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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 499x599, 499px-MaribelHearn.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33471646 No.33471646 [Reply] [Original]

How come this university student looks just like a little girl?

>> No.33471666

Some people just look young.

>> No.33471700

God damn, I know zun’s art has improved but it didn’t hit home how much better he’s gotten until just now when I looked at this travesty of anatomy.

>> No.33471711

Is it really that bad?

>> No.33471717

She's just a little Merry

>> No.33471813

Look at the hands, look at her arms.

>> No.33472133

I don't understand your logic at all

how come a dragon looks like a little girl? how come a spider looks like a little girl? how come a drum looks like a little girl? how come a mountain hag looks like a little girl? How come a kappa looks like a little girl? How come a nue looks like a little girl? how come the prince shoutoku looks like a little girl?

Nigga, they all look like little girls, including university students

>> No.33474569

I think ZUN just doesn't know how to draw anything that is not a little girl. Just like me.

>> No.33474674

fukken nice
that said, Zun has drawn unzan and he looks cool, so he definitely can draw other stuff besides little girls

>> No.33474698

Little girls and their accessories then. Unzan is just a cloud, anon.

>> No.33474725
File: 84 KB, 200x272, image_2021-03-01_144549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a cloud that looks exactly like the face of an angry old man, which means he definitely can fucking draw the faces of angry old men

>> No.33474807

but can he also draw old men fucking?
i'd like to see his private stash of doodles

>> No.33474841
File: 40 KB, 350x418, good one, take a bite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33474858
File: 17 KB, 836x587, Unzan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems I can draw old men too. I really feel just like ZUN now.

>> No.33474903

you can't draw little girls, though, so you don't qualify as zun

>> No.33474920

I can't believe my plan failed.

>> No.33474936

also, were you under the impression that ZUN's art was good?

>> No.33474955

What are you even doing here if you think otherwise.
I do think that ZUN art is a really magic thing and I love it.

>> No.33475021

nigga, the motherfucker couldn't draw a hand or a face that isn't derped to fuck to save his life until recently. I fucking love it too and its objetively trash

>> No.33475040

Suit yourself.

>> No.33475626
File: 357 KB, 557x716, 1475352262553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>judging the quality of art by how anatomically accurate it is and not for it's aesthetic value

>> No.33475634

who are you quoting

>> No.33475668
File: 176 KB, 1020x1024, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it took me ages to notice Merry's pose here
what the fuck is she doing?

>> No.33475678

aesthethic value is fucking trash, just how I love it, although character design is great you usually have huge fucking problems telling what the fuck are you looking at in old art

go fucking die please

>> No.33475760

falling into a black hole

>> No.33475790

your mom is a black whore

>> No.33475796

It's summer soon isn't it.

>> No.33475819

>How come this university student looks just like a little girl?
Because she IS a little girl

>> No.33475943

>it's summer soon isn't it
>it's actually spring

>> No.33476001
File: 5 KB, 39x39, thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at her thumb anon

>> No.33476216

Do not misquote people.

>> No.33477199

Merry a cute.
It's the Planck pose.

>> No.33477241

New cd never ever

>> No.33477255
File: 43 KB, 236x468, Th10Minoriko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it really that bad?

>> No.33479748

I don't know why I find this pic extremely funny for no reason whatsoever, I think I finally became retarded

>> No.33479868

An as yet unseen kind of yoga

>> No.33479890

Her feet are off camera in game so it’s fine for him to botch them in this case. The rest looks fine even if he was afraid of hands

>> No.33479985

what's wrong with this girl?
she has two left feet!

>> No.33480076
File: 25 KB, 800x700, 436474576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure who you're quoting but I'm saving that Sanae.

>> No.33483360

c'mon man that ain't cool

>> No.33486625
File: 9 KB, 321x157, 1541902544376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33486753
File: 570 KB, 1401x1416, NToJ (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry's hips are fucking massive.

