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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3347723 No.3347723 [Reply] [Original]

ECO: About Damn Time


>> No.3347744

What the fuck is this shitty game?

>> No.3347748

It's absolute shit. /jp/ loves it because it has kawaii anime-like characters.

>> No.3347751

Should I care and where should I sign up?

>> No.3347756

I can be Tachikoma in this game?

>> No.3347790

It's like grindanogi, but less korean and more moe moe kyun

>> No.3347801

What is this, anyways?

>> No.3347818

>/jp/ loves it
Judging by the rest of the thread, /jp/ doesn't even know what it is.

>> No.3347819


>> No.3347869


Don't want anything to do with it if it's monthly fees.

>> No.3347873

Do I have to look like a faggot in game?

>> No.3347881

Judging by the rest of the threads, /jp/ loves it.

>> No.3347888
File: 53 KB, 881x426, Plumorama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do I have to look like the little girl in game?

Well, it's about fucking time the Chinks finally got off their asses.
I still haven't figured out how I'm going to make my loli this time around though. ;_;

>> No.3347900

This game is excessively grindy. Got to lv 40 or something in the OB after grinding for over 9000 yrs, I'm still not sure if it was worth it just to look like the little girl.

>> No.3347914

Free to play mmo. That site has the /jp/ endorsed wiki:


>> No.3347919

As a whole, /jp/ doesn't even know about and/or is tsundere for it. We had one ring and besides us there were a number you can count on your fingers of those who cared. We're expecting the KAWAII DESU NE ^_______________^ animu graphics will draw in so many from /jp/ that we'll need two rings this time around, but a bunch of people just gave up because the Chinks took embarrassingly long to crank out OB.

Nope, RunUp said they're going for the cash shop bullshit, and from the looks of it the only thing that's going to be in it is cosplay shit like the OP pic and some book that lets you change your second job multiple times, which if you're doing it right you won't even need.

Because you were probably soloing, you fucktard. Grind is still pretty bad in a group but it's not THAT bad; hell, Steparu got to be the highest-level in the server just by spending entire days duoing in one place with an afk person.
tl;dr grind's only bad if you have a life

>> No.3347947

I only got to like level 20 last time before quitting because I knew it would all be reset anyway.

It was fun though. I'm not sure whether I want to play the open beta or just wait until later.

>> No.3347971

Too bad you didn't go past lvl 20, otherwise you would be a wizard level hacker that specializes in trolling Gamepatch.

>> No.3347981

it looks so shitty, how could you play this?

>> No.3347989

It's pretty good for an RO clone.

>> No.3349281

So trolling aside, how many of you faggots are actually going to be playing this on the 30th?

>> No.3349310

Make up your mind /jp/. What are we playing? Dungeon Fighter Online or ECO?

>> No.3349326

>People that don't like the boring grinding game I do must be trolling.

>> No.3349349

>Steparu got to be the highest-level in the server just by spending entire days duoing in one place with an afk person.

I was considering playing it until this.

Fucking elitism is a real MMO killer.

>> No.3349350

>What the fuck is this shitty game?
>it looks so shitty, how could you play this?
>implying posts like these aren't trolling

I'll be playing both.

>> No.3349357

after reading this thread i'm not sure if i want to play it, this is just a generic grindan MMORPG or there is something else than this ?

>> No.3349370

Tachikoma and Major is in there it seem.

Who else is there?

>> No.3349395

Not like there was anyone on the server who didn't hate his guts.
The elitist pricks in his posse were pretty looked down upon by everyone else too, but it's a shame because I talked to step a few times and he's really a nice person.
The same person did the same goddamn thing in Mabinogi and probably every other MMO you've touched in your life, anyway; when has that ever stopped anybody from grindan?

It's different from generic grindan MMOs because it's actually playable. Classes have polish and none of them except for Shaman can really be considered broken, so you'll be able to have fun without people overshadowing you unless they're Shamans.
The graphics and music are good, skills look cool, etc etc. Give it a try and if you don't like it then you were probably playing a Vates, go pick a class that you can play without relying on others. ;_;

I think there were Rei & Asuka costumes in there too, bunch of cosplay. Right now this is all the Jap server since the English release has only done CB so far; they're probably going to release this stuff once OB's been out for a while.

