.3353534

"Hard-on Eroge" part made me laugh so hard

>> No.3353832

ALcot is shit and should die.

>> No.3353899


>> No.3353929

That narrator sounds like he knows his shit about arrow gays.

>> No.3353980

I was wondering wtf he was talking about. I didn't thought it was eroge.

>> No.3355098


>> No.3355139

I'm so 'buying' this for the narrator and Putin-chan.

>> No.3355143

They're all about those morning hard-ons.

>> No.3355147

LOL'd at "yes we can" and the narrator's voice trying to imitate American movie trailers. I'm surprised the English actually made sense in the first place.

>> No.3355601
File: 94 KB, 800x600, Machigurumi Rinkan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3355628

oh my god

this reminds of the guy who writes the gaijinsmash.net blog

>> No.3355648

Oh god i want Bush. Confused and stupid moeblob who has no idea what is going on most of the time.
I want her to read me stories while aircrafts crash into towers.

>> No.3355651


>> No.3355683

Depending on the result of my playing Putina's route, I would push this one's translation like there's no tomorrow. Apparently routes are pretty short according to EGS (3-5 hours), so translation hopefully won't take too long.


>> No.3355699


also PUTIN-CHAN jesus christ good going nippon

>> No.3355701

Wait, has this already been released?

>> No.3355702
File: 62 KB, 860x500, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3355727

Now where's my Afghanis-tan eroge?

>> No.3355747

But it's not out yet

>> No.3355780

That's a more accurate translation of the Japanese title than the Japanese title's English subtitle.

>> No.3355781

This looks interesting.
by the way: Putin is my Waifu!

>> No.3355792

So has Pucchin always been Prime Minister of Russia or is that something else the aliens have messed up.

Does America get a little brown girl as president over there?

>> No.3355794

Finally a game no feminist will complain about.

>> No.3355844

I love the sage panda. I wonder what worldly secrets it'll impart upon us.

>> No.3355884

The panda's voice sounds really familiar. Anyone know the seiyuu?

>> No.3355951

I was referring to Alcot's other games' route lengths. Whoops.

>> No.3356005

Seconded, I would help with the translation project.

>> No.3356012

>Does America get a little brown girl as president over there?


>> No.3356348

Awesome trailer. Hadn't laughed like that in a while.

>> No.3356606
File: 220 KB, 800x600, 1243404140718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3357094

So cold war started over the protagonist?

>> No.3357094,1 [INTERNAL] 

Visual novel thread.

>> No.3357094,2 [INTERNAL] 

This is going to be awesome.

>> No.3357094,3 [INTERNAL] 

Starring:The Rozenkreustilette cast.

>> No.3357094,4 [INTERNAL] 

I have been thoroughly moved to tears