>> No.33488748

that's just her skirt
merry is actually pretty bony

>> No.33493456

university cunny

>> No.33495487

Pranking Renko by knocking her invisible guitar out of her hands.

>> No.33500215 [DELETED] 


>> No.33500278

I can't believe Merry is going to starve to death

>> No.33505525

>university cunny
That is a deep contradiction.

>> No.33508351

if you look at things in a narrow way

>> No.33508501

Did you know that europeans have the largest tits in the world? And that Merry is probably european? I thought that was interesting

>> No.33508659
File: 141 KB, 992x1403, 1487986987696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry boober

>> No.33512222

mariberu could effortlessy give birth to twins

>> No.33518809

It's impossible mate. It's like trying to go left and right at the same time.

>> No.33519064
File: 1.03 MB, 850x1256, 1606742198490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder Renko likes her, she likes girls with big... intellects.

>> No.33520273

>>university cunny
>That is a deep contradiction.
Arisu from Girls und Panzer disproves your thesis.

>> No.33524851

I love this cover so fucking much.
It makes smile whenever I look at it, the detail in those two. Why would anyone dislike this.

>> No.33524865

Stop saying cunny it causes a Pavlovian response to my penis and I can't control it

>> No.33524894

It's also a crossboarder meme from /tv/ but everyone ignores that fact.

>> No.33525059
File: 238 KB, 849x1200, 1579156488409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you blame her? Just look at the size of those things.

>> No.33525061

Physicist is magician!

>> No.33525127

I feel like there's not enough fanart of Renko with her bangs covering an eye.

>> No.33525705

People ignore a transgression if it turns them on enough. Like the people who go on about canon and then draw a 2hu with big breasts.
Or if they agree with it.

>> No.33525763

Oh no le meme police has arrived, /jp/ is seriouz buziness!
Cunny is a funny meme, try to take things less seriously.

>> No.33525782

outsiders aren't welcome here, you know

>> No.33525795

Isn't it nicer to hang out with people who appreciate the things you find funny?
Consider getting out of /jp/, for your own good. I'm sure nobody has a problem with ''cunny'' over at /v/ or something.

>> No.33525808

People constantly posting meta discussion every thread and getting constantly triggered shouldn't be welcome either. Take things less seriously.

>> No.33525827

An outsider's opinion has no weight here.

>> No.33525829

I'm all for taking it easy but how about you take into account the quality of our board before mindlessly posting crossboarder memes?
People not caring is what turned the rest of this site to absolute dogshit.

>> No.33525881

>An outsider
I am not though, whatever.
Anyway last reply from me cause polluting a cute mariberu thread with metacancer is an eyesore. Meido delete the meta pls.

>> No.33525899
File: 148 KB, 550x550, 1592490396356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't got it in you to admit I'm in the right, eh?
That's alright, anon. As long as you've learned your lesson.

>> No.33525930
File: 90 KB, 1184x701, mods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beware, a mod once nuked all my posts on /jp/ when he saw my two months old post featuring the c-word

>> No.33527884

just a little test
cunny cunny cunny

>> No.33528942

I'm sure he's too busy cleaning the /vt/ safespaces here.

>> No.33529104

Jesus Christ the moderation in this shithole.

>> No.33529274
File: 415 KB, 1800x1800, 1614707894893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

university cunny is a funny cunny almost as cunnylicious as bunny cunny

>> No.33537348

We don't use that word here

>> No.33544177

Ah don't worry. Yukari wouldn't let herself starve to death.

>> No.33552848

yukari makes sure to feed herself well every day

>> No.33552911

Yukari is Maribel?

>> No.33554545

Research into Lafcadio Hearn(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lafcadio_Hearn)) he was a major inspiration for ZUN.
Lafcadio Hearn changed his name into Koizumi Yakumo *ahem* *ahem* after he went living in Japan.
Lafcadio Hearn -> Koizumi Yakumo
Maribel Hearn -> Yukari Yakumo