>> No.3349411

learn the difference between trolling and (highly justified) flaming

I'd already decided never to touch a Korean MMO again (I don't give a fuck if this is Chinese, it's still the same shit), and this doesn't come anywhere close to making me change my mind. DFO looks somewhat interesting though; Korean stuff other than standard MMOs (like Pangya for example) is still acceptable

>> No.3349462

Japanese. Hence /jp/.

I won't tell you it doesn't play like a typical MMO though; the community besides us is pretty Gaia and just about everybody plays a Vates or a Fencer. Still, it looks better than most shitty Korean grindfests and the GMs are active, which by itself is probably enough to draw me in.
It's basically just 3D RO with lazy mode so you can go afk or log out entirely and still gain levels and shit; if you still don't like it, don't play it. But ultimately it's different enough from other grindfests to warrant at least one try.

Honestly, as much as I love ECO, I'm expecting to get bored of playing it and DFO simultaneously after a couple weeks and just transfer over to DFO instead. The only thing keeping me from playing in CB or early OB of it is Nexon hate.

>> No.3349475

Anyone else see Mega Man Volnutt in the OP pic?

>> No.3349485

>it looks better than most shitty Korean grindfests
Why is that? Is it the intricate quests (limited to 5 a day) that consist of nothing but grinding chores? Or maybe it's the ability to "explore" the zones which amount to little more than narrow paths densely packed with mobs to maximize grinding? Or the laughably shitty camera?

Just say the characters are KAWAII~ Mr. Weeaboo.

>> No.3349657

>it looks better than most shitty Korean grindfests
>looks, implying graphics
>responding with gameplay elements
Come on, you can do better than that. Or is it that you just had all those complaints that you probably copypasted from somebody else on some forum somewhere saved up and wanted to use them to start another stupid Internet argument? I honestly don't believe you've even played this.

>intricate quests (limited to 5 a day) that consist of nothing but grinding chores
Yes, there are delivery/collection/extermination quests that are boring as fuck.
Yes, you can only do 5 a day.
But are those the ONLY quests you can do? The fuck they are. This game has plenty of quests besides the cafe ones, such as the catty quests, that give you actual rewards and have actual storylines behind them as opposed to "talk to NPC A, get item B from monster C, go to town D and see NPC E, etc" shit. And no, you AREN'T limited to 5 a day with these because they're actual quests; the others are just extra options if you want more money or something.

>Or maybe it's the ability to "explore" the zones which amount to little more than narrow paths densely packed with mobs to maximize grinding?
You confuse "zones" for "maps." Surprisingly to me, even, dungeons in this game have fairly clever designs which usually lead up to boss rooms and have easter eggs (like the meido dress NPC) lying around every once in a while. What you described are the field maps, and I challenge you to find an MMO with field maps that DON'T look like that. No, I'm serious.

>Or the laughably shitty camera?
Here's where I stop taking you seriously. Go play Ragnarok Online and say that again, because I'm positive you haven't.

>Just say the characters are KAWAII~
see >>3347919

>> No.3349740

I'll be playing DFO. Who wants an early access key?

>> No.3349754

How many do you have?

>> No.3349772

you guys could just play on the private server

>> No.3349786



>> No.3349835

Well, it's about fucking time they got that thing back up. It'd been down for so many weeks that I eventually just stopped trying.
Might check it out but private servers are shit; even with ridiculous lag I think I'd rather just play on the official servers instead. That is, unless the rest of /jp/ just goes to the other one.

'Kay. That was just a curious question since I'd heard somewhere they closed beta testers got five keys, then somewhere else that they only got one.
I hear Fighters can eventually change to some job that can heal, can't they? I guess I could be your healbitch or something if you're giving those out. Priests are too goddamned slow.
So are you going through e-mail or what?

>> No.3349866

Not sure about fighters being healers. CB testers gets 5 keys and does not need to register for early access. I got one more from gamespot since I have already have an account on it anyways.

Beta key, 42B52B78843299F

>> No.3349881
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>> No.3349900

Thanks brah.
Nen Master was the class I was talking about, by the way; apparently they get basic buffs and heals but aren't as good as Priests. They also get fancy hadokens or something too, and look pretty cool in PvP as far as I've seen.

Also, do you have any idea how big the client is? I doubt it's more than like 2 or 3 gigs, but if it's something ridiculous like 5+ I'll have to start cleaning shit up. ;_;

Also thread derailed, etc.

>> No.3350037

About 1.5gig

>> No.3350081

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.3350089

If you say it's good, then I'll try it out.

I trust you, Anonymous. You would never lie to me, right?

>> No.3350124

Hurr, I better fucking see you in OB.
And I WILL crush you in PvP this time. ;_;

Well that's not so bad. And it has controller support, right?
I'm sick of all the MMO beat-'em-ups making me use XPadder.

Back on the topic of the ECO pserver though, how the fuck does it work? The main page says something about how they translated the JP client instead of using the English one, but all the client links in their download page are the English version. I want to try this thing out at least until the Chinks get their OB out, but I'm afraid to run the patches until I find out if I'm even using the right fucking client.
It's not halfway as confusing as setting up kRO and Sakray + patches for the first time, though.

It's only good because we're playing it with /jp/bros.

>> No.3350158

Why should I play this over WoW?

>> No.3350184

Why does /jp/ always like the worst shit?

We should join /bun/ in DFO (an original MMO).

>> No.3350189
File: 136 KB, 267x475, Plum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is WoW this adorable? Like hell it is.

Why play WoW when you could play the exact same thing with slightly less PvP, fewer raids, and classes that were ripped straight from RO?
Also you can build airships.

>> No.3350196

DFO's a fucking massively multiplayer fightan game.

>> No.3350211

>didn't read the rest of the thread

Get out.

>> No.3350248

>join /bun/


>> No.3350253

Oh, so I can be a loli?

Dropping WoW for this.

>> No.3350311

>>It's only good because we're playing it with /jp/bros.

Not sure how I feel about this.

On the bad side it probably means playing with people who are named "LookAtDatBaka". But on the other hand, I might have an opportunity to PK Jonesy and his IRC posse.

>> No.3350326

I'll be camping you and your Sion fuckbuddy.

>> No.3350333
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Not sure if I should break this one to you or not.

>> No.3350343

Seriously, what's the appeal in ECO?

>> No.3350356

Sup Jones.

If I can't beat up Jonesy's poorly rendered loli then there is no point to this game afterall!

>> No.3350366
File: 50 KB, 191x420, Ellol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you're waiting, grab this and build your loli:

I've already reconstructed Error, the only one of you fags who didn't wear that disgusting Yaksa armor. I'd do Moonranger next but none of my screenshots are good enough to get it right. Hurrr.


>> No.3350379

Many other MMOs have a loli archetype.

And a game filled with them doesn't make it good in any way.

I couldn't play past five minutes due to it's unoriginality and mechanics.

>> No.3350386

What? No PVP?

Dropping this game like the motherfucking fist of north star.

>> No.3350395
File: 15 KB, 434x350, 1251403715182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally they have a OB date posted
>sept 30
still a good many days away but fuck year, I been waiting for this!!!

>> No.3350402

Only munchkins care about PvP.

>> No.3350410

I hate you for making me download this, /jp/.

>> No.3350412

>beat up Jonesy's poorly rendered loli

Oh no, you definitely CAN do that.
The good part about PvP is that you can do pretty much whatever the fuck you want, like heal, summon mobs, send an entire guild after one person, etc.
The bad part is that there's only one room in the entire game you can do it in. Siiigh.

>I couldn't play past five minutes

Oh I see, you're one of THOSE. Every MMO is identical in the first five minutes, brah; what makes this one cool is that it actually lasted long enough to come out with a wide variety of equipments to dress up your loli with and there are a fuckton of diverse jobs like some that can pilot giant robots and such. Also transformations.
Bunch of shit you can't do in other grindfests, though it still isn't the pinnacle of originality or anything. Then again, people play WoW and it's just an amalgam of things that have been done by MMOs before it.

>> No.3350423
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>> No.3350417

>"Hello, this is GameKiss Customer Support.
>This is GM_RomaN.
>I am gald to hear that you are waiting for Valryrie Sky.
>We are currently working on servicing Valkyrie Sky from GameKiss and if thing work out the way we want it to, you should be able to play Valkyrie Sky from GameKiss in October 2009.
>Thank you."

I am gonna play this furry STG instead.

>> No.3350427

PK != PvP
There's PvP, just not PKing.

Just wait until you find out you'll have to redownload a new client for OB.

I'll play all three.
And enjoy all of them.

>> No.3350432
File: 6 KB, 368x264, 1246530348423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 days away

>> No.3350785 [DELETED] 
File: 695 KB, 1024x768, 5500210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woop, looks like it's that point in the thread where those of us who actually played bitch about gameplay elements.

Pic related. Discuss.

>> No.3351114
File: 46 KB, 367x527, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closest I could get.

>> No.3351258
File: 90 KB, 300x378, Rika_Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, please tell me we get this on the chink server.


>> No.3351806

Not likely. Shit like that came out because it was based on what was popular at the time, so if anything we'll probably see Umineko hairstyles/costumes unless RunUp decides to be lazy and release everything that had already been released on the JP servers, which wouldn't be a surprise considering how long they took on cranking out OB.

Still, coming out with stuff like this based on what's popular isn't a bad idea, so they'll probably do whatever the community seems to be the most into if they go that route.
Expect Naruto and Bleach.

>> No.3352656

I didn't wear that ugly Yaksa shit either.

>> No.3352691

God damn it, Plum (or whoever. I'm guessing it was Plum because Harp thought it was me). When did I ever give you the permission to re-create and most likely abuse my body like that? :< Also, get MSN or something, you fgt

>> No.3352695

I miss that tie. Shit doesn't feel right running around ECO Indo without it ;_;

>> No.3352790

Anyone slightly curious about the game, but unwilling to wait until Singapore OB can tool around on the Indo server. It's more or less the same thing except there's about a third less English (most of the NPC names, skill names, quest names and item names are the same or at least similar enough for you to get the point without you having to whip out babelfish or what have you) and a lot more people. Seriously, the server's pretty fuckin' crowded, which blows considering there's no real anti-KS system...

But I digress. If you're interested and already have the Singapore client installed, you can just download the Indo files (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?agzzhizmz0z)) and copypasta. If the link's bad or something, I can re-up the files or whatever. Oh and you'll have to sign up for the Indo server, of course. The website is
Just click "pendaftaran baru" and the shit that isn't self-explanitory can be easily translated through google or whatever. The system will let you enter in random shit for your address and postal code, but I found that it wouldn't let me log on the account unless I used a real address in Indonesia. Make sure you remember your PIN, too, 'cause you'll have to re-enter that shit to activate the account for ECO before you can actually play.

I had to make about 6 accounts total because of all that...

>> No.3352834

>Expect Naruto and Bleach.
I would actually play this game if I could have Yotsuba hair like that fan girl.

>> No.3352851

Must supress the narutard instinct to RAAAEEEG...

>> No.3354791

>Plum (or whoever. I'm guessing it was Plum because Harp thought it was me)
Hurr, I'm disappointed you couldn't tell right away.

>get MSN or something, you fgt

Huh, it's already up? Well okay; I've been playing Mabinogi this whole time so that sounds like a good idea. Might see you there, brah.

Also, page 10? lolno

>> No.3354803

So when can we download the ECO client?

>> No.3354825 [DELETED] 

Dropped this game during CB due to, tell, having 3 quests per day, later 5.

>> No.3354830

Dropped this game during CB due to, well, having 3 quests per day, later 5.


Someone took Jones name during CB if I remembered it correctly

>> No.3354854

Most likely a day or two before OB comes out, but as >>3352790 said you can use the client from CB for the Indonesian version and apparently the private server, though in the latter registration apparently doesn't work for anyone.
Knowing these Chinks, though, there probably won't even be a new client; they'll just patch and recycle the old one. But that's just a maybe.

>3 quests per day, later 5
Those weren't quests, they were "GRIND FOR EXTRA MONEY." Hell, once you get to the point where you're actually doing shit those things start piling up fast; by the end of CB most of us had our quests remaining piled up to the cap - which is 15 - because we were neglecting them in favor of dungeon runs and such.

>Someone took Jones name during CB if I remembered it correctly
You remember wrong. Someone took the name 'hjones' and everyone thought it was Jones when he was actually playing--
Oh wait, I see what you mean. Yeah, someone took Remilia and he ended up going with RemiliaS. I don't think we ever did find out who got Remilia, actually, but Touhou is getting so goddamned popular now that it probably wasn't even someone from /jp/.

>> No.3354893
File: 39 KB, 500x500, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No PvP

>> No.3354911


>> No.3354921

A superior name wasn't reserved for a tripfag? What's this world coming to
